

Topshop Cyclone| NOTD

Just a quick little post to share my lovely girly lilac nails with you.

I have worn this nail varnish a few times an it always gave a nice silver sheer. I decided this time to layer it on top of a white nail varnish shade so I could see more of the colour. I'm very happy with the results, it came out a lovely pale lilac shade. 

I do this technique with a lot of my paler shade nail varnishes, as it means I do not have to apply so many layers as the colour really shows when layered on top of a white base. 

Download Theme Red Faction Armagedon For Windows 7

Hari ini haramain software sengaja menjadikan hari theme for windows. karena itu haramain software memposting theme -theme keren untuk hari ini. theme yang terakhir yang akan saya bagikan hari ini adalah Theme Red Faction For windows 7. theme ini adalah postingan theme terkhir untuk hari ini. Tapi, besok-besok saya akan tetap bagikan theme untuk windows karena saya cuma berhenti bagi-bagi theme hanya untuk hari ini. jadi muter-muter nih. bagi para pencinta theme tidak perlu kawatir karena saya akan terus bagi-bagi theme keren untuk para pencinta theme. baiklah, kalau ingin melihat bagaimana tampilan dari theme red faction ini, bisa langsung lihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Tampilan Original

Setelah di modifikasi.

Bagus bukan..? langsung tanpa basa basi, bagi yang sudah kebelet atau ingin download theme ini, langsung saja download pada link dibawah ini.
Link update 30 oktober 2012

Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses. and kalau ada pertanyaan, silahkan tinggalkan pesan dibawah.

Download Theme Gears Of War For Windows 7

Welcome to haramain software tempat download software, game,theme, dan lain-lain. masih seputar theme untuk windows, sekarang saya akan bagi-bagi lagi theme untuk windows 7.
Agar tampilan window kita jadi lebih bagus atau lebih keren, pasti banyak banget yang suka theme, agar windows atau laptop mereka terlihat lebih menarik dan lebih keren. Oleh karena itu, saya membagi-bagikan theme untuk semua dan dijamin gratis alias free.
Theme kali ini, yaitu Theme Gears Of War untuk windows 7 yang tampilannya menurut saya bagus dan bisa dijadikan koleksi. Kalau tidak percaya lihat sendiri bagaimana tampilan dari Theme windows 7 ini pada gambar dibawah.

Kalau masih kurang jelas dengan gambar yang kecil diatas, tinggal klik kanan pada gambar diatas kemudian  pilih open in new tab untuk melihat hasil gambar yang lebih besar.
Link update 23 Agustus 2012

Didalamnya juga sudah dilengkapi dengan universal theme patcher bagi yang belum menginstall universalnya, karena kalau belum instal universal theme patchernya maka hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.
Selamat mencoba dan bernostalgia.

Download Theme Alienware Xenomorph For Windows 7

Seperti postingan sebelumnya saya sudah bagikan theme X-men, dan saya pernah bilang akan membagikan theme lagi. Sekarang saya akan bagikan theme Alienware yang sebelumnya saya pernah bagikan theme alienware inspired, kalau sekarang saya akan bagikan theme alienware xenomorph. bagi yang sudah pernah mencoba theme ini, pasti tau bagaimana tampilan theme Alienware Xenomorph ini. tapi bagi yang belum pernah mencoba atau belum tahu sama sekali theme Alienware Xenomorph ini bisa langsung melihat bagaimana tampilannya pada gambar  dibawah ini.

Setelah lihat gambar diatas, bagi yang berminat mendownloadnya silahkan download pada link dibawah ini, karena saya bagikan gratis alaias free.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Jangan lupa installkan UNIVERSAL THEME PATCHER Jika belum pernah menginstallkan Universalnya. Selamat mencoba dan jangan lupa tinggalkan pesan jika ada link yang rusak.

Pamper Night| Montagne Jeunesse Smoothie Face mask review

Using an entire sachet- lots of product!
Last night, I took my usual late night trip to Asda to get my tea, and was very excited to see they currently have a load of beauty and toiletry items on special offer.  I didn't get too much, but did buy a special bumper pack of face-masks, which I haven't seen been sold like this anywhere else. 

