

"Inconvenient Truths"

From the online Otago Daily Times of New Zealand:
"New Zealand mothers kill more children than any other group in society and men are victims of domestic violence as often as women, a police investigation has found.. . . The review of 95 family violence deaths involving 101 victims between 2004 and 2011 revealed some "inconvenient truths", Family First national director Bob McCoskrie said." 
From the same article, further down:
"The ramifications are a public health system that tends to overlook male victims of domestic violence. . .  One example was White Ribbon Day, which he had been critical of because it focused on female survivors of domestic violence and there was "no comparable day for male victims" . . . "It is those biases which have been built into our system right the way through it, largely from feminist rhetoric that implies that males are always to blame."
 Notice that somebody is not bashful about calling out feminism by name.

 You can read the entire article here:

I reckon Dr. Martin Fiebert will add the survey to his bibliography when he gets around to it, eh? At latest count, the list contains 286 entries:

New Video -- Is Feminism a Good Thing? - Part 2

No more pornography at Yakima Valley Libraries

Good news! Concerned parents demanded no more porn access in their local libraries, and filters got installed! Read about their success below and then check out the link below that to learn more, including how you can help with this effort. Thanks!
YAKIMA, Wash.– Its been an ongoing issue for many Yakima Valley Libraries, people going in to use the public computers, only to look at pornography.

The War Against Men

Stop the War Against Men. . .
(or there will be no peace)

Makes sense, doesn't it? If a war continues -- any war at all -- then, ipso facto, there will be no peace. This is a straightforward, logical, humanitarian and non-violent statement.


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Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain yang ingin mendownload dan menggunakan windows 8 activator ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

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Extreme Copy Pro 2.2.2 mungkin bisa dibilang dari namanya sahabat haramain software bisa menebak fungsi dari extreme copy pro 2.2.2 full version ini.
Extreme copy pro 2.2.2 ini adalah software yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat pengcopyan pada PC yang kita gunakan. mungkin sahabat haramain software juga kenal dengan software yang bernama tera copy, super copyer. Software-software ini memiliki fungsi yang sama yaitu untuk mempercepat pengcopyan pada PC kita.
Extreme copy pro ini sudah saya siapkan yang 32bit dan 64bit serta dengan serialnya dan setelah saya uji dengan yang lainnya ternyata extreme copy pro 2.2.2 ini sedikit lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan tera copy dan super copyer.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload dan mencoba extreme copy pro 2.2.2 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.


Zooming Out and Zooming Back in Again

The so-called "men's movement" is a complete train wreck. It is not proceeding efficiently toward any goal. There is nothing of discipline or policy or strategy about it, let alone any kind of governing philosophical worldview. Wise heads do not prevail, and braying jackasses dominate the field everywhere you look.

I am frankly bored spitless by most of the yakkety-yak I am hearing among our ostensible comrades-in-arms.On and on they go, flogging the same old dead horses. On and on they go, natttering about the same old dreary, unimaginative garbage. Round and round they go, stepping in the same old pitfalls, the same old pisspuddles, the same old dog shit, time after time after time.

Yup. It reminds me of the Three Stooges or the Keystone Kops. 

You call that a "revolution"? Pshaw!

For the record, there has never been a revolution without a vanguard of some kind. Without a central cadre of some kind. Oh very well: without an elite of some kind. There, I said it!

To balance the gloomy picture, I will admit there IS an inner circle of philosophers and strategic thinkers -- in fact, several such. I have sat in on some of their tete-a-tetes, and can report that my time was well spent. But such occasions are very much an exception to the general hee-haw, jackassery, and time-wasting bullshit that you will find in our visible realm of public rhetoric.

Very well, I shall proffer some words to the wise which ought to be sufficient. The vanguard forms HERE. Yes, I hereby appoint myself  dictator and preceptor-general of the non-feminist project, and invite all who have the right stuff to gather in the vicinity. There, I said it.

Yes, I know. Nobody wants to be the guy with the big ego, but then again, sometimes that's the only way to get things done. Nowadays, sadly, you are required to apologize like hell for even having an ego at all. This is considered "trendy". You are expected to shrink your ego to the size of a pinto bean and hide it in a drawer, like an unclean secret, under meaningless clutter and old papers that should have been thrown out long ago.

Away with all of that! Death to all of that! I don't mind saying that I have an ego of robust and healthy dimension. In fact, I contain multitudes, stretching to the limit of the known universe. . .and even beyond! That is precisely how big my "ego" is, and I wish others could encompass a similar magnitude. I really do.

But enough about me.

This is not about me!

