

Adam Kostakis in Portugese!

Have a look at the following:

Yes, that is Adam Kostakis's Gynocentrism Theory, translated into Portugese!

But, if your Portugese is as rusty as mine, you might prefer the work in its mother tongue, here:

So. . . if you have not yet encountered Adam K.'s work, you need to get busy. Now. He is one of our premier counter-feminist philosophers, and I am happy  to see him on the way to reaching a global audience.

Quick Activism -- Give Biden a Push in the Right Direction

Go here, and learn all about it:
Yes, even us agitators like to have a go at activism now and again.

I like the direct link to the White House that you will find there.

The Offer Stands

About two months ago, I posted the following bulletin for the enlightenment of this blog's feminist readers, giving them an opportunity to distinguish themselves -- to stand out from the crowd, if you will -- by an act of non-ideological engagement with the non-feminist world. To date, nary a one has taken me up on this offer.

Well, to be honest, I'm not surprised. I was expecting that. However, be that as it may, I consider it a test. And the results have been entered in the database (tapping my forehead here). These test results will be contributory to a moral judgment which I am forming, toward and about feminism and feminists. The way I see it, you had your opportunity to learn, and ultimately to negotiate, and you did not avail yourselves. And so I am judging you accordingly. The passage of time, along with further silence from your side, will increment the weight of this judgment.

However, the offer stands as always. So here, once again, is the bulletin which I posted in July of this year. Do take it under consideration:
Things are moving faster now, aren't they? Non-feminist and pro-male forces are gathering strength, and spreading their influence in countries around the world. More and more people are recognizing feminism for the corrupt, bloated monster it has become, and are wondering what to do about it.

If you're a feminist, then you ought to have some healthy curiosity about these matters. After all, you are vitally concerned in all of this whether you like it or not, and whether you know it or not.

So if the objective definition of the situation is important to you, then you've come to the right place. I have been part of this scene for almost ten years, and I've been a close observer and contributor. Furthermore, I've got the memory of an elephant, I am very branché (as they say in France), and I have my finger on the current pulse of things. So if you don't quite savvy what is happening over here in non-feminist land, then I'm just the man to bring you up to speed.

Here are the post-argumentalist rules of engagement:

1. I will not attempt to talk you out of feminism.
2. You will not attempt to talk me into feminism.

In other words, no debate or argument of any kind. The goal of these purely political talks is mutual clarification, to shed light upon the political topography. Some feminists appear to have bizarre ideas about "MRAs" and whatnot, so this is your chance to become the cool kid among your peer group, the one who is "in the know".

You may ask questions about what the non-feminist side is really doing or saying, and if I don't find these impertinent, I will offer a clear and frank reply. Trust me, you can learn much indeed from such a one as myself, if you are game for it. Somebody once called me "the E.F. Hutton of the pro-male movement", and I do strive to be worthy of that assessment.

Please note that nothing I might communicate will compromise the interest of the non-feminist side in any way.

Don't let fear, or guilt, or anything like that get in your way. I may be reached at the following address:

Talks may, if deemed appropriate, be ported to the Skype platform.

This is your opportunity. You may take it, or not take it. Your choice, whichever way it goes, will be revelatory.

Download Bitdefender Total Security 2013 Full + Crack Until 2045 Dan Cara Update

Bitdefender total security 2013. Pasti sahabat haramain software sudah tahu dengan antivirus bitdefender yaitu antivirus yang disebut-sebut sebagai antivirus no 1 di dunia.
Kalau dulu saya juga pernah share bitdefender total security 2012 + crack until 2045 dan cara update, sekarang saya akan share yang terbaru yaitu bitdefender total security 2013 Full + Crack until 2045 dan cara update kepada sahabat haramain software semua.
Seperti yang kita tahu, bitdefender total security adalah bitdefender yang tingkatnya paling tinggi di antara bitdefender yang lain dan sudah pasti bitdefender adalah antivirus yang mampu mengatasi virus, spyware dan yang lainnya yang dapat mengancam PC yang kita gunakan.

Screenshoot :

Tampilan Bitdefender Total Scurity 2013

Tampilan Crack Until 2045

Cara install :
  1. Install BitDefender Total Security 2013
  2. Pilih I want to evaluate this product dan masukkan email anda lalu klik install
  3. Selesaikan instalasinya, lalu klik finish
  4. Sebelum restart komputer non-aktifkan dulu auto scan antivirus dan firewall, setelah itu ke setting, ke tab antivirus, di tab shield non-aktifkan semuanya di tab tersebut ( intinya adalah nonaktifkan sementara antivirus sobat )
  5. Restart komputer dan beralih ke safe mode dengan cara tekan F8 saat booting komputer kemudian pilih safe mode
  6. Kemudian Buka cracknya ( harus yakin kalau tidak ada antivirus yang aktif terlebih dahulu, kalau ada nonaktifkan untuk sementara )
  7. Klik Year 2045 lalu Klik Exit, dan restart komputer lagi dengan normal
  8. Buka BitDefender Total Security 2013 sahabat HS dan sekarang sahabat HS telah mendapatkan license aktif sampai 2045.
Agar sahabat haramain software tidak mendapat masalah ketika mengupdate, saya akan share juga cara update manualnya agar tidak di block.
Untuk cara update sama dengan cara update yang saya share pada bitdefender total security 2012, hanya bedanya adalad file weekly.exe berbeda dengan versi sebelumnya.

