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KMPlayer v3.3.0.33, kali ini saya akan share sebuah pemutar auidio dan video yang hasilnya sangat bagus menurut saya. KMPlayer adalah software andalan saya untuk memutar video karena KMPlayer ini tidak membutuhkan codec.
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Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat yang tertarik dan ingin mencoba KMPlayer v3.3.0.33 ini, bisa langsung mendownloadnya pada link yang ada di bawah ini.

Link update 12 desember 2012

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat untuk sahabat HS.

"Misogyny" Du Jour

This is for all of you cocky "MRA dudes" with "attitude". You guys think you are pushing envelopes and being "edgy" and all o' that, but you aren't. You're just being crude and gross. Fact is, if you wish to play chicken with the boundaries of propriety in order to make a political point, there is both a right way and a wrong way to go about it. What you need is wit, grace, aplomb, and a deft touch. So take a lesson from the master, namely, ME:

>In a compassionate feminist world, no sparrow would fall, and goody gumdrops would grow on trees. And every time a baby bird took a tumble from the nest, Mama Kitty would pick it up gently and nurse it alongside of her kittens.  But most of all, every time a woman got drunk and some dude got too frisky, handsome men on white horses would ride to her rescue. In fact, whenever a woman was unhappy about the slightest thing, the earth would freeze in its orbit until the problem got fixed.  That is how life would be in a compassionate feminist world.<

Refer to points 1 and 2 of Rhetorical Discipline.

It is debatable whether this violates point number one, but as you can see, I have not hesitated.

Download Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 5.2.0 Full Version

Kali ini haramain software akan berbagi daemon tools lagi untuk sahabat haramain software. kalau sebelumnya saya juga sudah pernah share daemon tools pro advanced 5.1 kepada sahabat haramain software berhubung sudah ada yang terbaru, saya akan share yang terbarunya yaitu daemon tools pro advanced 5.2.0 full version.
Sebelumnya sahabat haramain software pasti tau kan fungsi dari daemon tools pro advanced 5.2.0 ini.
Daemon tools advanced pro 5.2.0 ini merupakan software yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat virtual drive, mengedit image CD/DVD, burn image disk yang berbentuk iso, nrg dan yang lainnya,
Daemon tools juga biasa digunakan untuk menginstall game tertentu yang membutuhkan virtual drive. dan pada daemon tools pro advanced 5.2.0 in sudah suport windows 8.

Screenshoot :

 Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Untuk cara menginstall, sudah saya sertakan didalamnya dan kalau ada crack atau loader yang lebih baik, akan saya update.semoga bermanfaat

The Non-Feminist Voltron


Exclusive: #JessicaRidgeway murder suspect #AustinSigg treated for #pornographyaddiction

#PORN USE & VIOLENT CRIME: #JessicaRidgeway’s 17yr old murderer had been treated for severe #pornaddiction at age 15. ~~ For those of you not familiar with this horrific story which has been all over the news the past few days, Austin Sigg abducted, killed and dismembered 10 year old Jessica on Oct. 5th, three blocks away from her home while she was walking to school. He later confessed to his

Man behind "Rape Jokes" "Pics of Dead Kids" & "Jailbait" porn posts of teens, is exposed, loses job

VIDEO: "Apology" by creator of Reddit sites "Rapebait," "Incest," "Pics of Dead Kids" "Choke a Bitch" & "Rape Jokes" -- Very disturbing! But on the bright side, at least he did get caught, exposed, and lose his job. Perhaps this will serve as a cautionary tale for other sick women-hating Internet trolls who like to post pornographic and exploitative photos of women and children to get their kicks


Vampy Lips| Rimmel Kate Moss Matte Lipstick Wine 107


Just a quick post for you today, as I wanted to share with you my new vampy lipstick. Firstly I apologise for the quality of these pictures, they were taken on my iPhone in bad light. I am really missing the sunshine, these dark days make taking pictures for my blog very difficult. I have actually resorted to taking the majority of them at the weekend when I actually see some daylight! So if someone wants to buy me a new camera to help my fight for good pictures then I will love you forever!

