

Saturday's Haul

So I bought a few bits and bobs quickly after work. Pretty dumb of me I know, seems it was unbelievably busy, I was literally squeezing past people.

I am off out for tea tomorrow night with my friends. Its a yearly dinner we always have and its great to catch up with everyone. Plus because I haven't seen everyone in a while its always good to look nice and buy a new outfit. So that's what I did.

I bought a new dress in the sale at Dorothy Perkins. It was meant to be £30, but I got it for £17. I also got new House of Holland Tights from River Island for £12. I plan on wearing both these with a back blazer, black leather waist belt, and black patent platform shoes. I think I'm going to mix it up a little by accompanying  it with red shoulder bag. I will obviously post pictures of what I wear later in the week.

I also got some hair dye, as I have awful roots. Its a new one that I haven't tried before so I will do a quick review of it later. Then I got my staple face-wipes and a cheap moisturiser, along with Boots own faketan, again I will do a review later.

Finally I bought my mother an extra couple of Christmas presents and a ring to complete my outfit.

Did anyone else have a good shop this past weekend?

Diet Tips| Dinner Do's and Don't

After my article on "18 days to look fabulous" a few comments mentioned that they find the many dinners they share with family and friends the hardest part of trying to be healthy during the holidays.

So I am going to share a couple of tips I have picked up.

Make sure even when following these tips that you enjoy your dinners. Do not spend Christmas worrying about what you put in your mouth, still indulge, just don't over-indulge!

  • Fill up half your plate with vegetables or salad. These obviously are extremely good for you both on your waistline, but also your skin and hair. The more food you have on your plate that has less calories, the less you are going to eat over all. 
  • Try everything, don't panic about eating something that may have a high calorie count. Just make sure you only have a couple of bites. Mariah Carey followed this rule to lose weight for her world tour. It is called the Morsel Diet, named so, because you have a tiny portion/couple of bites of whatever food you want, but ONLY a couple of bites. (I'm not saying to follow this diet, just follow the rule for your big dinners)

  • Only have what is on your plate! Do not nibble before hand when preparing food, and do not take seconds. If you must, have more meat, more vegetables, not more potatoes. 
  • Ask for a smaller plate. If with your own family, this is a simple ask, if not do not worry. If you have a smaller plate, you can not fit as much on it, so will definitely eat less.

  • When at a buffet at a party or other event, follow the same rule. Have one plate only, fill it half with salad or vegetables, and have plenty of chicken legs (they always seem to have these at buffets) Just keep away form the carbs (pastry/ crisps etc) and stock up on protein (chicken, ham, sausages)

  • Do not nibble on sweets, crisps, nuts throughout the day! If you must have some then portion it, take a separate bowl and have a handful (one handful) and eat this portion and this portion alone. If you don't portion and instead nibble and graze, you do not realise how much you have eaten, and can over eat very easily.

  • For desert, have some!! (only if you want) But have a normal portion, not a huge one, you can always say you are full from dinner, so can not manage a large portion. The key with dessert is, if you can have it without cream, ice-cream etc; this can easily add another 200 calories.

It really is all about portion control, here's a picture to help you.

If you can not follow these tips, it does not matter! What you need to do is pick 3 or 4 big events, and have whatever you want during these dinners/parties, and just eat moderately and healthily for the rest of the time.

I hope these tips help you take control of your diet over the holidays. Let me know what your favourite portion control tip is. 


Holiday style| What to wear at Christmas

With the arrival of the holidays, I'm sure everyone's calendar is rammed full of parties and events, I know mine is. So I'm going to share my ideas of outfits that can see you through the season.
First step pick a simple dress that you would be able to accessories and wear with different colours and fabrics, this will give you more scope for wearing it for multiple occasions.

The dress

The Versatile Blogger Award

I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face, as I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award (my first award of any type, so super happy). It also makes it more special due to the fact I have only been writing this blog for a month, so to be admired and recognized this early on means a lot. Thanks

I was nominated by the lovely Natalie. Please check out her blog, she is a beautiful girl who does great reviews!

The Rules for this award are super simple: 
1. Thank the person who nominated you and give them a shout out on your blog with a link to their blog.
2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Send on the award to 15 other bloggers whose blogs that you appreciate and then let them know that they have won the award.

