Article by Donald Dutton in the Vancouver Sun
I direct you now to his recent article (from Nov. 3) in the Vancouver Sun:
Feminism as Fascism -- Article from 1983
Here's a teaser to get you intrigued:
"Male leftists, for instance, are easy and often willing yes-men to feminist aggrandizement. They combine guilt at past improprieties (by and large, those who feel guilty — toward women, blacks, foreigners, whatever — usually are) with a present ambition to get into the leftist-feminists’ pants. . . . These ulterior ambitions obviously don’t, in themselves, discredit the ideologies to which they are appended — one can come to the right conclusion for the worst of reasons. But insofar as the opinions at issue certainly seem to be idiotic to anyone without extraneous interest in embracing them, otherwise inexplicable paroxysms by male intellectuals seem to be most plausibly explainable as self-interested insincere rationalizations."You will no doubt enjoy reading the entire article.
By the way, I am informed that there is a quite vocal anti-feminist tendency in the anarchist community nowadays. That's good news, I would say.
All Feminists are Feminists
We non-feminist partisans have heard so many times, from so many feminists, that "not all feminists are like that", that we have invented a handy-dandy acronymic way to refer to this:
Not All Feminists Are LikeThat.
If you wish, pronounce this as "no fault" -- which summarizes what they wish to imply about themselves.
At any rate, the point is, that we GET IT. We perfectly well comprehend that not "all" feminists are "like that".
What we are really saying, is not that all feminists are like that -- but that all FEMINISM is like that.
All Feminism Is LikeThat.
We know that not every so-called feminist (singular) is like that -- but we aren't talking about those people. The feminists who are not "like that" frankly bore us, by reason of their insignificance. They are naughts. Ciphers. Nobodies. Political zeros.
And yet, they DO serve as a front, or cover-story, or posse of useful idiots, for the feminists who ARE "like that". I mean, as far as WE are concerned, those people aren't even feminists at all, and shouldn't call themselves feminists. But oddly enough, they do. And so we are willing to take them at their word. If they insist on calling themselves feminists, then we too insist on calling them feminists -- by OUR definition of feminism.
And so if they'd rather not be defined by us in the way that we are defining them, then they would do wisely to stop calling themselves feminists. Full stop.
Otherwise, we will go right on calling them feminists.
Well Behaved Boy - Funny Joke
An Empty Head - Funny Joke
Afterward Dad came home from the office, complaining of a headache. "That's because it's empty," said the bright son. "You'd be all right if you had something in it."
Laws At Work In Your Home
2. The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
3. A body at rest tends to watch television.
Being Superstitious - Funny Joke
Teresa bolted upright. Her eyes were wide with alarm.
"Oh, no!" she cried. "It's my father! Quick, jump out the window."
Mark, equally alarmed, raced toward the window, then protested. "Are you crazy? I can't jump," he said; "We're on the thirteenth floor."
"For heaven's sake!" cried Teresa in exasperation, "This is no time to be superstitious!"
Spending More Time With Kids - Funny Joke
"Why so many?" a friend asked.
"It's my wife's idea," the golfer answered. "She thinks I should spend more time with the kids."
Bringing Presents - Funny Joke
She opened the door and said, "Oh hi, Daddy. What did you bring me?"
The Poor Family - Joke
Here is the "Non-Feminism" Blog
I wish I knew what the hell was being talked about there, but the language appears to be Hebrew!
Happy Birthday, Dear Blog| One Year Old
2888 friends and supporters, 1829 Comments, 365 days, 177 blog posts and 1 Blog Award final later my blog and I have arrived at our first ever birthday!
A year has passed since I started Outside Beauty Inside Health and I could not have foreseen how much it would change my life. This time last year I yearned for somewhere to express myself, so I sat and started typing on my first ever blog post, not knowing that it would soon become my full time hobby and passion. I was at first unsure about putting myself out there; there is something quite vulnerable about sharing your life on the internet, but deep down I knew I wanted to share my thoughts with the world. So thank god I had the courage to take the plunge, and a year ago I sat alone on a rainy November afternoon and wrote my first blog post.
I could not have imagined the incredible amount of support, love, community and readership it has gained! This year I have seen some of the kindest and most generous behaviour from a group of people who I have never met before, many who I now count as friends. I love to see how far my blog has grown and developed in the past year; I have been able to connect and collaborate with other talented bloggers and brands, been a finalist in the Cosmo blog Awards, and gained a job all because of the time, dedication and effort I put into my little corner of the internet.