Cara Update :
  1. Kunjungi situs update manual bitdefender total security 2013 ini ( Klik disini / Click here )
  2. Pilih 32-Bit atau 64-Bit, lalu otomatis download.
  3. Setelah selesai downloadnya anda buka programnya yaitu weekly.exe, jika Windows 7 klik kanan lalu run as administrator
  4. Selesaikan hingga akhir proses
  5. Selesai. Bitdefender sahabat HS sudah terupdate
Sesuai dengan nama programnya weekly.exe, jadi manual update dan download weekly.exe seminggu sekali saja yaitu pada hari jum'at.
Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Atau bisa juga download cracknya pada link di bawah ini

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua sahabat haramain software. Jika ada masalah silahkan tinggalkan pesan dengan cara berkomentar.


Download Corel Video Studio Pro X5 Full Version With Keygen

Corel video studio pro x5 full version with keygen. Corel video studio pro x5, dari namanya saja pasti sahabat haramain software sudah tahu fungsi dari software yang satu ini.
Corel video studio pro x5 full version with keygen adalah software yang berfungsi untuk mengedit video, sound ataupun gambar. Corel video studio adalah sebuah software edit video yang banyak digunakan oleh para editor untuk mengedit video.
Sebenarnya corel video studio ini juga adalah request dari sahabat haramain software yang juga seorang editor. mungkin para editor yang biasa menggunakan corel video studio ini pasti lebih tahu dari pada saya karena saya tidak terlalu sering mengedit video atau yang lainnya.

Screenshoot :

Cara install :
  1. Install corel video studio sampai selesai
  2. jalankan corel video studio kemudian klik CONTINUE.
  3. Jika anda tidak conect internet Pilih REGISTAR LATER - Continue. Namun jika anda conect dengan internet, saya sarankan agar registar online ( gratis hanya memasukkan data diri terserah sahabat HS ). Setelah mengisi data klik SUBMIT dan pilih CONTINUE.
  4. Setelah Corel Video Studio terbuka sekarang EXIT lagi. nanti ada pemberitahuan trial.
  5. Pilih " Already Purchased " ada di pojok kiri bawah
  6. Jalankan KeygenCorel2012.exe, Pilih program Corel VideoStudio X5 ( jangan tutup KeygenCorel2012.exe dan VideoStudio X5 sebelum semuanya selesai )
  7. Copy serial dari KeygenCorel2012.exe ke kolom serial nomber pada kolom corel
  8. Klik " Phone Corel "
  9. Copy instalation code dari corel ke keygen ( tanpa tanda "-" )
  10. Lalu klik ACTIVATION pada keygen ( akan terbentuk activation code pada keygen )
  11. Copy activation code dari keygen ke corel lalu klik CONTINUE.
  12. SELESAI.
Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.
Link Update 7 Desember 2012

Untuk cara download lewat datafilehost, klik link download diatas, nanti akan terbuka di datafilehost kemudian hilangkan centang dan kemudian klik tombol yang bertulisan DOWNLOAD.
Semoga bermanfaat.

The Femistasi and the Plain Old STASI

There is a group of what you might call "feminazis" in Vancouver, B .C. who only half-ironically call themselves the femistasi. You have met them by now. They are the same posse who attacked the pro-male placards in the progressive Commercial Drive district, on the grounds that said placards were "hateful", or the like. Let's not mince words: these femistasi are viciously aggressive moral wolverines, and I wouldn' t put anything past them at all. But never forget that they call themselves femistasi by their own free choice, so you and I, dear friends, are free to follow their lead by calling them exactly what they call themselves.

I suppose their rationale might be, that the East German STASI was a Communist org -- hence "left-wing". You know, as opposed to the National Socialists, who are deemed "right wing", hence, I don't know. . . . somehow worse? Mind you, I get that the STASI didn't operate death camps, so clearly they must shine by comparison to the Nazis, nicht wahr? Sure, I guess I can sort of understand why a pro-feminist, anti-male gang in Vancouver, Canada, would embrace the monikker of  "femistasi" in preference to "feminazi." No doubt they find it all very artsy, edgy, and tongue-in-cheek, to call themselves such a thing. And I know they depend on you to smirk knowingly along with their cutesy, masturbatory, avant-garde little inside joke, and to never-but-never remark how closely their own attitude resembles that of the original STASI.

So I will never-but-never call these progressive Vancouverites "feminazis". Feminists hate to hear that word for any reason at all, so Femistasi it is, all the way! See how accommodating I am?