So here are the 7 random facts about me:

  1. I laugh way too much! I literally laugh when happy, nervous, excited, anything, but then a lot of the time I can't stop and end up in tears.
  2. I love animals. My mother used to work at an animal refuge, so a lot of the animals needed 24 hour care, meaning they would come home with her. So my house has always been full of many types of animals, such as baby hedgehogs, blind cats, reptiles, birds, 3 legged cats, and my favourite; a sheep (who used to think it was a dog, so would play fetch etc, and run around with my other dogs)
  3. I lived in France for half of this year, and it was the best time of my life. It had always been a dream of mine to live in France, so to actually do it was amazing!
  4. I am obsessed with France. I love all things French, and think I should of been born there.
  5. I speak 4 languages (some not very well, but I can understand them) English, French, Italian and Spanish.
  6. Christmas is my favourite time of year! I turn into an excitable child. I have had my decorations up since the 1st of December, and started my Christmas shopping in October.
  7. I have a very large family. Which is made even larger and more complicated due to my parents multiple marriages and divorces.
I nominate:

Thank-you again. I hope you learnt a bit more about me via my random facts.


The Loch Ness Monster - Funny Joke

An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness Monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat high into the air. Then it opened its mouth to swallow both. As the man sailed head over heels, he cried out,

"Oh, my God! Please help me!"

At once, the ferocious attack scene froze in place, and as the atheist hung in mid-air, a booming voice came down from the clouds,

"I thought you didn't believe in me!"

"Come on God, give me a break!!," the man pleaded. "Two minutes ago I didn't believe in the Loch Ness Monster either!"


Girls with muscles| Weight Training for Girls

Oh good grief  I get sick of the media having a go at Jodie Marsh for her "new look". I don't particularly like the girl, but then again I've never met her, she might be lovely. But I do admire what she has done. She has radically changed her lifestyle, diet and exercise to make herself the fittest she can be. Yes the world of bodybuilding can not be the healthiest thing you can do to your body, due to extreme dieting shortly before the show and dehydration to draw out your muscles. But it sure is a hell of a lot more healthier than sitting on the couch eating chocolate and crisps.

Jodie Marsh goes demure in purple dress but can't resist showing tattoos
Taking some tips from Jodie Marsh? Katie Price took to her Twitter page today to share with fans a picture of herself after following a strict new regime with former Gladiators star Mark 'Rhino' Smith

Now because Katie Price has been photographed with a muscly man, the media are now scared she is going to end up looking like Jodie Marsh as well. I my honest opinion I agree when she is in competition and tensing then no its not a sexy look in my eyes, but when she is dressed up nicely in a dress, not tensing, she looks great, lovely and toned.

I hate that most girls are scared to do strength training because they are scared of getting muscles, but getting muscles will not mean you grow big, it means you become tight, not jiggling, not covered in cellulite. Girls should train more often, its a great rush to know you are just as strong as the next guy (literally). That you can lift a good weight, that you can do "man" pushups. Try it, you may surprise yourself.

What girls look like who weight train
Remember strong is sexy! Try adding some toning moves to your next workout! Don't be scared of those dumbbells!

18 Days To look Fabulous| Tone Up Quickly

It is 18 days till the big night, New Years Eve! This means we all have 18 days to look and feel amazing for the big event (whatever your plans are.) Most people spend the occasion catching up with those we have not seen for a while, so what better occasion to turn up and make jaws drop. It is obviously very hard to maintain our weight throughout the holidays, never mind lose weight. However it is doable, especially during the week between Christmas and New Year, as the majority of parties and get togethers happen before Christmas day. 

So what I'm suggesting is that we do not punish ourselves with relentless calorie counting, but instead make healthier choices. Here are my top tips;

  • Do you need an extra glass of wine after the 3 you've already had? Try swapping a large glass of wine (185cal)  for a vodka lime and Soda (76 cal), this will save you around 110 calories.

  • Always have a healthy breakfast. You can at least start the day right. Have a healthy filling and nutritional breakfast, for example a smoothie, for your vitamins, then scrambled or poached egg on wholemeal toast. The protein will ensure you stay full untill lunchtime, and if you are hungover the eggs enzymes are good for your hangover (if you can stomach it.)

  • Have a health lunch as well! If two out of 3 meals are healthy, it will make a difference. Plus if you have eaten well for most of the day, you will less likely want to ruin your good work, by indulging too much for dinner. Have some soup, hummus with carrot/ celery/ pitta bread, or warm Chicken and pasta salad (in a tomato sauce, not creamy!!)

  • Have a 30 minute brisk walk 5 days out of 7. Try going for a walk after your dinner, this will help your digestion also, so you will feel less bloated. Wrap up nice and warm and take the family or dog with you. If you don't fancy walking at night, then try walking to work, or get off your bus or tram a stop early and walking the rest. It may only be 10 minutes extra, but it will help boost your metabolism meaning you will burn more calories when you are sat at your desk all day.

  • Do some strength exercises, even if you are new to it. Did you know that for every pound of extra muscle you gain, you burn an extra 150 calories a day! Plus it will help your posture, and the dreaded cellulite! So if you plan on wearing a short dress you need to be doing some lunges! 
    • All I am asking you to do is 50  bicycle crunches in the morning when you wake up, and 50 before you go to bed. Bicycle crunches work the whole abs area, so will help trim your waist quicker. 
    • Plus 50 squats while you brush your teeth in the morning and again in the evening. It is better than just standing there, plus squats are a great calorie burner, but make a great difference to the toning of your legs and ass... We'll all be looking like Beyonce in no time.