However many opportunities I have gained, it will not replace the genuine love I now have for blogging. I enjoy every aspect of it; thinking of ideas and features, buying and trying new products, taking pictures and editing photos, tapping away at my keyboard and seeing my thoughts come together in a blog post, interacting with others on social media and reading others blogs.
Overall I love being able to inspire, entertain and encourage others with my ramblings. I can’t imagine my blogging life without all of you! You are all so wonderful and inspiring and I love interacting with you all. So thank you everyone for listening (well mostly reading) to my ramblings, thank you for your overwhelming support! I can’t wait for many more blogging years to come!
So to celebrate my one year blog birthday I wanted to share with you the favourite posts of both myself and my some of my loved ones.
You- Fitness Friday- A New Fitness Favourite- Many of you have commented how much you enjoy my Fitness Friday posts, and this post is the all time most popular on my blog. I love that these posts inspire you to try something new and hopefully to become more healthy!
Mum- Fitness Friday- Row Row Row Your Boat- Mum and I both had such a laugh trying this new fitness regime out. The pictures are pretty funny too! I’m looking forward to trying it again next spring.
Steve- Think Pink- Breast Cancer Awareness- This one is a favourite of many of my family members because of how important and personal it is to us all. I hope you took the time to read it!
Matt- Five Years- This is my boyfriend’s favourite post, probably because it is dedicated to him!
Mine- What A Week- Cosmo Blog Awards- This is my favourite post, short and sweet, but one of the highlights of my year. Every time I see it I remember how shocked and immensely happy I was to be a finalist in the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards. It’s when I finally accepted that my blog was more than a silly little hobby but something to be proud of and something to finally share with my family and friends, rather than keep a secret.
I would love to know what your favourite post of mine over the past year was? What is your favourite thing about blogging? How long have you been blogging for?
Meet the Elite MGTOWs
I share this in the spirit of showing you what's out there. These chaps ramble a bit sometimes, but I think you will find that they talk a lot of good sense..
All right. Despite having a tiny MGTOW logo on this page, I am not particularly affiliated with the MGTOW community. I display that logo mostly for old time's sake, as a tip of the hat, and because the symbolism works well next to the highway photograph. My own affiliation is with the Archimedian (or "Bogenite") community -- which is the elite vanguard, or éminence grise, or Jesuit equivalent, for the entire non-feminist revolution! We Archimedians even have agents in other galaxies because indeed, the femplex is spreading just that far and just that fast! And naturally, we'd like to stay one jump ahead of it.
More About Evo-Psych and Waveband Separation
"Greetings,Fidelbogen. I'm a big fan of yours, and I watch all your videos. I completely agree with your philosophical views about feminism. There are a lot of concepts you brought up that I was actually aware of for many years but you were the first to speak out what I was thinking. You also brought up some very true points that I never would have thought about such as your video about "female colonization of male space"... I think more individuals like you are crucial to the movement. Unlike Barbarossa and Stardusk, you attack the actual root of the problem which is feminism and not women in general... Women are actually the victims of early indoctrination. Whether the concept of Briffault's Law they mention is true or not is one thing, but the question we need to ask is, "is it helping our cause? or is it fuelling the enemy as evidence to claim we're a hate movement?"
Yes...that is why I like to be agnostic about Briffault's Law, etc. That way, I leave the possibilities open without committing myself to an idea that I don't need in order to accomplish what I seek.
"All I'm saying is.. throwing theories around without evidence to confirm its validity seems like something feminists would do. I mean when you break down the aspects of Briffault's law, if you think about it, it is within human nature to want to be with a mate and have an ulterior motive for staying with them. Barbarossa and Stardusk try to state for example, that a male having a good sense of humor or the ability to empathize with a women's personal problem is a way for a women to use men, and that once men lose those abilities, women would leave them behind and search for another mate. I mean come on, who can prove if it's true... for all we know, a women could be under the impression that a guy she is in a relationship with for many years doesn't care anymore to interact with her the same as he used to... The point of what I'm saying is... if Briffault's Law is true, then to an extent, it could apply to any of us. Here is a nice little scenario to think about: If 2 individuals are standing in front of you, one is a male and one is a female.. the female states she is a lesbian and has opposite sex genitals (androgens received during prenatal stages & gonadotropic hormones which changes brain development to act more like a man).. Let us say the male's condition is the opposite equivalent of the female. Now for the big question: who is more susceptible to being categorized under Briffault's Law? Still can't be proven, even if Briffault's law can be pointed down at a specific hormone, like estrogen. The average male typically has estrogen within his body, even if it is at low doses. And that concludes just about all I had to say. Feel free to give me some feedback, criticism, etc. Or if not, that is fine too.. thanks."After reflecting upon the foregoing, I composed a reply and got a little bit carried away. So it was lengthy, but I share it for what it is worth, as follows:
Thank you. You have summarized some of my reasons for leaving Briffault's Law etc, out of my public rhetoric. Not only do I want to focus on other things for political/strategic reasons, but I do in fact have my doubts. Many of the theorizations which people toss around under the banner of "evolutionary psychology" fall into the category of "non-falsifiable assertion". Which means that a lot (maybe not all) of the talk which happens under that banner is apt to be rubbish.