Anyways onto the lipstick; I picked this Rimmel lipstick up at Asda as it was on offer for £4 and I needed a blood red shade to wear for Halloween. It’s from Rimmels new collection with Kate Moss, which has been hyped up a lot. The 107 shade is actually more of a deep wine red shade, not blood red, but still perfect for Autumn. It is described as being matte, and it is more of a matte finish than my other lipsticks however I would say it is more of a demi-matte as it is applied quite easily. I can’t believe how pigmented it is, the pictures above show me wearing two coats. I would definitely pick up another lipstick in this range as the quality is great for the price I paid.

It is actually the brightest and boldest shade of lipstick I have ever owned, I normally go for a nude or slight plumb shade. However after wearing this around the house it is growing on me; I don’t have to confidence to wear it outside yet, but watch this space!

Have you tried Rimmel Kate Moss Matte Lipstick range? Do you wear bright shades such as this often? If so can you give me some confidence tips to help me pull these bright shades off!

New Video -- PUAs and the Rest of Us

The PUA movement/community/culture is parasitical upon the pro-male project because it refuses to integrate itself symbiotically.


Men's Rights Edmonton - Vlog Number 4

PUAs and Us Others: Never the Twain Shall Meet

I have made known, a time or three, that I disclaim moral, spiritual or political affiliation with the PUA-Gamer community. And for quite a while, I have wanted to compose a long article that would explore the reasoning behind this. But I have procrastinated -- mainly because I find the subject distasteful and depressing.  But I have done well to put off that project, for it has given me time to hone my thoughts to a point of ideal brevity and clarity.

There is, I submit, an essential conflict between the PUA-Gamer community on the one side, and the MRA-MGTOW-Masculinist grouping on the other. This conflict is irreducible -- meaning that it cannot be resolved or even effectively patched over unless one side or the other discards its worldview and philosophical outlook.

Very well. For convenience, I will call the MRA-MGTOW-Masculinist group the 3M sector, and the PUA-Gamer group the PUA sector. And the core difference between these sectors is easily summarized. Quite simply, the PUA cultural ethos is grounded in the oppositional binary of sexual winners v. sexual losers. In their scheme of things, you are either a player or a "poor desperate chump"; there is no in-between,  no intervening gray-spectrum, and more significantly, no alternative taxonomy of any kind.  These categories are force-fitted as a social definition, and your self-definition counts for diddly.

By contrast, the 3M community believes that the sexual winner-loser binary is immoral,  perverse and unbrotherly, and ought to be put out of operation as a societal paradigm. This conviction is reinforced by the observed behavior of  PUAs, who wish to impose their cultural frame upon the entire pro-male world, and to define their own relationship to the rest of that community accordingly. In short, they wish to dominate the pro-male world and to remake it in the PUA image. And so PUAs have gotten the name of being crass manipulators, power gamers and philistines, and are generally cold-shouldered by vanguard members of the the 3M sector.

All right. The grubby little secret is, that the PUAs are controlled by women. That is the only conclusion you could ever draw about men who make the pursuit of sexual encounter socially mandatory. I say "controlled by" women because, in such cases, women (through no fault of their own) are the controlling factor. And in the PUA universe, you must align to this controlling factor as the price of social validation from your male peer group. Either that or be a "poor desperate chump" -- regardless if you are actually poor, actually desperate, or actually a chump.

It is small wonder, therefore, that high-minded 3M people will shun the PUA world like a sexually-transmitted disease.

Some PUAs might object that they are actually teaching you to control women. But that is only a subtle dodge, to obscure the central fact that whoever joins the PUA community in the first place, does so with the expressed purpose of engaging women in the first place. And engagement, with any object at all, entails a dimension of control BY that object that would be absent in the case of non-engagement.
If you consider that the PUA community started life as a business venture whose purpose was to make money, much will fall into place. To this very day, it bears the stamp of its mercantile origins. The idea is to sell a product, and as modern marketers will do, it encourages a need for this product whether the product is necessary or not. And that is why you will never get the PUA culture to allow, on its collective mind level, that the pursuit of sexual encounter is optional -- i.e., that one is permitted to opt out.  For starters, such a notion is irrelevant in such a setting. But more significantly, it is taxing to entertain such a notion at all in such a setting.  To do so, would undermine, and eventually dissolve, the entire PUA raison d'être.