We do not mix the personal with the political, so when I speak ex cathedra as preceptor-general of the non-feminist project it is not about "me", or about any singular personality, or about the personal dimension of reality. It is about powers and principalities, thrones and dominions, forces of nature, forces of history, and other such goodies. In a word, it is about politics in the largest way you can imagine. And that requires the aggrandizement of my ego, and yours, until it breaks through to the other side and . . . pouf! It disappears!

The enemy wants to rid you of your ego by reducing it to the infinitessimal -- that is, by sucking the life out of it. I, your humble preceptor-general, want to rid you of your ego by ballooning it to the infinite -- that is, by filling it with life in superabundance! Hell's bells, why be a "petty Napoleon" when you can be an  infinitely large one, eh? Pettiness is the last thing we need around here. Urbanity and collegiality are the order of the day, my friends! And trust me, those things are deadly weapons.

Sit quietly now, and meditate. Feel your life force rippling in all directions, on the wings of a cosmic particle wind, to the limit of the furthest galaxies and quasars. That is how big I want your ego to become. When this is over, you should never look at "going your own way" in quite the same old way again.

But most of all, you'll need this for the politics that lies ahead, right here on earth.

Download IDM ( Internet Download Manager ) 6.12 Build 21 Final Full Version

Hallo sahabat haramain software, admin baru bisa update software terbaru untuk sahabat haramain software karena kesibukan di dunia nyata yang tidak bisa di tinggalkan.
Kali ini saya akan bagikan sebuah software yang sudah bukan rahasia lagi keunggulannya yaitu internet download manager atau yang lebih sering kita sapa IDM ini. Yang haramain software bagikan ini adalah yang terbaru yang di terbitkan tanggal 27 september  2012 yaitu internet download manager ( IDM ) 6.12 build 21 final full version.
Sahabat haramain software asti sudah tahu apa itu IDM. Bagi yang belum tahu, IDM adalah software yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kecepatan download.

Screenshoot :

Cara install :
  1. Jalankan idman6.12 build 21.exe kemudian  install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung jalankan IDM.
  3. Extract ( HS ) Jamu kemdian copy salah satu patch yang sudah di sediakan dan pastekan di Local C/Program Files/Internet Download Mnager.
  4. Jalankan Patchnya Kemudian Klik Patch. ( Isi nama terserah sahabat haramain software )
  5. Jika membutuhkan seril, masukkan serial in 7G7QY-NZWKQ-23KRA-RAMQ4
  6. Finish.
Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload internet download manager terbaru ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

Luscious Locks| Lee Stafford Hair Growth| Review

photo (2)-tilephoto (4)-tile

A few months ago I was the victim of a scissor happy hair dresser, this resulted in having hair that was much shorter than the couple of inches trim I had asked for. Not enjoying my new short bob I decided that this was the time to invest in Lee Stafford Hair Growth products. My best friend used these products before her graduation and enjoyed them, and after seeing many other bloggers both rave and slate this product, I decided to give it a go myself and form my own opinion.

Lee Stafford claim that this product range contains a pro-Growth complex formula for strength within. This protein based complex will fertilize your follicles, and create a healthy environment on your scalp helping your hair grow faster and reach its maximum potential length.

I purchased the shampoo and conditioner from Boots, each cost £6.99, but they are often on three for two, so you can make a saving. For me £6.99 is quite pricey for a shampoo so I did have high hopes for this product.

I have used this product for for around 2 months now, so feel I have tried it enough to give a fair and true opinion.

Firstly this product made my hair amazingly soft and shiny, it is possibly the shiniest it has ever been. I also noticed that when using this product my hair became a lot stronger. I am a girl who seems to loose my entire head of hair while showering, I literally malt everywhere; my family and boyfriend hate it. However I noticed when using this product my hair did not malt as much as previously.

More importantly, did it make my hair grow? Well judging by the picture above of my awful roots I would say it does make it grow quicker. Obviously the only accurate way of measuring this would be to measure my hair growth rate both with and without this product then compare the results; however I am not that scientific so will just give you my opinion. My roots in the picture above are around 2/3 inches and based on own hair, this is a pretty good hair growth rate. Even after only a month of usage I was much happier with the length of my hair, as it was nearing the length it was prior to it being cut.

Overall I am very happy with this shampoo, I am one of those on the side of the fence that says this product does make your hair grow. But above all that it has left my hair in a beautiful condition; strong, soft, sleek and shiny.

Have you ever tried this product before? Are you sceptical as I was prior to using it? What is you favourite shampoo and conditioner for soft shiny hair?


Standing Ovation for Female Masculinist

How can I not share the following?

