

Download Paket Hemat ( PAHE ) PESEdit 2013 Update Patch 2.8 - 3.0

PESEdit 2013. Kalau sebelumnya saya pernah share PESEdit Patch 2.8 yang kapasitasnya sangat besar hampir mencapai 1 GB, Sekarang saya akan share Paket hematnya yang kapasitasnya tidak besar hanya 77 Mb.
PESEdit paket hemat yang saya share ini adalah untuk mengupdate yang Patch 2.8 ke 3.0 namun dengan kapasitas yang lebih kecil sesuai dengan namanya yaitu paket hemat atau PAHE isinya sama dengan Patch 3.0 karena PAHE itu yang diambil hanya yang penting-penting saja yang membuat kapasitasnya menjadi kecil.
Berhubung saya sudah share sebelumnya yang patch 2.8, dan ada juga yang merequest versi hemat, sekarang saya juga akan share paket hemat yang Patch 2.8 ke 3.0. Ini hanya berlaku bagi yang sudah instal Patch 2.8 pada PCnya dan ingin mengupdate ke patch 3.0.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download  PESEdit patch 2.8 ke 3.0 pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. Download kemuadian Extract di tempat sobat menginstall PES2013
  2. Setelah Extract, Jalankan PES-EDIT UPDATE.exe
  3. Kemudian klik gambar bulat yang ada di tengah bawah
  4. Kemudian Klik Update
  5. Selesai.
Selamat bermain dan semoga bermanfaat.


Good Man Rescues Feminist From MRAs

(Click to enlarge.)

Download Game Angry Bird Star Wars HD 1.1.2 For Android 100% Working

Angry Bird Star Wars For Android. Ini pertama kalinya haramain software berbagi game untuk android karena ada yang merequest game android dan kebetulan juga saya punya.
Mungkin angry bird star wars pernah saya share namun itu untuk PC dan berhubung ada yang merequest game angry bird untuk android, saya akan mulai share games untuk android.
Kalau kita sering bermain game angry bird ini di PC saya yakin itu sudah biasa tapi sekarang kita juga sudah bisa menikmati game angry bird star wars ini di android.
Angry bird atau burung pemarah ini adalah salah satu game yang sangat populer. Jadi sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat kenal dengan game angry bird ini.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload game Angry bird star wars HD 1.1.2 for android ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat bermain dan semoga terhibur.

“Children and the Culture of Pornography: ‘Boys will ask you every day until you say yes’”

Check out this ALARMING article on the horrific & sometimes DEADLY effects our PORNIFIED culture is having on teens — especially girls![The Telegraph] — There is a storm coming. I can feel it as I stand on a street corner in south London, thinking about my daughters. Lily and Rose are both 11 years old. One is crazy about dogs, the other loves owls.They are at that tender age when the hormones

Download Game Battle For Troy Rip For PC 100% Working

Game Battle for troy. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah game Strategy yang kapasitasnya sangat kecil karena sudah saya buat jadi Rip, namun setelah install baru akan terlihat kapasitas aslinya yang cukup besar.
Mungkin sahabat haramain software pernah juga menonton film troy yaitu film perang pada zaman dahulu dan yang saya share ini adalah gamenya. Game battle for troy ini sangat ringan jadi di notebook juga bisa dimainkan.
Walaupun game ini kapasitasnya kecil, tapi game ini sangat seru untuk dimainkan karena game ini bisa dibilang cara memainkannya mirip dengan stronghold yang sudah pasti sahabat haramain software tidak asing lagi dengan game stronghold.
Kalau sahabat haramain software penasaran dengan game ini, silahkan download karena saya selalu share secara geratis atau free, dan tentu saja game ini sudah saya coba 100% working.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload game battle for troy ini, silahkan download pada link yang ada dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. Extract menggunakan winrar, Kemudian Jalankan Setup.bat
  2. Jika keluar tulisan press any key to continue, tekan spasi saja
  3. Tunggu sampai proses selesai
  4. Setelah selesai, untuk memainkan jalankan Battle for troy.exe
  5. Selamat bermain.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur.

