

Eruption of Violent Feminism At U-Toronto

On Friday, Nov 16, 2012 Dr. Warren Farrell thought he was going to deliver a peaceful pro-male speech at Toronto University in Canada. Well the feminist greeting committee gave him a very rude awakening. As you see, only a squadron of riot police could hold them in check. (The feminists are screaming "off our campus! Off our campus! Off our campus!")

What was Dr. Farrell planning to talk about? Well, it was part of an event called  “Men’s Issues Awareness at the University of Toronto (MIAUT)”. A summary of his proposed "hate speech" follows:
Throughout the industrialized world, boys are about a quarter century behind girls --dropping out of school, preoccupied with video games, committing suicide, and demonstrating a "failure to launch." Why and what can we do about it?
But the anti-male elements wanted no part of such doings, and weren't bashful about letting the world know! (I am not aware that any box-cutters were being used, however.)

Here is another video you ought to watch -- this one includes interview footage with a local feminist who talks just like. . . well, a feminist, frankly!

Finally, here is a ton of Twitter material to keep you busy for a while, and generally get you up to speed:

Friends, the game is on! And it is heating up. We can expect more outbursts of a similar character in the future, and I hope you will be very, very careful for your safety in whatever situation you find yourselves. And be prepared to gather evidence with video capture equipment, eyewitnesses, or whatever it takes.

John the Other has posted a video about this. You can view it here: 

Oh, by the way, Warren Farrell finally got to make his speech, but it was delayed for about an hour.

Video Response to Fidelbogen on YouTube

He has paraphrased my own position pretty accurately, and added some thoughts of his own. In my own video, the point was to problematize the idea that women's lack of voting rights was a so-called "oppression". The feminists like to make political melodrama about this, and we wish to knock the wind out of their sails.

Breaking Story From Germany

At this very moment, I am talking to a young man in Germany. Here is what he tells me:
" In the schools in Germany, it is common for young girls to make false accusations of rape against young boys. The girls do this for sport, because they are bored. The boys find that their lives are ruined by these accusations. Very often, they must move to a different city in order to rebuild their lives among different people."
That is what he tells me. I am reporting this as it is given.


Another One Who Appears to GET IT

 I've noticed an accelerating number of women these days who sound like they have at least nibbled on the celebrated Red Pill. Cyanos Pool, the narrator of the featured video, says something verrry interesting. She claims that she hesitates to position herself as a "female MRA" because she does not quite trust the motives of other so-called female MRAs, and wants to distance herself.

Now THAT. . . .is nuance! I don't think I've heard anything quite that perceptive and reflective before.

LA County’s Measure B is a major win for safe sex in adult entertainment – by Gail Dines

Check out this great article by Gail Dines (@GailDines) about the recent success of condoms in porn being required — despite massive efforts by the porn industry to stop the ballot measure in favor of this. Gail’s article is very informative and inspirational and it shows how committed activists CAN make a difference by helping to clean up the greedy, corrupt and exploitative porn industry![The

Fitness Friday| Festive Flat Tum Week 1| Highs & Lows



*Images from Tumblr*

As many of you will know this past week I have been following my Festive Flat Tum Challenge, and as a result will be posting regular Fitness Friday posts on my highs and lows of the week gone by, plus some motivation for both you and I. This weeks are as follows;


This week I did not get off to as strong of a start as I wanted. I have been really struggling to wake up in the mornings... why is it so dark?! So have missed my morning workouts which is not good! I must do better next week! I have been trying to get to bed earlier so I will get into a routine of falling asleep earlier so I will find waking up less of a struggle!


Diet! This week my eating has been great, I’ve been eating clean and feel great because of it! I have not eaten crisps or chocolate, my only treat has been a cupcake on Cake Day at work, so I am giving myself a pat on the back for this!

I am also really pleased that I have ran 2 5k’s this week, although they are not the quickest, I am still pleased as this is the longest I have ran on the treadmill so far. I can run 5k outside easily as it is more interesting, but the treadmill bores me so much! So to stay on it for longer than 15 minutes is torture!

