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Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Jalankan idman615f dan install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah itu jangan langsung jalankan IDM sobat, kalau sudah terlanjur tutup saja lewat task manager
  3. Jalankan Patch dan kemudian klik Patch
  4. Isikan nama terserah sobat
  5. Selesai.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. Silahkan bergabung di Circles Google+ untuk mendapatkan updatean terbaru dari blog ini.

New Video -- The Non-Feminist Invasion of Feminist Mindspace

Feminism, the biggest uninvited guest the world has ever known, will be treated to an uninvited cultural and cognitive "home invasion".

Tom's back to cruising.

Well guess what Tom Cruise would like to hook up with Julianna Hough.
You know Ryan Seacrest's Ex.
Not going to happen.
Mind you he could get Ryan's number from her.

POSTER: (Netherlands) “Whatever Its Legal Status, Prostitution Causes Great Harm to Women”

Here’s a GREAT poster with examples from the Netherlands which shows why prostitution should NOT be legalized and why it’s no safer when it is
►In the Netherlands, where prostitution is legal

►60% of prostituted women suffered physical assaults;
►70% experienced verbal threats of physical assault;
►40% experienced sexual


Braodway bound.........together

Daniel Craig & Rachael Weisz.
Are headed to Broadway in the autumn,
to appear in "Betrayal".
It'll be a smash, gets your tickets now.

Told Ya Halle Berry expecting...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

No greens..............

Halle Berry's new beau.........
Olivier Martinez, maybe be pretty.......
A model & actor.........
But he's a diva.....
At his favourite restaurant in L.A.
He insists on the same table, 
The same meal..........
With nothing green on his plate.
Maybe Halle can get him to eat some spinach,
to keep his strength up.
Stork pays Halle a visit in 2013/4........
A little boy.
Lets hope he's nothing like his father.

Another Report From Toronto

I have been talking to Dan "Dannyboy" Perrins, who just arrived home from Toronto. He gives a somewhat more ominous version of events, and informs me that he and John the Other were interviewed by City TV -- a major television station in southern Ontario. He has also shared the following link, which features some very dramatic videos of the day. I recommend you watching them:

Playing On The Flight - Funny Joke

Three-year-old Tim was having a terrific time on his first plane trip. He pushed every button in sight, ran through the aisles at top speed and finally crashed into the flight attendant as she was serving a tray of coffee.

Barely keeping her balance, she forced a smile and cooed,
"Little boy, why don't you go outside and play?"

Going Bankrupt - Funny Office Joke

When Nina was applying for a new job, she asked the interviewer if the company would pay for her medical insurance.

The interviewer replied that the cost of medical insurance was to be deducted from the employee's paycheck.

"The last place I worked, the company paid for it," she said.

"Did they pay for your life insurance too?"

"Yes, they did" she said. "Not only that, but we got unlimited sick leave, paid vacation for a month, holiday bonus, two hour lunch breaks, fuel allowance and free child care."

"So why did you leave such a perfect place?" the incredulous interviewer asked.

"The company went bankrupt," she replied.

No Fear! -- Early Report From Toronto

I have just spent about twenty minutes talking to John the Other -- who was in his Toronto hotel room processing some video for production. As you might know, John flew out to Toronto in order to attend the lecture by  Nathanson and Young, and to witness first hand just how astoundingly stupid left-wing college students can be when they gather in crowds under the bewitchment of a Fixed Idea.

That was JTO's prevailing impression of  the youthful protestors: "Something inside their brains was broken."  John also compared them to aliens -- meaning, the outer space kind. "They are not like normal people. They can't seem to process information coherently. They did a lot of chanting, and they appear to think that rhyming counts as intellect!"

As evidence of their stupidity, consider the accompanying photo. The young woman is holding a sign which reads:  "MRA's say women are dogs that need to be trained."  The problem is, this statement is sheer fabrication. "MRA's" do not say any such thing, and I am not sure if the young women is stupid, or simply lying on purpose. But I will go with the theory that she is an emotional reasoner who doesn't let small potatoes like linear thinking get in the way. So I believe that she is honestly too stupid to know that she is lying. Not that it matters, since it comes to the same thing any way you cut it -- she is spreading falsehood and distorting reality. Friends, these are college students, who are said to be the best and brightest, to be the cream of civilization. Well I weep for civilization.

