

Classic Intellectual Ammo for You

"Over the last twenty-five years, leading sociologists have repeatedly found that men and women commit violence at similar rates. The 1977 assertion that “the phenomenon of husband battering” is as prevalent as wife abuse is confirmed by nationally representative studies, such as the Family Violence Surveys, as well as by numerous other sources. However, despite the wealth and diversity of the sociological research and the consistency of the findings, female violence is not recognized within the extensive legal literature on domestic violence. Instead, the literature consistently suggests that only men commit domestic violence. Either explicitly, or more often implicitly, through the failure to address the subject in any objective manner, female violence is denied, defended and minimized."
The above is from a now-classic article, by Linda Kelly, in the Florida State University Law Review. If you have never seen this one, you'll want to download it and read it. No, seriously, you'll want to download it and read it. Here it is:

Enjoy, and share. I think it is apropos to what is happening in Australia at the moment.

A Funny Fidelbogen Impression!

And he makes some good points, too!

The original Fidelbogen video which he references, is here:

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The "War" on Women

Partidul (Social?) Democrat din SUA și aparatul său de propagandă spune că toți cei care nu sunt de acord ca anticoncepționalele și contraceptivele în general să fie plătite pentru femei (și doar pentru femei) din bani publici sunt de fapt niște porci misogini care duc un „război" împotriva femeilor.
Atâta doar că „război" e un cuvânt prost ales!
Nu ne pasă de disputa internă între două partide corupte și misandrice - dar terminologia insultă victimele războiului pe bune, victime care-s în cruntă majoritate bărbați - oricât s-ar face unii că nu-i așa!

EN: The (Social?) Democratic Party in the USA is claiming through its propaganda machine that those who disagree that the birth control for women (and women only!) to be paid from public funds are just some evil pigs filled with misogyny who take their own „war" on women.
The problem is the term „war" - which is bad choice and an overstatement.
We do not care about the internal dispute between two corrupt and misandric parties - but this terminology insults the genuine victims of war; and these victims are in an overwhelming majority men - no matter how many people try to pretend that it is not so.

Feminists are Irrational Imbeciles Who Don't Live in the Real World

More backlash from anti-male reactionaries.

One of our people has put up posters on the campus of Melbourne University in Melbourne, Australia. These posters make known that women commit half of all domestic violence. So the Melbourne University feminist group has struck back quicker than a greased viper.

Dr. Greg Canning, another one of our people, has this to say:
"Posters put up at Melbourne University stating "Domestic Violence: Women are half the problem" have the fembots of the student union in a flap. They have coerced some males into a campaign against , . . .  holding signs calling for action on "violence against women" but not against men. These guys are half the problem as well!"
Here is what he refers to:

This confirms yet again what we have known for many years, that working with feminists or engaging them as functional adults with grownup emotions is utter futility and a waste of time.  What the hell is their problem anyway? Reading comprehension? Not one of those posters -- NOT ONE! -- even remotely suggested that violence against women is okay!

And anybody who would miss that is either a flagrant liar, an incorrigible dolt, or simply not right in the head!

It is also clear that those little boys with the signs, or their feminist handlers, or both,  think there IS a reason for violence against MEN, that violence against men is NOT everybody's problem,  that violence against men is NOT never okay, and that no joint effort toward ending violence against men is even warranted.

You would think that with women being half the perpetrators and men being half the victims, the rhetoric would to be more two-sided. More balanced.  You would think that, wouldn't you? But evidently, my friend, some people don't think the way we do!

At any rate, this is no news, since we've always known that feminism is an anti-male hate movement. And because we've got this knowledge fixed in our minds, everything they do is transparent to us, and none of it ever surprises us. It makes us want to explode sometimes, but never does it surprise us.

Isn't it weird how some people have the nerve to rattle on and on about so-called "misogyny", and never ever but never shut the hell up about it? Given that our culture so flagrantly disregards male suffering, and so clearly esteems male life no more than a bucket of spit, what the hell obligates me, as a male person, to esteem female life more than a bucket of spit?

I pose that question in a purely theoretical way, devoid of emotional context, as one might pose a problem in logic or geometry. So would anybody care to answer it, in a purely theoretical way, devoid of emotional context, as one might respond to a problem in logic or geometry?