Download Advanced System Optimizer v3.5.1000.14975 Full Version With Patch

Advanced System Optimizer. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat kenal dengan software yang bernama Advanced system optimizer v3.5.1000.14975 ini. Advanced system optimizer ini adalah software utilities yang sangat bagus dan bahkan Advanced system optimizer ini adalah saingan berat Advanced systemcare dan Tune up Utilities.
Bahkan pada TopTen Reviews, Advanced system optimizer masih berada di posisi pertama yang menjadi software utilities terbaik karena kemampuannya yang luar biasa dalam menjaga PC kita agar tetap dalam keadaan normal dan stabil.
Kalau sahabat haramain software tidak percaya, silahkan cek di TopTen Reviews dan silahkan lihat yang mendapat posisi 1 sampai 10.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. Setelah download jalankan aso3setup.exe dan install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung buka programnya, tapi kalau terlanjur terbuka, tutup saja semua program yang berhubungan dengan Advanced system optimizer melalui task manager
  3. Copy Patch dan pastekan di Local C/ Program files/ Advanced System Optimizer 3
  4. Setelah di paste jalankan Patch tersebut, caranya klik kanan pada patch kemudian run as administrator
  5. Kemudian klik Patch dan setelah itu klik exit
  6. Sekarang jalankan lagi programnya dan sudah full version
  7. Selesai.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Download KMPlayer V3.5.0.77 Final

KMPlayer final. Saya yakin sahabat haramain software tahu dengan software pemutar video dan audio yang bernama KMPlayer ini. KMPlayer 3.5.77 ini termasuk pemutar video andalan saya juga karena selain gambarnya bersih, dari segi suara juga semakin besar dan jernih.
KMPlayer v final ini mampu membuka video dengan kualitas yang sangat bagus dan juga dilengkapi dengan fiture 3D yang mendukung video 3D sehingga bisa dibilang KMPlayer ini sangat lengkap dan sangat mudah digunakan dan juga mendukung pengaturan subtitle sehingga kita bisa merubah timeing pada subtitle.
Para pencinta KMPlayer pasti sangat tahu kemampun dari KMPlayer v3.5.0.77 ini dan saya merekomendasikan untuk mencoba KMPlayer ini karena saya sendiri termasuk pengguna KMPlayer sampai sekarang.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload versi terbaru dari KMPlayer ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Download AVS Photo Editor 2.0 Full Version With Patch

Begitu banyak software edit photo yang sudah digunakan oleh banyak orang tapi banyak juga kapasitasnya yang sangat besar. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan software untuk edit photo yang bernama AVS Photo Editor.
AVS Photo Editor ini adalah software edit photo yang kapasitasnya kecil dan ringan namun sangat mudah digunakan dan yang pasti sangat simple seperti mengganti warna gambar atau photo dan lain-lain.
AVS photo editor yang haramain software bagikan ini adalah versi 2.0 dan sudah saya lengkapi juga dengan patch dan cara install agar menjadi full version dan sahabat haramain software tidak kebingungan dengan cara installnya.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload AVS photo editor 2.0 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install sudah ada didalam file yang di download. Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Woman Cooks Her Son in the Oven

Here's a toasty little item I just pulled out of cyberspace:
"Mississippi mom Terrie Robinson who took her 3-year-old son -- who was either sleeping or already hurt, it's unclear -- and put him in the oven. Police say the boy, Tristan, was found charred and still “warm to the touch” when they recovered his body.
"Robinson's twin sister, Sherrie Robinson, was quoted telling WXTV:
She was a great parent, a good person. We don’t know what’s wrong ... If you don't know her, don't criticize her."
Well I must say, that does put a new spin on the idiomatic expression to "have one in the oven."  But seriously, how would you feel about this woman sitting next to your unaccompanied child on a commercial airline flight? ;)

The full article is HERE:

Feminists and Traditionalists are Natural Bedfellows

The dark side of female nature is routinely swept under the carpet, or excused, or "prettied up" in a number of ways. Such rationalizing behavior (often loosely termed "chivalry") has deep roots in the culture at large. Clearly then, it long predates the radical 1960s when the current feminist regime got started.

