

My new love| Stylist Pick bag


 Just a quick little post to share with you the new love in my life, my Andrea bag from Stylist Pick.
I have been a member of Stylist Pick for many many months now, but had never made a purchase. I don’t think there was a month when I looked at my showroom and found something that screamed “buy me now!” However this month I finally made my first purchase.

I have been looking for a new handbag for a while now, and as I use my handbag daily till it breaks or I just don’t like it anymore, I needed one that I was in love with. I regularly swap and change my clutch bags and other bags for special occasions or nights out, but for going to work and university I stick to the one bag. Therefore I was over the moon when I found this bag, it is perfect for me, casual for everyday use, but smart enough for my dressed up personal style.  Even better, as it was my first purchase I received 25% off my order, so it only cost me £30… bargain!

As for Stylist Pick themselves, I was very impressed with the service. The product arrived this morning, and I ordered it on Wednesday afternoon, therefore delivery was very swift, which makes me very happy! Also the bag was wrapped up lovely. It was placed inside a material bag to protect it, and placed in a shopping bag, and the invoice was folded into a pretty little card. For the price of £40 (normal price) I think Stylist Pick go above and beyond expectations.


Fitness Fridays| Myth busting

I don't know about you, but when it comes to health, fitness and diets etc, there is such a wide array of information, sometimes good, sometimes bad, and sometimes conflicting. I find it all very confusing, however help was at hand. I read an article in a fitness magazine a few months ago that was very interesting. It basically told the truth on many misconceived fitness and health tips. I have picked my favourite to share with you today. 

Myth 1- Women bulk up if they lift weights.
I have mentioned this a few times, as this is one of the largest misconceptions. You will not bulk up if you lift weights (only if you do it for several hours a day.)There are many benefits to weight training; it sculpts and tones you, and it increases your metabolism. 

Myth 2- You can spot reduce just one area.
Yes you can sculpt and tone one area, but you cannot target fat loss from one area. From your birth your body is predetermined where it will store fat and which fat stores it will draw from first.

Myth 3- Eating Carbs after 5pm will make you put on weight.  
There is no evidence that you metabolise food in a different way at different times of the day. You should eat when it suits you, and concentrate on eating a healthy meal, not at what time you are eating. Many believe this myth comes form peoples tendency to snack on sugary foods in the evening, which would cause you to gain weight.

Myth 4- Eating fat makes you fat.
We need fat, the right kind of fat in small amounts, to make up a balanced diet. Good fats are needed for repair, recovery and regrowth, and can help your brain function. Consume avocados, nuts and oily fish.

Myth 5- Cardio is the best/ only way to burn fat.
Cardio is a great fat burner, while you're doing it. However the number of calories burnt after working out is higher from resistance training, so you will continue to burn calories hours later.
All you should really remember is to achieve a fit and health body, you need to burn more calories than you consume through plenty of exercise and a healthy balanced diet.
I hope these tips have helped some others.

Montagne Jeunesse Peel-Off Masque Review

Today is suppose to be another productive dissertation writing day, however I'm not really feeling inspired or motivated, so for the few hours I have before work I have decided to catch up on my blogs, watch a few movies and beautify myself. So if you had read one of my previous posts, I had picked up a bumper pack of Montagne Jeunesse face masks and had previously reviewed a fruit smoothie deep cleaning mask. Today I am reviewing a peel-off mask.

The product is a anti-stress cucumber peel-off masque. The product claims to gently peel away dead skin. "You will find a fresher face when you peel away our purifying mask: the ideal gentle peel specially formulated for problem and t-zone skin. It removes impurities and dead cells whilst cleaning and reviving the skin." 

The Good
  • Dries quite quickly
  • Peels off easily
  • Did leave my skin soft and smooth afterwards
The Bad
  • Very sticky to apply
  • In my opinion it smells like washing up liquid
  • The smell did not have the anti-stress qualities advertised.
  • As it is very thick, there does not seem to be as much product as the other clay masks, so there is only one application per sachet. 
Overall- 3/5
My personal opinion is that these peel off masks are not as effective as clay or mud masks. I do not feel or see that they clean and purify as effectively. I'm, not saying this is a bad product, it is just not my favourite and I will not be purchasing peel-off masks in the future.

What is you opinion on peel-off masks? Do you find them effective? 

Pulling The Plug - Hilarious Joke

A couple was having a discussion about life and death and the man declared, “I don’t want to be kept alive in an artificial state. If the worst should happen and I need a machine and fluids to keep me alive, I want you to pull the plug.”

“But I don’t know if I can,” the woman replied. “So long as you are still living and breathing, there is always the chance that you can come back to me.”