Now I am absolutely certain that everyone of you reading this will be able to do these small but significant things every day over the next 18 days. It really will make a difference your body, your skin, your hair, and it will ensure you look fabulous on the biggest night of the year.

Lets go for it! Let me know what your plans are for the New Year?

Christmas Time, Tree time| Christmas Tree Inspiration

So it's that magical time of year again where all the Christmas tree's start appearing again. As someone who is very proud of her tree decorating skills, and see's herself as being creative I love nothing more than admiring other peoples Christmas trees.

This evening I was lucky enough to be spending a few days at my family home, so was there in perfect time to help put the tree up. I love my dad's house at Christmas as it has an old fashioned vibe going on, everything is colorful, glittery and miss match, but yet cosy and heart-warming. We get a big real tree, and have lots of fun and arguments disputing when the tree is level and even. We then have a section each to ram as many baubles, beads and glitter on. I had such a great time with my little brother and sister, Dad and Step mum.

I've also Included a few pictures of my very different tree at my own flat in Newcastle. It's not quite the same, a bit more artificial and modern, but I still love it. 

How does everyone else decorate their tree? Modern, Traditional, miss match or minimalistic?


Moving Moles Aka Beauty Spots| Fake Beauty Spots

My beauty spot above my right eye :)
(Please excuse the really old picture)
Moving places: On Saturday evening Kelly Rowland's beauty spot had moved in a matter of hours
Moving places: On Saturday evening Kelly Rowland's beauty spot had moved in a matter of hoursSo thankfully I am blessed with a lovely mole on my face, which I call my beauty spot. I do not mind my little mole, it is in a discreet area, and I like it.

I share this information with you due to the fact that recently thanks to the lovely Miss Kelly Rowland, fake beauty spots are becoming more popular. She has been seen throughout X Factor UK with a fake beauty spot on her lovely face. It has been very obvious as she likes to move this beauty spots location, from her lip, to her cheek, to her other cheek, back to her lip.

I personally do not use the fake beauty spot, and my friends do not either. Although I have do know a couple of people who have cleverly disguised a spot as a beauty spot with the clever use of some eyeliner.

So I would like to hear from you lovely ladies on your opinions about this beauty trick. Is is something you have done before, if so what products did you use to ensure said spot did not end up as a smear at the end of the evening. Or if you think it is ridiculous?

The importance of Health! Which life are you designing?

This image popped up on my Dashboard on Tumblr, and it really struck a cord with me. I may not be the healthiest person in the world, but I have a great respect for it, and thankfully a knowledge of it.

I get really annoyed by people who assume that because they are slim or skinny, whatever, they believe that they are healthy. Because I can tell you many of them are not. Your weight is not a representation of your health, you can be slim yet still have unhealthy fat around your organs that can damage them. You can be skinny, yet be unfit, and not have strong bones and muscles to support you, that will quickly deteriorate with age. There are plenty of people out they who may be classed as overweight, due to their high BMI's yet, they are healthier than people who are deemed healthy because of a lower weight.

I am not consistent with my health and fitness, but I do try, and I know that although "overweight" I am a lot fitter and healthier than some of my friends. Nutrition has a lot to do with it, and since drinking smoothies everyday for breakfast, which include on average half a mango, quarter of a cucumber, handful of berries, one banana, and a handful of spinach, I can't believe the crap I used to start my day with. Even just walking for 30 minutes a day is better than nothing. I believe that everyone should be active at least once a day. There is no excuse for not working out these days, especially with the computer games and DVD's that mean you don't have to trek to a gym, they make working out work round your schedule (although exercise should always BE part of your schedule). Even if injured with a bad back, or leg etc, do some gentle exercise such as yoga (which is amazing!)

Can you do this? Jane Fonda seen in a still from one of her new fitness DVDs, which are aimed at baby boomersOverall you may be young now, but how you live your life now will effect how you live it when you are older. Your body has a very good knowledge of how you treat it, and it will treat you the same as you age. Treat your body well and it will look after you for years. Abuse your body and it will soon shy and retire from yourself, and will refuse to work properly.

Just take the picture for example, or look to Jane Fonda for inspiration. At 73 she has just release a new exercise DVD. She admits she can;t do everything she used to, but she tries. (And she still looks fabulous doing it.)

Please just think about how you treat your body. Even just aim for 4 days healthy, 3 days not, and try and build it up and up. Aim for healthy breakfast and lunches, every little bit will help, and the more you do it, the more it become a habit.

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