

Two Women Arrested on Murder-for-Hire Charge

Two women in Virginia have been arrested for conspiracy to commit homicide, when one of them gave money to an undercover police officer who was posing as a hit man.
"A Virginia elementary school teacher and a school nurse are facing charges in what police are calling a murder-for-hire plot. . . Angela Nolen, a 47-year-old kindergarten teacher, was arrested Wednesday for allegedly plotting to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband for $8,000. According to police, Nolen's friend 37-year-old Cathy Bennett, a school nurse, worked with Nolen to find a hit man."
Link to full article:

All right, I don't want to see any misogynists getting up in arms about this! The vast majority of women would never do what the women in this story have allegedly done. The watchword is NAWALT -- Not all women are like that! 

And we all know that "NAWALT" is absolutely true. We have never doubted this in the least. So any commenters who make anti-woman remarks in connection with the present story will never get through the moderation queue! Do you hear me??

I have spoken!

Another Phallectomy!

This time in Malaysia.
"It is learnt that according to the hospital, the severed part of the victim's penis could not be stitched back as it had not been found and even if found, it was already more than six hours since the incident."
Link to the full article:

I don't know if Sharon Osbourne could be reached for comment, but no doubt she would inform us that this recent episode was "quite fabulous". ;)


Left and Right in a Way Which Makes Sense

The following video, featuring Walter Block of the Mises Institute, does a useful job of sorting out the accursed Left-Right Paradigm. It accomplishes this by showing that the paradigm only makes sense when you define precisely WHAT that axial continuum is purporting to measure. Economics? Governance? Religion? Foreign Policy? Socialism v. Fascism? Monarchism v. Bourgeois Democracy? Good v. Evil? If it is somehow vaguely intended to measure all these things in the same swoop, then you'll end with a tangled mess that makes no sense at all. Watch the video, and you will begin to understand why popular thinking on the question of Left v. Right, or "liberal" v. "conservative", is such a hopelessly muddled clusterfuck. Unfortunately, embedding is disabled for this video, so I'll need to send you directly to the channel:

This is quite relevant, as I'm sure you'll realize, to various tensions and debates that are now brewing within the pro-male community.


In Quest of the Third Path

SMASH the Left-Right model of political discourse!

Steal from both sides equally, with no loyalty to either one of them.

"Left" and "Right" are equally screwed up, and equally responsible for creating feminism.

That's EQUALITY for ya! ;)

Gotta love it!

Some Open Questions to Chew Upon

Is AVfM a left-wing organization?

Is AVfM a
feminist organization?

Is the M(H)RM a left-wing movement?

Is the M(H)RM a
feminist movement?

Are Paul Elam, John the Other and Fidelbogen left-wing feminists?

Is GirlWritesWhat a left-wing feminist?

Is Typhonblue a left-wing
radical feminist?

(I heard somebody say that Typhonblue is a "radical feminist", so I thought I should bring that up!)

Okay. Please give your serious thoughtful consideration to these very, very, very serious questions. . . . . . .

The Evil "H" Conspiracy Strikes Again!

The phrase Derechos Humanos de los Hombres is Spanish for "the human rights of men."

And men do have human rights, am I right?

Well guess what? The "MHRM" meme is spreading beyond the Anglosphere, as witness the following"

Download KMSpico v3.1 By Heldigard Activator For Windows Vista, 7, 8, Office 2010 & Office 2013

KMSpico v3.2 by heldigard, Activator windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, Office 2010 dan office 2013. Baru saja kemarin haramain software bagikan yang versi 2.1 dan setelah coba serch di google dan ahirnya saya menemukan versi terbarunya yaitu KMSpico v3.1 by Heldigard yang di terbitkan pada tanggal 20-02-2013.
KMSpico v3.1 by heldigard ini sudah benar-benar terbukti mampu mengaktifasi windows 8 dan office 2013 yag dianggap susah untuk di aktifasi. dan sudah tentu saja saya sebagai admin juga sudah mencobanya dan berhasil 100% tanpa ada kesulitan.
Cara menggunakan KMSpico v3.1 by heldigard ini juga sangat mudah dan itulah yang menyebabkan activator ini menjadi activaor paforit banyak orang. Untuk menggunakan activator ini, selain pengguna windows 8, harus terinstall NET Framework 4.0 pada PC yang digunakan.