It was a bumper pack of Montagne Jeunesse sachets, there were two boxes on offer. A box filled with 5 sachets of chocolate treatments, for face, hair and body, and the pack I chose, a 5 pack of face-masks.The boxes are normally sold at £5 ish, however they were on offer for I think £3.

So last night I decided have a mini pamper and chose the Crushed Raspberry Fruit Smoothie, Deep Pore Cleaning face-mask. The product is described as; 

"Our delicious nutritious smoothie mix of raspberries, peach, mango, apricot and pomegranate isn't a drink but it is bound to leave you in a smiley mood- with fresher, cleansed  and softer skin' 

The Good
  • Left my skin incredibly smooth.
  • Loads of product, so enough for two treatments.
  • Animal friendly. Quote- "We're vegetarian and animals are our friends-that's why we don't bash bunnies or add bits of animal!"
  • A cheap product
  • The product had a rich and creamy texture.
The Bad
  • Nothing really, I suppose the fact that there is too much product can be wasteful.
Over all- 5/5- Its a super product and I have to agree with everything the product claims to be. It smelt absolutely gorgeous, good enough to eat (but don't.) I have used these products over the years, but  I'm still looking forward to using the other four products. 

Download Theme X-Men First Class For Windows 7

Hari ini haramain software bagi-bagi theme keren lagi. Theme kali ini adalah theme X-Men First Class dan tampilannya tidak kalah keren dari theme-theme sebelumnya. theme ini juga sangat ringan tapi keren. ini bukan theme yang terakhir. Haramain software akan terus bagi-bagi theme  keren untuk windows. dan siapapun boleh request software atau theme untuk windows 7 ataupun window XP. Haramain software belum berbagi theme untuk XP karena belum ada yang request theme untuk windows XP dan kalau sudah ada yang request theme untuk XP pasti akan saya bagikan juga.
Bagi yang penasaran dengan Theme ini, bagaimana tampilan theme X-men untuk windows 7 ini, kalian bisa langsung lihat tampilannya pada gambar yang ada dibawah ini.

Kalau sudah lihat themenya, sekarang kalian bisa download theme X-men ini pada link dibawah ini.

Password Mediafire : haramain software

Selamat mencoba, and semoga sukses.


So after months of speculation, Wiz Khalifa finally popped the question to Amber Rose ...and she said yes!

Earlier today, Wiz Khalifa tweeted, "She Said Yes!!!"

Well...what could he be referring to?

If you flip over to Amber Rose's twitter page, she posted, "He has made me the Happiest Woman in the World!!!!"

So there you have it. 24-year-old Wiz and 29-year-old Amber are getting married. They both tweeted a pic of the ring too.....

Congrats to the couple.


Fitness Fridays| Blast Fat Fast


For those of you who work out, work out and work out some more, but are yet to see the results, this may be because you have hit a plateau with your fitness. This is basically where you reach a point in your exercise routine where your body has become used to the routine, and additional progress cannot be made. This typically happens every 6 to 8 weeks.
The following tips should help you defeat the plateau and find yourself fighting the fat again.
  • Factor in Rest- There does exist such a thing as too much of a good thing. If you give yourself a rest week every fourth week, you will actually gain fitness by allowing your body to recover and grow stronger. If you feel very tired or something is niggling, do not be afraid to take an extra few days, or even try a lower impact form of exercise for a week.
  • Short and Sweet- If you are aiming for fat loss, then shorter, high-intensity workouts are the most effective. Incorporate interval training into your routine. This consists of a short burst of high-intensity work followed by longer, low-intensity recovery periods. Ideally you want to aim for 45 seconds of high intensity, followed by 90 seconds of low intensity, repeated every 8-12 times. You can do this running, cycling on the stepper... just do it!
  • Lift it up- strength workouts are essential for your workout routine. Weight training raises your metabolism, gives you a totally new body shape, sheds fat, and improves your body composition. Incorporating strength training for 20 minutes, 3 times a week will train your body to burn fat while making you lean. 
  • Just keep moving- Every little helps! Any extra movement you do throughout the day will burn more calories, all those little thing between your gym sessions can make a difference. Take the stairs, get off the bus a stop early, jumping jacks in ad breaks, just keep moving!
  • Nibble away- In order to keep your metabolism up you need to keep eating (obvious the right stuff, not rubbish.) Start the day with a decent breakfast then keep nibbling every two to three hours. Keep snacks near/on you such as nuts, seeds, hard boiled eggs, fruit and veg. 
  • Shake it up- As mentioned earlier, your body get used to the exercises you put it through, therefore try and keep things fresh, keep it surprised. Change the frequency, length, and intensity of your workouts, Try a new exercise; yoga, Pilates, dance, swimming, spinning, use weights and kettle balls, just be adventurous. 
I hope this help a few of you get out of a rut, and back to making a difference to yourself. Do you have any other tips?


