

The Agent Orange Files

If you have never been exposed to feminism at its most quintessential, you must read the celebrated Agent Orange files. It is like dipping your head in a vat of pure liquid misandry. I'm not the type to issue trigger warnings, but if you are offended by talk of male genocide, throwing little boys through windows, and boiling male carcasses for glue, then consider yourself duly cautioned. The mysterious Agent Orange, by the way, is a masked figure who infiltrated the radical feminist "kremlin" in order to get his hands on this material. He remains an unknown phantom lurking in the shadows, as if not existing in a physical body. . . .

Go here to download the zipped, 60 megabyte file:


Check out this powerful and thought-provoking poster from the Not For Sale Project!

- Men choose to buy women for sex.

- Men choose to reduce women to sexual commodities and receptacles.

- Men choose to objectify, dehumanize, and degrade women for their own gratification.

- Men’s choices HURT women. Demand that men make different choices.


He Sums It Up Right Well

Here is a man with an accent that Robert Burns would appreciate! He baffles my American ear sometimes, but it's all good, I dig what he's talkin' bout!

Aye, a man's a man for a' that! And the takeaway point is, that if our present world civilization doesn't start treating men decently, men will turn their backs on this whole rotten deal and let it collapse.

And that is something to think about.


Download Game CrashDay Full Rip For PC 100% Working

Game CrashDay For PC. Sudah lama rasanya haramain software tidak share game kepada sahabat haramain software. Game yang akan saya bagikan kali ini adalah game CrashDay Full Rip for PC.
CrashDay ini adalah sebuah game pertarungan antar mobil layaknya dead street dan hanya bedanya pada game ini kita tidak mengutamakan balapan melainkan siapa yang bertahan dan tidak hancur dialah yang menang karena pada game ini juga dilengkapi dengan senjata yang akan membuat pertarungan menjadi semakin seru.
Kalau sahabat pernah bermain Vigilent pada PS 1, game ini mirip dengan game tersebut namun Crashday ini grafhicnya lebih bagus setara dengan PS2 dan tentu saja kualitas gambar juga sangat bagus.

Screenshot :


Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
1.5GHz Processor
1GB Hard Disk Space
64MB GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500 class Video Card with Pixel and Vertex Shader support
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 9.0c
32X CD-ROM Drive

2.5GHz Processor
1GB Hard Disk Space
256MB DirectX compatible Video Card
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 9.0c
32X CD-ROM Drive

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Stelah download extract menggunakan winrar
  2. Kemudian buka folder Crashday
  3. Jalankan Setup.bat
  4. Ikuti instruksi
  5. Selesai.
NB : Game ini sudah saya coba dan 100% working.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

HAVANA: How Cuba became the newest hotbed for tourists craving sex with minors

PLEASE READ AND SHARE this powerful article on the rampant sex tourism, child prostitution and sometimes also child pornography in Cuba. It was brought to our attention by our friends at the Hispanic National Bar Association of Florida, whose work to combat human trafficking we really appreciate![Miami Herald] — The 50-something Canadian steps inside a downtown bar, his left arm wound tightly

Public Rhetoric Matters

I will speak of 'public rhetoric', and the need for it to be uncompromising. 

Public rhetoric means any spoken or written communication which the world at large is likely to overhear. That can include anything transmitted through the mass media, or anything posted on commonly accessible websites.

The politically pro-male community is both transmitting a body of ideas to potential recruits, and maintaining lines of communication amongst those already recruited. A great part of this transmission fits the description of public rhetoric, and since the world at large is apt to overhear such communication, it behooves us to have a care what we are saying.

Some would insist that our business is "apolitical", but that is only true if, by politics, you mean partisan politics or electoral politics as present history defines them. But if you define politics broadly, as of forces contending for power, then we are clearly in it up to our hatbands.

Very well: in politics, public rhetoric matters. That is a lesson fatal to ignore if you would make headway with anything political, and history provides countless examples of those who learned the hard way.

In the pro-male community, we find plenty of undisciplined spirits who think they can say whatever the hell they want, whenever they want, however they want. "Don't censor us!", they say. "Don't police our self-expression!"

