

POSTER: “Do you know where your kids are when they’re surfing the web? Kids 12-17 years old are the largest group of internet porn viewers. Over a third of 13-14 year old boys report viewing porn videos/DVDs “too many times to count.””

This is another powerful poster from the Not For Sale Project that shows some of the harms of pornography. This poster was done by, and there are some more by them at the link further below, as well as a number of other great posters by other groups and organizations. These educational posters address the harms of pornography, prostitution, and other types of sexual exploitation


Download Auto Hide IP V5.3.3.2 Full Version With Patch

Auto hide IP v5.3.3.2 + Patch. Auto hide ini adalah software keamanan yang berfungsi untuk menyembunyikan IP kita dan menggantinya dengan anonim atau Fake IP ketika berselancar di dunia internet.
Dengan Auto hide IP ini, kita bisa memanipulasi IP kita dan paling tidak kemungkinan kita di ganggu oleh hacker menjadi lebih kecil dari pada menggunakan IP asli kita. Dengan auto hide IP ini, kita bisa berselancar di dunia internet dengan aman karena IP kita tidak akan terlihat melainkan kita menjadi anonim yang IP-nya sudah berubah.
Auto hide IP mengubah alamat IP Anda, dan dengan demikian mencegah pencurian informasi penting hanya dengan satu klik.

Screenshoot :


Main features Auto Hide IP:

Protects from any site that tries to "monitor" of your preferences or follow you on a unique IP address
Helps avoid the use of your personal information to send spam and other debris
Protects against hackers by hiding IP addresses, as well as information about the operating system
Ability to frequently change IP addresses increases security
Enable and disable Hide IP as you wish in one click
Allows you to bypass the limitation of the owners of some resources on users from certain countries or geographical regions
Use with mail-service to send anonymous letters

Link Download ( Pilih Salah Satu Link ) :

 Cara Install :
  1. Jalankan AutoHideIP- dan kemudian install sampai selesai.
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung jalankan programnya
  3. Buka Folder Patch dan copy Patch tersebut dan pastekan di tempat sobat install software ini
  4. Jalankan patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian Run as administrator
  5. Kemudian Klik patch.
  6. Selesai
 Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Fitness Friday| Weight Loss| Preparation & Planning

You rarely venture into anything new in life without first thinking about it. Remember back to when you started your blog, did you think about it before you started it? I bet you carefully thought about the name, what you wanted to say and what you wanted it too look like. Well if you are to start a healthier lifestyle, the same rule applies!

Success loves preparation! If you want your healthy lifestyle to be more than just a phase you need to plan and prepare throughout. This may sound like hard work, but as I always say; make small steps each day and they soon become habits.

Think about it. If you are not prepared for hunger you normally just grab something on the go. Be it a bag of crisps, chocolate bar or a shop bought sandwich. If you are prepared you will more than likely have a snack in your bag that is healthier, be it a homemade sandwich or wrap, nuts of fruit.

The same happens in the supermarket. If you are prepared, have planned your meals and have a list of ingredients you will more than likely only buy what is on the list which means your kitchen cupboards will be full of healthy food. However if you are unprepared you will venture into the supermarket and end up buying what ever takes your fancy, be it healthy or not.

I am not saying that you need to count calories, plan every single meal that you have and panic when you don’t have a pre-prepared snack, just become a little more prepared and it can make a big difference! Below are a couple of preparation tips.
  • Plan your meals- One night a week flick through your favourite cookbooks for meals you can make. This means you will have meals for each night, reducing the likelihood of ordering takeaways.
  • Stick to your shopping list- If you are too tempted by BOGOF offers then keep your head down and go directly to where your shopping list items will be found in the store. Do not browse every aisle in the supermarket… you will just buy more!
  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier- This means you will have time to sit and have breakfast each morning, instead of grabbing a coffee and muffin from Starbucks!
  • Keep a food diary- You can use a Diary, such as the Moleskin Wellness Journal*, a notepad or an app on your phone. Food diaries make you more accountable of what you put in your mouth. You will be surprised at what you actually eat when first starting a food diary!
  • Prepare your lunch- A couple of nights a week get out your Tupperware and make up your lunches to take to work for the next couple of days. Lunch can be a meal that if bought on the go can have a million more calories that you would think. A sandwich bought from a shop can have around 400 calories in, add your crisps and cake to this and your lunch could amount to over 700 calories! By preparing your lunch in bulk you will have no excuse as you can simply grab it from the fridge before you leave in the morning!
  • Keep and water bottle with you- If you struggle to get your 2 litres everyday, keep a 1 litre/750cl bottle on your desk or in your bag and sip it throughout the day. This saves you money and reduces the likelihood of grabbing a bottle of pop.
  • Plan ahead when eating out- Most places have their menus online, and large chains even have the calories count on there. So if you are watching your waistline and don’t fancy splurging then check out the menu and plan your meal ahead. 
  • Schedule in your workouts- Schedule in your workouts as if they were a meeting or dentist appointment. If you cancel a half an hour appointment to improve yourself then I’m sure you will feel guilty! Get your workouts written down in your diary!
  • Set goals- Long term and short tem! Try aiming for so many inches lost by a wedding in the summer, or aim to take homemade lunches to work every day that week. If you have a goal you have something to concentrate your efforts on. Even better reward yourself after meeting goals… have a manicure, buy a new dress etc.
I hope these tips help you prepare for a healthier lifestyle. Tell me how you make sure you are prepared for a healthy week!