All right. I know exactly what is going on here, so let me explain. The sign which the girl is holding indicates that she is an AVfM reader, for it references an April 3rd article by JTO, titled "Bad Doggie, Good Doggie." I invite  you to read that article:

Did you read the article? Very well, then you know that nowhere, and I mean nowhere, does John the Other ever say that women are dogs who need to be trained. He Does Not Say That. EVER. Read the article again, if you you need to double check this.

JTO is actually saying that the University of Toronto student protestors are dogs that need to be trained. And that is a group that includes BOTH men and women.

John the Other NEVER said what the stupid, lying girl in the picture is suggesting that he said. Much less did any abstract, nebulous "MRA's" say any such thing.

So, do you see what kind of people we are dealing with here? They act this way all the time.

But the concept that men and boys are entitled to human rights is alien to a lot of people, and goads them into the most twisted behaviors you can imagine. We are expecting this to escalate. These are interesting times.

Moving right along,  JTO told me that he mingled among the crowd in the pre-event protest we are discussing, and made no effort to hide his identity. At one point he stood shoulder-to-shoulder between two protestors who each held signs, one of which was a sign denouncing John the Other. That's right, he stood directly between them, and they did not even appear to know who he was!

The official main event was the speech by Nathanson and Young, and this started at 7 p.m. JTO says that he, along with about twenty other pro-male partisans from far and wide, entered the lecture hall with no problem. So did the general public. The lecture proceeded uneventfully, but JTO tells of a dramatic episode where some of the protestors got into a corridor. They pulled the heavy-weight staves out of their protest signs and pounded on the floor in unison, and chanted angrily, while John walked directly in front of them. According to him, the episode was like "Lord of the Flies", but he reports that he felt no fear whatsoever.

It seems that a lot of police were on hand, including plainclothes personnel circulating in the crowd, and a contingent who guarded Nathanson and Young like a Secret Service escort. I am told that the presence of plainclothes officers (who are Toronto city police) was unusual for such an event. They seemed to be anticipating more than ordinary trouble. Nevertheless, all of Our People got through the evening just fine, and are now, I presume, writing memoirs of it in their various hotel rooms. I am sorry not have been there myself.

Articles and videos will be coming out in the next few days, and I am looking forward to these as much as you are.

John's Promotion

John came home flushed with pride. "I've been promoted," he announced. "I have a new job! They've made me an expediter."

"What's an expediter?" asked his wife.

"Well, it's hard to explain, but if you did what I'm suppose to do, it would be called nagging."

The Six Phases Of A Project - Humour

They say there are six phases to any project:

• Enthusiasm
• Disillusionment
• Panic
• Search for the guilty
• Punishment of the innocent
• Praise and honors for the nonparticipants


The Non-Feminist Invasion of Feminist Mindspace

At the heart of the non-feminist revolution, lies the project to take back control of the cultural narrative from feminism. We call this project the battle for feminism's soul.

To take control of the narrative means, among other things to shove a completely new conceptual reality into the feminist mindspace with no prior explanation or preparation of any kind. For them, it would be like walking into a movie halfway through -- although that comparison hardly does justice to the radical nature of what we are proposing. The point is, that they have had more than enough time to tell the rest of the world what reality is. The time has come for them to shut up and experience life on the receiving end. It is now their turn to wonder what in heaven's name is going on, and be impolitely told to "get with the program".

The treatment that we would dish out, differs in no essential point from how they have treated the rest of the world for half a century. From henceforth, every settled notion of theirs will be jostled in the common marketplace of ideas like it was just any old thing.  They will be critiqued, problematized, made light of, or best of all ignored. No more epistemic privilege of any kind, and no more pampering of their aesthetic sensibilities or lexical conventions. Thuswise they will fare. And they will lick it up, and they will like it.