Plastic Surgery Madness

Recently plastic surgery is very much everywhere in the media due to the uproar about the poisonous breast implants, PIP. 

I will put it straight out there, my own opinion on plastic surgery. 

I believe that for those who is is necessary for, then yes go ahead, if it makes your life easier to lead, or helps you for medical reasons, then definitely. For those who choose to do plastic surgery for non-medical reason, please be careful. I am not against plastic surgery at all! But I believe many do not see the severity of the surgery, and how addictive it can be. Many enjoy the quick fix it gives to themselves and their confidence, and then resort to it more and more. That is where I stand. 

This post is about the influence of plastic surgery on children. I came across an article in Closer Magazine about Sarah Burges, 51, who buys her daughter, 7, vouchers for plastic surgery for when she is 18. Madness!  The mother herself has been dubbed the Plastic Barbie as she has had over £500,000 worth of plastic surgery.  Apparently little Poppy asks for plastic surgery all the time, she wants to look good, , and she can't wait to be like her Mummy with big boobs, as they are pretty. Her mother believes that she is investing into Poppy's future, as looks are a big part of peoples futures, and little girls dream of becoming WAGS etc, so looks are essential to achieve this goal. 

So I know this is an extreme example of the effects of plastic surgery on children, but it shows there does exist a relationship between children being surrounded by it and it's influence. 

In my opinion this mother is showing her daughter that perfection can be bought and achieved through plastic surgery, and its not OK to be happy with the way you look naturally, you need to enhance beauty. Overall small girls can grow up believing that they are not good enough, you have to be careful around influential minds. 

I know being a beauty blogger, it can seems skeptical as we are always talking about beauty products and how good they make us feel and look, but I believe plastic surgery takes this beauty obsession to another level. 

I would really love to know about all your opinions on plastic surgery. 

Is it a good thing, or a bad thing? 
Do you believe the younger generation are more susceptible to buying plastic surgery? 

I want to know, as we never talk about such a big issue in the beauty industry, yet we are all beauty bloggers, thanks girls!

WinToFlash 0.6 Beta, Membuat Windows Dengan Flashdisk

Haramain software kali ini berbagi sotware sekaligus tutorial yang sangat penting bagi pengguna windows. software ini adalah Novicorp WinToFlash. WinToFlash ini fungsinya adalah untuk membuat flashdisk menjadi windows. Jadi bagi yang menggunakan Notebook atau laptop kecil tidak perlu susah-susah lagi harus mencari CD External untuk menginstal windows. tapi sebelum menggunakan software ini harus punya file windowsnya, karena kalau tidak ada windowsnya apa yang akan di install..? jadi sekarang sudah tahu kan apa fungsi dari WinToFlash. Baiklah, sekarang saya akan bagikan tutorial cara penggunaan WinToFlash ini.

1. Buka File Rar dan jalankan WinToFlash.exe
2. Kemudian klik accept, maka akan terlihat seperti gambar dibawah ini.

3. Klik tanda hijau seperti yang diligkari pada gambar diatas
4. Kemudian Klik Next dan akan terlihat gambar seperti dibawah ini.

5. Pada Tombol Select yang pertama, carilah file windows yang anda simpan
6. Pada Tombol Select yang kedua, carilah Flashdisk tempat anda akan membuat windows.
7. Kemudian klik Next dan Accept, maka WinToFlash akan memulai pembuatan.
8. Duduk manis ( Bisa sambil minum Kopi atau teh ) menunggu sampai selesai.
9. Klik Finish dan SELESAI.