Well I 've got a memo for them! We ALL police our self-expression, every day of our lives -- or at any rate, we do this if we mean to travel through life in one piece and get our way occasionally. And they must understand that politics is no different. If a group of people aims to get its political way, it must govern its political tongue no less than any of them alone would govern his individual tongue in the politics of everyday life.

Such is politics, and such is life.

I, individually, know how to govern my tongue according to the plan which I have formulated. What I say, or don't say, is always calculated with an endpoint in mind -- with an "eye on the prize". The effect is crafted with a purpose, known to me, many moves ahead -- I play chess, not checkers! I do as I do because I deem it for the best, and did I not so deem, I would do otherwise.

So I don't relish the political company of those who treat the weighty business of public rhetoric like they were belching out the window. I wish them joy in their self-expression, but I will stand apart from them because I don't want their self-expression to be taken for my own. If they don't know enough to police their public rhetoric for the sake of politics, I'll bear neither the burden of doing the job for them, nor the political cost of their failure to do it for themselves.

In politics, public rhetoric matters, and that's the facts, Jack!


FEMINIST CURRENT: “The Steubenville rape case: This is masculinity” (and rape culture and porn culture)

Check out this powerful post by Feminist Current (@FeministCurrent) on the recent high-profile Steubenville rape case. Meghan Murphy describes how the brutally cruel rape of an unconscious young woman, and all of the horrific acts surrounding it by others, are not random unique events, but sadly the EXPECTED NORM in the RAPE CULTURE of toxic masculinity that we currently live in, that is fueled

Fitness Friday| 10 Weeks until June!


it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your weight loss-tile

Wednesday was the first day of spring, although here in England you would think we were still in the depths of winter! Now I’m not one for wishing my life away at all, but I am one for preparing so with spring arriving that only means bikini season is up and coming! In fact June is only 10 weeks away! So if you, like me, are aiming to look fit and toned in your bikini this year then if you haven’t already started your body transformation you had better start now!Because if the above imagery is anything to go by, you are already two weeks behind everyone else being able to notice your body changing!

Thankfully many people have clocked onto the fact that we will be wanting to up our health and fitness efforts in the coming weeks and the Tone It Up girls are no exception. If you have not heard of Tone It Up before, you need to go and visit their site as they are really motivational! They offer workouts, recipes, regular motivating emails and workout schedules… all for free! This year they have partnered with Self Magazine and have started the Drop 10 Challenge. 

For the Self Challenge Drop 10 Challenge all you have to do it sign up and you have access to 10 weeks of fun workouts! So this means you will become bikini ready in 10 weeks thanks to fitness videos, HIIT workouts, exercise schedules, online tools, daily motivation and tips and recipes and menus! Basically everything you could possibly need.

I have signed up for the challenge as I am moving out of home next week so I need to ensure that I keep my diet on track when I’m back picking my own meals and cooking for myself. Plus I really need to increase my toning exercises. I have lost alot of fat thanks to cardio exercise over the past three months, but need to get some definition in on my arms, stomach and bum! So hope by this challenge will help me achieve that.

So far this week I have completed a couple of strength exercises and know I am out of practice! I did the workout below with a medium sized weight which I used to lift with ease, and couldn’t move my arms properly the next day! Its a great short strength workout, that says it works all areas that you need to target, however I felt it most in my arms and bum! Give it a go!

Have you started your fitness and health regime in preparation for your bikini body? If not, are you going to start now? Do you fancy the Drop 10 Challenge, if so let me know!

Seeding the Mind of the Masses

Here once again I offer practical lessons in the craft of the commentariat foot-soldier. As is well known, I consider myself a post-argumentalist. So my purpose in these comments was not to argue or debate, but to plant ideas and terminologies in preparation for reclaiming the language and taking control of the narrrative. In short, this is the battle for feminism's soul as seen from the trenches. As usual, click to enlarge any of the graphics below. By the way, the commenter Echar, in the third sample, was talking about GirlWritesWhat:


Baba Ganoush Canteen Kendal| The Perfect Brunch


Baba Ganoush Kendal Food ReviewBaba Ganoush kendal foodBaba Ganoush Canteen ReviewBaba Ganoush Kendal Review

Bottom Image from www.

