


Trio sonata by Jan Dismas Zelenka. Early 18th century, splendid, ravishingly beautiful and . . . uncannily like jazz. I don't know if it's misogynistic or not. Puts my head in a politically efficient groove! Recommended.

The Zen of Crumbling Feminism Passive-Aggressively

Once again, we iterate foundational precepts in accordance with the drumbeat principle. It might seem odd to feature part two of this video series without part one, but hey, that's how it goes.

How to use Wikipedia to promote your business: tit torture edition | Wikipediocracy

READ this scary post on @Wikipedia “Tit torture” promotion, by @Wikipedia_Forum via Stop pornography on Wikipedia. It describes how a “tit torture” enthusiast with his own pornographic website celebrating his “passion” uses Wikipedia to promote his website and how he posts porn at his Wikipedia articles. Very disturbing!
[Excerpt] Nicholson also provided a link to his Darker Pleasures website,

Feminism as We Define It is (Sort of) a Religion

I recently posted a reader comment to the Bitch Magazine website, on an article about the anti-feminist lawyer Roy den Hollander (who filed a lawsuit against Columbia University). You will find the article at the following link:

My comment touches upon matters of significance, and I have screen-capped it (Click to enlarge):

This comment, although intended to subvert the feminist paradigm, is written blandly, innocuously, nonchalantly. Certainly, the Southern Poverty Law Center needs to get very "creative" indeed, if they mean to call it hate speech -- so sue me if you can, assholes!

But I am mainly curious to see if the "Bitch" editors are excited to bitchiness by this, and inspired to do the old disappearing trick. To some, this might seem a trivial exercise. However, it is by small trials and experiments, repeated with infinite patience,  that we learn how the world works under different combinations of experimental inputs. And for me, it is rhetorical discipline to gauge what might or mightn't fly below a particular radar system at a particular time. Take this as preceptory, if you wish.

Download Game Fantastic 4 Rip 100% Working

Fantastic 4 sudah pasti banyak yang sudah tahu. Siapa yang tidak kenal fantastic 4 ? 4 manusia yang memiliki kekuatan super yang menjadi superhero atau pahlawan super.
Tapi kali ini saya bukan share filmnya melainkan gamenya. pada game fantastic 4 ini, banyak misi yang harus kita selesaikan dan sudah pasti banyak musuh yang harus kita hadapi dan juga code yang harus di pecahkan.
Game ini sudah saya coba pada windows 7 ultimate sp1 32bit dan 100% working. Pada game fantastic 4 rip ini juga grafiknya bagus dan bisa sahabat haramain software mainkan dengan joystik atau menggunakan keyboard karena saya sendiri menggunakan joystik untuk memainkannya.

Screenshoot :

Cara install :
  1. Extract
  2. Buka folder
  3. Jalankan Unpak.bat kemudian tunggu sampai proses selesai
  4. Setelah selesai, jalankan Launcher.exe untuk memainkan atau menyetting.
  5. Selamat bermain.
Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Atau bisa mendownload lewat link dibawah ini.

Selamat bermain dan semoga terhibur.


Free Book -- Historical Writings on Women's Suffrage

The following short book, published in 1916, contains a series of essays by Massachusetts women who opposed the vote for women. While I personally take no stand upon that question, I am bound to admit that some of their reasonings are cogent. I share this book now in the spirit of historical scholarship:

"Feminism got women the vote" has always been a trusty standby for feminist apologists who wish to pull the spotlight away from feminism's crimes and toxicities. For them, the fact that women formerly didn't have the franchise serves as Exhibit A that "women were oppressed." But the women's voices in this book would very much beg to differ. These women didn't even want to vote in the first place. Not only did they not consider themselves oppressed by not having the vote,  but they would have considered themselves oppressed if they did have it! And that throws a very concerning light on feminist historiography, don't you think so?

You will enjoy the window into the past which this book provides, and it will amuse you to learn how very little certain matters have changed in nearly a century. Feminist women, and feminist politics, were virtually indistinguishable from what we know today -- we are dealing with the same people, the same behaviors, and the same timeless scenarios, now as then!

