

Told Ya The cult more troubles.....
From my 2012 Predictions completed Dec 21st 2011
65. TOM CRUISE. Is in for a rough year on all fronts. Family matters and romantic life is in for a big shake up this year. As well his career taking quite a few hits. One of which will be related to 
his belief in Scientology. Which itself will be dealt some blows this year.

A bit a Kilt.........Harry

So Harry Styles is dating Rod Stewart's daughter Kimberly.
Not that it's going to last.
But while it does Harry better behave.
As Scottish Dad's have quite a temper.

Download TeraCopy Pro v2.27 Final MultiLanguage Full Version With crack

Teracopy adalah salah satu software yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat proses Copy paste pada pc yang kita gunakan. Kalau kita mengandalkan bawaan windows yang kita gunakan, saya rasa bawaan  windows terlalu pelan dan butuh waktu cukup lama untuk copy paste file yang kapasitasnya lumayan besar.
Dengan teracopy ini, kita bisa mengcopy paste dengan kecepatan yang berlipatlipat dibandingkan dengan bawaan windows. Teracopy yang haramain software bagikan ini sudah dilengkapi dengan crack yang berfungsi untuk membuat menjadi full version.
Mungkin bisa saya bilang kalau software untuk mempercepat copy paste tidak hanya satu melainkan banyak, seperti SuperCopier, dan Extremecopy yang memiliki fungsi yang sama namun kembali lagi kepada sahabat HS, lebih suka menggunakan yang mana.

Screenshot :

Fitur TeraCopy Pro v 2.27 Final Multilanguage Full version :
  • Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.
  • Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
  • Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skips the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
  • Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
  • Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
  • Full Unicode support.
  • Windows 7 x64 support.
Link Download :

Jangan lupa bergabung di google+ admin HS dan facebook pages haramain software. Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

GREAT PIC OF ANTI-SEXISM GUY! — “We aren’t born sexist. Sexism is learned.” ~ (Yes! And it is often learned from PORNOGRAPHY)

“We aren’t born sexist. Sexism is learned.”~ That’s so true! And one of the main “teachers” of sexism is PORNOGRAPHY!So please help educate people about the harms of pornography so that they won’t watch it and support it, by liking, sharing, following and commenting on our blog, other sites and posts! Thanks! Full text of image:“We aren’t born sexist. Sexism is learned.Revolutionize your

Told Ya these people are VIOLENT THUGS
Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
7                  UKIP. The UKIP need to be watched very carefully, they are not what they claim to be. Remember the 1930's well they are of the same cloth. They are planning all kinds of demo's etc. Which will turn violent.

Download CCleaner 4.01.4093 Professional dan Business Edition Full serial dan Crack

CCleaner 4.01 Professional dan business edition. Saya yakin sahabat haramain software sudah sangat kenal dengan software yang satu ini. CCleaner adalah salah satu software utilitys yang berfungsi untuk membersihkan sampah-sampah yang ada pada PC yang kita gunakan dan juga CCleaner ini mempunya beberapa fungsi selain membersihkan yaitu sebagai uninstaller juga dan menghapus registry yg bermasalah.
Dengan CCleaner ini akan membuat kinerja PC kita menjadi tetap stabil dan masih banyak yang lain yang di hasilkan oleh CCleaner ini, apalagi yang saya akan share bukanlah yang gratisan melainkan yang versi business dan professional yang sebenarnya berbayar namun saya share secara gratis.

Screenshoot :

Changes in CCleaner 4.01.4093 (25 Apr 2013):
  • Improved History cleaning for Google Chrome.
  • Improved compatibility with Firefox v19 and newer.
  • Optimized Registry cleaning algorithm for Windows 8.
  • Improved Internet Explorer 10 compatibility.
  • Improved Duplicate File Finder tool.
  • Optimized System and Browser Monitoring (Pro Version).
  • Added cleaning for Adobe Acrobat XI, VSO Blu-ray and DVD Converter Ultimate, Oxygen XML Editor 14 and Connectify Hotspot.
  • Improved cleaning for Google Earth and MailWasher Pro.
  • Minor GUI improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.
Link Download :

Nb : Untuk cara install sudah saya sertakan didalmnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Told ya She's back but not for long......

Monday, November 12, 2012

Too funny........