Screenshoot :

With KMSpico we can :
  • Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 8 Professional
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
  • Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 7 Professional
  • Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
  • Activate Windows Vista Professional
Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download nonaktifkan antivirus sobat untuk sementara
  2. Extract file yang di download dengan winrar
  3. Jalankan KMSpico_Install_v3.1 dan Install sampai selesai
  4. Untuk menggunakannya, Jalankan KMSpico.exe atau run trigger.cmd
  5. Finish
 Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download KMSpico v3.1 by heldigard pada link dibawah ini.

NB : Ketika menjalankan harus klik kanan kemudian run as administrator.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

The Reason for the H in MHRA -- Positioning!!!

Typhonblue sums up it pretty well.

And no, it does NOT signal some sinister ideological shift on the part of AVfM. I know how they think -- largely because they think much as I do -- and that is not how they think! And trust me, their game is pure and simple . . . strategy! So settle down and start untwisting your panties, okay? You know who you are.

It is just a crafty political move -- that's all it is. It's a way of putting the enemy on the defensive in time of war, using methods quite similar to the enemy's own. So please, please, please -- get over your silliness and get with the program. THIS IS POLITICS. . . and politics is how the real world works. Capisch?

I have not watched GirlWritesWhat's video yet, so I ought to get with it, oughtn't I?


Download Mozilla Firefox 19.0 Final

Mozilla firefox 19.0 Final. Siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan browser mozilla firefox yang satu ini ?. Mozilla firefox hingga saat ini bisa dibilang sebagai browser no 1 yang paling banyak digunakan di belhan dunia ini.
Mozilla firefox yang terbaru pada tahun 2013 ini adalah mozilla firefox 19.0 dan tentu saja pada versi terbarunya ini firefox sudah semakin cepat dibandingkan versi-versi sebelumnya. dan untuk pengguna windows 8 juga tidak perlu khawatir karena firefox 19.0 bisa juga digunakan pada windows 8.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload mozilla firefox 19.0 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

“Deep Inside – A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars” (from the Internet Adult Film Database) – WITH OUR ANALYSIS

There’s a new “study” of sorts that has recently been done about porn performers — who they are, what they do, and what sort of sex acts are most popular in porn. It isn’t a formal study done by an academic, but is one done by someone interested in pornography, of the data available at a Wikipedia type of site for pornography. (The Internet Adult Film Database.) So the results aren’t exactly

Soap & Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL| Pump Up Your Pout


Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL 8Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL 2Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker XL 3

I’m not normally one for lip-glosses, but when Soap and Glory kindly gifted me their new Sexy Mother Pucker XL* for Valentines Day I was not going to turn it down, and I’m glad I didn’t! At first I was a little dubious, as I have tried their regular Sexy Mother Pucker Lipgloss a few months ago and found it sticky and ineffective, so gave it to my mum, who thankfully doesn’t mind it… win win. So when I first applied this and found that it wasn’t sticky like the last one I was pleasantly surprised.

I was even more surprised when the lip plumping action started! Oh my word do your lips tingle! It starts out quite tame but the feeling increases over time. At first it is a very strange sensation, my lips felt cool and tingly, and as the feeling intensifies it feels like my lips have pins and needles. The feeling lasts for a good 10 minutes or so, so if you love your tingly lip plump products this is definitely a must buy! I have to say my lips were much more plump and pouty… hence the silly pouty picture above!

Soap and Glory say that this Lipgloss is “a  Super-sizing, extra strength collagen lip shine with LIPSWELL natural plant oil infusion, SUPERFILL nanovactors and VISIVOLUME immediate effect lip filler.” This lip plump definitely works in my eyes, but beware it is not for the faint hearted! It does tingle alot, so those with more sensitive skin may find it irritatable, and although I was given this so I could “pucker up” Valentines Day last week, I will not be kissing anyone while wearing it for fear of my numb lips drooling everywhere due to the pins and needles… not an attractive look!

The Basic Idea

(Click upon this graphic to see the expanded version.)

YouTube is not to be Trusted

The total view count on the Counter-Feminist YouTube channel, as of yesterday, was around 52,000. Today, we noticed that the count had dropped to around 45,000.

We have no explanation for this. Furthermore, we have reason to believe (from certain evidence) that the actual view count is higher than 52,000.