For the record, i DO believe that there are inherent bio-psychic differences between men and women, despite individual deviations from the norm. However, that does not mean that every spin-off hypothesis or stray statement derived from this has enough truth value to make it a "keeper". Separation of wheat from chaff is clearly the order of the day here, and that is a task I would leave to others who find this realm of enquiry more compelling. I don't need to separate the wheat from the chaff because I am not using the grain from that particular granary in the first place.
For myself, the task at hand is simple. It is to WIN THE WAR. That is the lens through which I view all of this, and that is the imperative which guides and governs me. The way I see it, when group A declares war on group B, then group A has opened a can of trouble for itself. Well, group A is feminism, and group B is firstly men, and secondarily everybody who is not feminist. That is to say, men are the ground zero target, but the fallout spreads. But for now, I focus on ground zero.
As men, we have been bushwhacked, and decked. They made a sneak attack on all cultural and political fronts, and we had no idea what they were up to. And so they have culturally and politically pinned us on our backs and are using their fists -- flailing at will. And we cannot swing our dukes into effective operation; if we try, the screams of "misogyny" and "male violence" will assault and batter us. As I say, they have decked us. And I think it is accurate to call this state of affairs a "war".
So is there a way to overturn this order of things? I believe there is, but it requires a lot of craft, finesse, and a coordination of action by cool heads. The good news is, that we do have such cool heads, and such coordination, and that the necessary slow, patient action is under way. One could wish that the glacial pace would quicken, but for now things are the way they are.
All right. Touching once more upon the starting point of this discussion, I do not talk about Briffault's Law, hypergamy, evolutionary psychology, the mercenary nature of women and so on, because in my considered opinion it would fail a strategic cost-benefit analysis to do so. I feel that my own goal -- TO WIN THE WAR -- can be attained by other means. And I do not mean to discard my own methods of operation. Not only do I deem these methods politically efficient, but I believe it would damage the cause in a material way if one were to give them up.
Additionally, as I have stated elsewhere, I am agnostic about hypergamy, Briffault's Law and all of that. And I don't just say this -- I genuinely am agnostic upon these matters. That is, my outlook truly is halfway between belief and disbelief. So that means I have bracketed the entire subject pending futher information. Meantime, I am not holding my breath. I can go ahead with plans even if I NEVER get further information. I don't feel I need to think about evolutionary psychology, or anything pertaining to it, in order to WIN THE WAR.
In the spirit of science and free enquiry, I leave certain conversations open to those who would pursue such matters. But in the spirit of strategic pragmatism, I distance myself from said discussions, both because my own project does not require them, and because I seek the philosophical advantage such distance confers.
So the question becomes, how to maintain distance. The non-feminist sector is becoming more and more activated -- meaning that more and people are becoming politicized against feminism. And along with such growth comes disagreement, and the proliferation of factions and cohorts. AND THERE IS NO HELP FOR THIS. It is bound to happen, for the way of the world is that humans in large numbers will form separate tribes.
Some have lamented that "the movement" is dead or dying. But I would say that "the movement" was never entirely real in the first place, so there is no entity that could properly be said to undergo "death". In fact, all that we are looking at is a series of shifting patterns and energy transformations. And so when one pattern morphs into another, people raise a cry that "the movement" is dead. Bosh! It is not dead; it is very much alive and kicking, but has moved along to a different stage of development and taken a different form. Yes, that is what movements do -- they keep moving!
The fact that we are growing in number means that we are splitting up into different "schools". And in time, these schools will split up into more schools, and on it will go. This is not a disaster. It is evidence of vitality and a source of strength. It means we are developing specializations. It means we are becoming a complex social organism able to do complex things.
Again, the question is how to maintain distance. How might the different groups within the activated non-feminist sector establish signal differentiation and message clarity? How might they spread out across the waveband and establish their own frequencies, and not JAM each other?