Here is the attack blog which the anti-male group has put up at Melbourne U. Most of what they say sounds like a case of projection. I am pleased to see that many of our people have already populated the comment thread:

Hasta Luego| See You later

Images from We Heart It

I will be absent from my little blog for the next two weeks, as I am off to Spain for some much needed sun. I am visiting my boyfriend’s parent’s apartment near Torrevieja and also Valencia for a few days. It will be great to relax and not have to think about work for little a while, and I can spend some quality time with my boyfriend, my Kindle and the pool.

I will be tweeting every now and again, as I can’t keep myself completely away from the real world for too long, so will share some pictures with you all. Also be preferred for plenty of holiday related blog posts when I return!

I just want to remind you all, that while I am away voting will end for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards in which I have been nominated as Best New Blog. If you are a reader, follower or just like my blog it would mean a lot to me if you could click the link below and take two seconds to vote for my little blog. I still can’t believe I have been nominated… I still pinch myself! I don’t expect to win, as there is some pretty touch competition as the other girls blogs are pretty amazing, but I may as well try!

Voting finishes on the 31st August, so make sure its before then. Just click this link
Many thanks so this, along with all the support I have been given by each and every one of you over the past 10 months! Blogging would not be the same without you all, and I truly feel like I have met some amazing, inspiring people though the blogging community.
Speak to you all soon- Hasta Luego!


Yee-haw! Lasso that Perpetual Revolution!

Pecos Bill, the legendary Paul Bunyan of cowboys, riding a tornado like it was any ol' twisting bronco in the rodeo. And I think this is the very image of what we are involved in.

Anti-Male Backlash in Vancouver

This story follows handily from my previous blog post. We are shown once again what the future holds, as the non-feminist revolution shifts increasingly into boots-on-the-ground mode. The feminists, struck with fear and guilt that their game is being outed, and apoplectic at the idea that men are human beings with human rights, are shifting into attack mode. Mind you, the future holds nothing we haven't already seen. Their bag of tricks is is limited, and all they can do is run it through continual rotation with added layers of complexity each time around.

Very well. We all know about the recent "poster riot" in Vancouver, BC, in which pro-male partisan Jack Day was quietly exercising his freedom of expression by gluing up posters which declared that "men's rights are human rights." Well, the riot started when some hysterical feminists began ripping down this humanitarian message in a fit of screaming rage. Yes indeed, THEY were the "riot". And this riot ramped up when a construction supervisor calmly informed these feminists that their behavior was unacceptable. For this, the man was physically assaulted by the feminists -- and yes, he "took it like a man." A crowd (sympathetic to Jack) gathered around the fracas, and police officers made their appearance. And on it went.

The poster riot was a "score one for us" episode, but I told you that the anti-male reactionaries are striking back, right? Have a look at this:

The name of the blog, as you see, is Haifischgeweint. This German word seems to be the nom-de-plume of a radfem extremist in Vancouver, and it translates as something like "crying shark". The header tagline is interesting:
"He was a shark in a past life. Now he rages, writes, laughs, and cries about this life and the human species."
You know, that's funny because I too am known to rage, write, laugh, etc., in the manner suggested here. So you'd think this person and myself would be natural allies...wouldn't you? I mean, considering that we both like to rage and write so much? And yet, somehow I doubt that we'd be friends at all. For one thing, I have a sense of humor, while this person seems to have none whatever. But I reckon if there's a lesson to be extracted here, it is that raging and writing does not, ipso facto, make you any better than what you are raging and writing about. It takes something more.

Very well. This person, whom I'll call "Sharky" for convenience, seems to be one who peers compulsively into the sewers of life and complains angrily that others, who'd as soon walk in sunny meadows, haven't got the same sense of smell. The trouble with such people is not that they are aware of the sewer, but that they are aware only of a particular sewer among countless others the world contains. And so somehow, the ecumenical corruption and absurdity of the human condition escapes them, and they are empathic only to some things, and utterly callous to others. Yes yes, Sharky,  we get that you love hiking around in your favorite sewers. And that's fine, whatever floats your boat. So would you mind backing off,  just downwind a bit?