Put this information in a pipe, and smoke it for yourselves.

Recent Communication from Ireland

The following e-mail reached me yesterday morning.  Interpret this any way you wish, but it IS a sign of the times. And I am seeing more and more such signs nowadays:
"I accuse myself of formerly being a “collaborationist” with the enemy – feminism.
"Let me explain – I am female and I was born in 1961, in Ireland, not exactly the most liberal place on the planet. But, this gives me a unique insight into that sacred cow of feminism, patriarchy and the “oppression” of women by men.
"It also gives me an up close and personal experience of that other sacred cow of feminism “the personal is the political”
"So, after 51 years of life, which nicely coincides with the rise of feminism, what conclusions have I reached?
"First, I am sick to death of feminism, sick to the back teeth of every aspect, every facet, every shape-shifting ploy that feminism has used to embed itself not only into the very fabric of society, but into the places where it has no right, no business being – the machinery of society – the legal and political structures of society.
"I have watched and observed feminism (we used to call them women’s libbers) from the shrill ridiculous rantings and ravings of a few lunatic over-privileged middle class white women into a pernicious evil doctrine of hate, abuse and bigotry.
"At a time when I should have embraced feminism, should have, if I was smart, jumped on the gravy train of feminism, during my teenage years (circa 1973 – 1979) I didn’t – could I have put into words what I was feeling? At the time, no.  Could I have explained the unease, the suspicion, the sense of being hoodwinked I felt? Again, at the time, no. The only thing I could do was to never once identify myself AS feminist – which I did – as I entered my twenties, I managed to clarify my opposition to the ideology that is feminism by recognising that feminism had nothing to do with human rights.
The other thing that I observed was the sly dawning realisation in the minds of my fellow “sisters” of the benefits, unfair advantages and opportunities feminism gave women at the expense of men. In effect – the mantra of the sisterhood was to “get back at men”  - ALL men, for some nameless unstated, unexamined, “crimes against women” all women.
"As for patriarchy? Never saw it – never experienced it – let me explain – as well as a father and lots of uncles, I have six brothers, my brothers were all pretty gregarious, so they had lots of male friends, half my class in school were male, most of my friends had brothers and fathers, I have a lot of male cousins etc etc. As, I grew older and began to work I encountered even more of the male sex. So, I have had quite an extensive array of males to observe over my lifetime so far – as a counterpoint – I have also had an extensive array of females to observe.
"What have I personally observed, experienced and concluded in relation to patriarchy? To be blunt – it’s complete and utter bullshit. But, I will go even further, any discrimination, any negative treatment, any unfair practices directed at me have ALWAYS been from women. ALWAYS. By far the worst has been from women who identify themselves as feminists, in fact as I’ve grown older it has gotten worse, to the extent that now that I have returned to college to study law I find myself in a position where I am being discriminated against systematically, persistently and visibly by feminists and feminist ideology, for one reason only – I have publically declared – I AM NOT A FEMINIST.
"So, back to the start – why do I accuse myself of being a collaborationist? Simple – I should have spoken up before – I should have fought against the rise of the feminist ideology, the feminist propaganda machine.
"Until I found myself back in college I naively assumed that feminism had become irrelevant, past it’s sell by date, become yet another idiotic doctrine that had failed.
"How wrong I was – how naive – I should have paid more attention – and now?
"In all my life, I have never experienced more vile, blatant, vicious and evil examples of abusive, bigoted people, such vile unrelenting discriminatory practices, as I have encountered in the hallowed halls of academia, every last one of them a feminist.
"I have never encountered such a deluge of misinformation, propaganda, downright lies and twisted evil doctrines concentrated in one place.
"While I am personally experiencing the effects of this abusive and discriminatory ideology, I cannot compare my experience to the abuse heaped upon the heads of my fellow students – my fellow male students. It is appalling.
"But, before you reach for the tissues on my behalf – hold up – don’t forget what I am studying – Law.
"In my own small way I have managed to get one of these “Gender Studies” courses cancelled.
"This bears explanation – how did I find myself in the firing line of the feminists? As well as law I chose to study politics – not realising that politics had changed from when I was younger – now apparently – politics means ONLY from a “feminist perspective”?
"Excuse me? Was my reaction – I’m not a feminist, feminism is an ideology which I DON’T subscribe to, believe, support or sanction.
"Answer – tough – it’s the ONLY perspective allowed.
"Hmmm, I thought, sounds like discrimination, sounds like a dictatorship, sounds like bullshit. So, as a law student, I did what any self-respecting person who believes in “equality” would do – I invoked the Equal Status Act J.
"But, apart from the pleasure of having the offending course cancelled, or rather being quietly slipped OFF the programme – I made my views known – I began to speak out.
"I realise that speaking out is one thing – doing something is quite another, so, I am preparing to launch a campaign – Students Against Feminist Indoctrination S.A.F.I – catchy isn’t it?
"I’m playing catch-up here at the moment, on so many levels, but, as my father taught me, and taught me well – “knowledge is power” – as my mother taught me – “don’t argue with fools, after a while no-one will be able to tell the difference”, an extension of that in my experience is show everyone else that they are fools by knowing more than they do.
"I’m writing to you to say thank you – over the last few months I’ve finally been educating myself, informing myself, preparing – your site has been an inspiration, and if I might say an invaluable resource, in fact there are a list of sites and blogs that I wish to commend and credit for their excellence in unmasking the evil doctrine of feminism, for providing a resource for sharpening the tools needed to combat this pernicious doctrine and for being an inspirational beacon of light in the darkness that feminism has cast over our society.
"In no particular order:

"There are many more which I’ve visited over the last six months which have been a revelation and a source of information too numerous to mention – but the fact that they are there is heartening.

"Finally, as I encountered my first blast of full on feminism and began to experience its insidious effects the thing which angered me personally the most was this:
"Being warned – over and over again I was warned “not to rock the boat” “keep your head down and just go along with them” “the feminists control this campus, they’ll make you suffer” “just agree with everything they say and get the hell out of here as fast as you can”
"No, No, No, No, No! Never will I allow any person to TELL me what I should think, what I should believe – NEVER.
"But the thing which really illustrated for me the sheer breadth and depth of the evil that is feminism is this:
"During one of the most hate-filled vile propagandist “lectures” I have ever heard, apart from the shock at what was being dripped like poison into the ears of the class was the sense that the few men who were in attendance were sinking further and further into their seats. The reality of the effect this poison had on them was made very clear to me after this “lecture” one of my classmates a lovely man in his 60’s – let’s call him Mike was almost in tears, shocked and ashamed at what he perceived was the abuse his gender had heaped upon the heads of ALL women, ALL throughout history (sorry, herstory – blah)  everywhere.
"This is a man who has worked all his life, to support his family who he loves dearly, who had voluntarily worked in his community for the betterment of ALL in his community, this is a man who literally shouts, honour, integrity, honesty, and he was pulverised, ground into the dirt, shamed and almost reduced to tears by the lies, the viciousness, the calumny spewing from the mouth of the fattest feminist I’ve ever seen who accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with her of being an alcoholic (me – and I don’t drink)
"This was the tipping point for me – to use a crude phrase that we are particularly fond of here in the emerald isle, in relation to feminists “I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire” but for this man, this lovely, kind, honourable man, I would defend, support, stand beside, and be honoured to be his friend.
"So, in the battle to overthrow feminism – COUNT ME IN.

"Kind Regards


When They Smear You, it is For a Reason


Download KMSpico v2.1 By Heldigard Activator Windows Vista, 7, 8 & Ofiice 2010, office 2013

KMSpico v2.1. by heldigard. dengan keadaan koneksi saya yang sekarang lagi lelet, saya sempatkan untuk berbagi sebuah  software yang sangat bagus yaitu KMSpico v2.1 by heldigard.
KMSpico ini berfungsi sebagai activator windows vista, 7, 8 dan juga untuk office 2010 dan 2013. Awalanya saya sendiri belum yakin dengan software yang bernama KMSpico ini. Namun setelah saya cari tahu ternyata software ini berfungsi dengan baik.
KMSpico ini jika digunakan pada windows 7, maka untuk membukanya harus terinstall NET Framework 4.0 agar bisa berjalan di windows 7 dan bisa digunakan sebagai activator.

