


Great stuff, don't ya think? I would remind you that we don't (in theory) need overwhelming support from the female population -- or anything close to it!  A mere fifty or so "broad"cast towers like GWW could transmit shockwaves around the world, exploding feminist brains with a collective splat that would reverberate even in the darkest corners of the Canadian arctic.

But seriously, GWW's shitty adventure should remind us who we are dealing with. We are dealing with irrational fanatics and even malignant narcissists, similar to those who made Erin Pizzey's life hell. Their proclivity for criminal violence predictably surfaces when they are cornered. You see, cornered feminists, like cornered rats, will use their teeth. And their milder supporters aren't much better.

This puts me in mind of the recent minor kerfuffle on Davey Futrelle's blog. Some of his undisciplined supporters wished that pro-male YouTubers were more "visible" -- which, I could add, might tend to make them more personally traceable or "doxx-able". (The "demand for visibility" is a recurring theme among many feminists, including Jessica Valenti.) Well Davey distanced himself like a madman from all of that, entering the enemy camp (this blog right here!) to announce that he did not endorse what his undisciplined supporters were saying. 

The lightning-swift touchiness of Futrelle's reaction was interesting. And his motives, in terms of strategy, are clear enough -- at least to me. For quite some time, the mainstay of Futrelle's game has been to smear the non-feminist community using guilt-by-association. He has repeatedly tried to fabricate a linkage between the pro-male project and violent individuals such as Anders Breivik -- typically through a combination of quote-mining and  ignoring the political context. Herein, he walks in step with anti-male policy overall, but he's definitely a point man.

At any rate, Futrelle wants to fight clear of anything at all, on the feminist side, which might suggest that the feminist side is capable of thuggish behavior. For that is precisely what is hinted at, when various feminists demand that politically outspoken non-feminists go public with their names and faces. After all, when you are public, you are publicly available for people to take a poke at you -- or worse.

Manifestly then, Davey fears that some taint of imputable thuggery will attach to feminism, rather than to non-feminist people as he would prefer. And although he can't control what the more undisciplined feminists do or say in this big wide world, he can at least keep his own plump little fingers clean, to some extent, by taking the stand he has taken in the present case. Evidently, it means a great deal to him.

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Sudah lama rasanya haramain software tidak berbagi theme kepada sahabat haramain software. kebetulan hari ini adalah hari lebaran jadi saya sebagai admin haramain software akan bagikan theme keren untuk sahabat haramain software.
Theme kali ini adalah theme alien tech for windows 7 dimana pada theme ini seperti namanya yaitu tampilannya berbentuk alien. theme keren yang satu ini sengaja saya bagikan karena ini juga theme yang baru-baru saja saya dapatkan dan sengaja saya bagikan agar tidak hanya saya saja yang merasakan themenya.

Screenshoot :

bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mencoba silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. Seperti biasa sebelum install theme bagi yang belum menginstall universall theme patcher, install terlebih dahulu universal theme patcher pada PC sobat kemudian restart.
  2. setelah install universal theme patcher, extrak file theme yang sudah di download kemudian buka folder theme dan copy semua file yang ada didalam folder theme dan pastekan di Local C/ Windows/ Resourches/ Theme.
  3. klik kanan di desktop dan pilih theme yang barusan sahabat HS install untuk melihat hasilnya.
  4. enjoy.
Semoga bermanfaat.

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Yamicsoft windows 7 manager 4.1.2 final ini adalah software yang sangat bermanfaat. awalnya saya pikir kalau software ini tidak bagus tapi ternyata setelah saya mendapatkan masalah karena windows yang saya gunakan mengalami masalah windows berwarna hitam dan explorernya tidak berfungsi.
Setelah saya gunakan yamicsoft windows 7 manager ini baru saya tahu kalau software ini ternyata luar biasa windows yang saya gunakan kembali normal dan explorernya langsung berfungsi dengan baik.
Bagi yang pernah mengalami masalah seperti saya dan tidak ingin install ulang karena memiliki file penting yang berada di local c bisa menggunakan software ini untuk merepair windows yang sahabat haramain software gunakan.

Screenshot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua sahabat HS.

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Stardock cursorFX adalah software yang berfungsi untuk membuat tampilan cursor yang kita miliki menjadi lebih keren atau. Sebenarnya startdock cursorfx bukanlah software yang baru karena stardock cursorfx ini sudah sangat lama namun tetap asik digunakan.
Pada stardock cursorfx juga terdapat banyak pilihan cursor yang membuat kita tidak akan pernah bosan karena kita bisa mengganti cursor yang kita gunakan seminggu sekali, sebulan sekali atau sehari sekali dan bahkan semenit sekali juga bisa kalau sahabat kurang kerjaan ganti cursor dalam waktu semenit.
Sekarang saya tidak akan jelaskan panjang lebar karena lebih baik kalau sahabat haramain software peraktekkan sendiri langsung.

Screenshot :

bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.


The Original "MRAs"

I can now state for a fact that the MRA acronym dates back to at least 1990. That is how long the Australian Men's Rights Agency, a men's and fathers's advocacy org, has been in existence.They have a very nice website, here:

You'll enjoy reading about what they do, and you'll also enjoy digging through their archives -- evidently dating back to primitive BBS days. Lots of news stories and good information on topics of interest.

