

GOOD NEWS! UK Prime Minister David Cameron plans to implement compulsory Internet filter prompts to protect children from online pornography

Please read the details below. Hopefully this will encourage other countries to follow the UK’s excellent example of protecting children from the horrific abuses of hardcore Internet pornography!
[Guardian] — David Cameron has announced “radical” plans to help parents protect their children online by prompting them to tailor their computer settings to block internet pornography, violence and


A Non-MRM Perspective on White Knights and "Manginas"

I have stumbled upon a Rel-con (religious conservative blog) called "Society of Phineas", on which is posted a thoughtfully researched social analysis of the white knight and mangina phenomenon. I think you will find it worthy of your reading time:

The article is especially interesting given that it draws upon yours truly as a source! ;-)

Cara Menaikkan Resolusi Pada PC Yang Menggunakan Windows 8

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah tutorial penting bagi yang menggunakan windows 8 namun resolusi PC-nya tidk mendukung windows 8.
Beberapa hari yang lalu saya sebagai admin haramain software menginstall windows 8 pada notebook atau kalau bahasa jadulnya laptop kecil karena biasanya hanya laptop kecil yang memiliki masalah seperti ini. Setelah install windows 8 sampai semua menjadi perfect alias sempurna saya belum menguji semua aplikasi bawaan windows 8.
Ketika saya mau mencoba aplikasi bawaan windows 8, ternyata aplikasi bawaan windows 8 seperti camera, Weather, Music, Calender dan masih banyak lagi aplikasi bawaan windows 8 yang tidak bisa dibuka.
Ketika ingin membuka, keluar tulisan seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Pada gambar diatas maksud dari tulisannya adalah resolusi yang digunakan terlalu rendah. Setelah saya lihat resolusi pada notebook yang saya gunakan ternyata resolusinya 1024 x 600 sedangkan windows 8 hanya mendukung resolusi 1024 x 768 yang berarti notebook yang saya gunakan resolusinya tidak mencukupi standar resolusi windows 8.
Akhirnya saya mencoba mencoba mencari solusinya dan ahirnya bisa juga. Sekarang saya akan share cara mengatasinya.

Cara menaikkan resolusi pada windows 8
  1. Buka menu RUN, caranya adalah dengan menekan tombol Windows + R pada keyboard.
  2. Ketikkan “Regedit” (tanpa tanda petik) lalu enter atau klik OK
  3. Tekan Ctrl + F kemudian ketikkan “Display1_DownScalingSupported” (tanpa tanda petik).
  4. Jika sudah ketemu klik dua kali “Display1_DownScalingSupported 
  5. Pada “Value Data” ganti angka 0 menjadi angka 1 kemudian OK.
  6. Restart PC sahabat haramain software.
  7. Setelah Restart selesai klik kanan di desktop sobat kemudian pilih Screen Resolution.
  8. Ganti resolusi PC sobat menjadi 1024 x 768 kemudian klik OK.
  9. Selesai. sekarang semua aplikasi bawaan windows 8 yang tidak bisa dibuka menjadi bisa dibuka semua. 
Sekian tutorial dari admin haramain software dan mudah-mudahan bisa membantu sahabat haramain software yang mengalami masalah seperti ini.


The Aggressor Sets the Terms of Engagement

If an entity commits aggression against you, you are entitled to answer with a proportional or analogous aggression. Accordingly, if Frank Jones throws popcorn at you, you are entitled to answer this proportionally and analogously, by throwing popcorn back at him. If Frank throws rocks at you, you are entitled to answer this proportionally and analogously by throwing rocks back at him, or  proportionally in terms of violence by throwing  punches at him. And if Frank attacks you with lethal force, you are entitled to answer this proportionally or analogously with lethal force of whatever kind.

In a nutshell:  the aggressor sets the terms of engagement.

Feminism, as an innovative social force in the world, has acted the part of an aggressor. Accordingly, feminism has set the terms of engagement with whatever is not feminist. The latter, therefore, is entitled to answer feminist aggression proportionally or analogously. And it should be an ongoing project to catalogue the forms, manners and degrees of feminist aggression against non-feminism. In this way, proportional or analogous response modes may be formulated and put into practice.

TiA & tAmErA's NeW wEbSiTe

A new photo has surfaced of twin sister Tamera Housley, and new son Aden! I love this photo! Tamera looks as if she is in complete bliss, and baby Aden looks smitten by his mommy! I've noticed that baby Aden, looks a lot like his daddy!