If you have read the linked material, you will see what Sharky did there.  And that is, tell lies. After all, it's what feminists do! For example, the post starts off like this:
"A local Men’s Rights Activist group has decided to start plastering their posters all over my city. They’ve also been doing drive-bys and pedestrian stalking of the weekly pro-choice demonstrations I’ve been participating in for over three months now (and nearly pissing themselves when I make eye contact)."
Drive-bys? Pedestrian stalkings? Oh dear heavens, is this hyperbole?? But that is a favorite trick of feminists everywhere -- the accusation of violence. For the only certified truth in this statement is the part about the postering. Everything else is invented out of thin air, or so I will assume until some probative evidence proves otherwise. And I don' t predict that it ever will. 

Yesterday, I spent about two hours talking to Jack Day, the man who does most of the postering.  During our conversation, Jack released the following official statement:
"No threats were ever made. I've been to every postering campaign, and nobody has ever  threatened anybody on any level.  We are not interested in arguing with people who are closed-minded. At a minimum, they must be "on the fence".  We have never been anywhere close to any pro-choice demonstrations, let alone interacting with their participants, and so the scenario which the blog describes is a complete fabrication. It never happened.  Furthermore, the pro-male project has no consensus on the legality of abortion, either pro or anti. Our overriding concern is with male reproductive rights."
Now, we know from long experience that feminists and their cohorts will lie reflexively as a default method of operation. Yet even if that weren't true, they would still have no warrant to command our belief in the absence of compelling evidence. Purely on the face of matters, there is no compulsion to accept anything in the original quotation, and so Jack Day's testimony is equal to any on Earth. That means our little Sharky must either put up, or shut up and apologize for a pernicious libel.

I cannot stress too highly that a feminist will lie FLAGRANTLY, almost sociopathically, with no moral scruples about it. They routinely tar their critics in the most vicious ways imaginable, so much that if a claim sounds "too bad to be true", it is most likely not true. But they don't care a fig how many innocent people they hurt this way. They'll do what it takes to preserve the inviolability of their narrative.

Let me briefly remind everybody that feminists are not a race, not a nationality, not an ethnic group, not a sex, and (forgive me) not a "gender". Nor is feminism officially a religion -- although I grant you that it unofficially is. However, feminism may be usefully defined as a movement according to criteria we have suggested.

Non-feminism, by contrast, is merely a disparate conglomeration of human and non-human elements -- which includes igneous rock, as one speaker humorously pointed out.

Moving along, and scanning further down the blog page, we are treated to three graphic images which purport to be witty, or devastating, or something the sort.  The topmost of these is , oddly,  true for the most part. (Click to enlarge.)  It pretty well sums up the pro-male consensus, but it glosses over a critical nuance. The statement should read, that "all feminism wants is to make men powerless."  For we must distinguish feminism as a social organism, from persons who style themselves "feminist".

You see, the feminist meta-project, is to increase the power of women. And note well: this prime directive is unhindered by stipulations, parameters, stable goalposts, or any internal braking system. So rather than saying "feminists" (as individuals) want to make men powerless, we should rather say that feminism, by its nature, operates to take power from men with no proposed stopping point, and that every self-declared "feminist" is implicated in this operation. And yes, feminism is only ever this pathetic when pro-male philosophers are telling you about it, because feminists themselves will never tell you about it.

The second graphic image in the stack is empty wind, a random concept without any context.  It neither proves nor argues anything, but it wants you to make a huge leap over nowhere. I reckon Sharky counts on nods from an appreciative peer group, who are the target audience after all, being fed the same mantra they have chanted for years. I mean, the "la-la-la-la-la" with digital ear stoppage. And here we see them huddling for warmth against an icy gale that grows ever stronger. Didn't I say the feminist bag of tricks was limited? Mind you, Sharky does not dispute that 97% of workplace deaths are male deaths. Instead, Sharky tosses in a conjectural red herring:
" . . could that be because 97% of people employed in those setting are men?"
Okay Sharky, I'll bite. Your red herring does not alter the core datum that 97% of workplace deaths are male deaths. It only supports the equally relevant datum that men are disproportionately represented in the death occupations -- that is, jobs where they are likely to be killed or injured in the first place. are funneled toward death, and women are funneled toward safety. That is how men fare compared to women.