Individual PUAs will sometimes disown the winner-loser binary on an intellectual level, but nowhere is this principle conspicuously posted as a bylaw, or generally talked about with any sense of its importance, among PUAs as a group. For the PUA community recruits from the mainstream population of  "average Joes" whose values are conventional, whose morality is naturalistic, and who might be troubled with a philosophical thought once every three months. In other words, just the people who would be amenable to such manipulation as we have described, and disinclined to think outside of that particular box.

PUA is backward-looking, reactionary, counter-revolutionary, rooted in the age-old social pecking order, among men, which makes women a controlling factor in men's lives. Accordingly, PUA is of more service to feminism than to men. Think for a moment -- PUA wants men to be controlled by women. Likewise, feminism wants men to be controlled by women. This would suggest that PUA and feminism have much in common.  In fact, it would suggest that the PUAs are half-feminist in their cultural DNA.

It would also suggest that the PUA relationship with feminism is paradoxical. And observation bears this out, given that the feminists hate the PUAs even though the PUAs are a tremendous help to them. This, as I say, is paradoxical. And since it will do us no immediate good to contemplate that paradox, I will proceed to other matters.

The PUA sector sells its product by manipulating the age-old male fear of either not getting laid, or being perceived as not getting laid.  Both fears, in traditional mainstream culture, have operated powerfully on the male psyche. But neither one is necessary. Neither one is inherent to the nature of existence. It is possible in either case to cancel the fear, or the sting of the actual occurrence, by a subjective decision. What really feeds the fear or the sting, is the objective behavior of other people, and their ability to transcend your transcendence. As a certain psychiatrist once remarked: "Things don't get you down. People do!" These are words of liberation which belong on the list of ten best things ever said -- right next to "cogito ergo sum", and "suffering arises from craving".

But yes, the last thing we would ever do is heap additional pains and burdens upon men -- who as you know are being treated like garbage already, and don't need any more problems than they've already got. As for the PUAs, if they would behave symbiotically, and respect 3M sensibilities, and knock off the cynical, shit-stirring, backstabbing, power-grabbing behavior which has so often marked them, then we would have no problem with them. But sadly, we have seen through them, and we see that they are incorrigible just as feminists are incorrigible. We know they won't change because, by the nature of things, they cannot.

We are uninterested in debating the merits of PUA pickup and seduction techniques. Whether these techniques actually work, or whether they are snake-oil as many have suggested, is of no present concern to us. Our present concern, is to make clear why we consider the PUA community unfit for political affiliation, and to stress that we ought to distance ourselves from these people in view of  numerous efforts by feminists, the general public, and the PUAs themselves, to conflate PUA with the 3M community. To counteract such conflation, we ought to generate a consistent anti-PUA rhetoric so that our "signal",  as it were, will override  the "noise".

And now, my concluding words. If you throw away what is bad about PUA, and keep only what is good, you will end up with a good, honest life coach who offers good, honest dating advice and would never use fear and social shaming to manipulate you.  Likewise, if you throw away what is bad about feminism, and keep only what is good, you will end up with a good, honest liberal humanist who wants only the best for everybody and would never use fear and social shaming to manipulate you. You see, in either case you would be throwing away what is essential to the thing in question. For both PUA and feminism, their essence is their badness -- and whatever is good about them is only a cover story to camouflage what is bad about them.

And that is the last thing I've got to say about all this. Take care.


Five Years

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Five years ago, not only did I start a new chapter in my life by moving across the country to attend university, I also started a chapter in my life that I hope never ends, and that is the chapter I share with Matt.
Five years ago I moved into my university accommodation and on the first day I met, unknown to me then, the man that now makes my life complete. The man who loves, supports and cherishes me; the man who makes me one of luckiest girls in the world. As many people say to me, he is one of the good ones… He’s a good egg, which is pretty much spot on!  Five years later and many miles between us (at one time 919 miles), he still makes me smile every day and with him by my side I know I can take on whatever the world throws at us. 

I know I don’t often speak about Matt but as it is our five year anniversary, and as he did treat me to an amazing weekend away in Edinburgh, this post is dedicated to him. I thought I would share a number of the countless pictures I took.