Now, the word STASI is short for Ministerium für Staatssicherheit -- that's "Ministry for State Security", if you're curious. This ministry was founded in 1950, when the smoke of war had hardly cleared and rubble still lay in heaps. And for the following forty years it held the German Democratic Republic under a pythonic reign of Schrecklichkeit which I earnestly hope you can't imagine. (It has been my honor to converse with Germans who lived in those times!)

At any rate, the original STASI never cared one spit about about human rights, so it is all of the same cloth, so to speak, that their current quasi-namesakes in Vancouver become apeshit-angry over the slogan that "men's rights are human rights."

Derek Bedry of is certainly a case in point, and when he fabricated his own news in order to write a fake story about people he wanted to destroy, he operated from the same bag of tricks that his East German role models dipped into for many years. But I should in fairness add that the original STASI had far worse tricks up its sleeves than that. So I reckon these Vancouver femistasi just never get a chance to show their stuff, do they? And so they must discreetly draw the line at pony league projects. For now, anyway.

So with all of that echoing in your brain, I send you to the official Wikipedia article about the original East German STASI. I would encourage you to study the long list of "examples" -- especially toward the end, where it features propaganda smear tricks these gallant lads got up to when they weren't bloodying their hands with matters purely murderous:

And when you are done with that, you will enjoy this:

Finally, to highlight yet again the karmic arc of misandry which runs from all quarters to all quarters, here as usual is a link to the Agent Orange files:

Download Adobe Photoshop CS5 V12 Micro Edition ( Adobe White Rabbit ) Full

Photoshop CS5 pasti bukanlah software baru buat sahabat haramain software tapi kalau photoshop cs5 v12 micro edition ( adobe white rabbit ) pasti ada juga yang belum tahu.
Adobe photoshop CS5 v12 micro edition ( adobe white rabbit ) adalah salah satu software andalan dari adobe yang berfungsi sebagai photo editor atau grafhic design.
Seperti namanya, adobe photoshop cs5 micro edition ( adobe white rabbit ) adalah versi micro yang ukurannya lebih kecil dari yang seharusnya dan tidak ada aplikasi tambahan lainnya seperti image ready, adobe drive, adobe bridge dan yang lain atau bisa disebut hanya photoshop cs5 saja namun tidak mengurangi fitur dari photoshop itu sendiri.

Screenshoot :

Bagi para pencinta photoshop namun susah mendownload dikarenakan filenya yang biasanya sizenya sangat besar, silahkan download yang mikro dengan ukuran yang sangat kecil namun kualitas sama pada link di bawah ini.

Link Update 16 November 2012

NB : Adobe photoshop cs 5 micro edition yang haramain software bagikan ini cukup di install dan akan langsung full version.
Semoga bermanfaat.

How Live Sex Will Save The Porn Industry

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Download Ashampoo Burning Studio 11.0.4 Full Version With Serial

Ashampoo burning studio. Dulu saya juga sudah pernah share ashampo burning studio 8 dan ada yang minta agar linknya di perbaiki. Karena sudah ada versi yang lebih tinggi, lebih baik saya share versi yang lebih tinggi yaitu ashampoo burning studio 11.0.4 full with serial. 
Dari namanya, sahabat haramain software pasti sudah tahu fungsi dari ashampoo burning studio ini. Ashampoo burning studio adalah software yang berfungsi untuk memburning ke CD/DVD.
Mungkin sahabat haramain software kenal juga dengan Nero burning, ashampo burning studio ini ya bisa dibilang sama dengan nero namun ashampoo burning studio penggunaannya menurut saya lebih mudah dari pada yang lain karena sudah jelas fungsinya terdapat pada menu-menu ashampoo burning studio.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload Ashampoo burning studio 11.0.4 ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga Bermanfaat.

Download ( IDM ) Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 17 Beta Full Version

Internet download manager atau yang lebih sering kita sapa IDM ini memang paling rajin dalam mengupdate versi terbarunya. Sebelumnya saya sudah share internet download manager versi 6.12 build 15 dan ternyata setelah saya cek, IDM ternyata sudah mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu internet download manager 6.12 build 7 dimana pada versi terbarunya ini menyempurnakan versi-versi sebelumnya.
 Kalau apa fungsi internet download manager atau yang disapa IDM ini pasti sahabat haramain software sudah sangat tau. tapi bagi yang belum tahu, internet download manager adalah software yang digunakan untuk mempercepat download.

Screenshoot :

Cara install sudah di sertakan didalam file yang di download. bagi yang membutuhkan serial bisa menggunakan serial dibawah ini setelah menggunakan patchnya.
Serial key : 7G7QY-NZWKQ-23KRA-RAMQ4
Untuk mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.


And Now, the News!