We have all heard that if women controlled the world there would be no war, right? Well check this out, from 1916:
"The essential dogma of the Woman's Peace Party (none but suffragists admitted!) was that the adoption of woman suffrage was a necessary and effectual step toward abolishing war. "If women had had the vote in all countries now at war," said Mrs. Catt, "the conflict would have been prevented." But history shows women at least as much inclined to war as men--a fact illustrated in the French Revolution, in our Civil War, in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, and in other instances too numerous to mention."
Moving along in the same vein, we read of violent feminists:
"The incongruity of suffragists attempting to pose as a peace party is obvious to anyone with a memory and a sense of humor. Before the war broke out, American suffrage leaders were applauding, feasting, and subsidizing the British virago who instigated the setting on fire of 146 public buildings, churches, and houses, the explosion of 43 bombs, the destruction of property valued at nearly two million dollars (not including priceless works of arts), and many cases of personal assault. In 1912 they justified the destruction of the Rokeby Venus; in 1914 they professed horror at the bombardment of the Cathedral of Rheims. Is this insincerity or hypocrisy, or mere aberration of mind?"
In the following, we catch an early glint of those radical feminist fangs we presently know so well. Note especially the bits about "personal and political" and "emotionalism", the reference to "complete social revolution", and the prescience of Mr. Gladstone: 
"The confusion of social and personal rights with political, the substitution of emotionalism for investigation and knowledge, the mania for uplift by legislation, have widely advertised the suffrage propaganda. The reforms for which the founders of the suffrage movement declared women needed the vote have all been accomplished by the votes of men. The vote has been withheld through the indifference and opposition of women, for this is the only woman's movement which has been met by the organized opposition of women. Suffragists still demand the vote. Why? Perhaps the answer is found in the cry of the younger suffragists: "We ask the vote as a means to an end--that end being a complete social revolution!" When we realize that this social revolution involves the economic, social, and sexual independence of women, we know that Gladstone had the prophet's vision when he called woman suffrage a "revolutionary" doctrine."
By way of counterpoint, here is Miss Edith Melvin describing exactly how oppressed she feels by not having the vote. She was no fluke; women like her were everywhere:
"I have never seen any point or place where the power to cast a ballot would have been of the slightest help to me. For myself I should regard the duties and responsibilities of thorough, well-informed, and faithful participation year after year in political matters as a very great misfortune; even more of a misfortune than the certainty of being mixed up in the bitter strife, the falsifications, and publicity often attendant upon political campaigns."
Again, for the record, I am stating no personal opinion about the issue of women's voting rights. Let the fact be well noted, that I have said nothing either pro or con upon that subject. 

Now, go and read the whole book --  all 55 pages:


New Video -- Cutting Feminism Off Abruptly

The world is reacting to feminism in a chaotic way. This chaos is not an organization, not a "movement", and not a definite group of people. It is simply a force of nature, and we call it the non-feminist revolution. It is not politics, but it spawns politics on the surface. And so, attacking "political" targets will not defeat this underlying primordial force -- the more you squash it, the harder it will come back at you.

Video text here:

Pa. man gets 20 years in teen sexting extortion – The Sacramento Bee

READ this horrific story: A suicidal young woman was sadistically extorted to send sexual photos to a male relative. He also extorted sexual photos from her female TEEN friends via a FAKE FACEBOOK PROFILE! Beware and be safe, everyone!
[The Associated Press] — A Pittsburgh-area man will spend 20 years in federal prison on child pornography charges for sexting images he extorted from teens by


Cutting Off Feminism Abruptly

The non-feminist revolution is a force of nature -- a primordial force, an ambient force, an exercise of cosmic veto power against feminism and all that feminism has created or proposes to create. And while feminism is a narrative -- a story about reality -- the non-feminist revolution is merely reality itself -- and that is quite a difference.

Feminism, as a project, ignores parts of reality in the process of constructing its narrative. And whatever is stated in defense of feminism is part and parcel of the feminist project, being a product of the very same narrative construction. As such, it too is not reality, but only a story about reality. Thus, when a feminist reads these words and composes a counterattack, that person is only telling a story. But please to observe, a story which ignores parts of reality.

So again, the non-feminist revolution is a force of nature -- a primordial force, an ambient force, an exercise of cosmic veto power against feminism and all that feminism has created or proposes to create. Feminism, you see, can push only so far before the universe pushes back, and the harder you push the universe, the harder the universe pushes back. So in the final tally, unreality cannot drive out reality no matter how hard it pushes. There is nothing quite like that old cosmic veto power, is there?