Goodbye Google Reader| Where else can you find me


I assume you all know already that Google Reader is no more come July, so whether you use it to read blogs currently or not I’m sure it will have a huge impact on some people’s blogging. The major worry for many bloggers is that Google Friend Connect (GFC) may also disappear as a consequence. So before we all loose touch with each other how about we connect on different platforms and adapt to new ways to catching up with our favourite blogs. I have demonstrated below the other social media platforms that I am alive and well on, if you would like to follow me. I obviously don’t want to loose contact with you so please, please, please leave your social media links in a comment below and I will follow you all… lets share the love!

Bloglovin Outside Beauty Inside HealthBloglovin’

Bloglovin’ has had a very busy day as bloggers scramble to add their favourite blogs asap. I have seen such a huge increase over today that my blog has become number 33 in the Up and Coming Personal blogs… made my day! It seems to be the platform of choice for many.

Follow me here.


Twitter Outside Beauty Inside HealthTwitter

Twitter is actually one of my favourite platform for reading blog posts, as it is instant and I am always on it. Yes you have to click through to a persons blog and everything isn’t in one place, but I very often favour peoples tweets then go through them at a later date to check out their recent posts.

Follow me here.


Youtube Outside Beauty Inside HealthYouTube

Not so much of a blog following platform but still a social media platform. I am very new to YouTube and am slowly but surely working on it, so if you fancy checking out my videos and subscribing then go ahead.

Subscribe to my channel here.


Pinterest Outside Beauty Inside HealthPinterest

A very different and interesting platform. I could spend hours looking at all the pretty and inspirational picture on Pinterest. It is great for fitness motivation also. I really need to work on my boards but plan on doing so soon.

Follow me here.


Hello Cotton Outside Beauty Inside healthHello Cotton

This is a relatively new platform for me, and rivals Bloglovin’ It allows you to follow your favourite blogs all in one place, but is a bit more magazine like than Bloglovin’, which appeals to many.

Follow me here.


She Said Beauty Outside beauty Inside HealthShe Said Beauty

A completely new platform for me, I literally signed up a few minutes ago, so I’m unsure to what it is like, but first impressions are good. Like Hello cotton is is a bit more magazine like with different sections etc. I also allows you to add all your social media widgets which i like

Follow me here.


Google Plus Outside EBauty Inside HEalthGoogle+

This again is completely new to me, I have played around with it in the past but I find it quite hard to navigate and am a bit unsure of it. This is the platform that Google wans us to all start using but its yet to take off in the way that they had hoped.

Add me to your circle here.


Which one is your favourite platform for keeping in touch? Please leave your social media links in the box below and I will follow you all on all of the sites. I need to make sure that I do not loose touch with my favourite bloggers!

‘Cannibal cop’ (and sexual sadist) Gilberto Valle faces life in prison after jury finds him guilty of conspiracy to kidnap women and more

The NYC “Cannibal Cop” who planned to rape, torture, murder, cook & EAT his wife & female friends was found GUILTY of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and illegal use of federal databases. What does this have to do with pornography? A lot! Gilberto Valle followed the normal pattern for violent porn users: Desensitization, escalation, then ACTING OUT. See the shocking details below. ~ WARNING!