I have been informed that Deborah Kendrick, prisoner's rights advocate, death penalty opponent and member of the Masculinist community, has given a pro-male speech at a college in North Carolina and gotten a standing ovation from most of the audience. This was to the mortification of the feminists who were present -- and there are nearly always a few of them, at least, on any given campus.

The non-feminist revolution is a cultural groundswell that is bubbling to the surface all across society, and will become more and more apparent. I am lucky to have the "inside wire" for knowing these things well in advance of  most people, and even further in advance of what the mainstream media will tell you.

And it seems that people who aren't necessarily what you'd call "MRAs", might be willing to slap a few pro-male posters onto walls here and there. Little by little this is going mainstream. But that is how these things work; just study history! is good.

But don't get too comfy just yet.  It's still the best of times and the worst of times, and we're nowhere near being out of the woods. So . . . onward!

Sneak Preview of the Counter-Clothesline Project. Shhhh!

Ha! And you thought pro-male mischief couldn't get any "worse" than the postering campaigns in Vancouver, Seattle, Edmonton and. . . elsewhere.  Well have a look at what the near future holds:

 Of course, that is only a trial mockup for the Real Deal, which is scheduled for later this week at a major university. Yes, it is a pro-male parody of the infamous Clothesline Project, which, in case you don't know, is a vicious anti-male psychodrama enacted on college campuses everywhere. The activist involved in this work says the following in a recent communique:
"Attached are some  pictures of what I have done so far. . . .. I shortened the exhibit. 30 feet was just too big for me to handle all by myself. I took a lot of materials back to the store. It took me a long time to get the overall tone and feel of my message stated correctly. I have only mildly spoken unfavorably of Walk A Mile In Her Shoes, White Ribbon Day, and the Clothesline Project on one shirt. I don't want to get accused of trying to censor others. And I only did so because I can effectively argue that having to see all those rallies with sex-specific language, as a man, IS a men's issue and also that my exhibit is primarily about men's issues. If people come up to me and try to change the topic to women's issues (which they will), I will remind them that that rally was last week and there are two other rallies scheduled to address women's oppression and will tell them that right now, I am talking about men's issues and trying to provide a time and place where we are not overshadowed by women's issues. If they get belligerent, I will stay professional and remind them that they are on camera and that no one, not even me,  bothers the demonstrators at the Clothesline, The Walk, or WRD. I can remind them that I have avoided going to those rallies and disrupting them and would like the same courtesy. But, it still might get out of hand so I am going to notify campus police beforehand."   
And I think that gives you the general idea, right? Here is a closeup of a couple of the shirts:

You know, violence "against women" is the least common, and overall, least serious of the several forms of violence which our world contains. Futhermore, it is harshly condemned by society, and everywhere you go there are men who will pummel you within an inch of your life at the slightest hint that you just might have lifted your hand against a woman. Overall, women are the best protected class in society. And that is not to mention that they commit half of all relationship violence -- both against men and against other women. So this hysterical, monomaniacal cultural obsession  with violence "against women", with its accompanying demonization of the male population, seems grotesquely disroportionate to say the least. It reveals a festering cultural neurosis that I don't even want to think about.

All right. If I were in his part of the country, I would certainly drop by and give him a hand with the project so that the original 30 ft. exhibit could be put on display. But alas, I am literally thousands of miles away and stuck to the spot, for now. At any ratre, I will certainly do a post-game writeup toward the end of the week. Hopefully there won't be any Femistasi with box cutters cutting in on the action.

The Geek-Kings of Smut

Hello Anti-Porn Friends! Are you ready for a comprehensive, illuminating, and disturbing education about the online porn business? If so, this article is for you! It's from last year, but it is still current. This article will tell you all about how the "tube" porn sites started, and how one company (Manwin), which was started by one German man who is a self-described "geek" (Fabian Thylmann),

MRA in India

At present, India is the undoubted global hotspot for pro-male activism. The front page of a major daily newspaper, shown here, will convey the flavor of it. (Click to enlarge). We should remind ourselves, every chance we get, that the femplex octopus spans the globe with its tentacles, and that forces are mobilizing in paralell to metaphorically  pile up embers and scorch with hot iron where necessary.

The Pune Mirror article in question is online, for your reading pleasure, here:

I find it interesting that the acronym "MRA" stands for a real-life, brick-and-mortar Indian activist group -- the Men's Rights Association. I am not, personally, a member of that group -- although I wonder if they would accept me as an honorary, overseas correspondent member.  Nor, as is known, do I employ the term "MRA" for a self-appellative. (I prefer the unassuming, teflon-coated term "non-feminist".

By the way, I think the headline was meant to read as "safe HAVEN" rather than "safe heaven".  ;-)

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