

A Bit of the Latest

I have just listened to an MP3 audio version of Dr. Janice Fiamengo's speech, on Thursday evening, at the University of Toronto. It was pretty good. She was unsparingly harsh on academic feminism and pulled few, if any, punches. This will be made available as video, on YouTube, in the near future.

The following Skype chat interchange occurred between Dannyboy and myself:

Fidelbogen: The official cracking of the dam? With a roaring torrent to follow? The snap of the ice on the river, in the Spring?

Dannyboy: Crack in the damn slight mist spewing, no little boy blue to stick his finger in the dyke.

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The Sky is Blue

MGTOW - Blue Skyes from masculinist on Vimeo.

Here is the most bucolic evocation of the MGTOW sensibility I have ever seen . I'm sharing it here just because. . . well, because it's cool!

Future historians might be interested in knowing that I, Fidelbogen, am the originator of the "Sky is Blue" motto seen in this video. The video's creator and myself were chatting on Skype about a year ago, and I suggested the phrase as a cryptic saying to be printed on t-shirts. The video's creator (himself a Masculinist, not a MGTOW)  was instantly captivated by the concept, and soon designed the logo with the motto underneath.

SIGN THIS PETITION: Twitter: Make stricter regulations on blocking pornography on your site.

Please support @LetsLoveProject and sign their petition to get Twitter to make stricter regulations to block porn! ~~ The petition was created by our good anti-porn friend Daniel Ginn who is working hard to do HIS part to make the world a better place with LESS PORNOGRAPHY and MORE LOVE! CHANGE.ORG PETITION: Twitter: Make stricter regulations on blocking pornography on your site.“Sadly there

An Early Report Post-Toronto

I am talking to Dan Perrins on Skype this very minute. He has recently gotten back from Toronto, and he says "hi folks! We were there and we got it all on tape."

Indeed. And a sample is posted directly above for your enjoyment. It is Dannyboy himself conducting a brief interview with Dr. Janice Fiamengo, who delivered the evening's speech against feminist academia.

Mr. Perrins informs me that the Toronto event was, overall, somewhat anticlimactic. Well, not quite as exciting as expected -- although the protestors did get up to a little bit of mischief. (There was heavy police presence.)

Further video material will be released in the near future, and when you watch this you will see it all. Well, quite a bit, anyway. Meanwhile, an article has been posted on AVfM:

Janice Fiamengo's lecture will be the crown jewel. This too will be posted on YouTube in the near future. Stay tuned.



Ramping Up Toward Toronto Round Two

The following is an e-mail that I recently dispatched to a correspondent, concerning the scheduled events at the University of Toronto:
Our man Daniel Perrins of Ontario will be covering the event as AVfM's official envoy. Mr. Perrins is solely delegated to speak for AVfM on this occasion.  He will disavow any untoward behavior by any loudmouth or provocateur who is purported to represent the 'Men's Human Rights Movement'. The management  of AVfM will likewise disavow such persons, as will I, Fidelbogen.  All who wish to join in such such disavowal are encouraged to do so in a public way.

Mr. Perrins comes well prepared to harvest anything useful from the occasion. He will be recording, recording, recording, and recording again. And his wing man will be doing likewise. Furthermore, non-feminist revolutionaries of every description will be circulating in the area both before and after the event. And yes, they too will be recording, recording, recording , and recording  again.
My understanding is, that if Mr. Perrins catches any feminist violence against his person, he will "do a Gandhi" so far as rational self-preservation might permit. 
The CAFE group (Canadian Association for Equality) is a moderate, liberal organization with mainstream appeal. It is not linked to AVfM. I have been informed, however, that about half of its members are full-fledged red-pill people, while the other half are purple-pill people. So it sounds like CAFE as a whole is transitioning toward a politically-awakened state.

The CAFE, by the way, is actively setting up men's issues groups on Canadian campuses.

The enemy is rallying troops for the night in Toronto as you will see from the following Facebook  page, where people pledge support and make travel plans:

The next item, from a feminist collective blog, is very pertinent and revealing. I like how they refer to Janice Fiamengo, the scheduled speaker, as an "MRA". Fiamengo does not, to my knowledge, call herself that. Goes to show just how meaningless the Magical Reflex Acronym has become, when nearly anybody who speaks a critical word about feminism can be called an "MRA". Well, that includes vast swathes of the population -- and I'm sure it will be impossible to build enough prisons to house them all!