Check out Tamera and her twin sister Tia's new website!

The Wolf and the Lamb

Aesop's fable of the wolf and the lamb will resonate, I am sure, with all of us. That goes double when you consider the numerous wolves who parade in lamb's clothing nowadays:
WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf ’s right to eat him. He thus addressed him: 
“Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.” 
“Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.”

Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.”

“No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.”

Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.”

“No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet
my mother’s milk is both food and drink to me.”

Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won’t remain supper-less, even though you refute every one of my imputations.”

The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.
You will find Aesop's Fables to be a treasure vault of timeless wisdom. Download your free copy:

Download Gom Player Final

Gom player Final Freeware. Gom player bukanlah software yang baru-baru keluar karena software yang bernama gom player ini sudah sangat lama dan sudah banyak didunia ini yang menggunakan gom player.
Gom player adalah software pemutar video dan audio yang termasuk freeware dengan kualitas yang bagus. kalau sahabat pernah membuka file berformat swf yang seperti file flash,Gom player ini sangat mampu untuk membukanya karena tidak semua software pemutar video bisa membukannya.
Kalau sahabat haramain sotware pernah memutar video dengan format dat, gom player pasti lebih utama membaca file tersebut. Gom player yang haramain software bagikan ini adalah versi terbarunya yaitu gom player final.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang masih menggunakan versi lama slahkan download dan upgrade ke versi terbarunya ini dan bagi yang ingin mencoba juga silahkan download sepuasnya. Untuk mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Download PowerISO 5.5 Full Version With Keygen

PowerISO 5.5 full version. Saya yakin sahabat haramain software sudah tahu fungsi dari software yag satu ini. Kalau dulu haramain software juga pernah share powerISO 5.2 full version, sekarang haramain software akan share versi yang terbarunya yaitu PowerISO 5.5 Full Version With Keygen.
PowerIso ini seperti namanya yaitu fungsinya untuk membaca dan membuka file berformat iso, dan image-image yang lain, power iso ini juga akan membuat virtual disk pada pc yang kita gunakan.
PowerISO 5.5 full version with keygen ini sudah compatible dengan windows 8 karena saya sendiri menggunakannya pada windows 8 dan dijamin full version karena sudah saya lengkapi dengan keygen yang akan membuat menjadi full version.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload powerISO 5.5 full version ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1. Install PowerISO seperti biasa samapai selesai ( Ketika finish jangan langsung dijalankan )
  2. Jalankan keygen akan terlihat nama dan serialnya
  3. Jalan Power iso yang sudah terinstall kemudian pilih regitar
  4. Masukkan nama dan serial yang ada pada keygen untuk registar
  5. Selesai. Sekarang sudah full version
NB : Tested By Me In Windows 8 Pro With Media Center.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Keep Your Eye on SFU

I have it from inside sources there will be a "poking of the beehive" at Simon Fraser University  (in Vancouver BC) in just a few days time. Hopefully this will rile up a swarm. SFU, you may know, is a hive of feminism and affiliated lockstep lefto-fascism. Does anybody remember the shit storm that happened earlier this year when the proposal for (gasp!!) a campus Men's Centre was put forward? So we shall be disappointed if the anti-male elements on campus don't raise a ruckus when the projected action goes down in the near future. I will keep you posted.

By the way, so far as I know, the SFU Men's Centre has been approved, and the project is moving ahead.

The Year in Porn: James Deen, Sunny Leone, Measure B, Syphilis and More (PHOTOS)

Here’s “The Year In Porn,” from one low to the next! Syphilis! Being sued for ripping off “Fifty Shades of Grey”! Octomom and her solo sex video! Etc. etc. Feel free to check out the unfortunate details of the syphilis outbreak below, and then the other “lowlights” at the link …[The Daily Beast] — Syphilis: In August, most porn companies briefly suspended production in the midst of a syphilis

Men's Rights Edmonton -- Vlog No. 8

Eric Duckman of Edmonton strikes again -- like a keen, cold wind, cutting across the Alberta prairie! Long ago, I posed the question "is feminism a hate movement?". But Eric doesn't waste words. He just wants to know --

"Is Feminism Hate?"

No feminist in the Edmonton community had enough gumption to take up Eric on his debate challenge.  (GirlWritesWhat would have been the co-debater on his team!) Well I too have noticed that refusal to engage is standard feminist behavior. I think we have all noticed that. And you know what? I think that's fine! If they refuse to engage, we'll just go right on evangelizing against them until we run them into the pavement of history. That, at any rate, is MY post-argumentalist plan!