My favourite lesbian Justin Bieber.
Is all upset that Selena Gomez, 
woke up and dumped him.
He thinks that it's not over.
That this is merely a blip, ha ha..
It was never on, clearly a PR stunt.
Just like I said when it started.
If he thinks 2012 is rough.
Wait till 2013 starts.


Finding An Elephant - Funny Joke

Mrs. Smith, the first grade teacher was quizzing her pupils on natural history. "Now, Johnny, tell me where is the elephant found."

Johnny struggled for the answer. Finally with a look of pride he blurted out: "The elephant is so big that he's never lost."

The Smart Horse - Funny Animal Joke

A cowboy fell off his horse and broke his leg while strolling out on the prairies. The steed grabbed his master's belt in his teeth, carried him to the shelter and then went to fetch the doctor.

Talking it over a few weeks later, a friend of the cowboy's praised the horse's intelligence. "Quite a horse you've got there, he said. "Smart as a whip."

"Heck, he's not so smart," replied the cowboy. "He came back with the veterinarian."

Room For The President - Funny Joke

A man walked into a hotel. "I'd like a room for tonight," he told the clerk.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we have no vacant rooms," the clerk answered.
"Not even one room?" the man asked.
"No, sir, we're full tonight," said the clerk.

The man thought for a moment. "Please tell me, if the President of our country came in and asked for a room, would you give him one?"

"If the President asked for a room, I would find one for him!" the clerk replied.

"Well, the President is not coming here tonight. So give me the room you would have given him!"

The Oldest Profession - Funny Joke

A surgeon, an engineer, and a politician were debating which of their professions was the oldest.

"Eve was made from Adam's rib," said the surgeon, "and that, of course, was a surgical procedure."

"Yes," countered the engineer, "but before that, order was created out of all chaos—and that most certainly was an engineering job."

"Aha!" exclaimed the politician triumphantly. "And just who do you think created the chaos?"

Earl Silverman -- Rest in Peace

I have lifted the following from A Voice for Men:
Tomorrow night, Saturday, April 26 2013, we will be airing a special episode of AVFM Radio, commemorating the life and work of Earl Silverman, the man who founded and operated the only refuge for battered men in Canada. Mr. Silverman committed suicide after the shelter, which was completely ignored by the Canadian Government, fell into hard economic times.

While the circumstances and precise reasons for his decision are not known at this time, we do know that Earl had struggled for years to provide services to men who needed to escape violent relationships. He was first exposed to that violence when he was married to an abusive woman. He sought out help for that and found there was none. Against all odds and in spite of the fact that the Canadian government summarily rejected all of his requests for funding, he pushed ahead with plans and provided services to battered men out of his own pocket and with meager contributions from a largely uncaring society.

Said one advocate today:

"The fellow I was staying with in Calgary hung himself this morning. He had spent 20 years fighting the courts and agencies of government to have men recognized as victims of domestic abuse worthy of equal treatment by the courts and government. He was frustrated because no one seemed to care or do anything about it. In his own case, he was victimized first by his ex and later by a system that didn't care to hear him. No [one] wanted to help the battle.”

His death has just been confirmed by the medical examiner to James Huff.

AVFM Founder Paul Elam will be co-hosting the show with Operations Director James Huff. We will also be trying to bring you someone who knew Earl on a personal level and can give us much better insights into his work and his experiences in his final days.

The call in number for the show is 310-388-9709. All MHRAs are invited to call the show in order to pay their respects to Earl Silverman.

www.blogtalkradio.c ... attachment

Get your earplugs quick.....

Lindsay Lohan's brother Michael.
Has launched an App called 
" Just Sing It "
A karaoke thing.
Seems La Lohan is jumping on board 
to help promote is.
God help.
Send her to clinky, quick, please......

Told Ya Out without his "WIFE" in London

 Caught in London with a blonde...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Real dick......

Scott Disick, who is kind of a Kardashian.
By means of the his non-wife.wife.
Who is also the mother of his two children.
Is complaining to all that will listen.
That Kourtney stinks.
Seems she isn't using deodorant,
 whilst breast feeding.
What a wanker he is to say such a thing.
Hopefully though it the final nail in the coffin 
of this relationship.
So that he can return to the gutter,
 from where he crawled.
PS the anagram of his name is 
Scott Is Dick,
how true........