We are only at the beginning of all this, and more questions will arise. But the important thing is to ask the right ones -- when we do, it is like shaking the answer tree and watching the fruit fall.
But to any woman on planet Earth I say this: you have a clean slate. If I do not know you, I will suppose you are a rational adult with moral agency who can make a contract and stick to it. And excepting you prove otherwise, I will continue to suppose this. I give you the benefit of my agnostic uncertainty, even as I mark your actions well and consult my best interest in all matters. In the end, what you write upon your clean slate is entirely up to you. Mark that well.
All right....I guess that wraps it up.
A Look In The Freezer – Funny Joke
"I froze to death," says the second.
"That's awful," says the first man. "How does it feel to freeze to death?"
"It's very uncomfortable at first," says the second man.
"You get the shakes, and you get pains in all your fingers and toes. But eventually, it's a very calm way to go. You get numb and you kind of drift off, as if you're sleeping. How about you, how did you die?"
"I had a heart attack," says the first man. "You see, I knew my wife was cheating on me, so one day I showed up at home unexpectedly. I ran up to the bedroom, and found her alone, knitting. I ran down to the basement, but no one was hiding there, either. I ran up to the second floor, but no one was hiding there either. I ran as fast as I could to the attic, and just as I got there, I had a massive heart attack and died."
The second man shakes his head. "That's so ironic," he says.
"What do you mean?" asks the first man.
"If you had only stopped to look in the freezer, we'd both still
be alive."
Warren Farrell Speaking for Himself
Here is a half-hour interview with Dr. Warren Farrell, who tells us what he is all about. This is the pro-male message which the lefto-fascist feminists at the University of Toronto wanted to banish from their campus, on the ground that it was hate speech. You be the judge.
The Non-Feminist Global Spread

You might say that IMD "has its foot in the door", given that it operates under United Nations auspices. Truly, the "MRAs" are gaining ground on various fronts. And I know of other plans, now in the brewing stage, for entryism at the UN level. You can debate whether our sector is "activist". However, it is most indisputably activated . . and active. Stay tuned.
For a timely study in contrast, here once again are the lefto-fascist feminist goons at U.Toronto who don't think much of things pro-male:
Please observe -- any pro-male speech which has not been cleared by the feminist screening committee, is by definition "hate speech" in the dictionary of such people. Which, as I reflect deeper, means that ANY effectively pro-male speech is hate speech in their dictionary.
How to Handle a Useful Idiot
"I'm a feminist, my daughter was bought up to cook, sew or play rugby if she wanted to, I taught her how to skateboard. I have told her she doesn't need a boyfriend and to have sex when she's ready. I have told her she can be a mechanic if she wants. By bringing her up like this I have given her more choices than telling her any set roles, please tell me what is wrong with that."And Fidelbogen hath responded in the following terms:
Oh please, quit thrashing on a dead horse! What you are describing is what most people would generally agree with nowadays anyway. You are no longer "revolutionary" or "hip" or "cutting edge" or anything like that. You liberal feminists frankly bore the crap out of me. So please, either evolve toward radicalism and a radical future (as the plan is), or STFU and stop calling yourself a feminist altogether. If you don't, then you are just a useful idiot providing camouflage for the radicals.
The Millionaire's Will - Funny Joke
"... and to my dear nephew Sam, whom I promised to remember in my Will,
Hi there, Sam!
What Did The Frog Say - Funny Joke
A: Todally Awesome
Let Us Now Hear Both Sides
As you will quickly discover, the channel owner is not one of us. So, the comments are held back by a moderation queue. All the same, I left one of my own, as follows:
Oh absolutely, people with blatantly wrong ideas should not be permitted to spread their hate on campus, or anywhere else. There is simply no place for that kind of thing in a tolerant, pluralistic society. And that goes double for people who want to misrepresent women and violate their agency. Ditto for people who want to distort the meaning of "men's rights" and make a complete mockery of the issues under consideration.I hope you gave that a careful reading. It is phrased very, very ambiguously, so that it might initially be taken to agree with the channel owner's politics. Yet, on further reflection you will see that it can as well be understood in a completely opposite way. In fact, my statement says virtually NOTHING. It is vacuous tripe. Still, I am pretty sure it will fly under the channel owner's radar.
Now, I would like to see some of YOU go over there and do something similar. The idea is to make a deliberate parody of rad-fem and rad-left rhetoric which will sound utterly creepy to the average Joe or Jane.
Give it a go!