This next week I aim to get up earlier in the mornings and get my morning workout in, as well as keep up my daily cardio with the aim to run another 3 5ks! This next week I am going to take my body measurements, and some pictures, so I have something to mark my progress with. I am not weighing myself as believe this only demotivates myself. Anyways measuring inches lost is a much healthier way to analyse your health and fitness than being obsessed with the weighting scale. Scales do not take in to account muscle gained, and a toned body is much healthier and sexier than a skinny body with no definition! 

Are you stepping up your health and fitness in time to look great for Christmas? What have you done this week to make yourself proud? What fitspiration do you use to keep yourself motivated?

New Video -- Again, Women Were Not "Oppressed"


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Screenshoot  :

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Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan downoad pada link dibawah ini.

Nb : diadalmnya sudah saya sertakan dengan cara penggunaannya.
Semoga bermanfaat.

We Don't Make Threats: We Make Predictions.

Here is somebody who agrees with me. Somebody who gets it. I like it when that happens!

However, notwithstanding that I have provided a link, I wish to quote, in full, the item of interest from that website, so that you can read it both here and there if you wish. Here is what the writer had to say concerning an article of mine on AVfM last July:
Fidelbogen: The non-feminist coalition rejects violence

I don't want personal accountability enthusiasts to take any of this the wrong way. I lean libertarian myself haha... But lets be clear. The men in society who do shitty things absolutely deserve punishment. But what we've been completely unwilling to do for the most part, is figure out the reasons WHY men are acting out.

Men know why they act out on a micro level. They know their life story and the hardships they faced. None of it excuses the behavior mind you, but they atleast understand it on a personal/individual level. Mom or dad beat the shit out of them as a kid and no one cared. Mom or dad raped them and no one cared. They were drugged up for "misbehavior" in school. They were jumped on numerous occasions and the only people who showed any concern was family, but even they told the kid to tough it out like everyone else in society told the kid to tough it out. They were punched and laughed at. They were treated like a dog by every girlfriend they ever had; or rejected in embarrassing ways by every girlfriend they wanted to have. They had their kids ripped away from their life by a personality disordered woman and the courts who sided with her. They came into this life having a piece of their dick chopped off; a level of traumatic pain that no adult should experience let alone a newborn. They went to war and came back a gimp to a society that didn't care about them; or a wife and family that didn't care about them. They drank the pain away, or drugged it away living on the streets. Men understand their personal pain very well. And a lot of it ends up expressing itself in suicide, delinquency, deadbeat fathering, rape, violent crime etc..

Men don't seem to understand it on a macro level however. In a sense, they don't understand how a lot of these experiences are gendered. They don't need to in order to make it perfectly clear that they are suffering. We've been content not being receptive to the pain of men. We think that the only way to solve all of this acting out by men is to punish it more severely... And it hasn't worked. Big surprise. We don't want to understand it; find the root cause of it and try to fix those root causes before it leads to more crime, more shitty behavior, more rape, more violence etc... And as Fidelbogen points out, it WILL get more and more violent in this society. It will get more and more ugly. We will continue to have more and more prisoners. We will continue to have fatherless homes. It isn't a threat, it's an accurate prediction.

So if you're fine with the status quo... If you think we've done an excellent job policing men and creating model male citizens; or that we're on our way to doing such things if we can JUST get more feminist theory and more literature on rape culture/patriarchy/wage gap out into the public... We'll solve the issue of testosterone by shaming the fuck out of it. Then be happy with the results that breeds.
What the writer fails to mention is that men won't be the only ones who "act out" in a dysfunctional manner. I mean, this is a social ecology that we live in, and the disease is by its nature pandemic. Women will catch it too! And more feminism will only pour benzine on the fire. So, more feminism is the worst thing that could possibly happen to us. To all concerned: this is not a threat. This is a prediction. And. . . you have been warned. So, the ball is in your court, and the responsibility is yours. I have fulfilled my own responsibility by issuing this warning, and by openly renouncing feminism BY NAME. Now, let's see you follow.