Told Ya More to come.....

Monday, December 24, 2012

Rough times ahead......

It's going to be a really rough year for one "Summer Holiday" loving 60's pop star.
As he get swooped up in the 
Jimmy Saville Sex scandal.
(plus others)

Told Ya Now he's gassing his people.

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
1                  Syria. Well if you think it's been bad so far, just wait till you see what the nutter has in store for the 1st three months of 2013. He will do things that you cannot begin to believe.


Love000002012 twitter handle....

Darlings It appears that someone with the TWITTER handle Love000002012 
is saying that I am a fraud .
Now I can't stop them from saying such things.
Free speech and all that.
But I can say 
By the way if you look up their twitter profile they have "NO" followers.
One can only assume that they live in the return dept of Walmart, 
somewhere and think that they can hang off Psychic Gossips coats.
By all means they can.

Disturbing statistic! Approximately 85% of porn revenue is generated by 4 countries: the U.S., China, Japan and South Korea

Who knew that South Korea was so into producing porn? (And maybe consuming it too.) Wow. Sad.Not to mention how all that money that people spend on pornography in all of those countries could be used to save so many people from hunger or actually starving to death! Tragic ~ For more informative Internet pornography statistics, check out Internet Filter Review!http://

TOld Ya Peter Andre returns to TV.........

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

As the ex fades, he rises……

Peter Andre aka ex Mr Katie Price.
Has had a rough time of late.
However he is about to show the World,
That he is truly talented.
But the best part is.
He will outlast his Ex.
Especially in 2013 TV ......

Hopefully SPECTRE will do the edit........

Recently returned from
Tom Cruise. 
Has conned Armie Hammer to co star,
 with him in a movie version of the 
1960''s TV Show.
" The Man From U.N.C.L.E."
God help us.
No doubt it'll make money. 
But really Tom Cruise as a man from uncle? 
More Like Grandad.
     Maybe this one will have a script unlike
Suppose it saves on the script writers fee though.

Fitness Friday| Overcoming Set Backs & Negativity


motivation step backsmotivation weightmotivation jillian

If I am honest with you I was a little unsure as to what to write about this week, but it wasn't until the top image came up on my tumblr dashboard that inspiration struck me. I hadn't seen it before and came across it at a time when I was feeling low about my weight loss health gain journey. 

It reads "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. When life is dragging you back, it means it's going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming."

This quote can be applied to any tough or difficult time in your life and I wish that I had heard it sooner for times of difficulty in my life, but if by sharing it I can motivate and encourage some of you then atleast it's helping someone!

For the past few weeks I have been feeling a little down about my healthy lifestyle journey. A few weekends ago I measured my body for the first time in three months. I was feeling great about myself and my body and wanted to confirm that I was actually making progress and it wasn't all in my head. Unfortunately that wasn't the case and I was upset to find out that I had only lost a couple of inches off my entire body in three months! I was so mortified! How could this be, I eat healthy, I workout often and for the 4 month prior to this I lost 19 inches... how can I have lost only a couple in 3 months! I spent a good day or so upset, demotivated and beating myself up about it and it wasn't until I found the image above that I gave myself a little talking to. 

Just because I had a set back does not mean I have gone completely off course. I need to remember how far I have come and remember how far I have to go. As you all know the less body fat you have the harder it is to lose it. So yes, last year my body will have lost inches fairly quickly because I had a lot of fat to lose, but this year it has less to lose so it's going to take twice as much effort to lose it. I need to refocus and keep aiming for my goal. As long as I am focused I will achieve it! So I am changing my workout routine .. less relying on running, more toning and HIIT, and I have to be stricter with my diet. My body was clearly becoming used to the routine it was in and was not burning as many calories as it used to, so it's time to shock it and put it through it's paces again so that it remains a lean, mean fat burning machine! 

So remember if you have a set back, it is not the end of the world! It may feel like it but I swear it's not! Hard work and perseverance will ALWAYS pay off! Remain focused and keep aiming for your goal! 

250advertalifeofgeekeryDon’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Vicki and her amazing lifestyle blog A Life Of Geekery, full of food, crafts, beauty and life. Her photos are truly gorgeous and I love her recipes!