Pussy Riot Goes to the Pokey

Note the following:

Now, as a person not friendly to feminism, I would beg to remind you that this band, Pussy Riot, identifies as "feminist". And  for that reason alone, I haven't got much sympathy for them in the jam they've gotten into. Mind you, if they had been "just folks", and not expressly tagged as "feminist", it would put the case in a rather different light. But the fact that they are "feminist" cancels out, so far as I'm concerned, any other political significance or moral credit which their actions might carry. To me, it seems like just another case of feminism horning in and co-branding itself with causes and issues other than its own, in order to shield itself behind the banner of those causes, issues, etc.

Therefore, when I read this story I can only shrug my shoulders indifferently and say "whatever."


Feminists Aren't the Only Ones Who do Stuff Like This

Study this carefully and learn what you can learn. It is classic stuff. And creepier than shit.


Taking the Bitter with the Sweet

I am re-posting the following brief remark which a pro-male partisan posted elsewhere on the web about an hour ago. I think it nails a certain bulls-eye with acuity:
"Christ made it clear when he stated '“One of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to [Jesus], ‘Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.’ But He said, ‘On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it’ (Luke 11:27,28 NASB).

"Women have no claim in childbirth, they have no claim on the outcome of a child. Women have always sought to be honoured and revered for giving birth to a prodigy, as if they played some important genetic role in the greatness of their child. If this is true then women must also suffer the consequences of giving birth to murderers, rapists, pedophiles and every other evil in the world. It is either one way or the other, there is no middle ground."
I cannot refute the logic of this. It makes perfect sense.

Download Angry Birds Rio V2.2.0 Full Version 100% Working

Angry bird adalah game yang sudah sangat populer kalau dulu saya juga sudah pernah share versi sebelumnya dan linknya sudah rusak. Berhubung sudah ada versi terbarunya, saya share versi terbarunya saja dan dijamin 100% working dan tidak ada masalah.
Angry birds rio v2.2.0 full version yang saya bagikan ini didalamnya sudah saya sediakan cracknya yang nantinya itu adalah crack untuk membuat full version.
bagi sahabat haramain software yang sudah sering memainkan game angry bird pasti sudah tau kan tantangan-tantangan pada game ini karena pada game ini terlihat sangat mudah padahal belum tentu.

Screenshot :

Cara install :
  1. Extrak file yang di download kemudian jalankan AngryBirdsInstaller_2.2.0.exe
  2. Install sampai selesai tapi sebelum finish hilagkan centang untuk memainkan gamenya.
  3. buka folder crack dan copy file crack dan pastekan di Local C/Program files/ Rovio /Angry Birds. ( Replace )
  4. Kalau sudah jalankan gamenya dan pilih actived full version dan masukkan sembarang code ( nama sahabat HS juga bisa )
  5. Klik actived dan selesai.
  6. Selamat bermain.
Untuk mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat bermain.

Download Game Plants Vs Zombies 2 Game Of The Year Edition 100% Working

Plants vs zombies 2 game of the year edition adalah game strategy seri ke 2 dari plants vs zombies dimana kita harus menjaga rumah kita dari para zombi agar para zombi tidak bisa masuk ke dalam rumah kita.
Plants vs zombies 2 game of the year tidak jauh berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya cuma ada beberapa karakter tambahan dari zombi. pada palants vs zombies 2 game of the year masih memiliki menu-menu yang mirip dan bahkan sama persis dengan game plants vs zombies yang pertama seperti adventure, mini games, puzzle, dan survival.
Pada plants vs zombies 2 game of the year ini juga terdapat menu zombatar yang berfungsi untuk membuat avatar zombi sendiri sesuai yang diinginkan.

Screenshot :

Untuk cara install plants vs zombies 2 game of the year sudah saya sertakan didalam file yang di download.
Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link di bawah ini.

Semoga membantu sahabat haramain software.


The Breakdown on "Patriarchy"

Remember two things about this "patriarchy" idea:
  • It is coherent when too narrowly defined to be broadly useful.
  • It is incoherent when too broadly defined to be narrowly useful.
Summing up: Latitude of utility varies inversely to coherency of definition.

I wrote the script for this video some time in 2005, at least a year before I started the blog. It reflects the earlier stages of my political awakening, when I was working out the basic stuff.

Finally, the most useful way to understand the word "patriarchy" is to know it as a feminist codeword for male power -- in whatever form such power might occur. I talk about this in another early essay, here:

What They don't want You to Know

So in the end, all the intellectual thickets of feminist "patriarchy theory" are nothing but cover or camouflage for the feminist drive to "empower" women by reducing male power as much as possible in every way. The feminists disagree on the details -- for example, the radfems would push it all the way to complete male genocide -- but they all agree that male power must be reduced.

However, the logic of all feminism spirals naturally in the direction of radical feminist thinking. For this reason, the Agent Orange files (or any similar material) are a kind of crystal ball, showing us where the future will naturally trend under the organic development of feminist innovation.