The third of Sharky's graphic "sight bites" is the most vicious and underhanded of the three:
"Men's rights activists want you to believe that women are always lying when they say they've been raped."
No Sharky, that is not what "men's rights activists" want you to believe. I've known scads of such people, and I can testify that nine out of ten would say women are only sometimes lying under those conditions. And other times not. Granted, their opinions will vary as to exact percentages, but they all agree it's too many. Above all, they agree that the criminal justice system is rigged against men when the crime of rape is adjudicated, and that a woman's word overall weighs more in the scale of justice than a man's. Bottom line: innocent men are getting stuffed through the meatgrinder with callous indifference, by people and forces that value male life on par with a dog's life. That about wraps it up.

So, the final three paragraphs of Sharky's blog post may be summarized briefly.  First,  Sharky is linguistically creative with the verb, "to troll", and seemingly maps it to operations unrelated to cyberspace, or unrelated to know...trolling anybody. Sharky appears to think "trolling" is a synonym for "insulting and telling lies", and in that spirit does what feminists have done for years to anybody who dares speak against them. Nothing new here. Then, for good measure, Sharky fantasizes about the social machinery of the non-feminist community -- and gets it wildly wrong. Finally, Sharky draws a paralell between the pro-male project and white supremacism, by suggesting that these groups operate in a similar way. The usual smear tactics there.

In short, it is a platter of moral comfort food for Sharky's blog readers.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Sharky issues an actual threat of violence:
"Sure, there will be a half a dozen or maybe even a dozen actual “activists” or “advocates” who will put their faces out there and take to the streets with their message (if they think it’s safe, and if not, they’ll just cover their faces for their own protection). Maybe they’ll even pay for a banner they can carry. But at the end of the day, if and when they do appear, they’ll be chased down the street into a train station by an angry mob."
So let's be clear about what this means. It means that if you take to the streets with a message that men are human beings with human rights, a lynch mob of anti-male reactionaries will come howling for your blood. And I am trying to picture that mob. What would it look like? Would it look like the Left-fascist brigade who invaded Zurich when the IGAF came to town? Or, which seems more likely, would it look like Sharky and three or four weedy hipsters? Well either way, the fact remains that a threat has been issued. And for the record,  not by any non-feminist on Earth!

Sharky wraps up the article with an uncorroborated story about the Poster Riot. It appears that some evil non-feminist menaced a skinny girl, threatened to beat up her boyfriend, and "magically" gained the support of male onlookers. And from what I know, that evil non-feminist can only have been Jack Day or John-the-Other. But Sharky hasn't got enough "teeth" to accuse either of those gents by name, even though it would make the political personal. So I reckon Sharky wants to keep it impersonal this time around.

Just for the record, Jack Day testifies that none of the above-described action took place, and that the only bad actors on the scene were the two screaming, abusive women. Jack also wants you to know, that nobody in the Vancouver group hides their face in any way. They placard in broad daylight, they talk to people on the street, and they have their pictures posted online too! Anybody can check it out.

(Protip: If I were them, I'd be somewhat leery for my personal property -- cars for example.)

Finally, Jack wanted me to post the following statement, by him, to the reading public -- which might include Sharky or any other feminist. Especially the ones in Vancouver!
"Jack Day of officially invites you to his website. No need to troll. However, be prepared. We do not tolerate suggestions of violence such as you have given. Please look around the site, and if you have any difficulty understanding our position, please feel free to contact me directly so I can send you to posts that will address your questions or concerns."
The link to Jack's blog is here:

Before I go, I'll send you to another website where some feminists of a soberly adult character have adultly and soberly voiced their concerns about this new social movement in Vancouver which advocates the radical notion that men are human beings with human rights. Apparently that idea makes their head spin, and they are trying to gather intelligence about the "command structure" of the forces they are dealing with.


The present Counter-Feminist article is cross-posted to Masculism.Ca:

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Monkeying Around| A Go Ape Experience

P1050704 - Copy-tilephoto (37)-tile

Well this past Saturday was unlike any other. I have never been an adventurous girl, more a girl who is at home shopping and drinking cocktails. However recently I have been embracing my very hidden inner wild child and tried new activities, even getting muddy, wet and sweaty in the process!

This weekend I visited Go Ape in Grizedale Forest in the Lake District with my family. If you have not been or heard of Go Ape before it is an activity course based in the forest, that involves making your way across a number of obstacles and pathways high up in the trees… and I mean high! The highest platform and pathway was 60 feet up a tree.

