

Download Windows 7 Loader V 2.1.7 By Daz

Windows 7 loader by daz memang luar biasa, dengan menggunakan windows 7 loader by daz ini, kita bisa mengatasi windows not genuine atau windows trial karena windows 7 loader ini fungsinya seperti membuat windows yang kita gunakan menjadi full version.
Kalau dulu saya sudah pernah share windows 7 loader v2.1.5 by daz, sekarang saya akan bagikan versi terbarunya yaitu windows 7 loader v2.1.7 by daz yang sudah pasti ada perbaikan dari versi-versi sebelumnya.
Saya sendiri menggunakan windows 7 loader by daz ini untuk membuat windows yang saya gunakan menjadi seperti full version agar tidak di blok oleh pihak microsoft.

Screenshot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Kalau ada pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan pesan dan semoga semua yang ada di haramain software bermanfaat.

Download Hide IP Easy Full Version With Patch

Hide IP Easy full version with patch, dari namanya sudah jelas menunjukkan fungsinya yaitu untuk menyembunyikan IP asli atau bisa di sebut mengganti atau merubah IP yang asli dan di ganti dengan IP palsu.
Hide IP Easy full version with patch ini mampu membuat IP kita menjadi aman bagi yang takut IP yang di gunakan disalah gunakan oleh orang lain.
Untuk di perhatikan tidak semua alamat palsu pada software ini kecepatan acces internetnya sama dengan IP aslinya, bahkan bisa saja tidak bisa di gunakan.
Bagi sahabat yang menggunakan Hide ip easy full version with patch ini agar menyesuaikan negara dan ip yang cocok agar kecepatan internet sesuai dengan yang di inginkan.

Screenshot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link di bawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua sahabat haramain software.

New Video -- Accelerating the Death of Bad Ideas

Let's summarize the main takeaway points from this video, and add some related thoughts which aren't precisely in the video:

1.That our "movement" is not truly a movement, but a collection of movements which jointly compose a non-feminist microcosm of humanity.

2 .That this microcosm constitutes the politically-awakened part of the non-feminist macrocosm.

3. That this microcosm is growing, and pulling in more and more of the surrounding non-feminist macrocosm, and that the latter is becoming politically awakened in consequence.

4. That the (politically awakened) non-feminist microcosm and the (politically awakening) non-feminist macrocosm jointly compose the non-feminist sector.

5. That the non-feminist sector constitutes the world at large, and that "the world" is not a group which can be singled out as a political entity.

6. That as the politically awakened non-feminist microcosm grows and swallows more and more with the non-feminist macrocosm, ideological schisms and organic differentiations of function will naturally form.

7. That such schisms and differentiations are inevitable, are part of  "how the world works", and are a source of strength rather than weakness.

8. That such fractionization may be considered a new twist on "divide and conquer", i.e. that you divide yourself in order to effect conquest, rather than divide the opposition for that purpose.

9. That the specifically feminist system of moral evaluation has been nullified -- hence the saying that everybody is entitled to be liberated from feminism.

Download Theme Re-Degetized For Windows 7

Theme windows 7 sudah bukan lagi sesuatu yang baru yang haramain software bagikan karena sudah begitu banyak theme-theme keren yang sudah haramain software share untuk sahabat haramain software.
Kali ini saya bagikan theme lagi untuk sahabat haramain software yaitu theme Re-degetizet for windows 7. theme ini juga adalah salah satu theme keren yang saya bagikan dan seperti yang sebelumnya theme yang haramain software bagikan sudah saya coba sebelumnya agar tidak terjadi masalah.