For the record, I do NOT believe the future will arrive in the form which the radfems hope for. Collateral forces of history will intervene in the dialectic and put a rude stop to it. Male power,  for good or for ill, will come barreling back. Hopefully, for good. And if some folks have their way, gynocentrism will never be the same again.

Download the Agent Orange files here:


Oh, Lighten Up About This!

Here is a quick little snapshot of mainstream popular culture. This is comedy, of course, as you can tell from the laugh track...right? Needless to say, it is only fiction. And yet it is represented as funny, or at least nothing to get worked up about. Well I don't know who should be most offended by this: men, whom women are being taught to deceive in the most treacherous way imaginable? Or women themselves, who are being depicted as the most vile creatures imaginable?

It is, however, difficult to imagine a feminist getting riled about this unless she (or he) could find some way to put an anti-male spin upon it. That is what feminists do, after all.

Now, go and download the Agent Orange files if you have never done so:

I would have you observe the very consistent male-negative or male-exploitive pattern which runs like a bright red thread through all of the culture. The tired old argument that radical feminists are only a tiny cult of fringe extremists sounds weary indeed when you reflect on the prevalence of anti-male attitude, in one strength or another, throughout the social fabric. No, the radfems are not the "fringe". They are the concentrated, uncut, undiluted center. Always remember that.  

Instagram| The past few weeks

photo (14)-tile
-Hangover food- Saturday nights FOTD- Partying- Aztec nails- Saturday nights OOTD- Archie and I- Treats off mother bear-Retro Sweets-
-New workout top from Samsung- Sunshine in my back garden- Blogging- Graze box- Views on my run -Perfect weather for the Beemer-
-Ice Lolly time- Canoeing with bother bear- sexy hair curlers- Smart nails- Bridesmaid hair-Watching the Olympic ceremony-

As many of you know I recently purchased an iphone and don’t think I have put it down since. It really is fuelling my obsession with taking pictures, I don’t think my family and friends appreciate or enjoy it, but I’m sure they will get used to it.

As I now have an iphone, one of the first apps I downloaded was Instagram and have been uploading pictures on a regular ever since. My user name is Cat0805 if you do want to follow me. I love the app, its a great way to find motivation for makeup, fashion and nail looks, and a great way to be nosey as many share the little moments in their lives with the rest of us. As I am new I am still fascinated with this app, but wonder if the novelty will wear off over time. Anyways these pictures are mine from the past two weeks, which have been fairly quiet for me, but I have been out enjoying the little sunshine we have had.

What you you think of Instagram? Do you love it, or are you bored of it?


SaRaH sIlVeRmAn OfFeRs To 'ScIsSoR' bIlLiOnAiRe ShElDoN aDeLsOn If hE gIvEs CaMpAiGn DoNaTiOn To ObAmA iNsTeAd Of RoMnEy!

Comedian and concerned American citizen Sarah Silverman, has made Las Vegas resident and billionaire Sheldon Adelson, an offer he can't refuse. Silverman has offered to 'scissor' Adelson, only if he gives the $100 million dollars he promised to Mitt Romney for a campaign donation, to President Obama instead.

Sarah seems to understand how easy it is for the elite to buy presidential

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God of war 2 full rip for pc. Siapa sih gamer yang tidak kenal dengan game yang bernama god of war ? game god of war mungkin lebih sering kita mainkan di PS2. God of war adalah game yang sedikit berdasarkan mitologi yunani.
God of war juga sudah banyak meraih penghargaan dan termasuk juga mendapatkan penghargaan " Game of the year " dari academy of interactive art and sciences.
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Screenshot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin memainkan game ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Link Update 7 Januari 2012

Nb : Baca cara download dimenu blog ini jika sahabat bingung cara downloadnya. Baca juga cara mempercepat download link turbobit di menu cara download pada blog ini.
Recomended System Requirements :
  • Ram 1 Gb atau lebih tinggi
  • HDD 1,5 Gb Free Space
  • VGA Memory 128 Mb atau lebih tinggi
  • Processor Pentium 4 @ 2,4 Ghz atau lebih tinggi
  • DirectX 9.0c atau lebih tinggi
 Untuk yang belum terinstall Direct 9.0c atau yang lebih tinggi pada PC yang digunakan maka game ini tidak akan berjalan sebelum DirectX 9.0c terinstall pada PC. Kalau belum punya DirectX 9.0c, bisa download disini.

Cara install :
  1. Setelah download extrak dan jalankan setup.exe
  2. Setelah install selesai, jalankan God of war II.exe.
  3. Selamat Bermain.
NB : Tested By Me 100% Working

Semoga Membantu sahabat haramain software yang sudah merequest game ini ataupun yang tidak merequest.

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Office 2010 toolkit 2.0.1. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah software yang bernama office 2010 toolkit 2.0.1. 0ffice 2010 toolkit 2.0.1 ini adalah software yang berfungsi untuk activator pada microsoft office.
Office 2010 toolkit 2.0.1, walaupun ini adalah 2010, tapi office 2010 toolkit 2.0.1 ini bisa digunakan untuk microsoft office 2003, microsoft office 2007, dan microsoft office 2010.
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Screenshot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu sahabat HS.

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