And the feminist regime itself is as much an offshoot of historically existing culture as anything else is. It did not pop into the universe out of nowhere; it grew from what existed. And so the feminist principle that women can do no wrong taps into the same chivalrous "patriarchal" order from which it arose. It draws upon the deep-structural gynocentrism of the "sugar and spice" tradition, and perpetuates that tradition in a disguised form.

Feminism aims not to terminate the so-called patriarchy but to turn it into something controlled, firstly, by feminist men and women, and secondly, by "white knight" gynocentrists from the ranks of traditionalists. In the end, the group in the crossfire will be men who, by whatever combination of methods, minimize female control over their lives. Feminists and traditionalists would both harbor a natural antagonism toward that group.

Fitness Friday| Portion Control


One of the hardest things I have had to learn on my journey to health has been portion control. There is no easy way around making your portions smaller, you just have to train your stomach over time. I remember when I first moved home after university; I felt hungry all the time as my mum was feeding me much smaller portions that what I had been used to. I hate to think about how big of portions I ate while I was at university!

If you are on a health kick and are trying to lose weight you need to keep an eye on your portions, there is no point eating healthy food if you are eating too large of a portion! Portion distortion is very common thanks to the fact that the average portion size has increased by 25-50% over the past 30 years. In fact the average restaurant portion could feed 2 or 3 people sometimes!

To control my portions I follow recipes exactly. I don’t have much flair in the kitchen, so I have to do this anyways, but tools such as the above help measure out the correct quantities of food. Keeping Measuring Cups* and food Weighing Scales* to hand can really help keep your portions in line, so you can imagine how thankful I was to receive these from in a Fitness Goody Box they put together for me. However when you don’t have any to hand, you need to learn to eyeball standard portion sizes. A good way to figure out your portion sizes is to compare your food portions to something visual that is easier to remember, you can see examples of this in the table above.

Other than learning about correct portion sizes there are a number of ways to ensure you keep your overall serving sizes in line. Here are a few tips I have learnt and have heard of;

  • Eat from a smaller dish- This is scientifically proven to trick yourself into thinking you are eating a larger portion.
  • Divide your plate up into half, fill one half with fruit or veg, the other half should have equal portions of protein and starch. This is the ideal balanced meal!
  • Serve food according to the portion sizes and don’t go back for seconds unless its more veg!
  • Put away leftovers straight away to stop grazing. Try freezing them into single servings so you can use them for dinners at a later date.
  • Never eat directly out of a packet or bag… you will ALWAYS over eat by doing this!
  • At restaurants ask for a smaller portion, or a half portion, and if you have the courage order a child's meal.
  • When at restaurants analyse your dinner and organise your dinner into the ideal portions and serving sizes as shown above and leave the rest on the side. Servings in restaurants can sometime be enough to feed atleast two people!
  • If you have  dessert, share it! I know this is tough to hear for people with a sweet tooth like me, but your waistline will thank you! 

Do you eat the correct portions? If so how do you ensure you keep your portions sizes in line? Are there any other more fun visual comparisons that you know?


“TEEN PORN: The Risky New Trend For a Fame-Seeking Generation” — (Home-made pornography created and distributed BY teens OF teens)

MUST-READ! Check out this very powerful and informative article about TEENS making PORNOGRAPHY of OTHER TEENS to gain FAME — which is apparently the NUMBER ONE most important goal among teenagers today.Wow! This explains A LOT about why the porn industry is attracting so many teen girls. The teen girls can become instant “stars,” gain instant “fans,” and be signing autographs at porn

Worth-Based Entitlement

At present, female citizens enjoy disproportionate power to compromise the well-being of male citizens. That power, being vested in laws and institutions, becomes a political power and makes women a political class. This tilts the political board against me, and in light of that fact I have no political obligation to go to bat for women as a class. Under the circumstances, why the hell should I?