It’s obstacles varied from precarious stepping stones, barrels to crawl through, cargo nets to climb, a number of zip lines and a giant Tarzan swing which scared me to death! There was a number of us who visited, all a variety of ages, from my brother aged 21 to my Grandma at 67, and each and everyone of us enjoyed it. Well my boyfriend probably a little less so, seems he’s pretty scared of heights, but he did do incredibly well.
When we were finished we all looked a right state, some more than others (that included me). It appears that although I was embracing my inner wild child, I’m still not the most graceful or athletic person, and every zip line I did I landed on my bum and back and ended up being dragged through the mud. To say I was mucky is an understatement I was covered in mud and wood chippings from head (including my hair) to toes, as you can see from the pictures above. I was so mucky that my boyfriend made me wear a bin bag in the car. So a bin bag was part of my OOTD (outfit of the day), and I think I managed to pull it off well.

I even managed to gain a workout from this activity, which is always a plus. My arms, back and neck were very stiff the next day; either from pulling myself up a number of rope ladders, or from holding on for dear life! Either way it must of did some good.

I would highly recommend this to anyone and everyone. Even on a day when the weather isn’t so great, it’s still an enjoyable activity, as the rain doesn't effect you too much as there is plenty of cover from the trees. We paid £30 per person and spent around 3 hours there, so it’s also good value for money.

What do you think, would you give it a go? Have you tried Go Ape before? If so what was your favourite obstacle?


Plastering the Rancid Heart of Enemy Territory

Feminists are aggressively territorial animals; have you ever noticed that? Not only do they handle disagreement piss-poorly, but they go rabidly on the attack when their physical "village precinct" is violated by unabashed display, or even mere suggestion, of an alien (to them) worldview.

From the earliest glimmerings of pro-male consciousness near the end of the 20th century, clear down to the present day, we have an unbroken chronicle of such behavior stockpiled in our collective memory.  You have only to breathe the tiniest hint that "something is not right here", or "men are being treated very wrongly", and you will be greeted with silence, with mockery, or with hysterical demands to. . . shut the fuck up!! This was true in the 1990s -- and we were far more polite in those days! And it remains every bit as true today, in 2012. The foundational state of things has changed very little, although we've gotten louder, meaner, and at the same time more wily and sophisticated. And the feminists have reacted to our gradual evolvement of methodology by running progressively more complicated editions of what they have always done -- but their attitude has not changed! Not a whit!

In the early days, we never, ever but NEVER talked about "fucking their shit up" or anything of the sort. We grew into that state of mind by slow increments, as we realized that being nice to a bunch of assholes was complete futility, and that we had nothing to lose by turning the heat up. People are not born radical, you know. They become radicalized, and for a reason. We ourselves have been a case in point.

So now we are going on the offensive as never before, and quite predictably, "offending" them. But I'm afraid that's the only way you can ever deal with a corrupt, bloated establishment. You kick it, and hold your nose when the jet of foul gas shoots out under pressure.

Apropos of all this, our very own KARMA MRA MGTOW -- the pioneering "poster boy" from the land down under -- has made a lightning blitzkrieg run on feminist turf.  The turf in question is Monash University in Melbourne, and as I gather, the action occurrred less than 24 hours ago.

Our dauntless lad plastered his MRA MGTOW karma all over the Monash landscape in the form of pro-male posters, of which the accompanying photograph will give you a general notion. Click on it if you want a more legible view.

Anti-male elements on campus were shocked, offended, scandalized by the appearance of this alien worldview. Apparently they found it "disgusting" that the public should be informed that women commit roughly half of all domestic violence. Open dialogue about the state of reality is evidently not a priority for these people.

It's like the 1990s never went away. Yes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Except that they've gotten worse in this case.

The Monash action made such an impression within the campus community that it garnered headlines in a local news journal,  the Waverley Leader:

When you read the linked article, you will see that the feminists are up to their timeless, time-worn tricks. Take the following, for example:
Monash Student Association president Esther Hood said the inflammatory posters were “disgraceful”.
“To imply that women are responsible for half of domestic violence cases is not only disgusting but grossly innacturate,” Ms Hood said.
 Well, Ms. Hood has made clear that she disagrees with the message on the posters. Fine, she is entitled to her opinion. I mean, we all have opinions, right? But I'd surely appreciate a more detailed statement of  Ms. Hood's opinion, so that if I feel inclined to do so, I'd have equal opportunity to tell her how grossly inaccurate and disgusting it is. And I think the best plan would be for Ms. Hood to personally print up her own posters with her own opinion and plaster them all over campus. I'm pretty sure nobody would lift a finger to stop her. So why the hell can't she get her lazy ass busy with that project, eh?