Download Your Uninstaller! Pro 7.5.2013.2 Full + Serial

Your Uninstaller! Pro 7.5.2013.2 Full Serial. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tahu dengan software yang bernama your uninstaller! pro ini.
Your Uninstaller! Pro 7.5.2013.2 ini adalah software yang sangat ampuh dalam menguninstall sebuah program karena your uninstaller ini mampu meunguninstal sampai bersih ke akar-akarnya dan bahkan akan langsung menghapus registry program yang di uninstall secara bersih.
Dengan your uninstaller ini menurut saya sangat bagus dan harus terinstall pada PC yang kita gunakan karena jika kita menguninstall program namun tidak sampai bersih, itu juga akan berpengaruh dalam kestabilan PC kita.

Screenshoot :

Cara Install :
  1. Extract menggunakan winrar kemudian Jalankan Your Uninstaller! PRO 7.5.2013.exe
  2. Install sampai selesai dan gunakan salah satu serial yang sudah saya sertakan didalam file yang di download.
  3. Setelah menjadi full version, masuk ke menu Options kemudian pilih menu Update
  4. Kemudian hilangkan centang pada Automatic Update.
  5. Selesai.
Link Download ( Pilih salah satu link saja ) :

Selamat Mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

You Say There is No Misandry? Fine! Then There is No Misogyny!

If  the feminists have the nerve to tell me that misandry does not exist, then I guess I have the nerve to tell them that MISOGYNY does not exist!

There! Do you see how counter-feminist thinking can simplify your life? The shoe fits them on the other foot, therefore, let them wear it.

Really, it can be just that easy. All you must do is shove their shit right back in their face. What can they do about it?


Mike Buchanan on the BBC

The following just reached me from Mike Buchanan (who has big plans to promote pro-male politics in Great Britain). I believe it will be of interest to readers of this blog:
Good evening. A short note to let you know I'll be appearing on Jeremy Vine's BBC Radio 2 show tomorrow (Thursday):

Part of the programme will be a discussion with Laura Bates, founder of 'The Everyday Sexism Project':

Best wishes,

Mike Buchanan

(and the women who love them)



Feminism Must Not Expect "Fairness"

Feminist, when the societal shit storm of karmic payback gets underway, don't come whining to me that this is "not fair." I am warning you in advance that it will not be fair. So don't NAFALT me, sister! I don't care if you personally are "like that" or not. When I think about the misery which feminism has inflicted upon men and boys -- the majority of whom are certainly not "like" whatever feminism accused them of -- it puts me in a sour frame of mind. An uncharitable frame of mind. And have I ever pretended to be a pacifist or a saint? Have I ever pretended to be Jesus Christ, that I should turn the other cheek? Sister, go talk to Jesus Christ if you are looking for that attitude!

In a nutshell, if you call yourself a feminist, then we non-feminist men and women are holding you responsible for all of feminism. Oh, we won't necessarily act mean and angry when you meet us in the real world. Chances are, we will be our customary cool and charming selves. But behind our eyes, we will be watching you and measuring you.

All feminists ARE "like that", because if they were not, then they would not be feminists.  And if for some perverse reason they choose to call themselves feminists, then by default, they are like that. So we'll not waste any more time arguing about it.

Yes, I say that I hold you responsible for all of feminism. That is a power which I possess. But you do not possess the equivalent power over me. There is nothing -- no "movement", no "organization" --  that you can hold me responsible for, since I represent nobody but myself. And since you cannot prove that I have raped anybody, or underpaid anybody, or "objectified" anybody, then you had best shut the hell up about ME. For if I represent anything larger than myself, it is merely the entire non-feminist portion of reality that I stand for, and that is far too huge and nebulous a thing to be held "responsible" for anything at all.

Feminist, make it easy on yourself. Stand up publicly, and tell the world in no uncertain terms that you are NOT A FEMINIST!

Do that, and I will shake your hand and break bread with you.

One more thing. After you have renounced feminism, don't let us hear you talking about "patriarchy" and "male privilege" and "rape culture" and all of that. Okay? Otherwise, we will entertain doubts about your sincerity.

I think you get the idea. ;)

Feminism is the Sum of All It Creates and All That Creates It

Forget about what feminism is "officially" supposed to be. It will guide your understanding more accurately if you realize that feminism is the lump sum of all that generates it, plus all that it generates.

A variety of complex inputs flow together to make feminism. Following this, a variety of complex outputs flow back into the world and modify the culture along broadly predictable lines. These modified conditions then replace the original complex inputs which initiated the cycle and the cycle repeats itself, generating further changes to both feminism, and the world, with every round. The entirety of these inputs and outputs may be considered as a social organism -- an assembly of systems often seemingly unrelated, but united in the furtherance of a common purpose.

We call this pattern of social energy the Feministical Operations Complex, or for short, the femplex.