This article links to a number of other articles which ought to be studied:

The Socialist Party of Ontario is one of the forces behind all of the anti-male brouhaha, and the following takes them to task pretty squarely:
To broaden your scope on the current state of play, check out the following. Watch how the anti-male Student Union at Ryerson lashes back like Bolshevik bullies against students who wanted to set up a pro-male group on campus:

I could go on, but I think I've given you a full plate already. Anyhow, calculating time zones, I do believe that Daniel is in the thick of it right this very minute. How it irks me that I cannot be there myself! However, I look forward to discussing the adventure with Daniel in a couple of days.

In the aftermath of this evening, starting early afternoon Friday, reports will be appearing on YouTube, AVfM, and the usual places. Among other things, video capture of Janice Fiamengo's entire lecture will be made available. Also, I'm sure that Daniel will have an item or two to share online. It is bound to be interesting, and all of this might prove to be a hinge moment, a game changer. Stay tuned.
Now for an extra treat. As you may know, I am an active commenter on threads and articles -- not as active as some, but I do get around. Furthermore, I have my own style in such work: I craft my words according to carefully thought-out principles and strive to improve myself in this line. So, I would like to share the customary screen captures from comments that I left on the following web article:

And here are the screen caps themselves, which will enlarge when you click upon them. First this:

Now this:
 And now this:
And finally this:
Now, depending on how you parse it, one is either planting seeds in this manner, or sprinkling drops of corrosive acid. Anyhow, that's all for today. Ciao!

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Alienware Skin pack untuk windows 8. Kalau dulu haramain software sering berbagi theme dan skin pack kepada sahabat haramain software namun hanya untuk XP dan windows 7, sekarang haramain software akan bagikan skinpack untuk windows 8.
Sudah pada tahu kan apa itu skin pack ? Skin pack yang saya share ini fungsinya untuk merubah tampilan pada windows 8 menjadi semakin menarik seperti theme.
Agar lebih jelas, sahabat haramain software bisa lihat pda gambar dibawah ini untuk melihat hasil dari skin pack ini.

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Gambar diatas adalah tampilan dari skin pack alienware red untuk windows 8. Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload skin pack ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

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Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Fitness Friday| Freeze Your Fat| 15 Minute Isometric Workout


Isometric-plank-girl-T Stabilisation

Wall Squat girl isometric-Lateral raise static squat

I don’t know about you but when I workout I am guilty of hammering the cardio and sometimes forgetting about strength…. which is not good! Strength exercises obviously build up your muscles and it is a fact that the more muscle you have the more fat your body will burn during the day! Now you don’t have to hammer the weights to get your strength workout in, in fact you can stay completely still and still work your body hard.

Above is a range of isometric exercises that slim you down and tone you up without moving a muscle! Isometric exercises require you to remain static and use your body's own resistance and weight to challenge your muscles. So all you have to do is hold each of the positions for 60 seconds, three to four times, will a 30 seconds rest between each.

1- Plank- Lie face down on the floor and prop yourself up on your forearms and toes. Keep your bum down and your body in a straight line. Concentrate on your abs and glutes and squeeze them as tightly as you can and hold still.

2- T-Stabilisation- Firstly get into a push-up position. Next shift your weight onto you left hand and rotate your chest to the right as the raise your right arm towards the ceiling. Keep your feet stacked. Hold for a few seconds, then try it on the other side. That’s one rep!

3- Wall Squat- Stand with your feet should width apart and back against a wall. Lower your body, slowly down the wall, until you knees are at a 90 degree angle. Push into your heels and hold still.

4- Lateral Raise- Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart with your arms at your sides and a 1kg to 2.5kg dumbbell (if you have no dumbbells, use a tin of beans). Slowly raise your arms until they are in line with your shoulders and hold them there!

5- Static Squat- Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart  or slightly wider. Extend your hands out in front of you to keep your balance. Sit back and down like you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep your head facing forward as your upper body bends forward a bit. Lower down so that your form a 90 degree angle with your knees and hips, ensuring that your knees never go over your toes. Press back into your heels and hold still.

Have you tried isometric exercises before? Or do you prefer to use weights? Which one of this moves is your favourite?

ACTION: SAY NO to the New York Times Encouraging Torture and Violent BDSM Culture – PornHarms

Please let the New York Times know that promoting pornographic and abusive BDSM is NOT OK! You can send a letter at the link below, via Pornography Harms’ helpful form. Please don’t forget to also like, comment on, and share this post to help spread the word and get more people to speak up! Thanks! FORM TO SEND A LETTER:

Feminism Blast

This dude doesn't pull any punches. And I'm willing to bet that he doesn't care what you think about him!