We advocate this as a policy, consistent with the doctrine of post-argumentalism.  Post-argumentalism proposes that argument or debate has no primacy among the methods that we might use to move our project forward. Post-argumentalism further proposes that argument or debate, although useful in combination with other methods, is by no means imperative to the final accomplishment of our ends. For in the end, we are not obligated to argue with a bully, a tyrant, or a lunatic. We do not delude ourselves that if we craft our words well enough the bully, tyrant or lunatic will suddenly understand us, admit that we are right, and begin to act differently. That realization is a truth which sets us free. So we are free to block their power unceremoniously, by walking away from argument altogether and moving ahead with our plans.

Those who specialize in argument, debate or explanation are certainly free to set up shop doing what they do best, according to their several areas of expertise. It is not good to waste any natural talent you might possess. But we have understood that argument or debate are not the main engine that will press matters forward. Recruitment, mobilization and networking will do that, independently of whether our enemy is persuaded or unpersuaded.

Very well. We have reached our conclusions, and we claim the right to state them freely and to assume that others are up to speed about what we are saying. We cannot be bothered to attach a full explanatory essay to every word or concept, every time we use it, in our spoken or written communication. So in true post-argumental fashion, we are not arguing the merit of our discourse by explaining it. We must assume that our foundational ideas have been sufficiently established by an accumulated history of explanation, and that friend and foe alike will make some effort to learn the basics before they converse with us. We must assume that the laborious work of establishing our ground of meaning has been concluded, and that we may now discourse with that agreeable speed which is properly the life of conversation.

So any feminist on earth must either sink or swim in the ocean of ideas that we will generate. If we graciously stop to explain, it is more than our duty requires, and gratitude is in order. But we will not slow down for them, and we will unleash a torrent of new jargons, new concepts and new frames of reference that will leave them mentally adrift and bewildered, as if the ground had been ripped from under their feet without warning and they were suddenly bobbing in zero gravity with no idea of up or down any more.

No doubt they will find this disturbing, and will experience something like culture shock when they realize that their reactions are not automatically shared, and that people not only don't know what the hell they are talking about, but are rudely telling them so! 

Such is the non-feminist invasion of feminist mindspace.

Feminist ideology has been busted to the ranks, and must share the stage with everybody else. Nothing about the customary feminist discourse will be shown any preference, any deference, or any right of way through any discussion whatsoever. Feminism does not "own the conversation", and accordingly does not set the rules for any conversation where non-feminist participants are present. Granted, where none but feminists are present it may be said that they are "in the feminist clubhouse", and may order the conversation as they see fit. But in the common marketplace of humanity, it behooves them to embrace a more cosmopolitan outlook and "do as the Romans do".

More and more, feminism's realm of thought and discourse will implode, and it will be as if the floodwaters were breaking through the barriers from every direction, sweeping away every vestige of narrative privilege they have ever enjoyed and placing them on a footing of conversational "equality" with any men's rights agitator, or any Joe and Sally, they happen to encounter. They can barricade themselves in the towers of academia for a while, but in the end the towers too will crumble and be swept away, and they will have no choice but walk through the world to the beat of a timeless drummer they can no longer ignore. Either that, or go crazy and do something stupid.

So . .  I would prepare for that day, if I were them.

I really would do that. . . . if I were them.

NCFM Sues the Selective Service Regarding the Male-Only Draft.

Check this out:
"NCFM has filed a lawsuit that challenges the legality of requiring only males to register for the military draft.  The lawsuit was filed against the U.S. Selective Service System in the United States District Court for the Central District of California on April 4, 2013, Case Number 2:13-cv-02391-DSF-MAN ."
This is a very important story, as I am sure you will agree. You can read the rest of it HERE:

Watch for the Oscars next year.....

Here's the poster for the movie,
 that will collect alot of 
Especially for Leo DiCaprio.

Fitness Friday| How to Squat| Get the perfect bum


Squats the difference between having a butt and having an ass

After the many positive responses to this weeks Wednesday’s Watch I thought I would stick with the topic of squats as they are a very loved but hated move. I myself have been working on gaining a perfect bum this week with my first Bootcamp session at Kendal Bootcamp (more on that later) and obviously by partaking in the Ultimate Squat Challenge that I shared with you all. As a result I am currently sitting here writing this with a very sore glutes, but no pain, no gain girls!