“Stop the fluids and unplug the machine,” the man insisted. “If I was meant to live, I would find a way back to you without the fluids and the machine.”

“Well, since you insist,...” The woman got up, unplugged the television set and threw away all his beer.


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Torrent2exe adalah software yang digunakan untuk mendownload file torrent yang fungsinya seperti IDM atau sejenisnya, namun Torrent2exe hanya bisa untuk mendownload file torrent. biasanya torren digunakan untuk mendownload file-file yang kapasitasnya besar seperti windows, game, atau software-sofware yang kapasitasnya cukup besar.
kelebihan torrent adalah ketika kita mendownload suatu  file dengan torrent namun belum selesai, kemudian kita mematikan komputer atau laptop kita,  ketika kita menyalakan komputer atau laptop kita kembali dan tersambung ke internet, maka file yang kita download sebelumnya yang belum selesai akan secara otomatis jalan kembali tanpa kita apa-apakan selama dia tersambung ke internet.

Cara Mendownload Dengan Torrent.

  •  Download dan install Torrent2exe yang akan saya bagikan pada link dibawah.
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Nb : Torrent tidak menggunakan resume seperti IDM, namun file torrent yang didownlod akan tetap berjalan melanjutkan download yang belum selesai ketika terhubung dengan internet walaupun sudah berhari-hari didownload.

Jika ada pertanyaan, bisa tinggalkan pesan dibawah. selamat mencoba.

Download Unlocker 1.9.1, Mengahapus File Yang Susah dihapus

Haramain software kembali update. sekarang saya akan membagikan sebuah software yaitu Unlocker.
Apa anda pernah mengalami file tidak bisa dihapus atau file tidak bisa dirubah namanya, atau sekarang sedang mengalami hal seperti itu ?, Tidak perlu takut. 
Unlocker adalah software ringan dan free alias gratis. Tetapi mampu menghapus file atau folder yang terkonci atau susah untuk dihapus. bukan hanya untuk menghapus saja, tetapi unlocker ini juga mampu mengganti nama file atau folder yang tidak bisa di riname atau diganti namanya. saya sendiri mengakui kalau software ini penting untuk dimiliki. Cara penggunaannya pun sangat mudah dan tidak memakan waktu yang sangat lama, cukup setelsh diinstall, klik kanan pada file yang ingin di hapus atau di riname, kemudian pilih unlocker dan pilih delete untuk menghapus file atau folder dan rename untuk mengganti nama. kemudian pilih OK. Otomatis unlocker akan bekerja sesuai yang dinginkan. Unlocker ini sangat ringan hanya sekitar 739 Kb. bagi yang ingin mendownload bisa langsung download pada link mediafire dibawah ini.

Link Update 7 Desember 2012

Selamat mencoba dan semoga software yang ada di haramain software bermanfaat.


Joke - Train In The Basement!

Two small-town merchants were visiting New York City for the first time to attend a conference. There was a large party
thrown, with lots of food and drink. At the end of the party,
they both staggered outside.

One guy crossed the street, while the other stumbled into a
subway entrance.

When the 1st guy reached the other side of the street, he noticed
the other emerging from the subway stairs.

"Where you been?" he asked.

 "I don't know," said the other guy, "but you should see the
train set that guy has in his basement!"

Joke - The Drunk & The Cop.

The City Police were given orders to clean up the neighbourhood.

That night a drunk staggered towards a constable and said:

"Excuse me offisher, what time is it?"

The cop replied, "It's one o'clock," and bonked him on the head with his baton.

"Jeezz," said the drunk. "I'm glad I didn't ask you an hour ago!" 


Playing Her Age - Funny Joke

A lady is having a bad day at the roulette tables in Vegas. She's down to her last $50.

Exasperated, she exclaims, "Only bad luck! What in the world should I do now?"

A man standing next to her suggests, "I don't know... why don't you play your age?"

He walks away. Moments later, his attention is grabbed by a great commotion at the roulette table. Maybe she won!

He rushes back to the table and pushes his way through the crowd. The lady is lying limp on the floor, with the table operator kneeling over her.

The man is stunned. He asks, "What happened? Is she all right?"

The operator replies, "I don't know. She put all her money on 29, and 38 came up. Then she just fainted!"

The Funniest Joke In The World

Once Santa & Banta were travelling along with their friends Monty & Jaggi. On a road surrounded by forests on both sides, their car was attacked by robbers. Santa & his friends were pulled out of the car. The robbers blasted the car and took Santa, Banta and their friends in the middle of the forest where their boss was residing.