GREAT NEWS! President Obama Has Signed the Child Protection Act into Law – Penalties Are Strongly Increased for Child Pornographers

Please read the details of this important story below, and please don’t forget to like, comment on, and share this good news to help support the cause of fighting against child pornography and ALL forms of sexual exploitation and abuse. Also please remember that ADULT porn glamorizes, promotes and fuels CHILD pornography, so taking a stand against ADULT PORN is vital to combating CHILD PORN as


Motivation Monday| Zumba Fitness Core Review| Personal Results

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As you probably know, seems I keep banging on about it, I have been on a big fitness kick over the past 2 months. I’ve been working hard so I can fit perfectly into my party dresses this Christmas and New Year. I have been taking part in my self devised Fitness Challenge, however the other week I was kindly gifted the new Zumba Fitness Core Game to trial and to incorporate into my Festive Flat Tum Challenge.

As a huge fan of the Zumba workouts I obviously jumped at the chance to try this new game. Having exhausted all the routines and moves in the old one this was a nice change. The reasons why I love the Zumba games is that they don’t feel like a workout, you don’t have someone shouting at you demanding you to do push ups and jumping jacks, instead you get to dance along to some great moves and have a laugh. There have been many a times when my mum and I have been in stiches try to master some of the moves, one time my mum almost knocked me clean out while getting too overenthusiastic with the Zumba hand weights and hitting me in the head!

Anyways on to the new game! You can buy the Zumba Core Game for the Nintendo Wii and Kinect for the Xbox 360 and it is priced at £19.99, an absolute steal and only the cost of  a few exercises classes (or cocktails!) You can buy the game from the usual places, including Game. The game was designed and developed as research shows that the core is the one area that women are most unhappy about their own bodies and the area they most want to work on. It comes with a dance belt so you don’t have to mess around trying to carry a remote control, you can just dance you little bum off!

The review

What they say-
“Dance your way to flat, sexy abs! Skip the crunches and strengthen your core with the only game to sculpt you abs through an exhilarating total-body workout. Zumba Fitness Core focuses specifically on strengthening and sculpting your core, within an effective body workout to deliver the tight and toned abs for a sexy six pack. This energising dance-fitness experience features 40 tracks from Enrique Iglesias, LMFAO, Shakira, Bob Marley and more, and over 33 dance styles so you can party your abs off- without ever getting down on the floor!”

What I say-
“I have one other Zumba game, which I love and thankfully I can say the same about this one! I enjoyed the music a lot more than previous one, as there was more recent/recognisable songs. I think the dances are more diverse, you can find all sort from ballet to jive to African dance alongside the more traditionally Zumba dance; salsa and samba. If you are a newbie to Zumba, there is no need to fear as the tutorials are very clear and helpful so learning the steps is easy to do.

As with the older game, the workout options vary so you can match them to your mood. You can choose to dance one or two dances, picking from any of the routines, or you can do a full dance class, which are either 20, 40 or 60 minutes long.  I normally do the 40 minute routine, which is definitely long enough to feel the burn!

The feature I love the most is the ability to monitor your progress, just like my beloved NikeRun Ap, I love to see how I am performing and if I am improving! With the ability to monitor your progress and set goals it keeps me hooked in… I’m a bit of a nut for stats! So finding out how many calories I’ve burnt, achievements earned and technique scores is a great addition!”

I have incorporated this game into my Festive Flat Tum Challenge and have been using it for about 3 weeks. So with my running, additional abs exercises and this game I have to say I am seeing results! I actually managed to fit into my target dress this past weekend, which didn’t fit 6 weeks ago… it barely went over my bum 6 weeks ago! You can also see how many inches I have lost on my waist! I put this belt on and was shocked to find it doesn’t fit anymore.. it literally hangs off me!

Overall I am more than impressed with this game! It has given me results and most importantly it is fun! I can’t wait to crack it out after Christmas and challenge my friends and family to it.. burn off that Christmas turkey!

Have you tried this game, or any of the other Zumba workouts? Do you enjoy dance workouts?