I saw the above image showing the muscles that squats use on my Bootcamp Coach’s Facebook page and thought I would share it with you as it really shows you how much of your body a simple squat works! It seems that everyone I know loves squats because they know that they are good for you, but hate them because after doing a few correctly performed deep squats you will start to feel that burn! Squats are actually one of the most effective exercises you can do… they are a big calorie burner! However you have to do them right to get the most out of them and also prevent injury, so here’s some tips for you.

Squat form how to do squats

  1. Stand with your head facing forward and your chest held up and out. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your hands out to keep your balance.
  2. Sit back and down like you’re sitting into an imaginary chair.  Keep your head facing forward and tilt forward from your waist. Keep your back straight and abs tight so you don’t round your back.
  3. Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees over your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels.
  4. Keep your body tight, and push through your heels to bring yourself back to the starting position.

My biggest tip for squats it to try and fit them in throughout your day. They will soon add up and you will notice a difference quickly! I actually do squats while brushing my teeth and when making cups of tea at work (as long as there is no one else in the kitchen! ) I have notice a massive difference in the tone of my bum since I have started doing them daily.

Did you partake in the Ultimate Squat Challenge this week? Do you love or hate squats? Have you got any tips to share with others?

For even more motivational fitness and health pictures check out my Facebook Page and give it a like!

cantara-gym-bags-and-glad-rags_thumbDon’t forget to check out my  advertiser of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you love my Fitness Friday’s you will enjoy her blog. A gorgeous girl who posts beauty, health and fitness.

Told ya The end is nigh.........

 Tomorrows front page in the UK

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Let them eat..........errrrrrr.....

Chancellor of the Exchequer 
George Osbourne.
Has just delivered his budget.
Hit the poor, help the rich.
More Ivory Towered thinking.
I wonder if he can feel the cracks 
beneath his handmade shoes ?

Told's going to be rough..........but they are right....

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
84                  UK Strikes The UK will be plagued with strikes in 2013. Which will cause every kind of disruption. This time the government will need to take note, or 2014 will be even worse.

TOLD YA Time to focus the crosshairs right between the NUTTERS EYES

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012

11                  Nth Korea That tinpot arsehole is going to stir up trouble good and proper over the next year and beyond, but I get the feeling that someone will put a stop to him.


Told Ya here we go again

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
2                  Israel. As if they weren't naughty enough in 2012,
they are going to get really nasty in 2013. 
They have no intention of leaving Palestine alone. 
Watch for invasions and bombings.

Dear God.......

So Chris "Girlfriend beating " Brown.
Is praying for.....
My favourite lesbian 
Justin " Brat " Bieber.
Too funny for words really.
But, that will ensure Justin's behaviour 
just gets worse.
Plus those prayers can only be to the warm place.


Here’s a powerful poster showing many horrifying examples of how harmfully sexualized our media and children have become. If this isn’t the world you want to live in, and it’s not the one that you want for children and others, then please do your part to support this movement that is speaking out against these sorts of abuses. Thanks!WARNING! GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING IMAGES! NOT FOR SALE POSTER

Told Ya Even more from the NUTTER

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012

11                  Nth Korea That tinpot arsehole is going to stir up trouble good and proper over the next year and beyond, but I get the feeling that someone will put a stop to him.

A Message for the Poodle-Boys

Here is a hard-hitting, side-splittingly funny article on AVfM, written by a woman, no less! It is a keeper, a classic, and a model of non-feminist/pro-male rhetoric. Yes, this is how it's done! Go, read, and learn. And archive a copy, too.