The unconventional word "feministical" signifies the quasi-feminist or feminist-supportive character of the operations in question. These operations aren't always feminism by strict definition, but their objective functionality in the political scheme of things makes them . . . feministical.

That is why we say that there is more to feminism than feminism. We mean that the mere word feminism does not adequately map either feminism's cultural supply chain, or the effect of feminist innovation within the social ecology at large. Hence, when most people say "feminism", they have in mind only a limited portion of the femplex.

Caveat: "The femplex" is a heuristic category, meant simply to facilitate conversation among specialists who need to discourse of things which outstrip the commonly received understanding. Femplex is not intended as a mirror equivalent of "the patriarchy", and if we sprinkle this term into our conversation as mindlessly as the feminists sprinkle patriarchy into theirs, we will sound just as loony as they do. Consider this a word to the wise.


The text version of this video, from early 2007, is here:

It's Time to Make Clear What Feminism Really Is

A mildly interesting article recently appeared, informing us how young women in droves are disowning "feminist" as a self-appellative. I tend to be cynical and jaded about such news myself, but maybe that's just

All right, here is the mildly interesting article I'm talking about:

I had the good fortune to be the early bird here, for when I arrived there were zero comments. So, mine is the first. I share the screen cap as follows. (Click to enlarge.):

I hope that a few of you will venture over yonder and weigh in.

POSTER: “What Are Kids Learning When They Get Their “Sex Education” From Pornography?” (Hint: Nothing good or helpful!)

Check out this powerful poster from the Not For Sale Project that shows the many harms of pornography! ~ This poster was done by, and there are some more by them at the link below, as well as a number of other ones by other groups and organizations. These educational posters address pornography, prostitution, and other types of sexual exploitation and abuse, and they are all

Download Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 Stable Offline Installer

Google Chrome 25.0.1364.172 Offline Installer. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat tahu dengan browser yang satu ini dan saya yakin sahabat haramain software juga pasti ada yang menggunakan google chrome sebagai browser andalannya.
Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan browser google chrome secara gratis dan memang browser ini adalah freeware namun yang saya bagikan ini adalah yang offline installer agar sahabat haramain software bisa menginstallnya tanpa harus online.
Google chrome memang adalah salah satu browser terbaik dan memang banyak yang mengakuinya. Oleh karena itu saya akan share browser google chrome ini kepada sahabat haramain software.

Screenshoot :

Link Download :

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


There is No Escape: The "Other Guy" is YOU!

This video is so good I can't begin to express it.

But I will share one random takeaway point.

As we know, most airlines have the anti-male policy of not seating men next to unaccompanied children. British Airways is not the only one. In the past, I have doubted the efficacy of boycotting any particular carrier unless one were willing to give up air travel altogether. But after watching this video, I realize that we don't need to target ALL airlines. Instead, we can simply cull the herd, as a wolf pack would do when it targets just one selected caribou. We would need to drum up quite a few men (and women of conscience) willing to boycott British Airways (or whichever), until British Airways felt the pinch and was "hurtin' for certain." But concurrent to this, we would need to drum up a lot of publicity about WHAT we were doing, and WHY.  The glare of public attention would be focused on the campaign, and British Airways would feel the heat not only of reduced revenues, but of being made a public spectacle.

In the end, if all goes well, the bastards would capitulate. And then....the wolves would turn their attention to the next caribou, and the next. . .

You get the idea. This could ideally initiate a panic through the entire airline industry, and persuade others to change their policy before their turn came. Because, if they refused to go along and do the right thing, we would show no mercy. We would not quit. We would run them to the ground and run them clean out of business. Now that's what I call Fucking Their Shit Up, and I'll bet Gandhi himself would give it the thumbs up.

I say. It wouldn't take those airline people long to figure out that "the other man is me"!  Would it?

Now THAT would make shockwaves all right!! And in the long run it would send a message to ALL the world -- not just the airline world.


(Those are Canadian wolves...right?) ;)

You Must Study this Carefully

 Here is an item, recently posted on the NCFM website. that you will need to read slowly and ponder:

Pour yourself something healthy and settle in for a good hour at the very least. This article, reposted from Tumblr, quite rudely disrobes five feminist talking points that you have likely heard by now. When you are done reading, bookmark the page so you can go back later and study it once again, with a healthy beverage in your hand.

If you are in the pupal stage of metamorphosis toward red-pill butterfly status, this might be your chrysalis-buster. You need to understand that feminism is all about LYING in its myriad forms -- and that feminist lying blossoms most extravagantly, and most perniciously, in the realm of statistics and soundbites. So study the linked article and you will get a pretty good handle on how that works.