Download Deep Freeze Enterprise 7.51 Full Version With Keygen

Deef freeze enterprise 7.51 full version. Deef freeze adalah sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk membekukan system konfigurasi pada pc yang kita gunakan yang akan membuat pc kita akan kembali kesistem aslinya setelah restrat.
misalanya kita sudah mendeef freeze laptop kita kemudian setelah kita deef reeze kita menggunakan laptop kita untuk bekerja dan memasukkan sebuah flashdisk yang ternyata virus dalam flashdisk tersebut langsung tersebar di dalam laptop kita dan membuat laptop yang kita gunakan menjadi super lambat. tidak perlu khawatir karena kita sudah mendeef freeze, cukup restart laptop kita dan hasilnya laptop kita kembali ke sistem semula ketika kita deef freeze.
bagaimana menurut sahabat haramain semua. pasti deef freeze ini sangat membantu bukan..? apalagi untuk di warnet pasti ini sangat bermanfaat karena komputer di warnet pasti tidak satu orang yang menggunakan.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link di bawah ini

Semoga bermanfaat.

Download CCleaner Professional 3.22.1800 Full Version With Serial

CCleaner professional 3.22.1800 full version adalah sebuah software yang sangat bermanpaat untuk PC kita. CCleaner yang saya bagikan ini adalah versi professional dimana sudah saya sertakan dengan jamu dan serialnya.
Mungkin banyak dari sahabat haramain software yang masih menggunakan CCleaner yang biasa atau yang tampa registrasi dan sekarang saya akan bagikan lengkap dengan registrasi yang akan membuat menjadi professional.
CCleaner adalah software yang berfungsi untuk menstabilkan kinerja PC kita dengan cara membersihkan sampah-sampah pada PC yang kita gunakan. Selain membersihkan, ccleaner juga memiliki banyak fungsi yang salah satunya adalah untuk menguninstall program yang susah di uninstall.

Screenshoot :

Cara install :
  1. Setelah download extract
  2. Buka folder CC32 dan jalankan ccsetup322.exe
  3. Iinstall sampai selesai dan sebelum klik finish hilangkan centang agar tidak langsung jalan ccleanernya.
  4. Kemudian extract Jamu dan buka folder Jamu CCP32
  5. Copy branding.dll dan pastekan di Local C/program files/CCleaner.
  6. Jalankan CCleaner
  7. Masukkan Name = Registered User   License Key = CBB4-FJN4-EPC6-G5P6-QT4C
  8. Selesai. CCleaner sobat sudah professional edition.
 Kalau sahabat haramain software ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Fitness Friday| Sleeping Beauty

*Pictures from We Heart It*
Just a quick Fitness Friday for you lovelies. I am an avid reader of Zest magazine; a health and fitness magazine, and treated myself to the magazine app for my phone. I was amazed that I could get an annual subscription for on £20… such a bargain. The magazine is always filled with really interesting articles on health, fitness and beauty. One of their recent article’s was about getting a goods night sleep, and I thought it would be good to share it with you.
Considering many of you will be returning to university, sleep sometimes is hard to come by, especially in your final year when that dreaded dissertation comes around, so I thought sharing some tips would be helpful. I myself often have difficulty sleeping when I am stressed or anxious so any extra tips are always helpful.
Anyways onto what the professionals have to say. Here are the tops tips from Zest magazine that ensure you sleep like a baby;
  1. Breakfast like a queen- Digesting a big meal takes a lots of energy, so eating your heaviest meal close to bedtime will disturb your sleep. A big breakfast (around 500-600 calories) followed by a smaller lunch and dinner stabilises energy levels and improves sleep. I think this is a little unrealistic and I prefer to actually eat 5 smaller meals throughout the day so I’m not eating a big dinner.
  2. Meet your mates- A study published in the journal Sleep found the lonelier you are, the more likely you’ll wake at night, so have lunch with some friends. But if you’re off to Starbucks, remember an afternoon caffeine hit can take hours to leave your system, so opt for a herbal tea
  3. Use the landline- Research shows being exposed to low-level radiation from a mobile phone close to bedtime makes it both harder to drop off and means you’ll spend less time in the deeper, more restorative phases of sleep, so you'll wake up feeling like you haven’t properly rested. Try to place your phone further away from you, at least not on the bedside table and not underneath your pillow.
  4. Get intimate- A recent survey revealed one in six doctors recommended sex for insomnia, with good reason: getting frisky reduces stress and lowers your blood pressure, plus the hormone oxytocin released when you orgasm promotes healthy slumber, too.
  5. Stop snoozing- Your body anticipates your regular alarm an hour before it goes off, so your sleep lightens and hormones release to give you a boost. hHtting the snooze button might mean a few more zzzs, but your body wont prep you to wake up a second time so you'll feel groggy.
What are your top tips to get a good nights sleep? Do you follow any of the tips above?

Pro-Male Street Action in Edmonton, Canada

On September 11, 2012, there occurred in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Dominion of Canada, another Walk a Mile in Her Shoes parade. In case you don't know, that is a feminist skin disease which flares up periodically, as a rash on the surface of the social body. I say "on the surface", but the etiology should be traced to the core.