Screenshot :

Kalau gambar di atas kurang besar, klik kanan pada gambar kemudian open link in new tab ( buka di tab baru ) untuk melihat gambar yang lebih besar.
Kalau ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. install terlebih dahulu universal theme patcher jika pada pc sobat belum terinstall universal theme patcher kemudian restart.
  2. setelah restart extrak file dan buka folder Re-Degetized theme copy semua file yang ada dalam folder Re-Degetized theme ke Local C/ Windows/ Resources/Themes.
  3. setelah selesai di copy klik kanan di desktop pilih personalize dan pilih theme yang barusan sahabat HS install ( Copy ).
  4. Kalau yang ingin menggunakan transparat, gunakan Vista glass untuk membuat transparat.
  5. Selesai.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Download CCleaner 3.2.1 Business Edition Full Version

CCleaner memang tidak boleh diremehkan kemampuannya dalam menjaga PC kita agar tetap dalam keadaan baik. CCleaner juga rajin update dalam sebulan sekali CCleaner akan update versi terbarunya.
Pda 25 juli 2012 lalu CCleaner menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu CCleaner 3.2.1 business edition. Pasti sahabat haramain software sudah tau fungsi dari CCleaner 3.2.1 business edition.
CCleaner 3.2.1 business edition adalah software yang mampu membersihkan sampah sampah yang ada pada pc yang kita gunakan. Selain untuk membersihkan sampah-sampah, software ini juga bisa di gunakan untuk menguninstall program-program yang susah untuk di uninstall dan CCleaner ini menguninstall sampai ke akar-akarnya.

Screenshot :

Untuk cara install sudah saya sertakan lengkap di dalam file yang di download dan bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link di bawah ini.

Silahkan download sepuasnya karena saya sudah menyiapkan banyak link didalam satu link yang bisa digunakan yang mana saja.

Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.12 Beta Build 8 Full Version

Kalau Masalah Internet download manager rasanya sudah terlalu sering haramain software menjelaskan. Intinya adalah internet download manager ini atau yang lebih sering di sapa IDM ini fungsinya adalah untuk mempercepat download.
Karena internet download manager adalah software yang sangat populer karena kemampuannya yang bisa membuat proses download menjadi lebih cepat, sudah banyak sekali yang memposting tentang internen download manager.
Kali ini saya akan bagikan internet download manager yang terbaru yaitu IDM atau internet download manager 6.12 beta build 8 full version karena sudah saya lengkapi dengan patch yang fungsinya untuk membuat menjadi full version.

Screenshot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.


Men's Rights Reddit has an Alter-Ego at EpicTopic!

Somebody has talked me into being a moderator on a new web community, similar to a Subreddit. The name of this web community is Men's Rights --Pro-Male Knowledge Base, and it is located at, here: 

As you see, I have posted the very first item. It is a very important Call-to-Action video by GirlWritesWhat, and I know you will not regret giving it a look -- yes, it is that important!  Here it is:

Anyway, please do bookmark this, and spread the word, and help us to make it grow.

Also, join and post your own topics.



Fitness Friday| A new fitness favourite Cani-X

South Lakeland-20120801-01015-tileIMG-20120801-01011-tile_44459445_canix300-horz

Well I don’t now about you, but I have well and truly been swept away by the Olympic spirit. I love seeing the country come together to share moments of joy; the athletes pushing themselves far and beyond their limits for glory; and learning more about sports I’d never paid any interest to previously. I really do hope that these games inspire a generation. If not a generation, at least they have inspired me.

My little fitness or health kick has came from finally finishing university, so having no excuse of a crap diet and late nights spent in the library for my unfitness, and from the fact I went for my bridesmaid dress fitting and my dress did not fit! Argh! Well the zip reached, but we didn’t force it as did not want to pull the chiffon. So I need to get fit and thinner, and what better time than when the nation is enthralled in sport.

So my mother decided that she would introduce me to her new favourite hobby Cani-X, which is basically running with your favourite furry friend. You have a special lead which you strap around your waist, the lead then has your dog attached on a sort of bungee rope. It’s great really as both you and your dog get an extra hard work out, as you both work together and at times end up pulling each other along. I know my dog Archie, pulls me up the hills.

I used to run quite often when I was younger and loved it, there is no better feeling than a runners high. However after not running for a long time, and being un-fit my first run was pretty hard! It was extra hard for me as I’m a road runner, so fell running was a completely different experience. Yes it is easier on your joints as you are on grass most of the time, but your joints are the only thing its easier on! You work what seems like every other muscle while you try and keep yourself level when running across uneven ground in fields, and running up hills! Oh the hills! I don’t bare well on them at the moment.