*Images above are from tumblr*

Birthday Wish List


birthday wishlist

Red Bag //Phone Case // Jeans // Lamp // Lipstick // Cook Book // Water Bottle // Mac // Bowl //

Door Matt //Camera Bag // Blue Bag

Did you know that it's my Birthday in 13 days time! My birthday and I have a funny old relationship. Obviously I love the day as it's a day all about me, and I can behave like the princess that I think I am for the day, however at the same time I get anxious about it. Ever since I woke up on my 20th birthday and cried because I was no longer a teenager the feeling that I was growing old and time is flying by too quickly looms around on my birthday.

This year I will be 24 years old and to me that is a proper adult age! I remember when I was a little girl and I imagined my life as a 24 year old and it doesn't look much like it does at the moment. I imagined that I would be living in my own swish apartment in a city some where, working hard all day in my fancy office then partying all night in cocktails bars. I imaged that I was well into my career, had a fancy car and dreamy man.

When I was 10 these dreams were realistic as 24 was a million miles away. However 24 is now just around the corner and although I am not where I dreamt I would be when I was a little girl I am very thankful and happy where I currently am on my life's path. The only thing I have that I imaged I would have is my dreamy man and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him for what he puts up with from me! Even though I am just starting out in my career, I work hard, am gaining results for the company I work for, have a lot of responsibility, am appreciated and enjoy it. I don't yet own a swish apartment but the one I am renting is pretty damn gorgeous and even though it's not in the city it has the most gorgeous views which are a lot nicer than the rooftops I would probably look out over in a city!

I have to keep telling myself that 24 is not old!That I am still young and there is time to do the things I want to. Life does not have to pan out the way I imagined it would, as long as I grab the opportunities that come my way with both hands then I will be happy. I should never settle and should always be planning my next adventure.

I plan on spending my birthday with the biggest love in my life and will be celebrating with plenty of champagne at the weekend with my closest friends. I haven't asked for much, as I am quite picky and hard to buy for (apparently) but above is a selection of a few of the things I am hoping for or will be spending my birthday money on. Most is stuff I need; new house stuff, clothes that actually fit me, cute workout gear. The bags and lipstick are merely things I love!

They say that time flies when you are having fun, which must mean that my life is everything it should be and more, but am I the only weird one who worries that time goes by too quickly? How you you feel about growing another year older? 

250advertalifeofgeekeryDon’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Vicki and her amazing lifestyle blog A Life Of Geekery, full of food, crafts, beauty and life. Her photos are truly gorgeous and I love her recipes!

Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.15 Build 9 Full Version With Patch

Download IDM terbaru IDM 6.15 Build 9 Full Version. Tanggal 25 april 2013 kemarin, IDM atau internet download manager menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu IDM 6.15 Build 9.
Seperti yang kita tahu, IDM adalah software yang sangat luar biasa dalam hal mendownload karena mampu mempercepat download menjadi berlipat-lipat. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share lengkap dengan patchnya yang sudah saya coba dan 100% working. Patch ini fungsinya untukmembuat IDM yang kita gunakan menjadi full version.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download, jalankan idman615.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan matikan lewat task manager
  3. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  4. kemudian klik patch
  5. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
  6. Kemudian klik OK
  7. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa gabung di Google+ admin atau Like Facebook page haramain software karena jika haramain software tidak bisa di akses, kami akan memberitahukan lewat facebook dan Google+.

Download WebcamMax Final MultiLanguage Full Version With Patch and Keygen

WebcamMax final full keygen and patch. Saya dulu sudah juga share yang versi dan berhubung sudah ada yang terbaru, sekarang saya akan share yang terbarunya yaitu WebcamMax final MultiLanguage full version.
Tapi sebelumnya sahabat haramain software sudah tahu dengan software ini ? kalau ada yang belum tahu saya akan kasih tahu sekarang. WebcamMax ini adalah software pendukung webcam pada PC bagi PC yang mempunyai webcam. WebcamMax ini bisa dibilang fungsinya sama dengan crazytalk dan cyberlink youcam dan juga memiliki banyak animasi didalamnya yang akan membuat semakin menarik untuk digunakan.
WebcamMax ini juga suport dengan aplikasi video chat seperti yahoo messanger, skype, camfrog dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara install Patch dan Keygen :
  1. Matikan koneksi internet sobat
  2. Install program WebcamMax sampai selesai dan jangan langsun di jalankan
  3. Copy Patch dan keygen kemudian pastekan di tempat sobat menginstall WebcamMax
  4. Kemudian jalankan patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator kemudian klik Patch.
  5. Setelah selesai menggunakan patch jalankan keygen dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator kemudian Klik generate setelah itu copy serial yang muncul dan gunakan untuk meregistrasi WebcamMax sobat
  6. Ketika menggunakan keygen ada permintaan kode tulis saja disana sesuka sobat. nama sobat juga bisa kemudian klik generate.
  7. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa gabung di Google+ Admin agar tetap mendapatkan update terbaru dari blog ini.