The above channel owner has left the following comment near the top of the thread:
"Note: comments that vilify women and refer to women in sexist terms and degrade their rights, their bodies, and their dignity will not be posted or re-posted here. You can share your insecurity and hate somewhere else."One thing that I notice about these people, is that they are avid to have their mental image of reality fulfilled, and they are forever peering and sniffing about in search of precisely such validation. What is more, they continually attempt to provoke the desired response out of anybody who is gullible enough to fall into their trap. The person I have quoted actually WANTS to hear the kind of statements which are listed. And the very worst thing you can do to this person is to not give her/him what she/he clearly craves.
Men's Rights Edmonton Flings Down the Gauntlet to the Feminists
Six years ago, in the first-ever post on this blog, I posed the question "is feminism a hate movement?". But Eric Tiberius Duckman, who is a true son of the Alberta prairie, has gone one better. He puts the question as....
"Is Feminism Hate?"
Call For ‘Virtual’ Child Pornography To Be Legally Provided to Pedophiles Stirs Dutch Debate
Baseball in Heaven - Funny Joke
The Clear Cost - Funny Joke
The man got up to answer it, "How the hell should I know, that's a thousand miles away!" he exclaimed before slamming down the receiver.
"Who was that?" asked a puzzled wife.
"No idea," said the husband. "Some guy wanted to know if the coast is clear."
Good News And Bad News - Funny Joke
"What's the bad news?"
The lawyer says, "Your blood Sample matches the DNA found at the murder site."
"Dammit!" cries the client. "What's the good news?"
"Well," says the lawyer, "Your cholesterol is down to 140."
Not Enough Sand – Funny Joke
A: Not Enough Sand.
The Dead Lawer – Funny Joke
The receptionist says, "I'm sorry, but your lawyer died last week." The next day the same guy calls the law firm again and says, "I want to speak to my lawyer." Once again the receptionist replies, "I'm sorry, but your lawyer died last week."
The next day the guy makes his regular call to the law firm and say, "I want to speak to my lawyer."
"Excuse me sir," says the receptionist who is quite angry by now, "but this is third time I've had to tell you that your lawyer died last week. Why do you keep calling?"
The guy says, "Because I love hearing it!"
Office Conversations - Funny Joke
Secretary: My lawyer.
The Magician - Funny Joke
The magician then proceeds to put his head down on a wooden block.
The man shrugs his shoulders and proceeds to pound him.
Ten years later, the magician wakes up from a coma in the hospital and goes...
Pope And The Poor Man - Joke
One local man has put on his best suit and he's sure the Pope will stop and talk to him. He is standing next to an exceptionally down-trodden looking guy. As the Pope comes walking by he leans over and says something to the poor man and then walks right by the local man.
He can't believe it, then it hits him. The pope won't talk to him, he's concerned for the unfortunate people the poor and feeble ones. Thinking fast, he gives the poor guy $20 to trade clothes with him. He puts on the poor man's clothing and runs down the street to line up for another chance for the pope to stop and talk to him.
Sure enough, the Pope walks right up to him this time, leans over close and says
"I thought I told you to get the hell out of here!"
pages listed by date
18 Nov
- Pope And The Poor Man - Joke
- The Magician - Funny Joke
- Office Conversations - Funny Joke
- A Great Lawyer – Funny One Liner
- The Dead Lawer – Funny Joke
- Not Enough Sand – Funny Joke
- Good News And Bad News - Funny Joke
- The Clear Cost - Funny Joke
- Baseball in Heaven - Funny Joke
- Call For ‘Virtual’ Child Pornography To Be Legally...
- Men's Rights Edmonton Flings Down the Gauntlet to ...
- Let Us Now Hear Both Sides
- What Did The Frog Say - Funny Joke
- The Millionaire's Will - Funny Joke
- How to Handle a Useful Idiot
- The Non-Feminist Global Spread
- Warren Farrell Speaking for Himself
- A Look In The Freezer – Funny Joke
- More About Evo-Psych and Waveband Separation
- Meet the Elite MGTOWs
- Happy Birthday, Dear Blog| One Year Old
- Here is the "Non-Feminism" Blog
- The Poor Family - Joke
- Bringing Presents - Funny Joke
- Spending More Time With Kids - Funny Joke
- Being Superstitious - Funny Joke
- Laws At Work In Your Home
- An Empty Head - Funny Joke
- Well Behaved Boy - Funny Joke
- All Feminists are Feminists
- Feminism as Fascism -- Article from 1983
- Article by Donald Dutton in the Vancouver Sun
18 Nov