However I am loving it! It makes running so much more fun because you are with your dog, and also the views from the top of the fell are amazing, as you can see above. The pictures above show my mum and I with our running partners George and Archie; the hill I aim to run too and from in a couple of weeks (it doesn’t look too steep in the picture, but it is); and me feeling great after my run. I also added a few pictures from Google showing you how its done properly.

I’ve added a link to a Cani-X website if anyone wanted extra information-

Has anyone else been inspired to try a new sport after watching the Olympics? Or have you ever tried Cani-X?


Let Us Now Bitch-Slap Joseph Biden!

Let us bitch-slap the crap out of Vice-President Joseph Biden. Let us STFU the hell out of him! He is a filthy liar, a piece-of-shit feminist collaborator, a traitor to all men and to all women of conscience, and you can tell him I said that!

Perhaps you have heard about the notorious episode where Biden "plagiarized" a speech by the British politician Neil Kinnock? Well, I'm not terribly fussed about that incident myself. Considering the trifling magnitude of what he actually did, I'd call it a faux-pas at worst. But still, I'd like to quote you the relevant passage. Here is what Biden said, which closely paralells what Kinnock said:
"Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go a university? Why is it that my wife... is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? ...Is it because they didn't work hard? My ancestors who worked in the coal mines of northeast Pennsylvania and would come after 12 hours and play football for four hours? It's because they didn't have a platform on which to stand."
Joe Biden sounds mighty frigging proud of his ancestors who worked 12 hours in a coal mine and played football for four hours when they got off shift. Personally, I think they were a contemptible lot of fools. I would spend every precious second of those four hours recuperating from the trauma of twelve hours in the pit -- that's what I would do! If I wasn't sleeping like a lump of anthracite for that entire time, I would be doing something, you know . . . spiritual! Something intellectual. Something restorative, cleansing, uplifting. Something that would develop my "inner platform", if you know what I'm saying.

 But Joe Biden's ancestors -- oh no, they didn't have much common sense, did they? They preferred to bang around on a field for four hours immediately after banging around in dark, poisonous, life-threatening conditions for 12 hours -- leaving a slim eight hours in which to sleep, eat, wash up and whatever else before they went back down again. You know what? It looks like Joe Biden's ancestors weren't exactly the brightest lamps in the mineshaft. . .were they?

All right, now that I've insulted Joe Biden's ancestors, let's dig down to the real coal seam of the matter. We all know that Mr. Biden is an incorrigible bigot, with a one-track mind, on the subject of domestic violence. He is also what we call a white knight, a gynocentrist, or a woman-firster. That is to say, he is perfectly happy to throw innocent men under the bus in order to serve women. When he was a kid, little Joey's sister Valerie would slap him around with impunity, protected by a parental "nuclear sanction" if her brother should ever strike back -- even in self-defense!
"In my house, being raised with a sister and three brothers, there was an absolute - it was a nuclear sanction, if under any circumstances, for any reason, no matter how justified, even self-defense - if you ever touched your sister, not figuratively, literally. My sister, who is my best friend, my campaign manager, my confidante, grew up with absolute impunity in our household."
"And I have the bruises to prove it."(laughter)
"I mean that sincerely. I am not exaggerating when I say that."(laughter)
And it seems that these were not the only occasions when little Joey would let his sister get away with anything:
"When they were children, Mr. Biden was a member of the safety patrol, but he turned in his shiny blue badge rather than report his sister for her bad behavior on the bus one day. "
 And now that little Joey is a big Liberal Democrat Vice-President, he wants to inflict his own childhood on the entire male population. That is why he sponsored the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)  back in 1994 (with a little help from Conservative Republican Orrin Hatch) and that is why he goes on repeating anti-male lies in order to maintain this legislation in its pristine radical feminist form.

So, Teri Stoddard has posted a call-to-arms over at the SAVE Services website, exhorting us all to get in Joe Biden's face. Now, I don't believe for one minute that Biden doesn't know where it's at. He knows perfectly well what the dispute is; many people, in many ways, have informed him over the years. And yet, Biden has never once acknowledged the state of the debate. If he would at least hold a press conference and flat-out tell us we are WRONG, that would be a huge step forward.  The trouble is, that he has never admitted the existence of any controversy at all. He keeps it in the shadows because he knows that if he shines a lamp on it, it will enter the public discourse and there will be no end to it.