Told Ya More trouble for Justin Bieber.......

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.


Coming to a TV screen near you soon.

Apparently there's a TV Show called 
" Calabasas CA ".
Is in the works.
Why Calabasas?
Well it's where Justin Bieber lives, The Kardashians plus other fame whore lowlifes.
No doubt it'll get viewers, but it will still be CRAP.

“The Myth of the Happy Hooker” – Formerly prostituted woman Rachel R. Moran exposes the harsh reality of prostitution

PLEASE READ AND SHARE this compelling article about formerly prostituted woman @RachelRMoran and her new book “Paid For”! ~~ It’s very disturbing but very moving and educational![Irish Times] — The first man to take Rachel Moran into his car for £10 hand relief in 1987 didn’t care that the 15-year- old was homeless after being thrown out by her mother, who had schizophrenia and was addicted to

TOLD YA More arrests and charges NOTW/THE SUN

Friday, December 23, 2011

That old sinking feeling..........

Piers "Lardyface" Morgan.
Seems to be getting into ever deeper water.
He's had to testify in the phone hacking scandal 
in the UK.
Well he may think he's in the clear.
But it is going to get even deeper the water Piers.
Better start taking swimming lesson.
Mind you, you are bloated enough both 
in body and ego.
So maybe you will just float through it.
But 2012 for The Sun/NOTW newspaper will 
be really troubling as police arrest 
more and more 
journalists and "Pals"

TOld Ya The End is nigh........Robert flies in to ?

Tuesday April 16th 2013

Told YA.......Well, well........

Seems things didn't go well for Kristen Stewart 
at Coachella over the weekend.
Look who she bumped into while hanging off Robert.
Liberty Ross, her love rival.
Karma is such a bitch.
Mind you we knew here for a long time Kristen was/is a cheat.

Download Game Iron Man Full Rip For PC By CG and HS Crew 100% Working

Games Iron Man For PC. Sudah lama rasanya haramain Software tidak berbagi game kepada sahabat haramain software. Kali ini saya akan bagikan game Iron Man kepada sahabat HS. Sahabat HS pasti sudah tau dengan Iron Man salah satu super hero dengan baju bajanya yang super dilengkapi dengan persenjataan yang sangat luar biasa, bahkan filmnya sangat laris manis.
Yang saya bagikan kali ini bukanlah filmnya melainkan gamenya yang sudah di Rip dari kapasitas aslinya yang 1,7 giga lebih menjadi hanya 147 Mb saja oleh CG and HS crew namun setelah diinstall maka kapasitasnya akan terlihat yaitu 1,7 Gb lebih dan sudah pasti game ini 100% working karena sebelum saya Rip game ini sudah saya coba.

Screenshot :

Recomended System Requirements :
  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • 3.4GHz Processor
  • 1.5GB RAM
  • 6GB Hard Disk Space
  • DirectX 9.0c
  • Radeon X1800/GeForce 7800 GT Video Card
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download Extract menggunakan winrar
  2. Buka Folder
  3. Jalankan Setup.bat kemudian ikuti instruksi yang ada
  4. Jika nanti ada pilihan tekan huruf Y/N,  tekan hurup Y saja di keyboard sobat
  5. Tunggu sampai selesai
  6. Setelah selesai, Jalankan GameLauncher.exe untuk memainkan, kemudian klik Launch
  7. Selamat bermain.
NB : Game sudah di coba pada windows 7 dan 100% working.
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung di blog HS dan semoga game ini menghibur.



Jennifer "JLO" Lopez.
Has started already to talk about making a movie of the Boston Bombings! WTF....
Really, a week later.
You have to be kidding.
This won't fly.