Word to the wise: more and more men nowadays are talking this talk and packing this attitude. And you know what? They are right.

And YOU are wrong, shithead! What can I say? We live in a broken society, and at the bottom of your mind, you damn well know it! So what do YOU plan to do about it?

Maybe we can start by giving feminism a very rude ride out of town. What do you think? Are you in on this? Are you cool with the idea that men have human rights??

Are you??

Benefit Benetint Lip & Cheek Stain| An English Rose


Benetint lip and cheek stain 3-tileHow to use BenetintBenefit lip and cheek stain 2Benetint lip and cheek stain 1

Benetint is a product that I have lusted after for a long time, and since buying it in the Christmas Sales I have not put it down! It is one of those products that really is worth the hype in my eyes. I don’t have any other experience of lip or cheek stains, but I I don’t think I need to try another as I am in love with this one. Before this post continues into a love letter for my admiration of this product, let me review it;

Benefit say;

“The sexiest flush you can get from a bottle, innocent yet provocative, our rose-tinted lip and cheek stain is see-through colour that endures it all… even the thralls of passion.” All you need to do it “Brush three strokes on the apples of your cheeks and blend quickly with fingertips. Apply on lips and blend. for a deeper “pop” of colour repeat.”

I say;

This product certainly does make you look flushed! I love the truly natural look it gives, upon applying this I feel like a real English Rose. It gives a look that is much more natural than any other blush product I have used before and even tops my favourite Rimmel Rose Blush Blusher!

For my cheeks it applies very easily, just three or four simple strokes with the brush then patted in with my finger tips is all I need. It’s not sticky nor oily and lasts a long time!

For my lips application is a little more difficult, it may be that I have dry lips at the moment, but the stain picks up on any dry or rough skin on your lips and stains it a little darker than the smooth areas. You have to really built up colour with it on your lips also, as I found it easily spreads over the lip line and looks a bit smudged if you apply too much at one time.

However overall I have to say this product is one of my new favourites! The bottle has barely gone down and I think it will last me another month or so. I think this product will perfect for summer days, because it gives such a natural look. It will be perfect for hot days when you don’t need any makeup but fancy a bit of colour on your lips and cheeks.

Have you every tried this product before? Did you love it as much as I do? Which Benefit product is your favourite?


The Feminist Myth of the Wage Gap

Feminism has planted all manner of myths in the mind of a gullible public.

The myth that 1 in 4 women get raped.

The myth that women don't lie about rape.

The myth that men commit 95% of all domestic violence.

The myth that so-called "deadbeat dads" exist in statistically appreciable numbers.

The myth that if a "male pill" were put on the market, most men would not use it. 

The myth that men are somehow "less verbal" than women.

The myth that men are "out of touch with their feelings." (Hint: Mastery of your emotions does not mean that you are out of touch with your feelings. It means that you are spiritually evolved!)

The myth that men feel threatened by intelligent women. (Personally, I wish there were more intelligent women in the world. Then there wouldn't be so many feminists!)

The myth that domestic violence is the main reason women arrive at hospital emergency rooms.

The myth that men in dramatic numbers batter their wives on Superbowl Sunday.

The myth that a mythical construct called "the patriarchy" oppresses women. 

The myth that traditional, non-feminist women are "internalizing their oppression."

The myth that schoolgirls are "shortchanged" by the educational system.

The myth that men somehow collectively force women to shave their pubic hair.

The myth that anorexia and bulimia exist in plague proportions.

The myth that all non-physical differences between men and women are an artifact of cultural training.

And let's not forget the ever-popular myth that refuses to die -- that women statistically earn less money in the job market due to paymasters willfully not paying them as much as they pay men of equal competence. Otherwise known as the wage gap myth.

Newsflash: The American Association of University Women (AAUW), one of the oldest feminist lobbying groups in existence ("empowering women since 1881") has effectively thrown in the towel on the wage gap controversy, admitting that the accursed gap does not really exist!

All right, then. I link you now to a video by a colleague with whom I have just spent an hour conversing on a variety of topics  --  among others the comparative weathers of Florida, California and Washington state, the political alignments of "traditional" women, and the death of Hugo Chavez:

You will find that this video covers a range of interesting sources on this critically important feminist talking point. It may serve as a general introduction if you are not quite up to speed in this area.