1+2. Some shots of Edinburgh I took; the castle and the view from it. We were extremely lucky and got some great weather over the weekend, perfect for wandering the streets aimlessly; as we did.
3+4. Our hotel room, and cards. We stayed at a gorgeous hotel on the outskirts of Edinburgh and lucky girl I am, we stayed in a gorgeous suite.
5+6. Shots of the hotel room again. The hotel had little cuddly toys that acted as your do not disturb sign, which I always love. However I always feel sorry for the cuddly toys being left in the cold corridor over night… soppy I know! The bathroom in the hotel suite was huge! There was a double shower and a big bath with a television in it… Luxury!
7+8. Celebrating by drinking champers in my pyjamas…why not! The hotel served some amazing breakfast, my favourite was the pancakes and maple syrup.
9+10. Some gorgeous cupcakes from a store we stumbled across called Bibi’s Bakery, the cakes were to die for and the interior of the shop was very cute and kitsch. A picture of me and my man, he’s quite photo shy, unlike me.
11+12. We chose to visit Edinburgh because Matt had had bought me a voucher at Christmas so I could go see the pandas at the zoo. I had been so excited about it, as I am a little obsessed with them. I would love to go to China and visit them in a sanctuary, but at the moment this is as close as I’m going to get, and it was definitely enough. I was completely memorised and so overwhelmed I nearly cried! We were very lucky and saw both male and female pandas for the entirity of our viewing slot. I would recommend a visit to anyone.

I had such an anniversary weekend, and fall in love with Edinburgh more each time I visit. So thank you Matt for making it so special for me!

Men Who Support Feminism

Men who support feminism are sucking the blood of other men. 

This is an issue between men and men. Ladies, please step to the sidelines.


Download Advanced SystemCare 6.0 Pro Full Version With Serial Number

Sudah beberapa hari ini haramain software tidak update. kali ini haramain software akan berbagi atau share software lagi untuk sahabat haramain software. software yang akan saya bagikan ini adalah advanced systemcare 6.0 pro full version with serial number.
Seperti yang kita ketahui, advanced systemcare adalah software utility yang mampu membuat pc kita menjadi stabil dan tetap dalam keadaan baik atau normal dan mampu menstabilkan PC.
kalau dulu saya juga sudah pernah share advanced systemcare with antivirus 2013 v5.5 full version, sekarang saya akan  bagikan versi terbarunya yaitu advanced systemcare 6.0 pro full version with serial number.

Screenshoot :

Untuk cara install, sudah saya siapkan didalam file yang di download dan bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Bagi yang belum tahu cara download di embedupload, silahkan klik menu cara download yang ada di menu blog ini. semoga bermanfaat.

Watching Pornography as a waste of energy | Reality Creation Coach Frederick Dodson

Here’s a thought-provoking article listing some of the many reasons why watching #pornography is a big waste of time and energy. Please like it and share it to support the cause! (Please share it particularly with any porn users you know.) Thanks! LINK:


David Futrelle Doesn't Really Care about "Misogyny"

The tagline on the Manboobz blog is: "Misogyny. I mock it."

Well just now I was chatting with a Canadian colleague, and he offered up a verrry interesting insight. My colleague informs me that Futrelle wishes to mock misogyny ONLY as a way of attacking people who attack feminism. That is, Davey could frankly care less about some posse of politically naive yokels who merely talk shit about women. Only when the talk touches on feminism in some way, or even occurs in proximity to a conversation about feminism -- as might happen on a forum thread -- does Manboobz feel motivated to swoop in for the attack.

Also, if you attack feminism in a careful, precise, antiseptic way (as I myself tend to do), and never mingle this with anything harsh about women, then Davey can't do anything with it.

So again, David Futrelle is not truly interested in mocking misogyny for its own sake, but only in defusing a perceived political threat to the feminist worldview, by imputing misogyny to a person (or a group) who is talking harshly about feminism.

Thus, in order to be "out of range", you must either talk about women with no harsh allusion to feminism, or talk about feminism with no harsh allusion to women.

In the end, Futrelle doesn't give a snap about defending women, but rather attacking men of a certain type whom he perceives as "the enemy". Defending women is simply a cover story.

That, with elaborations of my own addition, is what my Canadian colleague believes about David Futrelle of the Manboobz blog.  And I am inclined to think that he is onto something here.

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