Wednesday’s Workout| HIIT the Beach| High Intensity Interval Training


workout wednesday hiit

How are your workout’s going girls? Are you still doing the 30 Day Abs Challenge? I am on day 4, a little behind, but still going strong! I’m getting the hang of mountain climbers and looking forward to trying next weeks moves. I find that each day gets easier so hope to see some inches lost soon!

Anyways on to this weeks workout. This week I am sharing with you one of my favourite workout videos from the Tone It Up girls. If you haven’t heard of Tone It Up before you need to go and check it out! It is a site run by two gorgeous girls that is a fun and motivating fitness community. They post regular workouts, recipes and challenges to get involved in, along with the added motivation of giveaways! Yesterday marked the start of their 3rd Annual Bikini Series, which is a 8 week challenge to get bikini ready. I’m all signed up for it and am currently looking through my Free Bikini Starter Pack.

The workout below is not from the Bikini Series but is still a great one! It demonstrates a number of moves for you to carry out for atleast 30 seconds to gain a High Intensity Interval workout. I wanted to share this workout as it is also very similar to the workouts I have be doing at my bootcamp class, so can tell you that they work you very hard! At bootcamp we work in pairs, one does one of the moves while the other runs a certain distance marked out by our trainer and runs back to the partner, which then releases them from the exercise move. You then swap! So the time you spend completing the interval move depends on how quick your partner runs… it makes it a bit more fun and interactive! If you don’t fancy getting out in the park and doing this, just complete each of the moves for 30-60 seconds and repeat as many times as you can! Aim for atleast 2 circuits!

High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best ways to burn fat quickly! So what are you waiting for, get going! Let me know what you think of the workout and if you give it a try! Also if you have any request for workouts that target specific areas I will do my best to find my favourite and share them with you!


250advertalifeofgeekeryDon’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Vicki and her amazing lifestyle blog A Life Of Geekery, full of food, crafts, beauty and life. Her photos are truly gorgeous and I love her recipes! Poster: “Sex trafficking is not just girls chained to a bed”

Here’s a powerful poster sharing the harsh reality of sex trafficking, by (@UniteWomenOrg) ~~~ Please like and share it to raise awareness! Also please like’s Facebook Page and follow them at Twitter to show solidarity and to help support the cause! Thanks! POSTER TEXT:Sex trafficking is not


Got a Problem With Male Human Rights?

The following piece of threat-narrative propaganda has recently been posted by Katie J.M. Baker on Jezebel.Com:

This article, as you will note, concerns the recent anti-male demonstrations at the University of Toronto. Please read the article carefully, and note the pattern, or rather sequence, which plays itself out.

First, an unabashed feminist acted like a dreadful pig. This feminist was captured on video and the video went viral on the internet, where the general population was exposed to it.  A load of  abusive and threatening comments were then directed at the feminist in question, or so we are told -- but not all of this is clearly substantiated, let alone vetted for authenticity.

A number of feminist supporters claim that the senders of the abusive material were something called "MRAs", yet proof is not given. For example, it is not known how many, if any, of the senders actually called themselves "MRAs" as opposed to merely being deemed such.

Furthermore, the term "MRA" is never properly defined in such a way that we could know if the terminological application is appropriate. If we were told precisely what an "MRA" supposedly is in the first place, we might hazard a guess whether the abusive commenters were actually in that class of people.

But Katie J.M. Baker offers no definition of terms. Therefore, all we've got to go on, is what the phrase itself plainly intones. The acronym "MRA" is said to mean "men's rights advocate", namely, one who is outspoken upon the subject of men's rights. The phrase contains nothing more than that, which means we are not entitled to conclude that an "MRA" is "a person who makes abusive statements or threats". Nor are we entitled to conclude that an "MRA" is a "stalker" or anything else of that nature.

Nothing in the phrase "men's rights advocate" even faintly hints at abusing, threatening, or stalking. I trust that I have made this point clear. If you impute anything further to the phrase "men's rights advocate", then you are reading more than the plain intention of the text will allow.