Therefore any individual woman I meet will get special consideration from me only in an individual way, and only if she proves herself worthy. And clearly, some women will prove themselves worthier than others. This way of thinking entails no "misogyny" because it entails no opinion, either good or ill, about women as a group.

Now, misogyny means disaffection toward women irrespectively. Hence, even if you were to form a bad opinion about every female person on earth, it would not entail misogyny if you had weighed each case on its merits. You would merely harbor a bad opinion about this woman, that woman, and the next woman -- but not about women.

I am far from having evaluated every female person on earth, and I know my life is too short to do that. So I am content to say that I harbor no opinion either good or ill about the huge majority of women, but that as I make their acquaintances I will evaluate them one at a time. And upon that base alone, I will decide what, if anything, I "owe" them.

ThE cAsT oF "RoOtS" fIrE bAcK aT dIrEcToR qUeNtIn TaRaNtInO

Yesterday on "The Wendy Williams Show", part of the cast of the infamous slave film "Roots" came on to share with America, the timeless classic story written by author, Alex Haley.

The cast also appeared on daytime talk show "The View" with co-host and moderator Whoopi Goldberg, leading the extraordinary first time on prime time TV interview to the masses!

I had NEVER in my life seen

POSTS BY OTHERS on’s Facebook Page, with many interviews on the harms of pornography, prostitution and sex trafficking

During Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January @RuthFJacobs posted 39 interviews on porn, prostitution & trafficking harms on our Facebook page. There is a lot of great information and inspiration in these interviews of a wide variety of activists and survivors, so we encourage you to check them all out in the “Posts by Others” section of our page accessible from the drop down menu under

BeYoNcE's SuPeRbOwL PeRfOrMaNcE sToLE tHe ShOw!

The Superbowl is one of the biggest games of the year, and although Americans eagerly tuned in to watch the San Francisco 49er's go head to head with the Baltimore Ravens, ultimately it was the half-time performance and commercials that stole the show!

Beyoncé's stage set up was fierce displaying a lit up silhouette of her body, along with a lit up outline of her face and flowing fabric

KiM kArDaShIaN sPoRtS hEr BaBy bUmP!

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian, has finally begun to sport a new baby bump!

Kim K., excitedly tweeted about her new curvy figure stating, “Well hello there! #PoppedOuttaNowhere!!!”

It looks like baby Kimye, will soon be on the way!

Happy bumping Kim!

2013 LA


The Folks Who Brought You Warren Farrell

Center-left liberal humanists, pulling the conversation toward the middle of the road. I'm glad somebody has the strength to be wimpy and patient for a good cause. I would personally explode with sheer boredom and  vexation if I had to act so blandly and unpassionately!

Yet I would be absolutely fine with living in a world where a decorous, clean-living "equality" between men and women was the norm. And that is why I want to put feminism clear the hell out of business -- because feminism will tug us further and further from any possibility of such a world.

By the way, this CAFE organization is the same group that arranged for Warren Farrell's visit to the University of Toronto. So all of the vile, hateful screaming by the student protestors was ultimately directed at these soft-spoken "lambs" that you see here! Amazing, isn't it?

I should add that these are not red-pill people.  Based on what I can see, they are blue-pill people with awakening tendencies of a red-pill character. One remarks that they are shifting toward the red, which, to coin a phrase, makes them "red-shift people".

The Non-Feminist Invasion of Feminist Mindspace

At the heart of the non-feminist revolution, lies the project to take control of the cultural narrative away from feminism. We call this project the battle for feminism's soul.

To take control of the narrative means, among other things, to dump an entirely different conceptual reality upon them with no prior explanation or preparation of any kind. For them, it would be like walking into a movie halfway through -- although that comparison hardly does justice to the radical nature of what we are proposing. The point is, that they have had more than enough time to tell the rest of the world what reality is. Now it is their turn to shut up and experience life on the receiving end.