Japan Sees Surge in Aspiring Adult Film Actresses Over Decade, “6000 Girls Debut Every Year”

Wow! #Porn is REALLY mainstreamed in Japan now! “It’s just like applying for a part-time job at a convenience store”. Ouch! And apparently so many young women are applying to be in porn that they are turning many of them down! Wow. This is fortunate of course for the ones who are turned down, but it’s so sad for the many thousands per year who are “accepted”… Read more below…
[Rocket News] The

Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.12 Final Build 25 Full Version With Patch

Internet download manager atau yang lebih sering kita sapa dengan nama IDM ini telah menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu internet download manager 6.12 final build 25 dan sudah saya lengkapi dengan patchnya.
Bagi sahabat haramain software  pasti banyak yang menggunakan IDM ini dan untuk yang masih menggunakan versi lama silahkan download versi terbarunya ini karena versi terbarunya sudah pasti lebih baik dari versi-versi sebelumnya. Unuk cara install sama saja dengan versi sebelumnya yang sudah saya share,

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin download, silahkan donload pada link dibawah ini.

Atau bisa download via sharebeast pada link dibawah ini

Semoga bermanfaat.

Download Game Pirates Of Caribbean At World's End 100% Working

Game pirates of caribbean at world's end. kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah game petualangan seru yaitu pirates of caribbean at world's end. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah kenal dengan jack sparow pada film pirates of caribbean dan kali ini yang saya bagikan bukanlah filmnya melainkan gamenya.
Game petualangan pirates of caribbean at world's end ang aramain software bagikn ini kapasitas aslinya adalah 1 GB namun saya yakin banyak dari sahabat haramain software yang akan kwalahan jika harus mendownload 1 Gb oleh karena itu yang haramain software bagikan ini sudah do compres menjadi 138 Mb namun setelah diinstall hasil installnya adalah sesuai kapasitas aslinya yaitu 1 GB.
Game pirates of caribbean yang saya bagikan ini sudah jelas 100% working seperti game-game yang sudah saya share di blog ini.

Screenshoot :

Cara install :
  1. Setelah download, Extract Pirates of Caribbean -
  2. Jalankan Install.exe nanti akan terbuka sebuah aplikasi
  3. Klik menu install akan terlihat tulisan how to install
  4. Klik tulisan _install_
  5. Cari tempat sahabat haramain software ingin menginstall kemudian klik ok
  6. Tunggu sebentar sampai keluar perintah Found setup.bat! Execute it? dan tekan Yes
  7. Ketika proses penginstalan berjalan nanti ada perintah lagi cukup klik yes/ok
  8. Tunggu sampai selesai nanti akan ada tulisan pres any key to continue
  9. Klik apa saja bisa enter bisa juga spasi kemudian selesai.
  10. Cari folder tempat sobat menginstall tadi
  11. Jalankan At Worlds End.exe
  12. Selamat bermain.
Bagi yang ingin mendownload game ini, silahkan download pada link yang ada dibawah ini.

Link Update 17 Desember 2012

Selamat bermain dan semoga terhibur.


Natural Science For Your Skin| Monu Skincare Review


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Monu Skincare is a new brand to me, having not heard of them before they contacted me asking if I would like to review their products. As a girl who does struggle with my skin I obviously jumped at the chance to try a new skincare regime. I was asked about my skin type and any issues I have with my skin, and then sent the products that would best suit my skin type and help offer the results I needed. I received a lovely package in the post; the products in a handy wash bag and an informative brochure.

I received the Line Smoothing Beauty Bag, retailing at £29.95, which is designed for normal or combination skin, or those with fine lines, first lines and expression line. I agree I have combination skin, however I’m not sure on the fine lines! I seem to have been given quite a lot of products for fine and first lines recently and I’m starting to get a little paranoid! I must be looking older than my 23 years! Anyways enough about me and onto the review.

The Company

In case you are new to the brand, like me, I will give them a little introduction. Monu believe in quality, purity and authenticity; their products being designed to bring out the best in the user, using only the best of nature. They use only pure, natural ingredients such as plants, herbs, minerals and essential oils. No damaging chemicals, artificial perfumes or synthetic colours, and definitely no testing on animals!

The Products

  • Active Cleanser and Toner

Monu- “This milky cleanser and refreshing toner, leave skin thoroughly cleansed, balanced, toned and comfortable.”

I completely agree, the cleanser was gorgeous, very creamy and it applied like a dream. When rubbing into your skin it was both soft and refreshing, and my makeup was completely removed after using the cleanser twice and the toner once. The Witch Hazel in the toner really helped reduce the size of my pore over the period of use.