Very well, I would submit that Katie J.M. Baker is simply attacking the idea of men's rights in itself. For whatever reason, the idea that men (and boys) might have "rights" just like other people, does not sit well with her. But of course, she does not care to pronounce this openly because it wouldn't sound very nice to say "I don't think that men and boys have rights." So as feminists typically do, Ms. Baker conveys this feeling circumspectly, through the use of doubletalk. Yes, when Ms. Baker conflates men's rights advocacy with abuse and harrassment, it is the worst kind of doubletalk I can imagine.

Let me put it simply. Either you believe that men have rights just like other people -- namely, human rights -- or you do not. It is just that simple.  Even if you stuck the "MRA" tag to every abuser or misogynist on Earth, it would detract nothing at all from the stand-alone premise that men's rights are human rights. Yet Katie J.M. Baker is attempting something quite along this line -- her logic (if you can call it that) comports perfectly with such a motivation, and scarcely at all with any other.

Although few if any of the abusive commenters were self-described "MRAs", it wouldn't matter one jot if ALL of them were. Even if every self-described "MRA" on earth were as bad as Ted Bundy, it would still make no difference. All that counts in the present discussion is the issue of "men's rights", and whether men are entitled to such. Everything else is extraneous baggage that needs to be thrown off the wagon.

Yes, if you agree that men's rights are human rights, it doesn't matter who says it. So if Ted Bundy said it, it would be no less true than if Jesus Christ said it.

But I would conclude that everything in Katie J.M. Baker's article is designed to mystify this point by use of an irrelevant diatribe. The impression I get is that Ms. Baker doesn't want men to have human rights, so if I am mistaken about that Ms. Baker had better speak up and make it clear to all the world.

Oh wait.....does this mean that I am harassing her?

Something else.The viral video has gotten over 300,000 views, only some of which generated comments.  I mean, we are told only that "thousands" of comments arrived. However, of that number, not all would have been threatening or abusive. No doubt some of them were merely critical or insulting -- which seems about right in view of the redhaired feminist's appalling behavior. I mean, she needed to get some flack, in the same way that a local peer group might apply corrective social pressure to one of its misbehaving members. After all, such things are right and proper, and the cyber-age plays this timeless game by a whole new set of rules. By the end of the day, redhaired feminist is not such a special snowflake that she can't take peer correction from the human community -- she can jolly well suck it up and experience shame.

Bear in mind that the video would have gotten many views which generated no comments at all. So we are left to guess which percentage of those viewers were male human rights advocates. Remember, these viewers wrote nothing whatsoever -- which hardly makes them threatening abusers. And yet they too could be described as "MRAs". Couldn't they? You bet they could.

Not that it matters. The principle that men's rights are human rights is axiomatic, eternal and uncorruptible. Isn't it? You bet it is.

So Katie J.M. Baker, please get busy and explain why you feel that men's rights are not human rights.

And no, this is not harrassment. It is peer correction from a fellow member of the human community. You owe us an answer, Katie. And for your own sake, I'd think that you would want to clear up any possible misconceptions. I mean, if we non-feminist men and women are wrong, this is your chance to tell us why we are wrong.

So let us hear from you.

Crazy, crazy

Seems like Tara Reid,
 is back to her old bad behaviour.
After suffering a meltdown.
Because she didn't get a discount in an LA store.
She went, nuts again.
She'll be lucky to see the New Year at this rate.

MARKUS’S STORY: I’m Choosing to Quit Watching Porn Because I Want to Respect Women and Myself Again

Here’s the sad but hopeful story of Markus, who realized how his pornography use twisted his view of women, and then wisely decided to quit using it! Please share some positive feedback for Markus, to encourage him to continue on this positive path of setting a great example to all men of respecting women and respecting himself. We will make sure he gets it. Thanks! MARKUS’S STORY (male, 22,

Told Ya No X Factor for Khloe......


Saturday, September 8, 2012

X Factor favourite......

Khole Kardashian seems to be the front runner to become the new host of X Factor USA.
Dear God, talk about scraping the bottom of the talent barrel.
There are plenty of REALLY talented people in Hollywood that would be much better.
Come on Simon, go with talent not tart...
This will be a disaster.

Told Ya. DUMB the DUMBER still, he should just stay in the pool...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A sure flop.............

Olympic champion Ryan Lochte 
has a new TV reality Show,
" What would Ryan Lochte Do?"
Well for starters he shouldn't have a show.
He's like a deer caught in the headlights.
Won't make a season.
But worth a look for the giggles.

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