

ENDING THE DEMAND: Ex-prostitute escapes pimp and reclaims her life. Advocates: Pornography fuels prostitution

Here is a very moving story that exposes the sad truth about being prostituted as an ‘escort,” how pornography is linked to all types of prostitution, and how it fuels the DEMAND for it that we all must continue to fight. This article is very powerful! PLEASE READ AND SHARE IT. Thanks!— “Peter Qualliotine, co-founder of Organization for Prostitution Survivors, said a boy’s average age of

A sure flop.............

Olympic champion Ryan Lochte 
has a new TV reality Show,
" What would Ryan Lochte Do?"
Well for starters he shouldn't have a show.
He's like a deer caught in the headlights.
Won't make a season.
But worth a look for the giggles.

Download Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Version With Serial

Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan software yang bernama Advanced SystemCare Pro yitu salah satu software utilitys yang sangat populer dan termasuk salah satu dari 10 software utilitys terbaik di dunia.
Advanced systemcare ini juga termasuk software andalan saya dalam menjaga PC yang saya gunakan agar tetap stabil dan bersih dari sampah-sampah yang ada pada PC yang saya gunakan.
Selain itu juga, Advanced systemCare memiliki banyak fungsi yang salah satunya bisa digunakan untuk membersihkan RAM dan juga ada penambahan seperti Uninstaller yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menguninstall software yang tidak lagi dibutuhkan secara bersih tanpa ada sisa bahkan registrynya sekalipun.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah Download Jalankan asc6-setup-pro.exe
  2. Kemudian Install sampai Selesai
  3. Setelah Selesai Matikan koneksi internet sahabat HS
  4. Buka C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 6 dan hapus "autoupdate.exe"
  5. Kemudian Jalankan Program systemcare yang sudah di install dan gunakan salah satu serial untuk meregistrasi dengan cara klik upgrade kemudian masukkan serialnya kemudian klik OK
  6.  Selesai.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Lets catch these BASTARDS

Ghost story indie film

Robert Pattinson,
 is soon to star in an indie movie called 
" Map to the Stars ".
A ghost story, spooky.
It's set in LaLa Land aka Hollywood.
I feel he has a hit on his hands.
Plus it'll keep him busy, so he doesn't have to think about his fake relationship. with KS.

TOLD YA Kim & Kris DIVORCED.......

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A waste of money.....

So this weekend is the Kardashian wedding in posh Montecito 
in Santa Barbara Ca.
(where Oprah lives)
So avoid the place like the plague.
Who cares........
It's not like it's going to last.
Won't get to the 3rd month wedding anniversary.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A waste of money.....

So this weekend is the Kardashian wedding in posh Montecito 
in Santa Barbara Ca.
(where Oprah lives)
So avoid the place like the plague.
Who cares........
It's not like it's going to last.
Won't get to the 3rd month wedding anniversary.

Fitness Friday| Low Cal Cake| Chocolate & Beetroot Cake Recipe

beetroot and chocolate cake recipe beetroot and chocolate cake-tilebeetroot and chocolate cake recipe 2beetroot and chocolate cake recipe 3-tile
Living a healthy lifestyle means everything in moderation and not depriving yourself of anything! If you want a cake, eat a cake, just don’t them all! I am a massive cake fiend! I love baking them, I love decorating them and I obviously love eating them! So as I would quite happily eat cake most days I thought why not try and make my cake recipes a bit healthier, so if I do indulge I’m not going completely overboard. So I was over the moon when this month Women’s Health magazine featured 5 wonderful health boosting, low cal, cake recipes. I decided that as it was my trainer’s birthday yesterday, I would bake him some healthy Birthday Cake, so everyone at my Kendal Bootcamp Class could try some and be my little guinea pigs!

I made two batches as it was my first attempt at a “healthy cake”, the first batch wasn’t so great. I don’t think I used enough chocolate and didn’t bake it for long enough as it was a little too moist, a little bitter and tasted a lot like beetroot. The second batch was much more successful, it was baked for a few minutes longer so the consistency was cake like but still moist, and there was a little more chocolate in this one, so it tasted like a chocolate cake! The pictures are of the first cake which I dusted with icing sugar, the second cake I topped with a thin layer of buttercream icing… a little bit naughty I know, but it was a Birthday cake! The cake went down very well with everyone at Bootcamp and was a great treat for our hard work. So as it was a success I thought I would share the recipe with you!