If I may be so bold, I'd like to suggest a bit of activism for anybody (in Toronto) who wants to try it. Print up several hundred small leaflets bearing the following sentence: "A message to all self-respecting men at the University of Toronto", and directly after that, the URL to the above-linked article. Here is an expediently 'crunched' version of it:

You can lay out the leaflets on a standard 8.5" x 11" (letter sized) master sheet. Eight leaflets to a sheet is ideal.  After that, print off as many photocopies as you wish. Then, cut out the individual leaflets with a bayonet paper-cutter, or plain old scissors if that's all you've got. Good. Now you're ready to roll.

Spread those leaflets everywhere on the University of Toronto campus. You can paste them to surfaces or you can leave them around loose, but try to saturate the environment with them.

I think you see where this might lead. It could be a fun little shitstorm, and it might even open a few eyes and bring in some recruits.

Go now, and spread the Gospel!

Download AVG Internet Security, AVG Anti-Virus. AVFree 2013 Build 3267 Pack Final Full With Keygen

AVG 2013 build 3267 a6170 Pack Final. Kali ini haramain software akan berbagi Antivirus lagi kepada sahabat haramain software yaitu AVG 2013. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah kenal dengan Antivirus yang bernama AVG ini, karena AVG adalah salah satu antivirus yang termasuk salah satu dari 10 antivirus terbaik di dunia.
Mungkin banyak dari sahabat haramain software juga yang menggunakan AVG sebagai antivirus andalan pada PC yang digunakan atau bahkan selalu menantikan update terbaru dari AVG.
Yang saya bagikan kali in bukan hanya 1 versi AVG melainkan 3 versi yaitu AVG internet security, AVG Anti-Virus, dan AVFree yang tentu saja akan saya lengkapi dengan keygennya agar menjadi full version.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara menggunakan Keygen :
  • Disconect dari Internet
  • Jalankan Keygen.exe dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  • Kemudian pilih prodk yang ingin di activasi
  • Kemudian klik generate
  • Copy serial yang muncul dan gunakan untuk activasi AVG yang di gunakan
  • Selesai.
Selamat mendownload AVG 2013 terbaru. Salam Admin Haramain software.

Told Ya Bye bye Jay.........

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Same tired old stuff.....

So Jay Leno is about to go back to his 
old time slot.
With the same old recycled stuff.
If he thinks that this is going to work.
He is going to be sadly disappointed.
But, maybe he won't.
As it’s been about the money all the time.
Gone by the end of 2014.

Download Browser Mozilla Firefox 20.0 Final

Mozilla Firefox 20.0 Final 2013. Sahabat haramain software sudah tahu kan dengan browser yang bernama mozilla firefox ini ? Browser mozilla firefox memang selalu jadi andalan dalam hal browsing atau beselancar didunia maya.
Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan mozilla firefox yang terbaru dan bukan versi beta melainkan finalnya yaitu mozilla firefox 20.0 final. Pengguna browser mozilla firefox bisa saya bilang saat ini adalah yang terbanyak karena selain dilengkapi dengan addons yang sangat banyak juga dalam browsing diinternet juga lebih cepat menurut saya namun saya yakin setiap orang punya andalan masing-masing misalnya google chrome atau internet explore dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Selamat mendownload dan semoga apa yang haramain software bagikan bermanfaat bagi semua pengunjung blog yang sederhana ini.

The Criminal Nature of Feminism

Feminism is without doubt a hate movement. If this were not so, it would quickly run out of steam and chug to a stop. At its rotten core of cores lies a seething bolus of criminal violence,  obfuscated only by the possession of a stolen moral hegemony and a franchise upon police power. Yes, when they are in power they can afford to maintain respectable appearances, but when the chips are down the mask will fall and they will revert to primordial gutter tactics. Be on guard!

For years, the feminist community has used the technique of reversal to project its inherent violence onto the world around it, but the world has grown wise and now demands accountability. As this trend accelerates, we may predict ever more desperate defensive measures, and those who advocate the human rights of men and boys, along with the right to cultural self-determination by traditional women, will find themselves on the receiving end of dangerous and erratic feminist actions.


House Of Cards take 3?