The purpose of this parade is, ostensibly, to "draw attention to violence against women", or some such rhetorical phrase. But the actual purpose is what you might expect: to affront, degrade and humiliate the male population in a ritual, symbolic manner. Male participants -- some voluntary, some not -- will put on ridiculous spike-heeled footwear (you know, the kind which the patriarchy forces women to wear!) and then literally walk a mile, en masse, in view of the general public. The whole spectacle is designed as a participatory public psychodrama, meant to enact the neurotic tribal narrative of a certain social cohort, and to draw more and more people into that very same script.

And the subtext is, of course, to empower women by making men more manipulable through real or imagined guilt. Well, mostly imagined, but that's fine so long as a self-flagellatory, "male culpa" ethos instills itself into the collective male psyche. That's what feminism is for, after all.

Walk a Mile in her Shoes is but one of several such public psychodramas that are periodically enacted and becoming as culturally entrenched as Easter, Christmas, Chanukah, Valentine's Day, the Superbowl, the Fourth of July, and so on. Other examples of feminist zeitgeist engineering would include Take Back the Night, V-Day, the Clothesline Project, the White Ribbon Campaign, and the Vagina Monologues.

The general public, I'm sad to say, has trotted along with all of this like obediant livestock.You will frankly not find a lot of critical detachment or acerbic intelligence at work in the vicinity of such trajectories. For the most part, people are passively sucking it all up, much as you'd predict of spectator drones who've never known a world without television or similarly invasive media.

But here and there, in a few heads, the light is on. One of those heads, needless to say, belongs to the present writer. But the present writer is not alone. He is part of a growing phenomenon which is now breaking surface and spreading out, in growing sheets and patches, all over the world. Yes, things are moving.

Thus, the recent Walk a Mile parade in Edmonton did not occur without the visible presence of a counter-feminist greeting committee. Their numbers, I grant you, were small. But they were planted in the public eye in broad daylight -- that's the important thing!

My informant, a chap known as Eric, was part of the crew on that day -- and the crew also included the notorious Girl-Writes-What. They came well equipped with signage, handouts, knowledge, the gift o' gab, and a truck with a big banner on the side. (In case you can't read it, that says "Men's Rights". I like the "waving man" logo!)

So anyway, they drove the truck around, displayed signage, talked to the public, and handed out literature. You know, standard stuff for these kinds of gigs. Contrary to what I myself might have done, they did not dangle dog-collars in the air or hold up signs with shaming slogans directed at the wobbly male critters in funny footwear. No, they played it polite and cool, and chatted quietly with people. And that's fine. They're the ones on the spot, so I reckon they know the scene better than I do. Anyhow, on maiden voyages you are generally just testing the water.

Eric told me some interesting, and largely encouraging, things. Overall, he said, the public was receptive and non-hostile. That is good, and it tallies with what we are seeing elsewhere -- in Vancouver, for example. There were a few episodes of snarkery from passing males, but these were minor and infrequent.

There were a couple of intriguing vignettes. On one occasion, GWW spoke with members of a high school football team, and those lads informed her that they had effectively been forced to participate in the parade. If they had not done so, they would not have been permitted to play football. I am told that they were friendly, and interested in hearing more about "men's rights."

On another occasion, a cranky old woman yelled "men have too many rights already!" Needless to say, that's rich. If I'd been there, I'd have said something like, "okay, so which rights do you plan to take away in order to make it even?"

So, I think it went nicely for them, way up yonder in Edmonton. Keep in mind that this was a first run, a shakedown cruise. You can't expect much drama in the beginning, when the enemy has not yet gotten wind of your arrival. And even when they do, they need time to scramble their forces.

This has been a report from the front, from the non-feminist revolution, a social change phenomenon which is breaking to the surface everywhere in many forms, and spreading over the ground with a flow that increases steadily in volume. It is both a force of nature and an idea whose time has come. There is no stopping it, so why not join it?

Why not join it right now?


This is Atheism Plus



This puts me into blissful reverie and contemplation. Life in the vineyard can be that way, you know.



What have we here, you ask? Why, this is a dog collar. In theory, it might be ideal for dangling saucily in the air (maybe on a willow wand), in view of spike-heeled male participants at some hypothetical "Walk a Mile in her Shoes" parade. Again in theory, they might not understand the symbolism and what it conveys, but no doubt they'd catch onto it soon enough.

I'm sure there could be other hypothetical occasions where the dog collar might be of use -- for instance, if some dude wanted to pin one of those white ribbons on you. You might just dangle that collar archly, two inches in front of his nose, between thumb and forefinger. In some far-fetched literary scenarios, you could even give him the patented sidewise-arched-eyebrow-smirk®  while you're about it! ;-) I'm sure he would theoretically appreciate the kind thought.

Better yet, take a look at the next picture. Now this here is what we call a dog biscuit. Note how the canine symbology carries through. So if,  in the theatre of your mind, you were to meet the guy with the white ribbon, it is conceivable that you would put on a benevolent, pacifistic face like unto the Quaker man of oatmeal fame, and say unto him: "here, a biscuit for thee, my friend." 