The treatment that we would dish out, differs in no essential point from how they have treated the rest of the world for nearly half a century. From henceforth, every settled notion of theirs will be jostled in the common marketplace of ideas like it was just any old thing. No more epistemic privilege of any kind, and no more pampering of their aesthetic sensibilities or their lexical conventions. Thuswise they will fare. And they will lick it up, and they will like it.

Valentine’s Day| Ideas For A Special Day


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With little more than a week to go I’m sure those with partners are busy wracking their heads for ideas on what to do for Valentine’s Day. I have been with my boyfriend for five years and I still end up over thinking about what to buy him, or how to spend the day. It is one of those holidays where although the aim is to show your loved one’s that you care, it is difficult to demonstrate your love, and figure out how to make the day extra special. I know that just spending the day with your partner should be enough, but it is nice to go that extra mile to make Valentine’s unforgettable. So for those who struggle for ideas I have put together a few homemade and inexpensive ideas along with the help of Pippa Middleton and her book Celebrate. 

Dine In

There is no need to folk out for expensive set menus in busy restaurants and hotels when making dinner at home can be just as special. I don’t cook at all, so at Valentine’s I make the effort to design and make a three or four course dinner for my boyfriend. Try and pick foods which you can share, my favourite is chocolate fondant with strawberries and marshmallows! Make it extra special by making your own menu, decorate the table, fill the room with candles and create a soft. romantic playlist full of your and your partners favourite songs. 

Cute Cards

Valentine’s doesn’t have to be just for those with partners, share the love with all those that are special in your life by delivering homemade cards. Knowing that you have put in the extra effort to make a card will really brighten up someone’s day.

Picture Perfect

An inexpensive and thoughtful gift is that of a photograph. Create an album or scrapbook with your favourite pictures of you and your partner. Annotate it with your favourite moments from your time together; your first date, the moment you fell in love etc. It doesn’t have to be an album, how about picking your favourite picture of you and your partner, printing it out and putting it in a cute frame. This works great for those in long distance relationships; you can print out a picture of yourself for your partner to put on their bedside table.

A Hundred Reasons Why

For those on a budget look no further. Find an old glass jar (Asda sell them for £2), some ribbon and a sheet of paper. Cut your paper into one hundred pieces and on each one write a reason why you love/fell in love with your partner. Fill the jar woth the hundred reasons and tie some ribbon around it. The perfect sentimental present for very little money.

I Owe You

Sometimes the best present is quality time. Take 20 pieces of card and write an IOU on each of them, tell your partner they can cash one in each week so you are guaranteed some quality alone time together. IOU’s can be as sweet or as saucy as you want, some ideas would be; massages, breakfast in bed, dinner at your favourite restaurant, a bath together etc.

You’re My Sweetheart

Shop bought sweets or chocolates can be great but how about making your own. It is relativity simple and cheap to make your own cupcakes, popcakes, gingerbread hearts or chocolate truffles and they are so much more impressive than shop bought ones.

A Year of Dates

Again a gift of time. Fill twelve envelopes with twelve notes detailing twelve different dates. At the beginning of each month give your partner the envelope detailing the pre-planned date. To make it extra special write a poem that hints as what the date will be so they can spend some time speculating what you have planned for them. Some ideas; Dinner for two, A couples massage, Night at the movies, A picnic on the beach, A bubble bath and foot massage, Tickets for a concert or sporting event.

A Perfect Place

On a map of your town, mark all the places that hold happy memories of you and your partner. Mark out your first date, first kiss, favourite view, favourite place for breakfast etc. Use hearts to circle your special places. You can easily print out maps from Google and can even frame the finished product, or leave it unfinished so you can continue to mark it together.