Interesting times lie ahead -- and by that I mean, unpleasant times. Complicated times. Chaotic times. Such is the character of the non-feminist revolution itself: unpleasant, complicated, and chaotic. The non-feminist revolution is not an organization, not a movement, not a precise group of people, and not a plan of any kind. For though it might sometimes include all of those things, it is none of them in itself. No, the non-feminist revolution is simply the full reality of life pushing back against the unreality of feminism. in an unpleasant, complicated and chaotic way.

But not, however, an indecipherable way. The chaos mightn't always "make sense", but we know it is happening for a reason. The reason is, that feminism as a system of life is unsustainable and must eventually fail. And when it does, reality will come boiling back, chaotically, with a vengeance. You are silly if you expect this to be pleasant. The system of meanings and categories which feminism has established, will crumble as a sandbank before a rising wall of floodwater. A sensation of cognitive freefall will ensue, and this will feel "chaotic" to those who cannot decipher it. For some it will be hell, but for others, sheer liberation.

The non-feminist revolution, being a primordial force, makes no proposals about the future. It simply carries us into the future willy-nilly, setting us on the doorstep of the future and putting us in a way to understand what the future ought to be, and how best to make it so. It breaks icons, liquidates illusions and confronts us with stark choices -- between the better and the worse, the feasible and the unfeasible, the sustainable and the unsustainable. It makes us an offer that we are free to accept or refuse, with less-than-ideal consequences if we accept, but far worse if we refuse.

In short, the non-feminist revolution is amoral and carries no utopian promise. It merely sets us at a fork in the road, where each way leads to an imperfect and humanly flawed world. Furthermore, it puts our wisdom to the test in forcing us to choose between these, and goads us toward spiritual adulthood by reminding us that this is no yellow brick road, and that either way you turn, there is no Emerald City at the end of it. 

Simply stated, the non-feminist revolution forces us to choose either a world where feminism keeps growing, or a world where feminism stops dead in its tracks. If you prefer the former, your system of reasoning is unitary with feminism itself. If you prefer the latter, your system of reasoning transcends feminism because it stands outside of feminism's intellectual gravity well.  Either choice will have something wrong with it, but remember, this is no yellow brick road! And our contention is, that a world with feminism is worse by far than a world without it.

It should be clear that this "fork in the road" has always been available to us, even from the earliest days. It symbolizes a choice that we have always been able to make, and always will be. So the question becomes: when will we?

Put it this way: what will more feminism bring us? My guess is, that it will bring us more feminism. And feminism has been around long enough to establish a track record, don't you think so? Granted that if you are a feminist, you will call this a good track record -- and that is only natural, since you are a feminist! You would say that. And you might even rattle off a list of talking points to support your case. But no matter what you say, all of your speech in support of feminism will be a product of that very same feminism, from start to finish. Being a feminist, you cannot not support feminism, and you cannot take on board any argument or information which does not support feminism.  That is because you must always ignore parts of reality in the process of constructing your narrative, so that in the end you are always confronting reality with a mere story about reality. And some of us wish to take reality straight, so spare us your stories.

All right. We are back to that fork in the road. It confronts us with a choice, and we need to understand that this choice does indeed exist. I mean, the choice needs to become real for us. We and we alone must make that choice, and if that choice does not become real for us, then somebody or something else will make the choice in our stead. And for many years, my non-feminist friend, that is exactly what somebody or something has been doing --  making that choice in our stead!

Yes, we always stand at that fork in the road. Always have and always will. We can postpone our decision for as long as we like, but if we chose not to chose, we still made a choice: more feminism. So tell me then, how do you wager? Will feminism ever bring us anything but more feminism? Personally, I wouldn't lay one brass nickel on it.

No matter how far we travel down the road of feminism, we non-feminist men and women will always stand at the fork, for as the saying is, we can always "go our own way" in regard to feminism. We will never lose that option, but the question is, what are we waiting for? More feminism can lead only to more feminism, and to more of what feminism creates, until hell finally boils over and burns us all. And should we wait that long?

The collapse and meltdown of civilization is the chief danger that we face. And it is precisely what more feminist innovation will bring us. Feminism is simply not sustainable, and as non-feminist men and women, we stand dogmatically upon that position.