In the 1990's BBC television 
created a TV series called
" House of Cards "
Which was recently remade by 
American television.
Some 23 years later.
How prophetic.
If the powers that be, don't pay more attention.
They will find themselves with a third version 
on their hands.
However his time it won't be make believe,
 it will be reality.
The troubles that start will spread to Europe.
Making what happened in the 1970/80's.
Look like a child's tea party.

R4SCUACHE’S PORN ADDICTION STORY: “Porn Is the Reason 45 Year-Old Lonely Men Become 45 Year-Old Lonely Men”

Here’s a very sad but profound story about the severe harms of pornography use: isolation, no social skills, no real life, love, or relationships… But the GOOD NEWS is that even if it takes awhile, some porn users CAN see the light, and begin to live REAL lives, and learn the skills needed to enter into REAL relationships with REAL-LIFE partners. For those of you who know people who use porn

Wednesday’s Workout| Call Me Maybe Squat Challenge

Squat Booty Challenge Before After

After Easter weekend I’m sure many of you over indulged and are not feeling the best this week. So what better time to kick start your health and fitness regime in time for summer. If you read my last Fitness Friday post you will know that there are less than 10 weeks until June, so I am currently following (loosely) the Drop 10 Fitness challenge and it’s really helping with my diet and improving my tone and definition, so I would definitely recommend it.

This weeks Wednesday’s Workout that I want you to try is a little less intense than the Ab ripper X, a little bit silly and lots of fun. I can’t help but giggle when I first start this one, but the smile soon fades after I feel the burn! There has been a lot of emphasis on squats recently as everyone is after that perfect booty. This workout is perfect if you want to work your bum hard and achieve the perfect booty, but also good for raising your heart beat and burning some calories!

The workout below is a squat and plié challenge to Carly Rae Jepson’s Call Me Maybe. You will tone your bum, burn calories and can have a little sing along at the same time! It starts out manageable but as the squats continue you will feel the burn! The challenge is to finish the entire workout!

Let me know if you give it ago. The song is only 3.13 minute long so there is no excuse not to!

cantara-gym-bags-and-glad-rags_thumbDon’t forget to check out my  advertiser of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you love my Fitness Friday’s you will enjoy her blog. A gorgeous girl who posts beauty, health and fitness.

Told Ya the nutters at it again......

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012

11                  Nth Korea That tinpot arsehole is going to stir up trouble good and proper over the next year and beyond, but I get the feeling that someone will put a stop to him.

Told Ya another 5.9 shaker......

Christian Dion The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
3                  Earthquakes. As I told you last year 2012 would have more earthquakes than normal which was so. Well 2013 is going to be worse with more bigger earthquakes, and many, many middle
sized ones.


Great times ahead....

There are great times ahead for Adam Lambert.
Especially from the summer of this year,
 to Xmas of 2015.
New projects.
Plus a surprise.
(Ding Dong)

The Bilingual Dog - Funny Joke

A police dog responded to the ad for work with the FBI. "Well," says the personnel director, "you'll have to meet some strict requirements. First you must type at least sixty words per minute."

Sitting down at the typewriter, the dog types at eighty words per minute.

"Also," says the director, "you must pass a physical and complete the obstacle course."

This perfect canine specimen finishes the course in record time. 

"There is one last requirement," the director continues, "you must be bilingual."

With confidence, the dog looks up at him and says,

The Talking Pooch

An agent arranged an audition with a TV producer for his client, a talking dog who told jokes and sang songs. The amazed producer was about to sign a contract when suddenly a much larger dog burst into the room, grabbed the talking pooch by the neck and bounded back out.

"What happened?" asked the surprised producer.

"That's his mother," said the agent. "She wants him to be a doctor."