Hustler’s Larry Flynt advises women: “DON’T DO PORN FILMS: You’ll get used up and it takes your soul”

Wow! Larry Flynt (@ImLarryFlynt) is now advising women to NOT do porn because they’ll “get used up” and “it takes your soul”!Well, considering his Hustler porn company has produced thousands of porn films over the last several decades, he certainly ought to know! Hopefully this advice of his (or admission, depending on how one looks at it), will be listened to by some misguided young women who


The Universal Disclaimer

I disavow any discreditable speech or action by any group or individual represented as representing me.

Memorize this and apply as needed. ;-)

A boy of 15 brutally raped a schoolgirl after spending hours every day trawling hardcore porn sites

Here is yet ANOTHER report of a school boy raping a young girl after watching hardcore porn. How many more victims are needed before people start taking the harms of pornography seriously? ALL parents need to confront the reality that THEIR child is probably checking out porn at a very young age, (particularly if their child is a boy), and they need to take all possible measures to both protect


The Use of Provocateurs

A public lecture against the Women's Studies racket, will be held at the University of Toronto on Thursday, 18 March, 2013. The speaker will be Janice Fiamengo of the University of Ottawa.

The big question in everybody's mind is whether there will be a replay of the violent feminist action that occurred during Warren Farrell's visit. We are guessing that they will try to play it cool this time, or at least cooler. We figure they will have a protest, a show of force, a bit of vociferation -- but will not attempt to block the doors. They gave themselves such a black eye last time, by their behavior, that they are likely to have learned their lesson -- at least temporarily.

Naturally, our people will be there -- and there are more and more of  "our people" popping up these days. We are becoming surprisingly numerous. And so, video capture devices will be plentiful.  Our very own Daniel Perrins of Hamilton, Ontario, certainly intends to have one. He is well-prepared. And he plans to conduct interviews with with some interesting people. 

All right, there is a very real possibility that the feminists will plant an agent provocateur, or three, at the event. The said Daniel Perrins and myself hashed this over a bit.

We see two possibilities.First, that some little waif of a female college student will smack some alleged "MRA" across the face hoping to "provoke an incident" that will serve as spin fodder. Second, that some male feminist provocateur will pose as a pro-male activist, behave dreadfully, and likewise serve as spin fodder.

There could be other scenarios, but those two occur to us at the moment.  We operate now under the maxim of  "foretold is disinculpated", meaning that if an episode such as I've described should actually take place, we can say "look, that's exactly the kind of thing we were talking about! We put the world on notice that it might happen, and behold, it did happen. Therefore, we wash our  hands of it. THEY did it!"

Do you see what I'm driving at?

We are dealing with irrational people of dubious morality, people who think with their lizard hindbrains and feel that the end justifies the means. We ought to know what these people are capable of, and we ought to make what we know generally known, so that our knowledge will occupy a niche in the public understanding.  In this way, the world at large will see eye-to-eye with us at every turn of events -- knowing as we know, thinking as we think, and therefore believing us rather than believing our enemy.

In the end,  it's as simple as saying, "this is how these people operate." And when they indeed so operate, saying "we told you they would do that!" Yes, we are moving into the big time now, and we must expect the enemy to play hardball. And when they do, we should be ready to field anything they throw at us.

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Red alert 2 yuri's revenge ini sangat seru untuk di mainkan apalagi ini adalah salah satu game strategy yang sangat populer sampai sekarang.

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Feminist Projection for the Future, Clearly Stated in 1920

The following is an article by the socialist feminist Crystal Eastman.  It was published shortly after the ratification of the 19th Amendment (Women's Suffrage) in 1920:

When I dig into history, I am reminded time and again of the old adage that there is "nothing new under the sun." This will become evident to you also, as you study the linked essay and note how many seeds of the present were planted in the soil of a century past. And those of greater discernment will note the seeds of present mischief in particular. Barring her somewhat quaint manner of expression, the author sounds little different from feminists we have known in more recent times. For even in those distant days, they harbored plans for radical societal transformation, and their programme hasn't changed much apart from a greater militancy, stridency, and arcanity.

Feminists such as Crystal Eastman were not, for the most part, associated with the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan (WKKK). That was largely the province of provincial ex-suffragettes, women of roughly the same social cohort as our current Traditional Women's Rights Activists (TWRAs).

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