You will need;
300g cooked, unseasoned beetroot, peeled and purred, 4 large eggs, 4 tbsp honey, 1tsp vanilla, 1 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tsp baking powder, pinch of salt, 125g ground almonds, 135g good quality dark chocolate (It HAS to be good quality!), 8 tbsp olive oil.

Start by pureeing your beetroot in a food processor. Once smooth tip into a bowl and mix in the eggs, honey, vanilla, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. Mix well. Next gently fold in the ground almonds.

Now melt your good quality dark chocolate. Once melted, pour in the olive oil and mix thoroughly; you should be left with a liquid that isn’t separated and is smooth and shiny. Now gently pour the chocolate mixture into the rest of your cake mixture in the bowl and fold gently.

Once everything is combined, pour the cake mixture into a greased cake tin, and bake in your preheated oven at 180c for 35-40 minutes. Try the trusty skewer test to ensure your cake is cooked through!

Finish by either dusting with icing sugar or cocoa powder, or if you are feeling naughty give it a thin layer of buttercream icing! Cut into 8 pieces and at only 260 calories per slice you can really enjoy it!

Have you ever tried chocolate and beetroot cake? Do you have any other favourite healthy cake recipes that I should try next? Do you think you will give this one a go?

onthedressingtableblogbutton (1)Be sure to check out my blogger of the week and fellow Cumbria Blogger Anna from On The Dressing Table. She has the most amazing beauty blog, full of insightful and honest reviews, plus she is the sweetest girl!

New Video -- Worth-Based Entitlement


Pupils ‘should learn risks of porn’

This powerful article explains why children need to be educated on how to deal with being exposed to porn — as well as other hyper-sexualized materials like “Fifty Shades of Grey.” This post is shared via Feminist Consciousness, a new Facebook Page with lots of anti-porn, anti-prostitution and related posts about sexism, oppression and violence

Even more Nene......

RHOA NeNe Leakes.......
who has a bit part on Glee.
Is to have another show on Bravo.
Called " I dream of NeNe, the Wedding "
In which she will remarry her Ex Hubby Greg.
What a pile os crap it will turn out to be.
No doubt making Bravo and her a fortune 
in the process.

Download KJ Permanent Activator 2013 For All Windows and Office 100% Working

KJ Activator Permanent 2013. Kalau kemarin saya sudah share windows 8 yang terbaru dan banyak yang belum sukses dengan activator yang dulu, sekarang saya akan share activatornya yang baru bisa saya upload dikarenakan koneksi yang benar-benar kacau yang mengakibatkan sahabat HS menganggap saya bohong kalau sudah ada Activatornya.
KJ Activator ini adalah Activator yang terbaru yang diterbitkan tahun 2013 ini, dan seperti yang kita tahu saya dulu pernah share windows 8 final dan lengkap dengan activatornya yaitu KJ activator 2012 yang sangat ampuh dan diakui oleh sahabat haramain software.
KJ Permanen Activator 2013 ini bisa sahabat gunakan untuk mengaktivasi semua windows dan semua Office termasuk office 2013 dan windows 8 terbaru yang kemarin sudah saya share. KJ Activator ini juga bisa sobat gunakan untuk mengaktivasi Windows 7 Enterprise.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload KJ Activator 2013 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download selesai, Nonaktifkan Antivirus sobat.
  2. Extract menggunakan winrar
  3. Jalankan K.J_130301.exe dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  4. Tunggu proses Extracting selesai kemudian pilih BeginnerMode
  5. Setelah itu sobat atur sendiri activasi apa yang diinginkan
  6. Selesai
Nb : Cara menggunakan activator ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan Kj activator yang 2012.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Worth-Based Entitlement

I can find no good reason to believe that women are uniquely "oppressed", or that their sufferings in life transcend the common lot of humanity at large. And more, I can see a strong case that men have it worse in many ways.