Download Folder Lock 7.20 Final Full Version With Serial

Folder Lock 7.20 Final full with serial. Sahabat haramain software pasti sangat kenal dengan software yang satu ini karena haramain software juga pernah share versi sebelumnya dan memang kalau kita baca dari nama softwarenya pasti kita juga bisa menebak fungsi dari software ini.
Folder Lock 7.20 final ini adalah software yang berfungsi untuk mengunci folder atau files kita agar tidak bisa dibuka oleh sembarang orang dan tentu saja untuk membukanya harus menggunakan password.
Selain itu juga folder lock ini memiliki banyak fungsi yang menurut saya sangat bagus yang salah satunya adalah protect USB/CD dimana tidak sembarang flashdisk atau CD yang bisa keluar masuk di PC yang kita gunakan karena kalau tidak tahu passwordnya, maka tidak akan bisa di buka.

Screenshot :

Cara Install :
  1. Jalankan folder-lock.exe dan Install sampai selesai
  2. Jangan langsung jalankan programnya
  3. Jalankan DisableActivation.bat yang ada pada folder serial
  4. Jalankan Folder lock yang sudah terinstall
  5. Kemudian gunakan salah satu serial yang sudah saya berikan untuk registrasi.
  6. Selesai.
Link Download :

Password If Need : Haramain Software

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Download DLL-Files Fixer Final Full Version With Crack

DLL-Files Fixer Final full version. Software ini adalah software yang berfungsi untuk memperbaiki dan menyempurnakan files dll yang rusak atau hilang.
Mungkin sahabat haramain software pernah bermain game atau sesuatu yang lain dan kemudian tiba-tiba ada tulisan yang mengatakan kita tidak bisa membuka program tersebut karena ada file dll yang hilang, software ini adalah solusi bagi sahabat haramain software yang mengalami hal tersebut.

Screenshoot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Extract menggunakan winrar
  2. Jalankan dffsetup.exe dan install sampai selesai
  3. Buka folder Crack dan copy DLLFixer.exe dan pastekan di Local C\Program Files\ Fixer\
  4. Selesai. sekarng tinggal jalankan programnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Download Avast Free Antivirus 8.0.1483 Aktif Sampai 2038

Avast Free Antivirus 8.0.1483 Full + SN. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat tau dengan Antivirus yang satu ini, Avast adalah salah satu software Antivirus yang saya akui sebagai antivirus yang sangat bagus dan memang terbukti karena Avast adalah salah salah satu dari 10 Antivirus terbaik di dunia..
Avast telah mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu avast 8.0.1483, dan pada versi terbarunya ini Avast terlihat berbeda dan semakin bagus dari segi tampilan maupun dari segi Protecnya. Pada Avast 8 ini juga avast akan secara otomatis memberitahu kita tentang software-software yang terinstall pada PC kita yang sudah out of date dan akan mengupdatenya.
Tidak lupa seperti yang saya tulis di judulnya, saya juga akan sertakan dengan SN-nya yang akan membuat Avast ini aktif sampai tahun 2038 dan dijamin aman ketika mengupdate dan tidak akan pernah di blacklist.

Screenshot :

Pada gambar diatas bisa sahabat haramain software lihat kalau disana tertulis aktif sampai tahun 2038. dan bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. Install Avast free antivirus 8 sampai selesai.
  2. Buka Avast yang sudah di install dan setelah terbuka pilih menu MAINTENANCE
  3. Kemudian pilih Registration
  4. Kemudian pada bagian bawah ada tulisan Insert License Code
  5. Klik Insert License Code dan masukkan serial yang sampai 2038 kemudian Ok
  6. Selesai.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Conversation With an Educated Female Moron

In the following screen captures, you will see a bit of conversation I had with a "liberal" Canadian woman who goes by the name of EmilyOne -- who evidently thinks it is fine to shit on economically dispossessed working men, and to rekindle the spirit of old-school class war. This dialogue illustrates the style of engagement that we ought to use with these people, and I share these samples for the edification of all disciples and proselytes who wish to learn from the master -- viz; ME! As usual, click to enlarge:

You know what, EmilyOne? Economically dispossessed working-class people, especially the male kind, have every right to hate your filthy, left-wing progressive bourgeois feminist guts -- just as a Jew would hate a Nazi! I could not, in good conscience, fault them for this. Somebody must force you to eat your own shit, so that you will know exactly what it tastes like. Not as good as you think.