Now, this boss was fond of jokes. So, he put the condition that whoever tells a joke that makes every single person laugh should be left unharmed and alive, but if one single person doesn't laugh then the joke-teller would be shot to death.

Banta started telling the funniest joke he had ever heard, "One day........." and when he was finished, everybody were falling with laughter except Santa. So according to the vow, the boss shot poor Banta.

Now, it was the turn of Monty. He also told the best joke he had ever heard. Again everybody laughed including the boss & his robbers, but still Santa was quite as a statue. So the boss shot him.

Then came Jaggi. As he opened his mouth to tell the joke, Santa suddenly burst into laughter. Everyone was puzzled. Santa was laughing madly.

The boss asked him, "Why the hell are you laughing without hearing the joke?"

Santa said laughing and giggling, "Oh! How funny Banta's joke was!"

Chicken Tales - Funny Joke

Scientists at NASA have developed a gun built specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners, military jets and the space shuttle, all traveling at maximum velocity.

The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with air borne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.

British engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshield of their new high speed trains.

Arrangements were made to borrow the gun. But when the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurtled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatter proof shield, smashed into smithereens, crashed through the control console, snapped the engineer's backrest in two, and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin.

Horrified, the British sent NASA the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield, and begged the U.S. scientists for suggestions.

NASA's response was just one sentence: "Thaw the frozen chicken first!!"


OOTD and FOTD| Girls night out

Please excuse my washing in the background.

Last night was my good friend Anna's birthday night out. I was lucky enough to finish early at work so I had all afternoon to get ready. I also spent a good proportion of my wage on dresses... whoops (Haul post coming up.)
We headed to Madame Koo's night club and were fortunate enough to have a table booked, so I decided to dress formal but glamourous. I purchased a pencil dress from H&M for a bargain price of £25 and paired it with a colourful pair of heels. I can see this dress becoming a firm favourite of mine; you just can't beat a little black dress. I hope you like the look.

For my makeup I used my favourite everyday products for my face, and dressed up my eyes using the Urban Decay Naked Palette to create a smoky look. I teamed this with a frosty nude lipstick so as not to overdo it. 

 I hope you all had a lovely Saturday night. I'm spending tonight recovering, with a take away, a blanket and cuddles from my man. 

Download Theme Star Trek For Windows 7

Welcome to haramain software. Haramain software kali ini bagi-bagi theme lagi nih. Theme yang saya bagikan adalah theme Star Trek untuk windows 7. Theme yang satu ini juga jelas tidak kalah keren dengan theme-theme yang lain. tapi jangan lupa, theme ini bukanlah theme keren terahir yang akan di share oleh haramain software. karena besok-besok haramain software akan bagikan theme yang keren lagi. Kembali ke Judul posting yaitu Theme Star Trek, Adalah salah satu theme koleksi dari haramain software dan sekaligus theme yang dibagikan secara gratis oleh haramain software.
Bagi yang ingin melihat tampilannya bisa lihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Seperti biasa kalau mau lihat gambar yang lebih besar, tinggal klik kan pada gambar dan pilih open link in new tab maka akan terlihat gambar yang lebih besar dan jelas.
Untuk cara install sama seperti biasa pada posting theme pertama kali di haramain software.
Langsung saja download theme Star Trek ini pada link dibawah ini.

Password Mediafire : haramain software

Jangan lupa Like this ya. dan tinggalkan pesan kalau ada link yang rusak.

Download Theme Hud Premium Red For Windows 7

Haramain software bagi-bagi theme lagi nih. theme kali ini adalah theme yang sebelumnya saudaranya sudah saya bagikan. Kalau sebelumnya saya sudah bagikan theme Hud Premium Green, Hud Premium Blue sekarang saya akan bagikan Hud Premium Red, dan yang pasti ini hanya untuk windows 7 saja. bagi yang pernah download dan menggunakan Hud premium yang saya bagikan sebelumnya, pasti tau gimana kerennya theme ini. 
Sekalian bagi yang sudah download Hud premium yang saya bagikan sebelumnya bisa ganti-ganti Theme yang sama dengan pariasi warna-warna yang berbeda dan yang jelas bikin tampilan computer/notebook kita menjadi keren bahkan super keren. Seperti biasa theme ataupun software yang ada diharamain software semuanya sya bagikan secara Free atau gratis.
Bagi yang belum pernah melihat tampilannya dari theme hud premium red ini,bisa lihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Kalau gambar diatas kurang jelas, klik kanan pada gambar dan open link in new tab. maka akan terbuka gambar yang lebih besar. Bagi yang suka dan ingin mendownload theme ini, bisa langsung download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mencoba dan kalau memang suka klik Like ya.

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