But feminist theory maintains that women as a group are oppressed by men as a group, and specifically names women as a "political sex class". Moreover, feminist preaching for many years has openly incited women to see themselves in such terms. Such is the sisterhood trope. And the last half-century has witnessed a mushrooming growth of women's advocacy groups, lobbying groups, government bureaux, and all manner of special services for women both public and private.

But it doesn't end with blind favoritism toward women. No. The state of matters takes a malignant turn as well, when you consider that female citizens presently enjoy disproportionate power to compromise the well-being of male citizens. As simply as we can put it, women have the power to lie about men with impunity, in a way that seriously harms them. And that power, being vested in laws and institutions, becomes a political power and makes women a political class.

To put this another way, it is not women, but MEN who are "oppressed".  Oppression, as feminist theory informs us, is structural. It is not rooted in the power of individuals, but in the power of institutions made disproportionately available to some groups but not others. And when the disfavored group feels the institutionally-based power of the favored group like a boot on its neck, only then may we correctly say that "oppression" is taking place. So that is why men (not women) are the oppressed group in today's civilization -- because the power of women to harm men is embodied in laws and institutions. In other words, structurally. If we are to hold the feminists to the letter of their own law, we must insist that they acknowledge this.

What we have related here, tilts the political board against men as a group. In light of this, we feel no hesitation in stating that men, as a group, have no political obligation to go to bat for women as a group. Under the circumstances, why should they? Rationally speaking, men would do best to look out for themselves as individuals, and to form contracts of mutual assistance in order to multiply the benefit. No consideration, either moral or utilitarian, can inspire me with any sense of duty toward women as a group. This would be true even in the best of times, but is doubly true at present, when men are an oppressed class.

Therefore any individual woman I meet will get special consideration from me only as an individual, and only if she proves herself worthy. And clearly, some will prove themselves worthier than others. This way of thinking entails no "misogyny" because it entails no opinion, either good or ill, about women as a group.

Now, misogyny means disaffection toward women irrespectively. Hence, even if you were to form a bad opinion about every female person on earth, it would not entail misogyny if you had weighed each case on its merits. You would merely harbor a bad opinion about this woman, that woman, and the next woman -- but not about women.

I am far from having evaluated every woman on earth, and I know my life is too short to do that. So I am content to say that I harbor no opinion either good or ill about the huge majority of women, but that as I make their acquaintances I will evaluate them one at a time. Then, according to the case, I will form a social contract binding myself to specific behaviors. Upon that base alone, I will decide what, if anything, I "owe" to the individual in question. In this, I do just as I would do with any man -- I am entirely even-handed.

Yes. Characterization by merit is a first principle, and it frames my conduct toward everybody I meet. Nobody, man or woman, is "entitled" to anything save what I, by my good pleasure, bountifully proffer -- and calculation of merit weighs considerably in that dispensation. In short, I study the manifested qualities of other people in living form, and work from there.

But prudential considerations are always uppermost in my thinking, with an eye to rational self-preservation grounded in a prescience of natural consequences. My policy, then, entails a strategizing sense of  the Kantian hypothetical imperative: "If you want the world to be X, you must do Y and Z." The reason is, that if you fail to do Y and Z, then by natural consequence the world will not be X.

So in the end, although my conduct is governed purely by a moral law within myself, that moral law is governed by the considerations which I have sketched above. I should add that it never hurts to get on my good side. Deal squarely and rightly with me, and I shall be the truest friend you could ask for. Otherwise, things might get sticky.

Feminism views women as an entitled class, and fails to hold them accountable as individuals. I find this both pernicious and unworkable, and for that reason (among many others) I reject feminism as a movement and as an ideology. I disavow it. I disclaim ownership in it.  I repudiate the cultural narrative which it imposes and I wash my hands of any project predicated on any aspect of  that narrative.

Briefly then, I am not a feminist and no power in the universe will force me to become one.

Finally, no woman I shall ever meet may exercise any claim upon me in the name of feminism, or under color of feminism in any form. She is entitled to nothing until she proves to me that she is worth something.

Such is worth-based entitlement.

HBO to upset the GOP

As we speak HBO are filming a yet unnamed pilot.
In San Francisco.
It seems to be a Gay version, of Sex In The City.
There are 3 main characters an artist, 
a restaurant owner & a web designer.
I feel they have a hit on their hands.
It'll piss off the GOP and the right wing nutters.