 The comment thread was a delight to read. Most of the items on it were solidly, and I mean SOLIDLY, on the pro-male side. But I'll start with one that wasn't, or rather, a single sentence from it. It is from one who signs as "Brigitta", and the person she's addressing seems to be Paul Elam:
"You show no sign of compassion or empathy towards anyone."
Now, I left two comments, only one of which got through moderation. What follows is the one that didn't make it, and it pertains to Brigitta's remark above:
"@Brigitta: You have suggested that Paul [Elam] shows "no sign of compassion or empathy toward anyone." To me, that sounds like an incredible statement with no evidence to back it up. But perhaps I am missing something here. So I was wondering if you'd care to provide evidence that Paul [Elam] is lacking compassion or empathy toward "anyone". And while we are on the subject, would "anyone" here care to show signs of compassion or empathy toward men, who are half of all domestic violence victims?"
And I will conclude with my favorite comment on the whole thread, which nails feminist hypocrisy to the barn door with a fat crimson streak running down from it.:
"I've seen university posters across the country demanding that the working classes rise up and over throw the government by means of bloody revolution and NO ONE bats an eyelid at them. Why is it normal to on a university campus to advocate violent Marxist revolution, but to make the very reasonable point that women are as much a part of the problem of domestic violence as men are, unacceptable? Also, who gave them the right to decide that freedom of speech doesn't extend to the viewpoints of the people posting this posters? How dare they silence people they disagree with yet enjoy the freedom to spread man-hate and bloody revolution? "
Well, by now we've had enough experience with such activism to know what will happen when pro-male ideas are shoved unapologetically in the world's face. Yes, we've been down this road a few times, and we know what to expect. And that is, that anti-male elements in the vicinity will react swiftly, primitively and viciously, under the impulsion of fear and guilt.

 Curse me, but this is delicious. And getting tastier by the minute!

I understand that the news of the Monash action also got some local radio play. I was sent an audio file of a campus feminist being interviewed, but this was in a strange format that none of my applications could handle. Damn!

Once Again: It is Time to Go Ambient

The drumbeat goes on, and it seems to me that repetition is the key to drumbeating of any kind. I am confident that none may plausibly dispute this.

One commenter had the following to say:
"Reminds me of theories of Organization: Storming, Norming & Performing. I think we are still Storming."
Hmm. Sounds about right.

Another commenter said this:
"Attempts to politicize MRA are indicative of the persistence of the binary left/right political paradigm. Feminism is obviously leftist identity politics adapted for female gender-specificity. Those who subscribe to the left/right paradigm will frame any argument within the confines of that paradigm. While it is important to recognize this dynamic in order to effectively counter feminist dogma, it is equally important to recognize that the political right is no friend to the MRM, either."
That comment, too, holds considerable philosophy. I do have a smile with the commenter's use of "MRA" and "MRM" as nomenclature, but he zones right in to the nub of the matter when he reminds us that the political right is no friend.  For it is trite, boilerplate thinking of the worst sort, to believe that  feminism is inherently "left-wing", and that "the right" is somehow inherently pro-male. No. Misandry, in company with gynocentrism, runs as a uniform dirty streak clear across the culture. And from this dirty streak, as from a soil, the feminist root system draws sustenance. Those on both the right AND the left, who declare that feminism is strictly "of the left", cannot or will not see the mycelium for the mushroom.

In fact, left and right are equally in the enemy camp so far gynocentrism goes. But the good news is that the red pill demographic is equally represented on both sides. The growth of red pill consciousness is happening clear across the culture, and cannot do otherwise, because the factors of formation are equally present through the entire sociopolitical spectrum.

The left has been quiet so far, due to the Stalinesque anti-male peer pressure which operates so powerfully in that sector. But more and more of them are speaking out these days, and aligning with the non-feminist coalition. And that is good.

On the right, there is and always has been a conspicuous red pill cohort -- and it displeases me that so many cannot see that. In fact, that is precisely what sticks in my craw, when I hear people saying that "the right is no friend".  This is true, but only by half.