To argue the contrary, is to argue from a feminist standpoint. And such a standpoint is invalid, by definition,  within the non-feminist sector. To declare that we have not correctly understood feminism is again to argue from a feminist standpoint because it implies a feminist definition of feminism -- which, from a non-feminist standpoint, is invalid. We know for a fact that feminism as we define it is unsustainable, and we make feminism as we define it the pragmatic gold standard for all of our plans and calculations.

And in the end, we insist that feminism as we define it, must be stopped dead in its tracks and prevented from developing further.

As non-feminist men and women, we would like to prevent the worst. We would like to keep the bad stuff to a minimum. And that is why we take a stand that is radically different from feminism (as we define it) in every possible dimension, to the point of controlling the narrative, the discourse, the language itself.

The non-feminist revolution, as said, is a primordial force apt to be messy. It is existential, growing not from analysis but from gut reaction, by millions of people, to feminist disruption in the social ecology. These people might not intellectualize what is happening, but they can feel it, and their dysfunctional behavior reflects a primitive understanding of it. The clear and present danger is that violence will erupt and be subjected to a feminist analysis, followed by feminist measures to effect a feminist solution which, in turn, will only compound the feminist difficulty and set the feminist cycle in motion again.

So the focus of any vanguard plan must be, to disrupt the feminist cycle as we have described it here. The escalation into ever greater violence, and the continual practice of shifting the blame away from feminism, can be expected to continue unless some kind of intervention occurs.

And I have already sketched the intervention that we have in mind, which is to unseat feminism altogether from its narrative authority and self-definition -- to relativize it -- by establishing a non-feminist authority in opposition to it. Briefly,  we mean to decenter feminism within the culture by violating its monopoly of discourse, in a spectacular way, for all to see. From this, the implication will follow that others may join in the fun. In principle, it is like chiselling the nose off a sacred idol in the public square, in sight of all. Do so, and the mojo is broken; the idol becomes rubbish.

We suggest all of this because we wish to offer a unifying vision, and a lighted pathway out of the maze. As matters stand, there is no such vision and no such pathway, and that can only make the world meaner and uglier all around. To continue along the feminist road will compound the crisis which feminism first set in motion, while it merely postpones the inevitable day of reckoning. On the other hand, to take the non-feminist road will bring about a healing crisis, but a rational healing crisis, leading us finally back to a sustainable world of manageable human imperfection. Feminism will end sooner or later, but we had best make this sooner, from a place of power and control.

And I don't mean feminist power and control.

Download Theme Keren Ferrari For Windows 7

Theme windows 7. Sudah lama rasanya haramain software tidak berbagi theme windows 7 kepada sahabat haramain software.
Theme kali ini adalah theme keren ferrari untuk windows 7. Sepertinya saya tidak perlu lagi menjelaskan apa itu theme windows 7 karena saya yakin sahabat haramain software sudah membaca bahkan mendownload theme-theme yang sudah saya bagikan sebelumnya.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin download, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.


Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) Letter Rebutting NYT Article Saying Addressing Male Demand for Prostituted Women Is a "Misguided Moral Crusade"

Check out this GREAT letter by Norma Ramos of Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) in response to the NYT article “A Misguided Moral Crusade” ~ It’s a perfect rebuttal to all of the ridiculous nonsense spread by that article that said that trying to stop DEMAND for sex trafficking (male purchasing of women for sex) was harmful to prostituted women in the sex industry! (The article also


OOTD| FOTD| Pre Wedding Dinner

Outfit Of The Day
Dress- Dorothy Perkins
Shoes- Christian Louboutin
Clutch bag- Tkmaxx
Face Of The Day
Eyes- Urban Decay Naked Palette
Face- Primer- Rimmel/ Foundation- Maybelline Super Stay 24 hours and Revlon Colour Stay 24 hour – Contouring- Sleek Palette- Blush- Rimmel
Lips- Rimmel Kate Moss Nude