Teenager commits suicide after photograph of her ‘being gang-raped’ goes viral and she was brutally bullied

Here’s a tragic story of a young Canadian girl who committed suicide after images of her gang rape went viral. It’s being called the “Steubenville” rape case of Canada. So heartbreaking. Needless to say, just like the Stuebenville rape case, we feel that the toxic pornified culture that we live in, that constructs masculinity as it is usually portrayed in porn, as cruel and violent, likely

Trouble ahead......

CHRIS " I AM GOD ' girlfriend beater BROWN.
Is in for a very big fall ion the coming months.
He's way too in love with his grand ego.
Can't wait......

Told Ya Have a listen...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One to watch.............

Bianca Nicholas,
here is a young lady with the voice of an Angel......
Truely one to watch, in 2012.
 When you wish upon a Star.......

Told YA Scott Disick.proves he IS a DICK once again

Friday, February 18, 2011

Maybe good news.........

Kourtney Kardashian,
is saying that 
she isn't engaged 
to her moron 
of a boyfriend Scott Disick.
( did you notice 
his last name 
is the anagram of 
"Is Dick").
Hopefully the fact that 
they aren't engaged 
will put a stop 
to the rumoured reality show 
they are supposed to have.
He'll never marry her no matter how many kids they have.

Told Ya Poison letter to Pres Obama

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
10                Pres Obama. If he uses that pen of his he'll, have this country back on it's feet during his next term. Granted tough decisions to be made and carried out but if he does brilliant. Those that take care of him as there will be two attacks on his life during the next term ( well two we get to hear of).


Told YA Bieber needs help NOW

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.

Time for an intervention

Miley Cyrus was seen smoking pot at the trendy Greystone Manor,
 hang out for the rich and famous in LA.
Some may think that this is no big deal, 
perhaps not.
What is a big deal is her behaviour.
Seems to be getting more and more erratic.
Which if not checked.
Will end up a la Lohan.

Wednesday’s Workout| 30 Day Abs Challenge

30 day ab challenge
Image from Carly Rowena Instagram
How did last weeks workout go girls? It was a tough one! This weeks workout is again all about the abs… it’s only 6 weeks until June, so it’s definitely time to work at those abs to make sure you look and feel great on holiday! This weeks Wednesday workout is again a challenge, it is the 30 day Abs Challenge from the gorgeous Carly Rowena. Carly is an amazing fitness and beauty blogger who is stunning, has a great attitude to health and fitness and posts regular videos, so if you need some motivation go and check her out! She is definitely one of my favourites and I find her so inspiring and refreshing.

Her 30 day Abs Challenge asks you to workout for only 5 minutes each day for 30 days continually. She gives you 2 moves to carry out for 30 seconds at a time and then repeat then 5 times over. So it is super simple, but will be super effective. As you can see from the picture above, the moves vary each week, and they are all tough! I do a few of these at my Bootcamp Class and can promise you they are tough! However if you want to improve your abs in 30 days with only 5 minutes of work, the work has got to be hard work! You have to put in the effort!

As Carly states in the video, abs are made in the kitchen. To achieve definition and a nice toned middle you need to have a great diet. Abs are 80% diet and 20% exercise, so remember to put in the effort in the kitchen aswell! Carly explains the whole challenge very well in her video, so check it out for info, tips and the demonstration of each of the moves mentioned in the picture above.

I am going to start the challenge today! Are you going to join me? Just think of how good you will look in 30 days! If it looks too tough, just try to complete 1 minute worth of moves and build it up from there! It’s completely adaptable to your fitness level, and a little exercise is better than none!

onthedressingtableblogbutton (1)Be sure to check out my blogger of the week and fellow Cumbria Blogger Anna from On The Dressing Table. She has the most amazing beauty blog, full of insightful and honest reviews, plus she is the sweetest girl!

Told Ya They'll get the NUTTER

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012

11                  Nth Korea That tinpot arsehole is going to stir up trouble good and proper over the next year and beyond, but I get the feeling that someone will put a stop to him.