PLEASE WATCH this thought-provoking video below on the very serious harms of sadomasochism, created by our friend “R-Luv” at the StarrPowerWomen channel at YouTube. It includes a very powerful original poem written and read by R-luv, which is also posted below, as well as lots of informative content demonstrating how harmful, dangerous and sometimes DEADLY BDSM can be.Please note that the

The Days Gone By| Feb to March

A month in pictures- Feb-March
It feels like forever since I wrote one of these posts, so I thought I would let you all know what I’ve been up to over the past month.
Valentine's Dinner- As you will know from my Valentines Day post, this year Matt and I decided to stay in and have an evening to ourselves. To make it special I cooked dinner (seems I never cook), and I’m happy to say I never gave him food poisoning so I would say it was a success.
Hart of Dixie- I am a little bit obsessed with this programme, and I know a few of you are also. If you loved Rachel Bilson in the OC you will love her even more in this…She is my girl crush!
Ebaying- I have been going mad on ebay this past month. I have so far sold about 40 items of clothing and made about £200. I think the people at the Post Office are sick of the sight of me, but it's great to get rid of my fat clothes and get some money for some new ones!
Theme Hospital- After seeing all the talk of the relaunch of SimCity, it had me wishing that Theme Hospital would be relauched also. So after a long search online I found out how to get the game to work on newer operating systems. You can see more info here if you are interested.
My New Apartment- Matt and I have signed for a new apartment and I am so so so excited! We will finally be living together again after 9 months of long distance, and we will be living in a building I have had my heart set on so I couldn’t be happier! Expect lots of posts about interiors, furniture and pictures of my new apartment in the coming months! This past week, thanks to my blogger friend Jamie, who writes the Zombie Fitness Blog, I was featured on The article was about their top fitness tips from favourite fitness bloggers, so I was honoured to be featured.
Personal Fitspiration- As I was sorting through my pictures on my laptop this past week (blogger problems) I came across some bikini pictures of me from 5 years ago and was amazed at my flat stomach! I think I’m going to print out the picture and put it by my treadmill as some fitspiration!
Matts Birthday- My boy turned 27 last week so we were obviously out celebrating. We went for some food and plenty of drinks in Leeds last weekend, and I definitely paid for it the next day!
Hangover Breakfast- The second hangover of the month, this time from meeting up with my friend whom I moved to France with. We haven’t met up in about 6 months, so we went out for a few quiet drinks in Jesmond, Newcastle, which turned into playing drunken darts at my friends house till 2 in the morning. It is safe to say I was very thankful for this breakfast in the morning.
Fitness Clothes Haul- I finally went and bought some new workout clothes! My road running trainers are a little tired and have given me a sore foot this past week, so I went and bought these gorgeous new pink ones, along with new leggings and bras!
Mothers Day Afternoon Tea- As today is Mothers Day I have spent the day with my gorgeous Mother Bar. We went for a run on the fells this morning, had some laugh when trying to complete some hill sprints, and treated ourselves with homemade afternoon tea.
Froggy’s- The pond in my mum’s garden is currently home to hundreds of little frogs! We went up this afternoon to watch them all.
Do you love Hart of Dixie as much as I do? Have you ever made money from Ebay? What have you been up to over the past month? Anything exciting?

Download Winamp Pro 5.70 Build 3315b Full Version + Keygen and Skins

Winamp Pro 5.70 Build 3315b. Sudah tentu sahabat haramain software sangat kenal dengan software yang satu ini. sebenarnya dulu saya juga sudah pernah share winamp pro namun itu versi yg sudah lama dan linknya juga sudah rusak jadi saya akan share yang terbarunya yaitu winamp pro 5.70 build 3315b.
Winamp adalah salah satu software pemutar audio dan video yang memang sangat populer namun biasanya lebih diutamakan digunakan untuk memutar Audio dengan berbagai format audio.
Winamp pro sudah tentu saja berbeda dengan winamp yang free atau winamp yang gratisan karena pada winamp pro terdapat banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan yg free.
Winamp  yang akan haramain software bagikan ini sudah saya lengkapi dengan keygen dan bahkan sudah saya sertakan 2 keygen dan sahabat haramain software bisa gunakan salah satunya saja dan tidak lupa juga sudah saya sertakan sedikit skin winamp agar tampilannya lebih menarik.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload winamp pro 5.70 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini ( Pilih salah satu link saja jangan semua ).

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa bagi yang ingin berlangganan di blog ini, silahkan gabung via Google+.

pages listed by date