Now that my boyfriend Matt is finally moving to live in the same town of me, we finally have the opportunity to discover some new eateries, and our first stop was Baba Ganoush. If you are from the Lake District in Cumbria you will of probably heard of this spot. If not, when you visit Kendal you have to put this on your list of places to go.

Baba Ganoush is a canteen and food shop hidden down a little side street in the market town of Kendal, Cumbria. Matt and I visited the canteen on Saturday morning at around 11 and the place was already filling up quickly. We were greeted by a smiley, friendly member of staff (always great) and told to take which ever table we fancied. Menu’s were already on the table so you could start making your choices right away. The place has various specials boards scattered around which are filled with soups, main dinners, platters and cakes.

As it was brunch time, Matt went for the Fish Finger sandwich on granary bread (all the bread used in the spot is fresh from the famous Staff of Life bakery next door) and I was rather greedy and went for a soup and hot sandwich. The food arrived very promptly and was delicious. You get plenty of filling for your money, and you can tell that the ingredients are of the highest quality and the fresh bread just makes the food even more homely.

The canteen is a rather small place with around 12-15 tables, and it was full of a variety of ages, from old dears having their tea and cake, to groups of friends having hangover breakfast and families on days out stopping for lunch. Matt and I have already planned our second visit for a hangover breakfast of pancakes with syrup, butter and bacon for me, and scrambled egg with chorizo on toast for Matt.

If you have visited the Lake District of Kendal, where are your favourite places to eat? Or in your own home town, let me know where to eat in case I make a visit!


The Meaning of Non-Feminist Alterity

I will speak today of the activation of the non-feminist sector.

Non-feminism is a much bigger slice of the universe than feminism. It includes not only people unclassifiable as feminist, but every logical principle or force of nature which pulls in a direction contrary to where feminism is heading.

The average feminist, gazing through the lens of feminist triumphalism, regards the world beyond feminsim as a rightful field of missionary conversion, an extent of passive territory waiting to be brought under feminist regulation, or even just a void -- a "nothing", incapable of pushing back, and waiting to be filled with "something".

But the activation of the non-feminist sector is precisely this: the awakening of that sector into a state of political existence. Political existence is first of all existence pure and simple, and to exist is to be something -- it is to be not nothing.

The non-feminist sector, accordingly, is something -- even if up until now it has been counted as "nothing" in the earthly game of political calculation. But in the greater scheme of reality, non-feminism is as much a something as feminism is. Look around. Nearly everything you see -- rocks, trees, fence posts, moon, stars, galaxies and so on -- is not feminism. Likewise in the realm of thoughts and ideas -- almost all of it contradicts feminism, or undermines feminism, or simply ignores feminism and goes its own way.

The non-feminist sector speaks an eloquent truth which cannot be suppressed. The sector IS because it IS because it IS.... and it IS WHAT IT IS. Furthermore, the primordial factuality of the sector cannot be annihilated through any system of feminist contrivance. It will always be there! It will never NOT be there! The universe will simply not allow this.

To awaken the non-feminist sector into a state of political existence, means to make it an entity not only capable of struggling for power, but aware of itself as doing so. For such, finally, is the essence of all politics -- the struggle for power by self-aware entities.

For too long, the feminist gaze has contemplated the world beyond feminism as if staring into an abyss. Yet lo and behold, the abyss has grown a thousand eyes and stares deep now into the icy, black heart of feminism itself.

The tables have turned. The non-feminist sector has become activated. It has become *something*.

Download KMS Pico v4.3 Final, Activator For Windows Vista, 7, 8, Office 2010 and Office 2013

KMS Pico v4.3. Sudah tahu kan fungsi dari software ini ? sebelumnya saya pernah share KMS pico v3.1 dan sekarang saya kan share yang terbarunya yaitu KMS Pico v4.3 final.
Pada postingan yang sebelumnya sudah banyak yang coment dan membuktikan sendiri apakah KMS pico ini berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak dan memang inilah faktanya bahwa KMS pico ini bisa mengaktifkan windows 8 dan office 2013 yang dianggap susah sekali untuk mengaktifkan windows 8 apalagi office 2013.
KMS pico v4.3 ini adalah versi terbarunya dan sudah terbukti sangat ampuh untuk mengaktifkan windows vista, 7, 8, office 2010 dan office 2013.