In my mind's eye, I can see the ribbon dude romping happily on his way,  wagging his happy little tail too, if he had one.! :)

Now, take a minute to revisit this old classic:


Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.12 Build 15 Final Full Version

IDM atau internet download manager memang paling rajin update versi terbarunya. saya baru beberapa hari yang lalu share internet download manager 6.12 build 12 dan setelah saya cek yang terbarunya sudah versi 6.12 build 15.
Pada versi terbarunya ini sudah suport mizilla firefox 17 dan seamonkey 2.13. Biar sahabat haramain software tidak ketinggalan sekarang saya akan share internet download manager yang terbarunya yaitu internet download manager 6.12 build 15 final full version.
Seperti yang kita ketahui Internet download manager yang lebih sering di sapa IDM ini adalah software yang benar-benar luar biasa dalam hal mendownload karena dengan internet download manager kecepatan download menjadi berlipat-lipat kali lebih cepat. intinya adalah internet download manager adalah software untuk mempercepat download.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download IDM terbaru ini  pada link dibawah ini.

Untuk cara install tidak berbeda dengan versi-versi sebelumnya yang sudah saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat.

Another View of the Femplex

Here is an interesting YouTuber I have somehow escaped knowing about until now. This will help fill you in about the definition of the situation. Some of it might even intersect with your own philosophical Venn diagram -- you never know. But it's always nice to know what's out there. And indeed, as I am daily discovering, there is more and more out there. More than anybody can keep up with. It is becoming ambient.

Let's Feed Jezebel to the Dogs!

I attempted to post the following at, but evil computer glitches made this impossible. Happily, I saved a copy. I share it here because I believe that some will find it instructive:
It is interesting how you speak of this nebulous group you call "MRAs", yet never make precisely clear who you mean by that.

Well the plain truth is, that for you, "MRA" is nothing but a one-size-fits-all smear word. If somebody claims to be an "MRA", then you will brand that person as every bad thing your imagination might conjure, regardless of who the person actually is.

And if somebody never claims to be an "MRA", but voices a strong pro-male rhetoric, then you will call her an "MRA" regardless of what she calls herself -- hence smearing her with all of those imaginary, unspecified ne'er-do-wells.

The bottom line is, that strong pro-male rhetoric will cause anybody at all to be branded and smeared as a social reptile. 

And so Jezebel's moral stance, as shown in the present article, is anti-male. The posters proclaimed that "Men's Rights are Human Rights". That was the message.  No more and no less. And please correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not a message that any reasonable, liberally-minded person ought to argue with. You can smear the messengers all you like, but the message itself will shine through eternally and uncorruptibly. You cannot damage it, but only damage yourself if you attack it.

All right. You have made a sneak attack here, and it was clever, but you can't fool all the people all the time. For in the end the fact shines through, plain as day,  that you don't like the idea of men having human rights. That idea sticks in your craw. And when you duck the issue by smearing the messenger, you are concocting a cover story to give yourself an easy "out". But again, you can't fool all the people all the time.

What's that you say? I'm  full of shit? All right, then put your money where your mouth is. How about posting the message on the banner of Jezebel? Wouldn't it look nice up there? Picture it: "Men's Rights are Human Rights." Go on, post that slogan on the banner of, and show some solidarity. Prove to all the world that you are decent people who do not hate and fear men!

But you guys will never do that because you don't like the long-term implications of such a statement. You see, it is a moral tar-baby. By acknowledging it, you would bind yourself to it, and so bind yourself to the endlessly expanding moral ramifications down the road. Wouldn't you??

Also, it would be a moral victory for those mythical "MRA" people. If you complied, you would lose face. Wouldn't you? And if you didn't comply, you would also lose face. Wouldn't you? Sounds like a lose-lose proposition for you. Doesn't it?
Yes, I've got the moral high ground here, and you don't. So don't even dream of coming back at me, because there is no way you can do it. 
On a parting note, can you possibly prove that those postered statistics are wrong, instead of just claiming that they are wrong? Are you all bluff and no bite? Give it a go, champs! ;-)
As a courtesy to my readers, I will provide context for the above. Go here:

I find it both interesting, and damnably revealing, that they call the posters "misogynistic" -- that is, woman-hating. Yet they offer not a crumb of evidence, or even cogent argument, to support this claim.  And so we are left to scratch our heads, and rely on the resources of our own imaginations, to understand why in God's Name it is woman-hating to equate men's rights with human rights.

Burning a hole in my pocket| Haul

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Well as the title suggest, I have been hauling my bum off recently, once while I was in Spain and the another last weekend, and lets just say I don’t really have the funds to be shopping like a crazy person. However as always, that never stops me! I have thankfully paid my overheads, so there will be no debt collectors on my doorstep, however I should be saving, not spending my money, but what is a girl to do. The items I have bought are needed… not urgently but still needed, so I’m not beating myself up too much.