Before you start praising Margaret Thatcher

Someone posted a comment on my blog saying,
 that they thought I hated Margaret Thatcher, 
it's way past hate.
She destroyed whole villages and towns in the UK. Due to her selling off British industry out of sheer greed.
By the way the $10 million house she had in London. Was put in an offshore trust, so that her children, won't pay any death duties.
Then there's the link above

POSTER: “I can’t be in touch with my own humanity if I’m taking someone else’s humanity away.”

Here’s a great anti-porn poster to share with guys you know who use porn that you’re trying to get to quit. (And of course it’s great to also to share with EVERYONE! )All people need to understand that buying, watching, and supporting pornography not only robs the PERFORMERS of their humanity, it robs THEM — the VIEWERS — of THEIRS.Thanks in advance for liking and sharing, and please feel free

This is going to be FABULOUS

Now this is going to be fun.
The Kardashian Diaries revealed.
The beginning of the end.
Great news.....

Told YA What a PRICK.........

Bloody idiot........picking on NUNS?

Pope Francis, you know the new Pope, the one who said the Church needs to change.
Well, he's bringing a change sort of.
He isn't so much cracking down on the 
child sex abuse.
No, he's decided to crack down on Feminist Nuns.
I don't even know what he means.
But what I think he's trying to do.
Is go after a certain number of Nuns.
Who support equal rights for all.
Sounds like business as usual to me.
He better watch out, or he may end up with one of those famous.
Papal heart attacks.

Download Foxit Reader 6.0.2 Build 04131 Final

Foxit Reader 6.0.2 Build 04131 Final. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tahu dengan foxit reader yaitu salah satu software untuk membaca file berformat PDF yang sudah pasti sering kita jumpai. Mungkin sahabat haramain software lebih banyak yang menggunakan Adobe reader daripada foxit reader padahal sangat banyak software yang berfungsi untuk membaca file berformat PDF.
Yang membuat saya menyukai foxit reader ini adalah kemudahan yang diberikan ketika kita ingin print beberapa halaman pada 1 kertas seperti pada power point yang apabila kita print kita bisa memprint beberapa slide pada 1 kertas dan juga Fixit reader ini sangat mudah digunakan bahkan untuk yang pertama kali sekalipun.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Terimakasih sudah berkunjung dan mendownload di haramain software. Apabila ada kesalahan dari haramain software mohon di maafkan dan semoga haramain software bisa memberikan yang terbaik.

Told YA.......Well, well........

Seems things didn't go well for Kristen Stewart 
at Coachella over the weekend.
Look who she bumped into while hanging off Robert.
Liberty Ross, her love rival.
Karma is such a bitch.
Mind you we knew here for a long time Kristen was/is a cheat.


Bloody idiot........picking on NUNS?

Pope Francis, you know the new Pope, the one who said the Church needs to change.
Well, he's bringing a change sort of.
He isn't so much cracking down on the 
child sex abuse.
No, he's decided to crack down on Feminist Nuns.
I don't even know what he means.
But what I think he's trying to do.
Is go after a certain number of Nuns.
Who support equal rights for all.
Sounds like business as usual to me.
He better watch out, or he may end up with one of those famous.
Papal heart attacks.

Told YA Sharon & Ozzy split

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sharon, Fantastic !

I think Sharon Osbourne,
is going to have a very interesting year.
Along with all the odds & sods,
we are used to seeing in.
She’s got something new up her sleeve.
Which will be FANTASTIC!.
But 2013 will turn out to personally rough

Cumbria Bloggers Meet| Part 2 at I Love Cafe

Cumbria bloggers meet 2-tilecumbia bloggers meetcumbria bloggers 1-tilecumbria bloggers 2

On Sunday I visited Carlisle to see family and friends and to catch up with my little blogging family; Cumbria Bloggers (We even have our own hashtag #cumbriablogger). You may have seen my previous post on the first meetup that we had a few months ago, you will remember how incredibly nervous I was about meeting bloggers in real life, well thankfully my fear has dwindled and has been replaced by enthusiasm and excitement. Our Cumbria Bloggers family has grown from 7 members to 24 in a few short months, who knew there was so many of us!