Screenshoot :

With KMSpico we can :
  • Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 8 Professional
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
  • Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 7 Professional
  • Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
  • Activate Windows Vista Professional
Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download nonaktifkan antivirus sobat untuk sementara
  2. Extract file yang di download
  3. Jalankan KMSpico_Install_v2.1.exe dan install sampai selesai.
  4. Untuk menggunakannya, Jalankan KMSpico.exe atau run
  5. kemudian pilih yang ingin di aktifasi kemudian klik tombol activasinya
  6. selesai.
 Bagi yang ingin mendownload KMSpico v2.1 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

MRM v. MHRM - Drawing the Map Correctly

 A question was recently nailed to the board at Yahoo Answers, and it runs as follows:
A question for MRAs/MHRAs- where do you find yourself on the ideological divide?
There seems to be a split brewing in the Men's Rights Movement.

On the one side you have the "traditionalists," who believe the movement should continue as it has up until this point.

On the other side lets call them the "modernists," who believe the movement has to embrace a broader cross section of men's rights. This group seeks to be more inclusive of men regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation...arguing that the challenges that may be unique to men in these groups are still men's rights.

The first group is adamant that the movement should still be called the "Mens Rights Movement" or MRM; the second group seems to be moving towards renaming the movement the "Mens Human Rights Movement" or MHRM.

My question for MRAs/MHRAs is this: with which group do you feel most comfortable and why?

BQ: Do you believe the movement will be better off in the end for hashing out these issues?    

Additional Details

Just to clarify...when I say "traditionalist," I'm not talking about the traditional roles of men. I'm talking about the traditional advocacy for Men's Rights. The traditionalists that I'm referring to...are basically saying that this is the way the MRM/MHRM is...and we shouldn't change it, no matter what. Whereas the "modernists" are saying "yes, this is the way the MRM is, but the MHRM should project a more inclusive message to all men...including those who traditionally haven't connected with the MRM in the past."

I, Fidelbogen, felt moved to weigh in, or wade in, and did so thuswise:

Those who are not insiders might misunderstand the significance of the "MHRM" appellative. It does not signal a shift toward a "humanistic" perspective so much as a rhetorical/semantic move. The stress is upon MALE, i.e. the MALE human rights movement.

The idea is to block feminist ideology and silence detractors of "men's rights" by adopting a high-ground position that is difficult to argue with. By establishing the idea that "men's rights are human rights", anybody who goes against you is in the difficult position of being against human rights FOR MEN.

One other thing. The original question draws a false picture of the "movement". The movement was never not inclusive of all those extra groups -- in fact, that point was never settled. But the question makes it sound like there was a consensus about these issues all along. No, there was never any such consensus, and the so-called "traditional" MRA (as defined here) is only a construct which the author cobbled together somehow. The "ideological divide" is wrongly mapped by the author.

There is, however, a tectonic split within the non-feminist revolution -- a real one, I mean.

The "traditionalist" group (the actual one, not the author's constructed one) consists of men and women both who favor a return to traditional sex roles and. . . get this!. . . male supremacy. (Or male paternalism if you prefer a more benign term.) This group is not a so-called "MRA" group. In fact, they explicitly reject the "MRA" label. Others may call these people MRAs, but they make it clear that they do not call themselves that.

As for the other group, it might be better to call them "libertarian" until a better term comes along. People within this group do argue amongst themselves about the appropriateness of the "MHRA" label, apparently because some of them have gotten the wrong idea that it signifies an ideological shift rather than a rhetorical stance. I wish they would get that sorted out, and learn to appreciate the tactical advantage which "MHRA" offers.

Yes, it seems that certain people have childishly simplistic ideas about certain things. So, if any of my wise readers wish to shed some light and clarify some minds, please head over to the Yahoo Answers page in the near future before the question gets settled and closed:


69 year old porn addict with SIX computers full of XXX pornography took police to court… to get it all BACK

PORN ADDICTION INSANITY: A man downloaded porn for 8 HOURS EVERY NIGHT until he got busted for “accidental” child porn, and then had all of his porn taken away by the police. The porn addict is now demanding all of his “adult” porn be returned to him, despite saying:“After this caper it’s lost its flavor, and I don’t watch as much. I’ve still got around 1,500 images – grannies, trannies, that


My First Blogger Meet| Carlisle Blogger Meet


Carlisle Blogger MeetCarlisle bloggers

As much as I love blogging, it can be a lonely hobby. Yes I get to talk and meet hundreds of like minded blogging girls on twitter, but most of my blogging in real life is confined to the four walls of my bedroom. I have a number of friends and family who know about my blog but I end up boring them chatting about it continually, so very often my blog is neglected in my day to day conversations. My family and friends often don’t know what a blog is, don’t understand the appeal of it, think it’s a bit self obsessive and wonder why the hell anyone would care about what I have to say. For these reasons I have been desperate to go on a Blogger Meet, and Helen from Pierre Le Cat must of heard my cries and invited me along to the Carlisle Bloggers Meet last Sunday.