NB: Jika cara diatas sudah dilakukan maka dijamin flashdisk anda sudah bisa digunakan untuk mengistall.

Langsung saja Bagi yang ingin download software ini, bisa langsung download pada link dibawah ini.

Link Update juli 2012.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Jangan lupa tinggalkan pesan atau komentar kalau ada link yang rusak atau bermasalah.


Cara Mengunci Folder Tanpa Menggunakan Software

Kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial computer. tutorial kali ini adalah cara mengunci folder tanpa menggunakan software. cara ini sering saya gunakan agar data saya tidak sembarangan dibuka oleh orang lain. cara yang saya gunakan adalah dengan menggunakan code. kodenya bisa dilihat dan di copy dibawah ini.

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Kalo tidak berhasil dengan kode diatas, mungkin dikarenakan kodenya berubah ketika masuk blog. biar tidak ada masalah, silahkan download kodenya langsung dibawah ini.


Copy dan pastekan kode diatas  di notepad ,ada kode diatas terdapat kata " GANTI PASSWORD DISINI, ganti tulisan tersebut dengan password yang anda inginkan. Coba untuk tidak melupakan password tersebut. Karena jika anda lupa, folder tersebut tidak akan terbuka. Jika sudah, simpan dengan nama Lock.bat
Ganti type dengan all file.
Klik ganda pada Lock.bat yang baru anda buat, Maka akan keluar seperti dibawah ini.

Masukkan password.
Akan terbuka folder kosong dengan nama locker. Masukkan data - data anda pada folder kosong tersebut. Jika selesai, klik ganda kembali Lock.bat. Akan ada pertanyaan "are you sure u want to lock the folder(Y/N) seperti gambar dibawah ini" 

Ktik hurup Y dan enter.
Maka folder locker yang anda buat akan terkunci dan akan bisa dibuka dengan memasukkan password yang anda buat.

Jagan lupa tinggalkan komentar dibawah . agar kami tau tutorial atau software disini bermanfaat.


Mengembalikan File Super Hidden Akibat Virus Dengan Attribut Canger

Sekarang saya akan berbagi software yang ringan tapi sangat membantu. software ini saya bagikan karena ada sahabat yang request software ini.
Attribut chnger ini berfungsi untuk mengembalikan file hidden atau super hidden akibat terkena virus yang mengakibatkan file kta menjadi hidden dan tidak bisa di kembalikan menjadi normal. tapi dengan software Attribut changer ini kita bisa membuatnya kembali menjadi normal. caranya yaitu:
  1.  install dulu software ini karena software ini gratis tanpa perlu license atau serial key.
  2. etelah selesai klik organize dan pilih folder and serch option
  3. kemudian klik show hidden file
  4. kemudian klik kanan pada file yang di hidden dan pilih change atributes.
  5. hilangkan centangan pada system dan hidden.
  6. selesai.
biar lebih jelas lihat gambar.

kalau sudah paham silahkan download Attribut Changer pada link download dibawah ini.

Semoga membantu.


L'oreal Paris Sublime Mouse Hair Dye Review

Best picture I can find of my naturalish hair colour (on the left)
With the moose on 
Straight after dying it- really nice red highlights
Hair styled (Me on the left)

The Good
  • Application is very very easy, just massage the moose onto your hair, mix it all in, be as messy as you want (or don't want). you don't have the normal nozzle that you have to drag through your hair.
  • Rinsing out the hair dye was quick. I don't have thick hair but it does normally take a while to wash out all the hair dye. This one literally washed straight out, took a lot less time than other traditional hair dyes.
  • The smell was not too overwhelming in my opinion.
  • The real life match was similar to what the pack suggested the results would be.

The Bad
  • After washing and rinsing my hair with the conditioner in the pack, my hair was not as shiny as other hair dyes have left it afterwards.

Overall- 4/5 I love this hair dye more than others because of the ease of application. The only downside is I doesn't leave my hair as shiny as I would like, but I would buy it again.

Have you tried this product before? Which hair dye do you use? 

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