  • Skin Perfector

Monu- “An award winning weightless cream that instantly soothes imperfections and enhances natural radiance. Its soft focus technology has an instant smoothing effect, giving your skin a flawless, fresh and incredibly smooth complexion”

This has to be one of my favourite products in a long time! I used it as a day cream; it sunk into my skin well and gave a great based for my makeup. It is described as being a BB cream but it doesn’t have any colour in it, so I would say it is more of a primer. My skin was left as smooth as a baby's bum and looking fresh, glowing and healthy.

  • Night Renewal Complex

Monu- “A rich complex of actives to help smooth and frim the skin whilst you sleep, leaving you with rejuvenated and renewed skin”

I love this night cream! It was very rich and creamy, but not heavy and “too rich” like I find many to be. It did not leave a residue on my skin and was absorbed quite quickly, but not too quickly, so I knew it was still working miracles.

  • Warming Aromatic Mask

Monu- “ The velvety smooth mask slightly warms on application to renew and invigorate the complexion”

Unfortunately I was not overly impressed with this product, it did warm slightly, not enough for my liking and left my skin clean. However I prefer other mud mask products on the market. (I am quite fussy with my facemasks)

  • Eye Cool Gel

Monu- “The refreshing gel instantly revives and tones tired eyes, reduces puffiness and dark circles”

Again I have to agree with Monu, this product did deliver results. My puffy morning eyes soon disappeared after applying this gel. However I prefer eye creams that are applied with a metal ball, as this helps to wake me up!

  • Extra Freebie! Monu Micro Exfoliant

Monu- “ Dual-action microdermabrasion. This powerful treatment delivers instantly radiant skin, refines skin texture and reduces the appearance of fine line and pores.”

Oh my word! Did some one replace my skin with someone else's! I have never tried microdermabrasion products before but I would definitely purchase this product! This exfoliant had the tiniest little beads that really got into every corner of your nose; great for those blackheads! Even better these tiny beads did not break up they were persistent little things, meaning you could give your skin a good scrub. Once the product was washed off I was left with the smoothest skin that was glowing… it was like I had new skin, no word of a lie! I was (as you can tell) made up with this product. Thank you Monu!


Overall I greatly enjoyed these products and definitely saw amazing results. I have used them for around 2 months now, so they have definitely lasted well, so they were great value for money! Plus I believe I have used them for an adequate amount of time to give an honest and realistic review. Overall my skin has been left incredibly soft, smooth and glowing. If I did have fine lines before there is little evidence of it now! The whole skin care regime that I developed when using these products has been an absolute treat, normally I use face wipes! However I have definitely been converted! My face actually feels clean and refreshed after going through the regime twice daily. The only negative to these products is that when first using them they have quite a strong smell, it is a floral smell so not pungent, its just a little over powering at first. Secondly as much as I love the sleek minimalistic packaging, the writing on the back of the bottles was very small and in a pale colour so it made reading it quite difficult.

Have you heard of Monu Skincare before? Have you tried any of their products? Which would you recommend?

Anders Breivik Belongs on the Doorstep of Feminsm

This is, I am pretty sure, the most recent video by GirlWritesWhat. I will link to it rather than embed it, because I don't want the blog to get too vid-heavy:

As GWW says in the video: "Anders Breivik was one fucked-up dude. And what fucked him up was the cultural and legal norms brought about by feminism."

Of course, some people want to make Anders Breivik a poster boy for the entire non-feminist community on planet Earth. It seems these people hate the idea that men should have human rights and be treated like human beings. According to these people, if you believe that  male human beings have "rights", then you are just like Anders Breivik. Either that, or you are somehow in cahoots with Anders Breivik. Yes,  there are certain people who want to see you in exactly that way, if you are not a feminist. And those people know exactly who they are....don't they?



Feminist "Impersonates" the Green River Killer

Somebody on Facebook, who goes by the name of "Gary Ridgeway", has gotten onto the friends list of some of you. In case you don't know, Gary Ridgway is none other than the Green River killer. So this Facebook individual clearly wants to trump up a story that non-feminist people are friendly toward serial killers. It wouldn't surprise me if this individual were none other than David Futrelle, a.k.a. Manboobz. I believe he is capable of such antics, and we all know that he is keen to link people who challenge feminism  with any-or-everything violent.