The Slave and the Porn Star: Sexual Trafficking and Pornography (NEW Peer-Reviewed Research Article)

Hey everyone! An IMPORTANT new peer-reviewed study by Pornography Harms on the links between pornography and sex trafficking has just been published! Please check it out, like it and share it to help spread the word so that people will understand how porn fuels trafficking and is otherwise linked to it, and so that they will also know that if they are against sex trafficking, then they MUST also

Days Gone By| It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas


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With only a week to go, it’s definitely starting to look a lot like Christmas. I don’t know about you but I enjoy the build up to Christmas just as much as, if not more, than the day itself! That’s probably why I start my personal build up from as early as possible. I started buying presents in October, I made homemade gift tags in November and I always put up my tree on the 1st of December.

I thought I would share with you my life in pictures from the past few weeks, in particular the Christmassy ones!

  • The other weekend my boy and I went Christmas shopping in the lakes. I didn’t have much left to buy but wanted to get a few smaller gifts/stocking fillers, and it’s always great to support local shops. While at Bowness-on-Windermere I got his lovely picture of the snow topped fells.
  • As I mentioned above, I started Christmas shopping in October so I managed to finish buying it all quite early. I enjoy wrapping presents just as much as I enjoy buying them, and this year I made my own gift tags featuring my cute and troublesome dogs. You can see how I did it here.
  • As the newbie at work I was drawn the short straw and had to write a load of Christmas cards for our clients. It took me a good hour or so as I had to use my fancy writing, but on the plus side it did put me in a festive mood!
  • My gorgeous Christmas Tree! I take pride in my Christmas Tree decorating skills and love nothing more than putting the Christmas music on and trying to and cram as many baubles on the tree as possible.
  • As  you may have seen from my Twitter or Instagram, I bought this adorable faux fur Russian style hat from Primark last weekend. It only cost £6 so was an absolute bargain! I love how glamourous it makes me feel!
  • A little shot of my Christmas Graze box… yes I am still buying these! I find that their little boxes are perfect for snacking at work.
  • Christmas George! Don’t you just love decorating your dog in Christmas decorations! He doesn’t look impressed does he?
  • This is the Christmas Fairy that I have had since I was a tiny little baby and it still sits proudly on top of my mum’s Christmas Tree.
  • My mum also bought new Christmas decorations this year. The one I am most in love with is the Christmas glittery Hedgehog… how cute!
  • My dogs got treated to new Christmas jumpers aswell. They were going to debut them on Christmas Day but we were too excited so took some pictures of them now.
  • The last picture is from June this year when my friends and I travelled around Finland and Lapland. While we were there we visited the real Santa at his workshop in Lapland. I mean you can’t go to to Lapland without seeing Santa Claus!

Have you been getting in the festive spirit? When do you put your Christmas tree up? Do you have any Christmas traditions?

Download Adobe Reader 11.0 ( XI ) Final

Adobe reader 11.0 final. Saya yakin sahabat haramain software sudah sangat kenal dengan software yang satu ini. Adobe Reader 11.0 ini adalah software keluaran adobe yang berfungsi untuk membaca file yang berformat pdf dan membuat file berbentuk pdf. Kelebihan dari adobe reader 11.0 ini adalah mampu membaca semua jenis file pdf.
Adobe reader memang sangat bagus dalam membaca file berformat pdf dan kelebihannya juga walaupun software ini adalah software yang sangat populer yang digunakan oleh banyak orang diseluruh dunia, namun software ini gratis atau bisa dibilang Adobe reader 11.0 ini adalah software freeware.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin menggunakan software ini atau sudah menggunakan adobe reader namun versi lama, silahkan download Adobe reader XI ini pada link download dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu sahabat haramain software.

My Most Hated Video

This video, titled "Feminism Equals Female Supremacism" seems to have scorched a very sensitive enemy nerve -- why, I even got a private hate message along with the unusually large number of downvotes! And one commenter, who evidently can't tell the difference between "feminist" and "female", described the video as "a spate of misogyny". Well if I am attracting THAT much kneejerk hostility I must be doing something right, and that seems like a great reason for reposting. At this stage, anything which provokes feminist fear and guilt is just what the doctor ordered. I mean, who knows? It might prove therapeutic for them if it will force them to get to the bottom of those feelings and sort their stuff out.

Feminism equals female supremacism.

Female supremacism equals feminism. 

How much simpler can we make it?


GOOD NEWS! We recently purchased the domain to be used as a shortcut and it no longer goes to hardcore porn ads! :-)

Previously we only owned, with a HYPHEN, but some people would omit the hyphen by mistake and they would end up at (no hyphen), which was owned by someone else, and which was being used to advertise hardcore degrading PORNOGRAPHY.

We tried for years to obtain this domain and explained the situation to the domain owner, but he was basically holding it hostage until

pages listed by date