Screenshoot :

With KMSpico we can :
  • Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 8 Professional
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
  • Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 7 Professional
  • Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
  • Activate Windows Vista Professional
Link Download :

Nb : Ketika mengginstall dan menggunakan software ini, nonaktifkan untuk sementara antivirus sobat agar proses lancar dan lebih cepat ( Tidak ada virus terdeteksi, hanya saja dinonaktifkan agar proses lancar ).

Cara Menggunakan :
  • Jalankan KMSpico.exe
  • Tunggu sebentar dan selesai
  • Finish
 Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Using Stealth to Create a Female Supremacist Cosmos

The following is from the feminist book Introducing Thealogy: Discourse on the Goddess By Melissa Raphael:
"Goddess religion and spirituality would not want to be positioned in such a way as to break its connection to other traditions. As I have indicated, some on the alternative fringes of Christian and Jewish communities seek to transform their own religion and spirituality by incorporating the Goddess into the (reclaimed) theology, ritual and liturgy of the tradition. SO although Goddess feminism has a distinctive spiritual/political stamp, emphasizing emancipatory politics and the sacrality of female embodiment, it can also be understood as something of a composite religion which draws upon those parts of other religions which are considered empowering to women or which already honour female divinities. As nearly all the world's religions have borrowed and incorporated, that does not disqualify Goddess feminism from the status of a religion in itself."
This is a smoking-gun example of what I talk about in the video above, namely, the feminist colonization of human communities. Remember that we are not ONLY talking about religion; we are talking about any human community of any kind. However, since religion is a huge swath of what constitutes human community, it serves as a prime example. Clearly, this arm of the feminist project aims to increase the power of women not only by making established religion unavailable as a non-feminist organizing venue, but also by making the highest power in the universe a female power.

Note especially how feminism, in the form of  Goddess "thealogy", fastens like a succubus upon "patriarchal" religion and sucks the male soul out of it. Interesting, isn't it. . . .?

Lengthy extracts from Introducing Thealogy can be found at Google Books, here: 

Anyhow, whatever community you are in (religious or otherwise), you will need to form counter-feminist committees to address feminist infiltration in a manner befitting your situation. 


Proof That Misandry is Real

When you position yourself as politically pro-male, the idiot public wants to know if you hate women.


If any further proof were needed that we live in an anti-male culture, that would certainly clinch it.

So, tell me again that misandry does not exist. . .

HARM STORY: “RAPED, MOLESTED AND ABUSED — AGAIN AND AGAIN” — Emmanuelle L. (15 year old Autistic girl from England had child porn made of her and was raped and molested multiple times)

Today we’re starting a new tradition! Personal Harm Story Mondays. Here’s the most recent story of over 100 that have been collected so far by our organization, through submissions to us at our website and via our social networks:RAPED, MOLESTED AND ABUSED — AGAIN AND AGAIN - by Emmanuelle L. (female, 15, England, found via our Tumblr)At two I was already reading. I found

Benefit They’re Real Mascara| Review


Benefit Mascara They're Real ReviewBenefit They're Real Mascara review

During the Christmas sales I bought a Benefit Box that included a travel size Benefit They’re Real! Mascara. I have only recently started to use it and have only recently finished it, so it’s time for a review! Now I understand that this is the UK’s number one selling mascara and has a cult like following from beauty bloggers, so I obviously had big expectations for this little mascara.

Benefit Say;

This jet-black mascara lengthens, curls, volumises, lifts and separates lashes for a spectacular “out-to-here” look. The exclusive brush is specially designed to maximize the performance of the long-wearing, glossy formula revealing lashes you never knew you had! Staggered bristles grab close to the root, boosting length and volume beyond belief. The precision bristles on the custom-domed tip lift, define and curl even your tiniest lashes. The end result… luxurious, silky lashes that won’t smudge, clump or dry out.