Anyhow, my pro-male friends, please do unfriend, or refuse to friend, this "Gary Ridgeway" person.


One More Time -- Women Were NOT "Oppressed" When They Were Not Permitted to Vote

Here I go, reposting stuff again. It is good to do that, because repetition makes things sink in. I call it the drumbeat principle.

We all know that the feminists like to bang on and on about "feminism got women the vote." In fact, it is one of their favorite items when they are throwing the talking-point trick at you. And that's ALL it is -- a talking point. "Getting women the vote" is not feminism qua feminism. It is just, well. . . getting women the vote.

Feminism, and "getting women the vote", are conceptually different items. They are detachable from each other. The essence of feminism itself does not at all reside in the business of  "getting women the vote". That particular chapter of history was only a landmark along feminism's road, and only a means to an end.  But it was not the road per se, nor was it the end of the road.

So, it is entirely possible to have supported women's suffrage back in the day, and yet not have been a feminist. The women's suffrage campaign was in no way dependent on feminism's core agenda, and the fact that many people identifiable as "feminist" supported that campaign does nothing to undermine the truth of this. Still,  I grant you that it camouflages said truth -- and feminism's propaganda mythos has capitalized on that effect. 

However, we must realize that feminism depended utterly on getting the vote for women. Since feminism is the project to increase the power of women, it was imperative to introduce female voters into the political algebra. The empowerment of women would necessarily be stymied at a certain level if this did not occur, and so feminism's advancement was vitally linked to the success of the women's suffrage movement. It was a necessary stage in feminism's historical trajectory.

In the end, feminism acted the part of a self-serving parasite within the historical narrative of women's suffrage. And you may be a "liberal" who feels that women's suffrage was a noble cause, or you may be a "conservative" who feels otherwise, but either way you can take certain intellectual steps and see the pragmatic need, in feminist terms, of promoting such a campaign.

Therefore, when you are verbally attacking feminism and somebody flings in your face the idea that "feminism got women the vote", you needn't be impressed. Such a thing carries no force of argument. It is only an emotional manipulation trick, and the serpent hissing in the woodpile should be audible to you. 

All right, here is the re-posted part of the present entry:

This video (and the article it comes from) is gadfly material. And I love to be a gadfly occasionally, if you haven't noticed. The feminist horse needs all the gadflies it can get, until it is metaphorically bitten to death. Or if you prefer, call this death by a thousand cuts. I mean, if the so-called "hate speech" is kept to a very, very low threshhold, it becomes impossible to call it hate speech. Instead, you might call it "get-under-their-skin speech" -- it makes them dance, it makes them squirm, but there ain't diddly-doo-bop they can do about it. Or at any rate, not without showing their hand. The point is to apply social heat and pressure slowly -- call it the crock pot principle. What the hell are they going to do, pass laws against "get-under-their-skin-speech"? No matter what they do, you can ALWAYS stay just an inch outside of any boundary they set, and you will make your message perfectly clear while keeping out of range. So you are always pushing the envelope, a bit here, a bit there, drawing them further and further from the center of their world, and deeper and deeper into the desert where you can ambush them.

As for the video -- a lot of people hated it, but there is no "misogyny" about it. I proposed an outrageous idea -- a "you wouldn't dare say that" thesis which indeed I dared to say!  That much is true. But there is no "misogyny" in stating that women of the nineteenth century were not "oppressed" when they were denied the voting franchise. The so-called oppression, you see, was never factual but only theoretical -- by virtue of a "theory" concocted ex post facto and then retrojected. To put that another way, the "oppression" was an ideological artifact of later times, crafted as a rhetorical weapon for those same times. But it never existed, in a purely objective way, at the time of the actual situation.

And remember that plenty of women, in olden times, not only didn't give a hoot about gaining the franchise, but often actively opposed it. Furthermore, not all men opposed the franchise for women. Some did, and some didn't. So in the end, we are entitled to say that certain people (male and female both) supported women's suffrage, and that certain other people (likewise male and female both) did not. Accordingly, the notion that women of the nineteenth century were somehow "oppressed" because they couldn't vote, is shown to be highly problematic.