Download KMSpico v4.5 Final, Activator Windows Vista, 7. 8, Office 2010 dan Office 2013 100% Working

KMSpico 4.5 Final. Sahabat haramain software sudah tahu kan dengan activator yang satu ini !? Ini adalah activator yang benar benar terbukti mampu mengactivasi windows 8 dan office 2013 yang dianggap paling susah untuk di activasi.
Selain itu menurut info dari pembuatnya, KMSpico 4.5 Final ini akan membuat Full Version secara permanent dan tentu saja kita tetap bisa mengupdate seperti mengupdatewindows 8.
Kebetulan juga saya sudah posting windows 8 yang terbaru update maret 2013 dan sahabat haramain software bisa menggunakan Activator ini untuk membuat full version.
KMSpico 4.5 final ini sudah saya uji dan coba pada microsoft office pro 2013 final dan hasilnya 100% working dan cara menggunakan atau mengakctivasi juga sangat mudah dan tidak menghabiskan banyak waktu karena walaupun software ini kapasitasnya kecil namun kemampuannya cepat dan luar biasa.

Screenshot :

With KMSpico we can :
  • Activate Windows 8 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 8 Professional
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013
  • Activate Microsoft Office 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010
  • Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010
  • Activate Windows 7 Enterprise
  • Activate Windows 7 Professional
  • Activate Windows Vista Enterprise
  • Activate Windows Vista Professional
Link Download :

Nb : Tested by me and 100% Working.
Untuk cara install sudah sertakan didalamnya dan ketikan menjalankan KMSpico.exe harus terhubung denganinternet. Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

"Men" Cannot "Stop Rape"

The feminist rape hysteria virus seems to be breaking out again, of late. So I reckon it's time to give another run to this intensely hated Fidelbogen video. Hell man, they hated this one even worse than they hated the "feminism is female supremacism" video. All of the responses were emotional, pavlovian, and very, very childish. Nobody, but nobody, engaged it intellectually -- which speaks tons!

What I do here, is take the anti-male agitprop phrase "men can stop rape" to the shop, and dismantle it to the last bolt, in order to exhibit the vicious fraud which it conceals. I am ice-cold and cerebral in my method of work, with a mild undertone of sarcasm. Some might claim that I am being "long-winded" or "pedantic", but in fact I am being inhumanly clear and thorough, to the last degree, because I don't want to miss one single nuance.  I am quite aware, as I do this, that I am treating people's emotions in a rude and callous way -- but I am forcing bitter medicine down their throats, and I would not be doing so if I did not wish to heal them, and all society, of a pernicious sickness. So in the end, I am motivated by LOVE. I do what I do, because I care!

It goes without saying that the video contains zero "misogyny". No feeling about women, either good or ill, is voiced anywhere here. But this has not prevented a few hysterical ninnies from flinging the inflammatory old "M word" all the same!

Very well. Always remember that "men" is a pure abstraction, a phantom collective, a hobgoblin, a chimera, a mental spook. And a mental spook, of any kind, is not an entity able to perform action of any kind.

Case closed.

Discounted OPI and Nails Inc Nail Varnishes| TKMaxx

Discounted OPI and Nails IncCheap OPI Nail Varnish
So it’s time to share a secret… I am a bit of a nail varnish snob. I love OPI nail varnishes far too much, however my bank balance does not love them with the cost of a single nail varnish being around £12. However since I was introduced to them a few years ago, I’ve fallen in love with the amazing colour ranges, the smoothness of the application and the long lasting formula. I get so excited everytime I buy a new one to add to my collection.
Thankfully for my bank balance I have discovered a saviour for all you nail varnish snobs… TKMaxx. Since moving to the the country my high-street has dramatically reduced so I was forced into browsing in TKMaxx, a shop I would normally walk straight past. I don’t really rate their clothes however I was rummaging through the beauty section and hit the jackpot… a whole shelf of multipack OPI, Nails Inc and Essie nail polishes for a fraction of their usual price.
You can see from above that a pack of three OPI Nail Polishes is only £14.99, a saving of £18! There is always a range of multipacks available, from 2,3,4 to 12 nail varnishes in a pack all at a range of prices, that are hugely discounted from their RRP. I tend to visit my local TKMaxx every other Saturday now as their stock changes so often and very often walk out with a bag full of half price nail varnishes. Sometimes the selection is not so great, or the colours are a bit naff, but 80% of the time I always come away a very happy nail varnish obsessed shopper. So next time you are in town be sure to check out the beauty section in your local TKMaxx. Unless you live in Kendal, then you can stay away as I don’t want you picking up all the best packs before I can get there and get my hands on them!
Do you regularly shop in TKMaxx? Are there any other steals in there that I should know of? Did you already know about OPI and Nails Inc at TKMaxx?
cantara gym bags and glad ragsDon’t forget to check out my  advertiser of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you love my Fitness Friday’s you will enjoy her blog. A gorgeous girl who posts beauty, health and fitness.