So in a nutshell, Joseph Biden is a guilty dog who knows exactly what the problem is but won't step up to the plate because he wants to keep the problem just the way it is. And if I am wrong about that, then he had better call a big press conference and PROVE that I am wrong about that!

Very well, go now and read Teri Stoddard's statement at SAVE. You will find plenty of good links there.And consider e-mailing the politicians in question, especially Biden himself. But I urge you to maintain at least a "barely respectful" tone, difficult as that may be. If you intend to savage him,  you should do this in public statements and not in private communications:

But seriously now, I don't believe this chump will ever amend his ways.  And that is why I'd like to sentence him to a  northeast Pennsylvania coal mine for the rest of his life. He should work the ancestral 12 hours under the same conditions his ancestors worked -- none of these new-fangled union benefits!  And every day when he trudged wearily out of the mine at the end of his shift,  a bevy of Playboy bunnies in swimsuits would be lolling near the exit eating strawberry shortcake. On random occasions, one of them would walk up and smack him upside the head the way Valerie used to do, leaving a bruise to prove it. And if Joseph Biden ever so much as touched that Playboy bunny --  not figuratively, literally, even in self-defense -- then he would directly get a nuclear sanction in the form of a 400-lb company guard pummeling him with a rifle butt. Then he would be sent away, snivelling, to his mandatory four hours of football.


Download PCSX2 0.9.9 PS2 Emulator Full Bios + Plugins

Pernahkah sahabat haramain software bermain game PS2 di laptop atau PC sahabat HS ?. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah software yang fungsinya adalah untuk memainkan game PS2 di PC yang kita punya sekalian software ini juga sudah di request dan mohon maaf baru bisa posting sekarang dikarenakan saya harus benar-benar tahu apakah PCSX ini berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak setelah saya yakin bisa baru bisa saya share.
PCSX yang saya bagikan ini sudah dilengkapi dengan bios, plugins dan lain-lain yang intinya sahabat haramain software bisa tinggal menggunakan PCSX ini. Untuk setting joystick / stick USB atau ingin menggunakan keyboard silahkan atur sendiri karena saya yakin pasti ada yang menggunakan stick dan ada juga yang hanya menggunakan keyboard.

Screen shoot :

Cara menggunakan :
  • Extrak file yang di download ( agar hasilnya bagus,extractnya di document )
  • jalankan pcsx2.exe akan keluar tampilan seperti gambar di screen shoot.
  • Jika ketika menjalankan pcsx2.exe keluar tulisan MSVCR100.dll not found, berarti sahabat HS harus menginstall MS visual C++ 2010 ( usahakan ketika menginstall terkoneksi dengan internet ) kalau tidak punya bisa download disini.setelah install ulangi langkah yang kedua.
  • Setelah keluar gambar seperti di screen shoot, buka menu CDVD dan pilih ISO kemudian buka lagi CDVD kemudian pilih Iso Selector kemudian browse. cari file iso game yang ingin di mainkan kemudian ok.
  • Setelah itu buka menu system dan klik Boot CDVD ( Full ) / CDVD ( Fast ) pilih salah satunya tapi lebih baik pilih yang Fast. Selamat Bermain.
Bagi yang belum bisa setting joystik di PCSX2 0.9.9, bisa lihat tutorialnya di youtube judulnya tutorial setting joystik 0.9.9.

Spesifikasi yang direkomendasikan untuk emulator PS2
  • Windows XP/Windows 7 or Linux 32bit/64bit
  • CPU: Core 2 Duo 3.2 GHz or Core-i series
  • GPU: GeForce 9600 GT or better
  • 2GB RAM (3GB or more if using Windows Vista or Windows 7)
 Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Link update 19 Desember 2012

Semoga Brrmanfaat


Download Connectify Pro V3.5.1 Full Version With Keygen

Connectify adalah software atau aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk membuat sebuah perangkat router. serta dapat membagi koneksi internet yang sedang kita gunakan ke perangkat lain melalui jaringan wifi.
Dengan menggunakan connectify pro v3.5.1 full version with keygen ini, sahabat haramain software bisa membuat hotspot sendiri hanya dengan menggunakan laptop atau pc yang sahabat haramain software punya dan tentu saja harus suport wifi.
Bagi sahabat haramain yang sudah sering menggunakan software ini pasti tau kalau software ini sangat bermanfaat.