Misogynist? Who, me? No, there is not a speck of misogyny about anything I've said here, because no hatred of women is stated or implied, ever, in any form. And if you feel otherwise, then you are frankly an emotionalistic, chickenshit little ninny.

Now, if I the present writer were to propose that the nineteenth amendment to the United States Constitution be repealed, and that women be banned from the polling stations, then in the present historical context you might have a case that I had proposed an "oppressive" measure. And you would have a stronger case that I was "misogynistic" to float such an idea -- but it would still be a weak case.

But if such a measure were indeed carried through, then assuming that women en masse had loudly opposed it, you might plausibly argue -- in THAT historical context -- that women were "oppressed".

However, I the present writer propose no such measure. Let that be officially known and entered in the record. And let the feminists stop crowing that feminism delivered women from "oppression" when it  allegedly secured them the franchise. Feminism did not deliver women from that oppression -- it created that oppression!

Now, go and watch the video in order to round out what is written here.

International Men's Day in India

Activism, as we know, takes many forms. It is a multifaceted concept. Here, we see it happening in "boots-on-the-ground" mode. They certainly do plenty of that in India. (Click to enlarge.)

Check out our new photo from Facebook! November 13, 2012 at 02:06AM

Yay! Facebook page has made it to 1,000 supporters! Many thanks to each & every good person who has taken the time to like this Page or to support our organization or this cause in any way at all. Your support and contributions are very much appreciated, and with your continued help hopefully it won’t be too long before we make it to 10,000 supporters, then 100,000, then one

NAFALT in a Nutshell

Not All Feminists Are Like That.

Only the significant ones are.


Feminism Once Again Revealed in its True Colors

Here is a complete YouTube playlist with three videos in a row.  You will want to study this very, very closely. The woman you will meet here -- Renuka Chaudhary -- is the closest thing to a "quintessential" feminist that you will ever encounter. Everything that feminism may be usefully defined as, is here boiled down to its elements and embodied in a solitary individual. Renuka Chaudhary is a one-woman microcosm for ALL of feminism, and when you study her behavior you will understand how feminism as an ideology and as a movement operates at all times and places, worldwide.

To avoid confusion, I should stress that although not every self-declared feminist is quite like Renuka Chaudhary, feminism as a social organism runs almost exactly according to the template established in the behavior of this Indian government minister. That is to say, feminism as a global hive mind, in the composite average of its effects, is Renuka Chaudhary writ large.

As you will see, feminism is a movement to gain every possible advantage for women and to crush men indifferently if they stand in the way. Renuka Chaudhary is not apparently one of those feminists who favor male genocide, but the difference between her and them is only a matter of degree.

The feminist future offers nothing but more of what you see here, so it ought to be clear that no man with a shred of self-respect or any care for his self-preservation should regard feminism as anything but his enemy. And don't waste your time sorting out the good feminism from the bad. Anything that is "good" about feminism has always been a part of the world whether "feminism" existed or not, and will continue to be available if feminism ever goes out of existence. 

A Temptation to Bittersweet "Misogyny"

Roughly speaking, what Stardusk says about "women" in this video, I will say about "feminism".  In fact, I have been saying it for years. I do indeed make a distinction between female and feminist. However Stardusk, and a  fast-growing number of other men, are prepared to write off female nature as a fundamentally mercenary nature. That is, they believe that "feminism" is actually female nature itself. They're a tad bit harsh that way, aren't they?

But you know what? I plan to remain agnostic upon that question. I do not pretend to know if feminism is the macro-political expression of a mercenary female nature. So I am leaving open the gate of possibility to any female individual anywhere who wants to walk through it, and by walking through it prove that guys like Stardusk and Barbarosssaaa are wrong.

Furthermore, I am waiting and watching for a cultural trend among women. Will women rise to the occasion. . . or won't they? I reckon time will tell. . . .won't it?

But in case anybody wonders, I am a pessimist, I think we are screwed, and I think that Fempocalypse in one form or another is on its way. I reallly do. And yet, ironically, I proceed as if there is hope, because no matter how hopeless things look, hope is always at least as rational as despair -- if not more so.