My first haul was when I was in Spain on holiday. There was a few sales going on, and as I needed clothes for work I indulged and bought the blazer and two t-shirts above. Like many others I am obsessed with blazers, I have quite a little collection going on, and it’s still growing. I love how versatile they are, and how they instantly smarten up any outfit. This one is from Pull and Bear, which I’m not sure we have in the UK. It’s very high-street; key new styles mixed with essentials all at reasonable prices. The blazer was only 20 Euros, so a bargain really. My T-shirts like the blazer are bargains as well. They are both from Zara where there was a huge sale going on, which was more like a jumble sale; picture girls grabbing anything, clothes thrown everywhere, and girls trying things on in the middle of the shop. I got both t-shirts for 8 euros, and they should of been 45 euros collectively, so I was pretty pleased with that.

My second haul is from last Saturday, I only went into town for my bridesmaid dress fitting and to pick up a few things, but ended up with this lot and £120 down. Again, it is stuff I need, but maybe I shouldn’t of bought it all at once. I got the two bags from Tkmaxx, the large teal one is now my new work bag. I had been searching for one that was large enough for all my lunch and paperwork, as well as all the other crap I carry around, that was in a design I loved and would last me a while. This one turned out to be the winner, it’s teal coloured leather, has many pockets and compartments, zip fastening, and only cost me £60. The second more interesting bag is the clutch bag I am going to wear for my mums wedding. I needed a silver glittery one to match my shoes which I blogged about here, with it being only £15 I picked this one. The perfume again is from Tkmaxx, but thankfully my boyfriend was being a star and treated me. Overall I was pretty impressed with Tkmaxx, its not normally a place I shop, but it’s one of the few shops we have in Kendal so I don’t have much choice but to try it now.

The beauty products, are all form Boots, and I’m pleased to say they were discounted or on offer. However it seems that doesn’t stop me spend any less money, I just end up buying more! The Maybelline products were my best bargain as they had an offer on where all Maybelline products were 2 for £10, so I pretty much got an item free! I’ve never come across such a good offer before, and was hugely impressed. The 

Soap and Glory products are some that I have wanted to try for a while, and as it was buy one get one half price I indulged and added to my huge Soap and Glory collection at home. The Rimmel products were both reduced, the powder was just needed, and the primer is something I have been wanting to try. I have been struggling with my foundation recently; it hits about 3 o clock in the afternoon and my makeup has slid right off my face, so I’m going to try using a primer and see if it will help make my make up last at least till the end of the working day. I started with a cheap one, and if this doesn't work will venture into more expensive territory, but expect a review in a few weeks.

Have you been indulging recently? Did you take advantage of the Maybelline offer? Also if anyone has any primers they recommend let me know!

Surprised by teens who order prostitutes as easily as pizza? You shouldn’t be.

Please like and share this insightful article on the disturbing truth of how porn is training boys to become "johns" at a younger age than ever before, and what parents can and should do to prevent this from happening. And please feel free as always to share your comments, which are always welcome. Thanks!
(Washington Post) No parent should be shocked that five

The Patriarchy Oppresses Women With Shorter Prison Terms

The Huffington Post, as you may know, is considered a "liberal" publication. Well nowadays, the good, old word "liberal" has (let's face it!) come to mean something like "politically correct Tartuffe". So what a delightful surprise it is read to read the following . . .

. . . .which actually breaks the hegemonic narrative, and admits that men have it a lot worse than women by at least one very important metric. Namely, length of prison sentences for comparable crimes. Yes, yes, I know, I know -- we've known this for years. For people like us, it is definitely Old News. However, what is new news about this, is that the information might be gaining establishment cred.

Lest we forget, when men get sent to prison, they enter the most savage "rape culture" on planet Earth. That is especially poignant when you consider that a lot of men get sent to prison for rapes which they did not commit. And convicted rapists (innocent or otherwise) are among the first to get "bent over the sink" in that environment -- that is, if they are not outright killed.

A word to you neophytes:  just remember that the world is rife with juicy examples of women living on easy street by the grace of anti-male double standards. All you must do is cast your eyes hither and yon. And remember to keep a notebook handy so you can jot down such items.

In the end, there is no honest evidence that women, overall, are particularly "oppressed" by comparison with men. It is only through selective blindness (or willful ignorance) that a person might leapfrog to any such conclusion.

Yes, my neophyte friend, that is how people like us become people like us. We study the world and connect the dots and learn to see the big picture. The proof is out there, by bushel baskets. All you must do is unblinker yourself, and roll up your sleeves, and gather the grain..



The Debate – Has Feminism Gone Too Far? – Live in Vancouver

I cross-post the following from the blog.

Date: 23 September 2012 3 PM PST
Location: 1315 East Hastings Street, East Vancouver, B.C.
A Father’s Story[1]
and A Voice for Men presenting:

Has feminism gone too far?