On Sunday we arranged to meet up, have tea and chat at I Love Cafe in the courtyard behind Mcdonalds in Carlisle. The cafe is incredibly tiny and cute, but very welcoming and homely thanks to the gorgeous Sophie who opened up especially for us bloggers. There was 10 of us at this meetup, 5 of the girls were new to me so I was able to find out about new blogs, which is always great! Between us we blog about such a wide variety of topics; crafts, cooking, fashion, mummy blogs, beauty and lifestyle, so being able to chat to bloggers from different specialities only adds to the interest. We all sat and enjoyed various flavoured teas, and yummy, scrummy cakes of a wide variety… I obviously went for a cupcake!

At the meet we decided that the meetups would become a regular event and we plan on holding a larger event during May/June and get local brands, businesses and other bloggers involved. Many people overlook Cumbria for events because we are “rural” however Carlisle is the perfect location for events as it is central to Scotland, the North East, Lancashire and Manchester… it’s only a few stops on the train! Helen, Amanda and I have already been networking with businesses on Twitter during the #cumbriahour chats so things are slowly but surely taking shape. I’m just excited to have met such a wonderful, talented group of girls and bloggers who blog about their passions, I’m in great company and am really excited about what us #cumbriabloggers will achieve in the future.

Please take a look at the other wonderful girls and their blogs. You may find your new favourite read amongst them. 

Sally from Sallytangle | Amanda from Amanda Uniquely | Alice from Tea and Lead 
Caroline from All About the Girl | Ann from Prattle and froth | Sue from Sooz In The Shed

Do you have a similar group of blogger in your area? Or have to been to a meetup recently? Aslo if you are a Cumbrian blogger and want to join our little family, let me know!

onthedressingtableblogbutton (1)Be sure to check out my blogger of the week and fellow Cumbria Blogger Anna from On The Dressing Table. She has the most amazing beauty blog, full of insightful and honest reviews, plus she is the sweetest girl!

Told Ya It down

2013 PREDICTIONS......

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012

94                  Gold 2012 saw the Gold craze reach fever pitch, but 2013 better watch out, more a time to be selling not buying in 2013

POSTER: (Germany) “Whatever Its Legal Status, Prostitution Causes Great Harm to Women”

Here’s another great poster on why legalization of prostitution does NOT make it any safer or less harmful and why the “Swedish Model” or “Nordic Model” for addressing prostitution harms is the best possible solution. (Decriminalizing and helping prostituted women, including to exit prostitution and transition if they want to, and educating and holding johns accountable, in order to reduce



Run Robert RUN............

Yes, Feminism IS a Hate Movement!

This above was posted as a video response to my own video titled "Is Feminism a Hate Movement."

I was honored, and immediately approved it. I think you will agree that it makes its point and pulls no punches. Enjoy!

This will end in a bad way......

Some tart called Farrah Abraham,
 who I believe is the star? of 
" 16 & pregnant".
Has made a sex tape with 
a porn star called James Deen.
She is demanding $2 million for it.
She is also telling everyone who will listen, that her co Star is a terrible person, with a little dick.
I think she is in for an almighty fall.
Karma Bitch, it's a BITCH.
ps her mother watched the filming of the sex tape.

So this is what love looks like.....

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson 
of Twilight fame.
Are shown above.
Now if this is what young looks like, I give up.
I'm not sure which one of them looks the most uncomfortable.
But they sure don't look happy or in love.
Great job PR team.
Now even the blind can see that this is a 
fake relationship.

Told YA Biebers losing the plot.......

Justin Bieber shows how classless and ignorant he really is. 
By insulting Anne Frank.

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.

Once Again: The True Face of Feminism

I just got the following e-mail from a pro-male activist in England:
I have not contacted you for a while. I wish to draw your attention to a 5min clip of the ugly face of modern feminism. The footage was taken in Vancouver and Toronto. Modern feminism is demonstrably opposed to free speech and is completely ignorant and indifferent to male problems. Their preferred tactic is to vilify, insult and silence anyone they do not agree with. See for yourself: 
If you managed to stomach the video, ask yourself: how could anyone associate with feminism? 
Many of the aggressors in the film have been found to be students taking women's studies courses. If universities are churning out these bigoted people, is it not time that such courses were scrutinized for their academic standards? 
Kind Regards.
How, indeed, could anybody associate with feminism? This is why we fight.

pages listed by date