The Best Dieting Tips In The World - Humour

Diet tips:

• If no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.
• If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, they cancel each other out.
• When eating with someone else, calories don't count if you both eat the same thing.
• Food used for medicinal purposes never counts, such as hot chocolate, brandy, toast, and Sara Lee cheesecake.
• If you fatten up everyone else around you, you look thinner.
• Movie-related foods such as Milk Duds, popcorn with butter, and Junior Mints don't count because they are simply part of the entertainment experience and not a part of one's personal fuel.

Enjoy your diet!

—Malcolm Kushner, How to Use Humor for Business Success

Signs Of Old Age - Funny Joke

You know you're getting old; there are certain signs. I walked past a cemetery and two guys ran after me with shovels.
—Rodney Dangerfield

Download Windows 8 Professional Blue x86 ( 32 Bit ) Update Maret 2013

Windows 8 Pro Blue x86 ( Build 9364 ) Update Maret 2013. Pada kesempatan kali ini haramain software akan berbagi windows 8 professional terbaru yang dirilis pada bulan maret 2013.
Windows 8 pro blue x86 yang haramain software bagikan ini hanya yang versi 32 bit karena saya belum punya yang 64 bitnya. Bagi sahabat haramain software pengguna windows 8 pasti sudah sangat menantikan update windows 8 dari microsoft dan kebetulan windows 8 pro blue x86 ini adalah update yang terbaru dari microsoft.
Pada versi ini sudah tentu saja ada tambahan yang bisa kita lihat terutama dari segi tampilan dan agar lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat pada screenshot dibawah ini.

Screenshot :

Link Download  :

Serial Default : MTWNQ-CKDHJ-3HXW9-Q2PFX-WB2HQ
Password If Need :

Cara Menggunakan activator :
  1. Download dulu activator kemudian extrack ( Sebelum extract nonaktifkan antivirus untuk sementara )
  2. Setelah extrack,Jalankan windows 8 activator.exe dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  3. Tunggu sebentar sampai keluar tulisan join
  4. Klik Join dan tunggu sampai aplikasi terbuka
  5. setelah terbuka, plih menu windows 8 + server 2012
  6. pilih install pirate activation
  7. tunggu sampai merestart secara otomatis
  8. selesai. sekarang sudah full version.
Nb : Untuk mendownload gunakan internet downloaf manager agar bisa di Resume dan untuk cara install, burning ke DVD atau gunakan windows 8 installer maker untuk membuat bootable flashdisk jika ingin menginstall menggunakan flashdisk.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Easter Weekend and a new home

photo (39)Moving houseBed makingBedteaegg

With the sun shining, the none existent snow and blue skies you would think that spring had arrived here in the Lake District. Technically it has but the fact that I am still wearing my penguin mittens and bobble hat everyday makes the long spring afternoons feel a million miles away. Fingers crossed that April brings us temperatures above 2c!

I've had a very busy few days as this weekend was moving in day for me. Finally my boyfriend Matt has landed himself a job on the better side of the country (sorry you Eastern readers) and after nine long months of a long distance relationship we will finally be living in the same place. To make me even happier we have the most gorgeous apartment in town with spectacular views over the river.

So far so good with the moving in process; we even managed to construct a bed together with no arguments! Although our own bed which he constructed without my supervision did collapse at 6 in the morning with us both on it, so one minor mishap! We had our first visitors yesterday and our second lot today, I think our location makes us very popular for those wanting to visit the lakes… how convenient of us! We currently don't have all the furniture we need so expect a lot of interior design inspired posts coming up. I may even film a flat tour once everything is out of boxes and looks a bit more like home.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend with your family and treat yourself to some chocolate eggs! What are your plans for the weekend? 

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