What counts now, is no longer the traditional categories of "right" v. "left", but red pill v. blue pill. An entirely new cultural ethos is "slouching toward Bethlehem to be born", and it will be founded upon the pragmatic necessity of holding gynocentrism and misandry (that is, feminism) in check.  The phrase "non-feminist coalition" neatly sums up the requirements of such a task, and charts the necessary course of it. To hold feminism and its destructive consequences in check, a new configuration of forces, and a polite overlooking of historical differences between those forces, will be needed.

It is the feminist worldview, as an over-arching construct, that must be brought low. 

The placeholder terms "right" and "left" may come to be emptied of their present significance, and thereafter filled with something entirely new. This has been the way of it in the past, and I expect the future will be similar.

For now, bear in mind that we are growing in number, and that as we do so, we transition from microcosm to macrocosm -- which is to say, we become complex and ambient, and too big to shake a stick at.

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PCMAV 8.1 adalah antivirus local yang tidak boleh diremehkan karena PCMAV atau yang lebih kita kenal dengan PC Media Antivirus adalah antivirus yang sudah cukup lama dan juga sudah populer.
Para pembaca setia dari PC Media pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan antivirus PCMAV 8.1 predator ini. kalau sahabat haramain software ingin tahu levbih banyak tentang PCMAV ini, silahkan sahabat haramain software bisa langsung serch di google atau serch engine yang lain sesuai yang sahabat HS gunakan.

Screenshoot :

PCMAV 8.1 ini bisa sahabat HS sandingkan dengan antivirus internasional seperti bitdefender, avast, kaspersky atau yang lain. Bagi yang ingin download, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga semua yang haramain software bagikan bermanfaat.


Todd Akin, Feminist Biologist Extraordinaire!

Todd Akin, Republican senatorial candidate from Missouri, has said something stunningly brilliant. In fact, it's the most stellar saying I can recall for a long little while, and Einstein himself would certainly strangle Mr. Akin in a fit of jealous rage. Anyway, I'm sure you've heard it by now. Akin was arguing against abortion, but whatever your stance upon that hotly contested issue, his words will make you drunk with amazement:
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” Akin said on KTVI-TV in St. Louis. 
He is saying that, well, rape never got anybody pregnant. But wait, he specifies "legitimate" rape! So I guess he wasn't talking about the illegitimate kind, right? Yeah, that's it! If you are "legitimately" raped, you will not get pregnant. So, does "legitimate" mean that you deserved it? Or, as seems more likely, does "legitimate" mean authentic? Does it mean that the act in question genuinely was rape, as opposed to, say, consensual sex? All right, I'll take a flying guess that is what Mr. Akin means.

Still, I'm confused. We all know that consensual sex can turn into rape several days later, if the rapee reflects upon it and, in retrospect, feels violated.  After all, our good friends the feminists assure us that when a woman feels she has been raped, then indeed she has been. So all she must do is go to the police and report having been raped, and the report will be duly filed and proceedings initiated. Trouble is, in the time lag between the initial non-rape, and the eventual "legitimate" rape which it retrospectively turns into, a pregnancy might get under way. I mean, a zygote might even find time to become a blastula!

So, it must be that the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down, right? I mean, the minute a woman decides that yes, it was a legitimate rape, her body goes into auto-abort and terminates the pregnancy. Is that how it works? Yup, by golly, I reckon that must be how it works. Mind-zap your way into feeling that you were raped, and you will not get pregnant! It almost sounds like the morning-after pill, doesn't it? But it's way cheaper, so even Sandra Fluke could save some money that way! :)

My heavens! What amazing progress for women we see nowadays! First, feminism balloons the once-constricted possibilities of the rape phenomenon to include all manner of things you would scarcely imagine. Next, the wizard biologist and aspiring U.S. Senator discovers a new form of natural birth control that can be actuated by, yes indeed. . . rape!

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. . . .

Roll 'em up together and, by gumbo, you've got yourself a winner's blend!

More here:

Interview with DV Shelter for Men

He will be interviewing the director of a DV shelter which accepts men, and would like to have ideas about questions to raise during this meeting. Click through to his channel to leave your contributions.

NOTD| How to remove glitter nail varnish

1- Pretty glittery nails
2- The struggle to remove the varnish as you would normally
3- Tools needed to remove glitter nail varnish with ease
4- Nails all wrapped up
5- The results
6- Tad-ah all gone!