Remember Me

Similar to “A Hundred Reasons Why”, but instead your partner will fill the jar themselves. Either sew or cut out a number of hearts and plant them around your house and amongst your partner’s belongings, places such as; their suitcase, work bag, coat pocket, gym bag, shoes, underneath their aftershave, anywhere an everywhere! Then give them a jar wrapped in ribbon with a tag stating “Remember, I love you.” The aim is that everytime your partner finds a heart they will think of you and smile, they then return the heart to the jar after they have found it.

I hope you have something special planned for Valentine’s day, and if you haven’t that my list has helped you. Let me know which one is your favourite and what you like to do for your partner on Valentine’s day to make it extra special!

Feminism's Cultural Roots are Showing

Here is a very large group of  "feminists" who blocked an entire freeway with their motorcycles. Then, one of these "feminists" got down on his knee to a woman, in a ritual moment. (An entirely feminist-approved action, as I can assure you.)

As I have explained many a time, and will continue to do, feminism is a phenomenon rooted in the entire culture from one end to the other. Yes, I mean ALL of it -- left, right, north, south, you name it. Feminism is a social organism that can only be understood holistically.

Oh by the way, creating smokescreens is also classic feminist behavior!


The Lizard Philosopher

Porn as Misogynistic Ritual — “that keeps women in their place on the ladder of being”

Here’s a great post by our friend Panthea: All Things Are Goddess (@theanism) which describes the MISOGYNY in pornography, as referenced in the book “An Unnatural Order,” by Jim Mason:[Post excerpts] — Jim Mason: “Misogyny is kept alive and well these days but pornography is the most obvious. Pornography is a ritual. It is one of the chief rituals of patriarchal control because it is so

Download ExtremeCopy Pro 2.3.1 Full Version With Serial

Download ExtremeCopy Pro 2.3.1 full version. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan software yang bernama ExtremeCopy pro 2.3.1 yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pada pengcopyan file.
Software ini mampu meningkatkan kecepatan copy file berlipat-lipat dibandingkan dengan mengcopy file menggunakan bawaan dari windows. Biasanya software ini digunakan untuk mengcopy file yang kapasitasnya besar-besar karena kalau menggunakan bawaan dari windows pasti lumayan lama.
Software ini bisa dibilang fungsinya sama dengan tera copy namun extremecopy ini menurut banyak pengguna lebih cepat dari teracopy.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload ExtremeCopy pro 2.3.1 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

The First Kiss - Hilarious Joke

Years ago, my grandfather was talking to Uncle Sam, an old friend of his, who at the age of eighty-eight was still a bachelor.

Grandfather jokingly asked, "Samr, can you remember the first girl you ever kissed?"

Marty gave a hollow laugh. "Mike," he said dryly, "I can't even remember the last one."


You Know You Are Middle-Aged When...

You know you are middle-aged when your children tell you that you're driving too slow and your parents tell you that you're driving too fast.

The Astonished Policeman - Hilarious Joke

A sheriff's deputy was driving alongside a speeding car on the freeway.

Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the woman at the wheel was knitting!

The deputy cranked down his window and yelled, "PULL OVER!"

"NO," the woman yelled back, "IT'S A SCARF!"

The Troubled Driver - Funny Joke

When the police officer stopped Bill for driving without a taillight, he (Bill) was visibly distressed.

"Don't worry," said the officer in a soothing tone, "it's only a minor offense."

"That's not the point," replied Bill. "What worries me is what happened to my trailer and my wife?"

Unearned Income - Funny Lawyer Joke

There is no doubt that my lawyer is honest. For example, when he filed his income tax return last year, he declared half of his salary as "unearned income." —Michael Lara

Demand For Lawyers - Funny Joke

There is a finite number of physicians that a population of fixed size will support. The same theory holds for teachers, engineers and accountants.

However, this principle does not seem to apply to lawyers. The more you have, the more you need.

Difference Between A Lawyer And A Boxing Referee - Funny Joke

Question: What's the difference between a lawyer and a boxing referee?

Answer: A boxing referee doesn't get paid more for a longer fight.

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