I thought I would do a Face and Outfit Of The Day to show you what I wore for the night before my mums wedding this past weekend. I’m frantically trying to think if I could do an actual wedding day Outfit And Face Of The Day however I think I was so busy enjoying the day I didn't even take pictures of what I was wearing or what my makeup looked like… blogger fail!
Anyways back to the Friday. The Friday evening was a smart casual affair, where dinner and drinks were served at the hotel while we all mingled and got to know each other before the big day. I originally planned to wear a dusty pink dress to kick off the pink theme to the wedding and to match my Mum’s dress, however as much as I tried I did not find a dress I was completely happy with. In the end I spotted this teal number in the Dorothy Perkins sale. It is actually the same dress as another I had bought and worn previously (You can see it here) and as I knew it was a flattering fit and comfortable I chose to wear this for the Friday night instead. I paired the dress with my Louboutins which I received as a graduation present; its actually only the second time I have worn them as they are so precious, and my silver clutch and silver jewellery which I also wore on the wedding day.
For my face I decided to go for a dramatic smoky eye and nude lip as on the wedding day I wore a more natural look, so I wanted to create a contrast and dress my face up a little bit more. I created this look using my trusty Naked Palette, the same palette that the makeup artist on the Saturday actually complimented me upon, as she loves it just as much as us bloggers. I am wearing lash inserts in the above picture; I treated myself on the Thursday night as I didn’t want to have to be fiddling with fake eyelashes all weekend. I only got the two week occasional wear ones, but they are still going very strong and I am in love with them! It means getting ready in the morning takes about 10 minutes less as I don’t have to apply endless layers of mascara, and I am much more confident with out makeup as my eyes are very defined. I will be writing a review on them in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for that. I have been attempting to contour my face this past week, and although still a beginner I am enjoying the way it makes my face look.
I had a great night, as did many others judging by some of the sore heads in the morning, my boyfriend being one of them. However everyone had soon recovered come the ceremony, and the Friday evening allowed the wedding day to be more relaxed as the ice had already been broken the night before.
Are you are contouring pro? Could you give me some tips or recommend any products?


Weddings Days

Many of you will know after reading my blog that this past weekend has been the weekend of my Mum and her partner’s wedding. It was an amazing fun filled two day event, even if it was a little tiring. We are currently all sat around my mum and her new husbands house, eating Dominos in our PJ’s and looking through all the pictures, so I thought I would share some with you.

Friday night was an informal gathering and a chance for both sides of the family to meet and mingle. There was a lot of chatting, laughing and drinking going on, and with the help of my game of ‘Crazy Little Game Called Love’, a lot of scheming. The game is one I have come across through the hours I spend reading wedding blogs… I a woman obsessed. The game involves taking pictures of famous celebrity and royal bride and grooms and superimposing your own bride and grooms face in place of the famous star. The pictures turned out great, and were very humorous. The game itself brought out everyone’s competitive side especially when a drinks voucher was revealed as the prize, overall it proved a great ice breaker for everyone.
If the game itself didn’t break the ice, the sight of my Grandma having her head shaved by my mother, definitely did. My family has unfortunately been affected by breast cancer both now and in the past, so to help raise money for a cause both very close the our hearts and central to the wedding she decided she wanted to raise money by having her head shaved. No one was told beforehand, so it proved to be quite a shock to many, however she raised around £400 for charity, deeming it very successful. Everyone again did not know that Grandma has a beautiful wig that she wore for the Wedding day, so there was no bald bridesmaids running around, well at least not at the ceremony, it soon came off when the dancing started.
I only have a small selection of pictures of the ceremony, as I was too busy enjoying the day/carrying champagne and flowers around to take pictures, but you can see that pink was a strong theme in the wedding, as it is my mums favourite colour, and relates to the breast cancer charity. From the third picture you will see that shoes also played a big part, my mum wore hot pink stilettos on under her dress, and each bridesmaid had a different pair of sparkly shoes.
Many of the lovely guests who attended commented that it was the little details that made the day so spectacular, many of which were handmade by my mum and her willing helpers. Above are a selection of these little details along with the pictures I took while getting ready… seemingly the only free time I had.
*The hotel* *The view from my room* *Champers and cake for breakfast* *Hair clips* *OOTD-bridesmaid edition* *Curly bridesmaid hair* *Wedding favours* *Wedding Breakfast* *Assiette of deserts* *Wedding cake and flowers* Pink Wedding Popcakes* Curly hair 15 hours later*

I plan on posting another couple of wedding related posts, one with more of the wedding pictures, so you can gain a greater idea of the day. The other on the popcakes we baked and decorated for the guests. So keep checking back if you like cake or beautiful photographs.
Have any of you been to a wedding recently? What made the day extra special and stand out for you?

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