I Say;

You can’t argue with what the picture shows, this mascara definitely makes your eyelashes look amazing! I have even had a few people ask me if I was wearing lash inserts when I have been wearing this mascara. The above picture was taken after curling and applying three coats of the mascara. I found that the bristles were great at separating my lashes and getting to even the tiniest eyelashes. This mascara is also long lasting; I didn’t end up with black smudges under my eyes at 3 o’ clock in the afternoon like I do with some others.

However I found that this mascara ran out quite quickly, I do wear quite a lot of mascara but this seems to run out a lot quicker than others that I have bought and it may be down to the fact that the formula is a little wet. Obviously this was just a travel size but it does put me off investing in the full size at nearly £20 if it is not going to last that long! I am impressed with the results it gives so think I am going to buy the full size tube and see how long that is going to last me.

Have you tried They’re Real Mascara before? Do you agree with the rest of the population that it’s the best mascara on the market? Which others would you recommend for me to try next?


Download VueScan Professional 9.2.11 Finall Full Version With Serial

VueScan Professional 9.2.11 Final. Apakah sahabat haramain software mempunya Scanner dirumah ? kalau memang punya, saya sarankan agar menggunakan software VueScan ini agar hasil Scan menjadi lebih bagus dan professional.
VueScan ini juga sangat mudah digunakan bahkan untuk yang pertama kali menggunakannya sekalipun. VueScan Pro ini, bisa sahabat haramain software gunakan pada Windows, Mac OS X, dan Linux sehingga software ini bisa dibilang suport Semua OS yang terkenal saat ini dan juga sudah suport pada Windows 8.
Dengan VueScan ini, sahabat haramain software bisa menscan fhoto dan lain-lain termasuk file Pdf yang dimana VueScan juga dapat mengenali text menggunakan OCR sehingga sahabat haramain software bisa mengeditnya.

Screenshoot :

What’s new in VueScan 9.2.11:
  • Added native support for 74 Samsung printer/scanner/copiers
  • Of these, 53 Samsung scanners are network capable
  • These network capable scanners will also work with VueScan Mobile
  • No longer needs WIA driver on Windows or ICA driver on Mac OS X
  • No Samsung drivers needed on Mac OS X and Linux
Link Download :

Nb : Gunakan salah satu username dan serial yang sudah saya share diatas dan jangan semuanya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. Jika sahabat haramain software ingin tahu update terbaru haramain software, silahkan gabung di Google+ Admin haramain software.

Easter Egg Brownies| So Naughty but So Nice


cream egg brownies recipeCreme egg brownies

I have been meaning to try this recipe for a little while after my best friend Sarah shared it with me, and after seeing Becky form Milk Bubble Tea bake her Creme Egg Cupcakes I had major cake envy and spent last night baking these naughty treats above.

The original recipe is for Cadbury Creme Egg Brownies and it has circulated various food blogs over the run up to Easter, but as members of my family do not like Creme Eggs my boyfriend suggested we made Cadbury Caramel Egg Brownies as well. The mixture of gooey brownies with the Caramel or creme egg filling is just divine!

You will need;

185g unsalted butter, 185g chocolate, 85g plain flour, 40g cocoa powder, 3 large eggs, 275g golden caster sugar, 3 Cadbury Creme eggs cut in half, 3 Cadbury Caramel Eggs cut in half. 

Preheat your oven to 160C and grease a 20cm square baking tin. Melt the butter and chocolate together. Break your eggs into a large bowl and tip in the golden caster sugar. Beat them together for a good 3-5 minutes, or until the mixture looks thick, creamy, pale and double its original volume.  Pour the cooler chocolate mixture onto the eggy mouse, and gently fold together.Sieve the cocoa power and flour onto the top of the mixture, then gently fold it in. Pour the mixture into your baking tray and cook for 15 minutes.

Creme egg brownie before baking

Take your tin out of the oven after 15 minutes and gently press the Cadbury Creme and Caramel Egg halves into the mix. Space them evenly apart and don’t push them too far in otherwise they will sink. Put the tin back into the oven and bake for another 5-10 minutes, or until when poking a skewer into the mixture it comes out clean. Leave to cool before removing from the tin and cutting into squares.

Creme Egg Brownie After Baking

A little Easter treat for yourself and a fun way to make your chocolate brownies a bit more interesting! Do you think you will give them ago? What is your favourite Easter treat?

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