We arranged to meet up at Thin White Dukes in Carlisle city centre, which turned out to be a great location and a new favourite of mine. I was unbelievably nervous before going as I was the only one going who hadn’t met any of the other girls in person. Thankfully after thinking of cancelling multiple times, I plucked up the courage and went. I had described what I was wearing to the girls before hand as was more nervous of not actually recognising anyone and going up to a complete stranger and asking if they were a blogger! Thankfully as soon as I walked in the door I was met by Jo’s smiley face who recognised me. I sat with Jo and her sister Jen for a little while before everyone else joined us. At first the conversation was a little forced I think, as it always is when meeting new people but after the first drink everyone loosened up and we were sharing joke, stories and blogging experiences as we would with friends. We sat for nearly 3 hours, drinking eating and chatting and I left feeling like I had made 6 new friends. We now have a Facebook group that allow us to chat often and we are already thinking or organising the next meet. So as I have made 6 new friends I want to introduce them to you!

amazndaAmanda- Uniquely Snowflake

Amanda is a crafty and creative blogger. She has her own shop which she creates one of a kind jewellery, homeware, accessories and children's gifts.She is also a popular mummy blogger. Her blog is a mixed bag; full of interesting posts, crafts, fashion and life.


annaAnna- On The Dressing Table

Anna is the only other self confessed beauty product lover! Her blog is full of honest, detailed product reviews, and pictures of her adorable dogs! Like the rest of us she dabbles in some lifestyle blogging by sharing pictures of her life and personality throughout her posts. She is also to credit for the photos as I was too nervous to take any!



Helen has been my blogging friend for a long time and even helped me with my dissertation. She has such an interesting blog. A fashion and true lifestyle blogger her blog is pack full of unique online boutiques and fashion stores, creative photography and her latest post on her love of old people was so beautifully written it has been very popular.


jen jen and featherJen- Jenny And The Magic Feather

Jen is a lifestyle blogger who is amazing at blog designs, she actually helped with a few of the girls mentioned blogs. She is a creative and crafty girl who’s blog is full of baking and cute pictures, especially of her little pet Degus… you have to go see how cute they are!


joJo- The Perfect Hiding Place

Jo is a super crafty blogger who is a self confessed Pinterest addict…love this! Her blog is like mine, a mixed bag; full of life, crafts, and lots of nails! She is a super creative girl with a friendly blog with great photographs! I love her mix of topics.


sally tangleSally- Sally Tangle

Sally is a fashion blogger who dabbles in lifestyle posts. you can tell she’s a fashion blogger as she looked amazing when I met her!  Her blog is so pretty and I love her pictures, her writing style is personal, relaxed and a great read over a cup of tea.


I hope you go and check out these girls and their amazing blogs, and find some new favourites amongst them. If you are a Cumbrian blogger leave a comment below and we can invite you to our Facebook group and keep you informed for the next Bloggers Meet.

How was your first ever Blogger Meet? Were you are nervous as I was? What did you gain from it?

Download Internet Download Manager 6.15 Build 2 Full Version With Patch

Internet Download Manager 6.15 build 2. Software yang satu ini rasanya sudah terlalu sering saya ceritakan fungsinya karena internet download manager tetap selalu update dan memang IDM ini adalah yang paling populer, yang pasti intinya adalah internet download manager adalah software untuk mempercepat download.
Internet download manager yang saya share ini adalah versi terbarunya yaitu IDM 6.15 build 2 dan sudah saya sertakan dengan patchnya agar menjadi full version.
Untuk cara penggunaan patchnya saya rasa sahabat haramain software sudah mengerti karena pada versi sebelumnya juga sudah saya share.
Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload Internet download manager 6.15 build 2 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

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