As many of you will have seen I recently fell in love with a Nails Inc glitter nail polish. I did not waste any-time in applying many layers to all my nails and giving myself some super sparkly nails. However I felt they were a little too sparkly for a week full of meetings at work, so wanted to remove it. I started to remove it as I normally would, with a cotton pad and nail varnish remover, however found that this was not budging the glitter in the slightest, rather the cotton just stuck to the glitter. So after much difficulty I Googled a technique for easy removal and found an article which helped me, so I though I would share it to help you also.

For this you will need;
*Nail Varnish remover* *Tin foil* *Cotton balls/pads*

This technique saves you probably about 30 minutes, millions of cotton pads and gallons of polish remover; Just follow the simple steps below.
  1. Firstly you soak the cotton pads/balls in nail varnish remover… and I mean soak! You then apply this to your nail.
  2. Secondly rip the tinfoil into strips then wrap this tinfoil tightly around the nail with the cotton pad between the nail and the foil. Proceed to do all your fingers. Your hands should end up looking like a cross between Freddie Kruger and a robot.
  3. Now sit back a grab a magazine, chill and let them soak for 10 minutes.
  4. To remove, apply a little pressure to the nail and twist the cotton and foil from side to side, a couple of twists should do the trick. When you remove the foil, your glitter varnish should have vanished.
  5. Make sure you give your hands some love and care after this, as the nail varnish remover can make them a little sensitive, after soaking them.
So there you have it a simple, stress free to remove you beautiful, if not persistent glitter nail varnish. I hope this helps you as it did me.
Have you tried this technique before? Or do you have another little trick?

P.S Don’t forget, if you enjoy my blog to vote me for Best Newcomer in Cosmo’s Blog Awards… it take two minute and means the world to me.. thanks! Vote Here


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Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan tune up 2012 terbaru yaitu tune up 2012 v12.0.3600.104full version with keygen. tuneup utilities adalah sebuah software utilities yang sudah sangat populer dan saya yakin sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tahu kemampuan dari tuneup 2012 ini.
TunUp memang sangat luar biasa dalam menjaga PC kita agar tetap normal dan stabil dan juga tuneup juga memiliki banyak fitur yang membuat pc kita menjadi lebih elegan dan stabil dalam beroperasi.
Kalau dulu saya pernah share juga tuneup 2012, berhubung sudah ada yang terbaru, langsung saja saya share agar sahabat haramain software juga bisa menggunakan versi terbarunya.

Screenshoot :

Untuk setting bahasa silahkan gunakan bahasa yang di mengerti. dan bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Silahkan download lewat salah satu link yang sudah saya sediakan di embedupload, bisa lewat hulkshare, 4shared, jumbofiles, zshare dan lain-lain karena saya sudah menyiapkan banyak link agar tetap bisa di download.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Download Anvisoft Anvi Smart Defender V1.5 Freeware

Anvi smart defender adalah sebuah freeware yang berfungsi untuk menjaga pc kita dari serangan software-software yang mengandung sesuatu yang berbahaya terhadap PC kita seperti virus, trojan, adware, malaware, spyware dan lain-lain.
Anvisoft smart defender, walaupun ini adalah software yang free atau freeware namun jangan diremehkan kemampuannya karena software ini cukup ampuh untuk membasmi virus danjuga anvisift anvi smart defender v1.5 ini juga bisa di sandingkan dengan antivirus yang lain seperti bidefender, avast, avira, norton, panda, kaspersky dan anti virus yang lain yang penting jangan semua antivirus di install pada pc sobat yang akan membuat antivirus perang melawan antivirus pada pc sobat.

Screenshoot :

bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Download Theme Amazing Advoc Purple For Windows 7

Theme amazing advoc purple for windows 7. kali ini haramain software akan berbagi theme windows 7 lagi untuk semua sahabat haramain software. Theme yang akan saya bagikanadalah theme amazing advoc purple for windows 7.
Dari namanya saja sahabat HS pasti sudah tau bentuk warna dari theme ini yaitu purple atau ungu. theme ini sangat keren dan juga cukup menarik sebagai koleksian di blog HS dan mungkin juga sebagai koleksian di PC sahabat HS.

Screenshoot :

Untuk cara install tidak jauh berbeda dengan postingan sebelumnya karena bentuk filenya sama dengan theme sebelumnya. Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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