Screen Shoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link di bawah ini.

NB :
Matikan koneksi internet dan jalankan ConnectifyInstaller.exe. gunakan keygen untuk membuat menjadi full version.
Semoga bermanfaat.

A Report from the Real World

A reader left a very absorbing and compelling statement on a recent Counter-Feminist post. First, you'll want to read that post in order to get the context:

Now here is the reader comment in question:
"My x husband was abused by his new wife for 11 yrs. Domestic charges were filed against him 2x which were dropped by her. These rages his wife had were always over my son & me. I could never figure that one out. Needless to say my x was framed by his wife (and her new boyfriend). He went to trial & did not get to testify in his own behalf (lawyers advice). He is now serving 13-18 months in prison for a crime he did not commit. An appeal has been filed, he shares the cell with a convicted murderer. Where has our justice system gone? Our families are in pain & most of all my son. This women made 6 years of his childhood a pure hell. I cried many a night wondering if she was going to hurt him when his father wasn't around. I never was afraid of my x. So please say a prayer for our family. There are many bad people in this world and women aren't exempt".

"Advice welcome."

Bear in mind that the narrative given above contradicts the feminist narrative, and so it is in the interest of feminism to suppress stories of this nature. And indeed, based on years of observation, we have found this to be the normative pattern of feminist behavior. Whatever puts men in the worst possible light gets exhibited front-and-center, and whatever puts women in a such a light gets tidied away into the shadows.


Feminists: Are you willing to negotiate peaceful coexistence?


Dressed Up Nails| NOTD

photo (9)-tile

Just a little quick post today to share some of my new nail polishes with you. As I mentioned earlier this month, as my new job is office based, as opposed to hospitality based, I now have the luxury of being bale to wear nail varnish! I know it’s only a small thing, but after working in hospitality for 7 years and only being able to paint my nails for nights out, to be able to take time and effort to create pretty nails is great.

Nail varnishes 3,4 and 5 are from a pack I bought this past weekend from TKMaxx. I’m not the biggest fan of this shop, as I don’t like the jumble sale atmosphere it has, however every now and again I take a look it to try and find some gems, and found a variety of 3 pack Nail Inc selections for only £11. Considering a single Nail Inc varnish can cost £11 I essentially got two free varnishes. Sometime soon I aim to buy some nail art pens and nails stamps so I can create more complex nail art looks. So keep your eyes pealed for more nail of the day posts.

Which on of my new polishes is your favourite? Do you have any recommendations for nail art pens and tools?

P.S Don’t forget to vote for me for the Best Newcomer at the Cosmo Blog Awards. Its would mean so much to me!
Just click the link and select my blog-Vote for Me :D

The Gift that Gives Diddly!

On the blog post just prior to this, I received the following comment from one who signs as Simpsons Didit:
Speaking of peaceful co existence with the feminists. . . . The feminists at manboobz have given u[s] the okay to be anonymous online just like them.

They pretty much agreed to no longer [call] us cowards for being anonymous non feminists online.

I say take full advantage of this gift our friends the feminists have given us.
9:06 AM
And because I am familiar with the non-issue in question, and have given it some thought in the past, I felt moved to compose a response in the following terms:
You know, this irritates the tar out of me, because the so-called "gift" was never even theirs to give in the first place!

I mean, don't they realize that anonymity and the use of "handles" is established protocol in cyberspace anyway?? It's par for the course; it's accepted and a way of life; everybody does it! Did they truly not know that?

Plus, what the hell does it matter, if somebody uses their real name or not? When you are preaching about ideas and issues, it's the content that counts. Who you are as a person doesn't make a speck of difference; you are just a political "voice". Just a channel. Nothing but a channel.

So I can see precisely what they're attempting. They're being sneaky, hoping they'll trick us into mixing the personal with the political.