Feminism Breeds "Misogyny"

"Misogyny", that is, bad male feeling about women, takes many different forms and happens for many different reasons. Indeed, "misogyny" is anything but monolithic. And as one who is more-than-normally in the know about such things, I can attest that the growth rate of "misogyny" is accelerating among men everywhere on earth.

 Sometimes women are to blame for fostering "misogyny". However, the chief culprit is not women, but the set of practices known as  feminism, together with its practitioners both male and female.

As for men qua men, they are the very LAST force I would hold accountable for the present state of affairs. In fact, I hardly blame "men" at all. More often than otherwise they are absolutely justified in feeling the way they feel. And I cannot hold them amiss for it. 

Yes ladies, men in growing numbers are pondering you in a mood of cold, cynical, acid contempt. It ain't pretty, and it ain't slowing down.

And  I would have you know that feminism is actively encouraging this trend, and making it unavoidable.. That is because feminism has been instrumental, for many years, in generating the conditions under which "misogyny" is guaranteed to flourish and proliferate. And the feminists show no hint of repentence, or any sign that they mean to slacken their pace.

Yes, I blame feminism for "misogyny".

Ladies, if I were you, I would be gravely concerned about all this, and I would be doing whatever I could to educate myself about the situation. And I would be speaking out loudly and harshly against feminism, denouncing it in no uncertain terms and digging my claws into it any way I could.

That is precisely what I would be doing. . . . if I were you.

The Days Gone By| An Instagram Catchup


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I hadn’t actually realised how long it had been since I’ve done an Instagram post, so I thought I would give you a little catch up on the happenings in my life.

1- During the middle of October my gorgeous man took me for a romantic trip to Edinburgh for our 5 year anniversary. The highlight was definitely the trip to the zoo to visit the Pandas! I have always wanted to see them, and was completely overwhelmed when I did. You can see more about my trip here.

2- This was my look for Halloween this year. I don’t often take part in Halloween but I enjoyed dressing up for a change. I did a post on the evening here.

3- I have recently started a Festive Flat Tum Fitness Challenge for myself, and for any others who want to take part; you can find all the details here. There is myself and a few others taking part, so feel free to take charge of your body and feel and look amazing for Christmas by giving it a go.

4- I have already ruined one of my Christmas surprises by begging for Michael Buble tickets, so my boyfriend had to let on that he had already bought some for me. I am beyond excited for this and can’t believe I have to wait another 8 months for it.

5-We have recently started Cake Day at my work place, and this week was my turn. We had a Brownie off between myself and another member of staff. It was very close as to who was the winner but I think I just nipped it in the bud.

6- This past weekend I finally visited Quayside market. I have lived in Newcastle for 5 years and never had the chance as I always worked at the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised and found an amazing store; No Bones, which makes amazing dog treats at super cheap prices! Perfect Christmas presents for your four legged friend.

7- I have been running most days for around 3 months now and even though I’m not the fastest I am really enjoying it and am still lapping everyone who is sitting on the couch! I have definitely noticed a difference in my waist line, skin and confidence since I started back, and am aiming to run for 30mins each day as well as doing an additional toning/strength exercise each day.

8- For bonfire night I visited my family in Carlisle and we went to Carlisle Firework display which is really impressive, I think around 35000 people watch it so there is always a great atmosphere.

9- A healthy dinner made my Master Chef of a boyfriend. It’s one of my favourite salads and is very easy to make, it's a mixture of tomato, spring onion, shallots, and chorizo, with a vinegar dressing.

10- An outfit of the day from when I went for lunch with my girls this past Saturday. I miss them a lot, so it’s great to spend some quality time with them catching up and eating good food.

11- I also visited Fenwicks Christmas Window this past weekend; always a highlight of the year for me! It was very busy with people queuing half way down the high-street to see it, quite understandable as there is something magical about it and it’s always impressive.

12- Wearing my poppy with pride on Remembrance Sunday. I very nearly ran into a remembrance parade today, but managed to stop just in time of ruining it for everyone.. now that would of been beyond embarrassing!

If you don’t want to miss anything on my Instagram you can follow me at Cat_Storey.

What have you been busying yourself with these past few weeks? What have been your highlights? Are you getting ready and excited for Christmas?

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