Yes indeed, that is what they are doing.

At any rate, my own policy in this regard won't change. It's business as usual for the ol' 'Bogester. Life goes on.

As for that swell little "gift". . . thanks for nothing, assholes!


Feminists: Are you willing to negotiate peaceful coexistence?


A Quick Reminder of Something Very Basic

We understand perfectly well what feminism is.

Feminist, don't you ever, ever, ever tell us that we don't understand what feminism is. We have studied feminism for years, in ways that you have never studied it. And we have learned things about feminism that you have never learned, and never will learn, because it would be impossible for you to know these things and still be a feminist.

You, feminist, are morally and intellectually incompetent to understand what feminism is. Everything you presume to tell us about feminism is, quite simply, rubbish. We can see very clearly what feminism is, having lived with it, and with its consequences, for half a century. As it is written somewhere in the Bible, "by their fruits shall ye know them." And the poison fruits of feminism are very, very evident to us indeed.

So, when you hear us non-feminists discussing feminism amongst ourselves, our talk might be difficult for you to comprehend. That is because we use the word "feminism" in a very different way than you do. Since we view feminism from the outside, as a system embedded in the universe at large, we possess an inherently higher level of information. Our knowledge, simply stated, is more complete, more holistic, more cosmopolitan, and more objective than yours. And this, our epistemic standpoint, is naturally reflected in our way of talking.

You are not us. . . and we are not you. And just as a person cannot fully see herself without the help of some external device -- a mirror, for example -- so likewise feminism cannot fully "see" itself. That can only happen by the help of some external device. And we, the rest of the world, ARE that device. We are that mirror.

Everything you know, or think you know, about feminism, is incomplete. And you cannot make good your incomplete knowledge simply by discussing feminist philosophy with other feminists. Such collective navel-gazing can do no better than drill you deeper and deeper into your collective navel. And the more profound becomes your knowledge of what feminists say about feminism, the more entrenched becomes your ignorance of what anybody else says about it. You believe that the world has a duty to understand feminism, but the truth is exactly the reverse.

Please don't bore us with the dictionary cop-out: "Look in the dictionary and see what feminism is"! All right, we looked, and what did we see? Alphanumeric characters stamped in ink upon a sheet of paper. Yes, yes, we know. Some bromide about "equality", right? But that tells us little or nothing of any value. You see, the world does not exist upon a sheet of paper, and unlike simple words such as dog, cat or apple, which map very clearly to tangible objects, "feminism" maps very poorly indeed.

So we have concluded that feminism can only be comprehended existentially, in real world terms -- as a set of practices and a set of consequences flowing from those practices.We have also concluded that to ask a feminist what feminism is, is only slightly more useful than consulting a dictionary. For we know by long experience that when a feminist describes feminism, this person is only describing what he or she personally believes feminism to be, and that such belief entails no epistemic warrant that ought to be considered privileged. In short, that to self-identify as "a feminist" puts you in no better position to know what feminism really is, than to self-identify otherwise.

Feminism impinges on our world as an alien force, gradually reducing the size and scope of our world and seeding it with dysfunction. We experience feminism as a pattern of linked developments trending toward a scripted future, and it does not amuse us to be told that what we are seeing "isn't really feminism", or that if we would read some feminist books we would learn what feminism really is. The irony is that we have indeed read our share of feminist books, and that such reading cements our conviction all the more because we see behind what the authors are saying.

Rather than listen to what feminism is supposed to mean, we elect to study tangible consequences and to draw conclusions from that quarter. Feminism's essence does not reside in some inner wellspring of theory or stated intention. Rather, it lies in what we plainly see happening in the realm of politics, or in the words and actions of undisciplined people. By these signs we know exactly what kind of world feminism would create.

Very well.. Feminism is nothing more and nothing less than what we ourselves define it to be. We look at the world, we outline a pattern of conditions and events, and we stick the word "feminism" to this pattern.  We have taken control of the word itself, and by the same stroke, taken control of the discourse which surrounds the word. And in the light of our conclusions, we draw the necessary maps for all of our future campaigns.


Feminists: Are you willing to negotiate peaceful coexistence?

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