YOU are invited to answer that question. Yes it has, or no, it has not.
That is the question asked in September of 2012, by a woman of integrity and courage. She posited this question as the premise of a public debate. It was to be discussed by three individuals from the contention that yes, feminism has gone too far, and three individuals arguing that no, feminism has not gone too far.
Unfortunately, following the announcement of this scheduled debate on the social networking site Facebook, that woman was rewarded for her attempt at public discussion by a torrent of abuse and threats. Some individuals apparently did not want a debate. Not only did they not want to participate, they wanted nobody else to either. Under the weight of abuse and threats, that woman whose integrity and courage moved her to propose a public discussion – cancelled the event.
Understandable as the cancellation was, it was also disappointing. But there’s good news.
The debate is back on!
With very special thanks to the East Vancouver Debating Society, A Father’s Story [1] and A Voice for Men will be presenting the re-scheduled debate: “Has feminism gone too far?”
Chris Marshal the manager of CC Motors will be graciously hosting this event at his business CC Motor Cars[2] – where his concept on business is that a good deal is one where buyer and seller is happy.
The debate will be held on Sunday 23 September 2012, 3PM at 1315 Hastings St in East Vancouver, B.C.
The debate format will be three speakers presenting arguments affirming the debate proposition and three speakers presenting arguments against the proposition. Each speaker will have 5 minutes to present an opening argument, alternating between for- and against postions. Following opening arguments, each speaker will have 5 minutes to address presented arguments. A third round of discussion will allow 3 minutes to address counter arguments, and final statements will be formatted within 3 minutes per speaker, for a total of four rounds of discussion for all speakers.
Following the scheduled debate, speakers will address questions and commentary from audience and observers for 55 minutes.
The debate will be moderated by a controller – and recorded on video to be shared online in full.
Note, this event is intended as civilized, civil, and friendly discussion, and sharing of views. Although individuals may feel very strongly about their own positions, participants and audience members will be expected to behave with cordiality, and courtesy.
A Facebook page for the event has been created here.
To participate as a speaker or to inquire about attendance – please email questions and commentary to

The original post at is here:

Nevada man accused of fondling himself aboard Southwest flight -

Check out this unsettling news report of a 63 year man openly masturbating to pornography on a flight. So disturbing! Hopefully he will get the maximum penalty of 3 months in jail to send a loud clear message to other in-flight porn-watching masturbators that they WON'T get away with their unacceptable behavior, and that they WILL be caught and punished if they try this! (Imagine if a young girl


We Have Met the Enemy, and He is NOT Us!

Here, I'd like you to meet some people who cannot smell their own spiritual B.O.  That is a not uncommon human malady, and among people of the political Left it assumes a localized form which I call gauche nez. So observe the Vancouver street segments in GWW's video below. Note the shabby lies and rancid idiocies of those male collaborationists, and how they tuck and skeedaddle when the copps show up:

 I wouldn't quite call them "feminazis". Femi-bolsheviks would hit closer to the mark, don't you think so?

You know what? It occurs to me that if you simply omitted the "Voice4Men" URL, those wankers would have no warrant (by their own involuted sphincter logic) for tearing the posters down. So clearly, they are attacking the messenger.

But are they also attacking the message? All right, I would make those people an offer. Well no, more like a challenge. I would say to them, "If we replace the URL with the URL of a website that you would create, would you then agree to the message of the poster, and show solidarity by posting it under your own name?"

I'm pretty sure they would not rise to this challenge. In fact, I am virtually certain of it. I know perfectly well that deep down, the very idea that men have human rights -- and especially the right to speak up as men in a political way -- agitates these people to the brink of hysteria.

Well, let's just say it sticks in their craw!

Yes, at the mere suggestion that MEN HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS, these people get irrationally angry. And in the future, as things heat up, they will even get violently angry. I know it wouldn't take much before they'd swing those boxcutters at flesh instead of paper.

 I wish I had been there in person, to have some mind-fucking fun with them, Fidelbogen style! Yup. I'd give my boxcutter tongue a workout at their expense, all right. Although that could be dangerous unless I wore suitable protective clothing. Maybe I could borrow a chain-mail shirt from one of those "Creative Anachronism" people, to wear under my customary hoody.

But you know what I say?

Feminists must control themselves.


Now here is a link to the Agent Orange files:

Postscript:  The following comment appeared on this post:
I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and watching these White Knights in the video is confirming it: I'm starting to believe that pro-feminist men are actually MORE dangerous and irrational than feminist women.

"I don't doubt for one moment any more that any potential feminist regime could fill legions of inquisitors and enforcers out of males like the guys in this video."

Being porn: On boudoir photography and sad stagettes | Feminist Current

Read this great post on women “being porn” for their partners, written by the always eloquent and insightful Meghan Murphy of Feminist Current ~ HINT: Acting like a porn performer yourself to please your partner will never satisfy him, and it’s not a solution to your partner’s porn watching!



According to a recent article in The Daily the new hot thing for marrieds or

Spanish Sun| Holiday outfits

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*Outfit 1- Dress- New Look, Blazer- Pull and Bear, Sandals- Stylist Pick*
*Outfit 2- Dress- River Island, Belt- Primark, Sandals- Stylist Pick, Bag- Ebay*
*Outfit 3- Dress- Dorothy Perkins, Sandals- Stylist Pick, Bag- Ebay*
*Outfit 4- Shorts- Primark, T-shirt- H&M, Sandals- Stylist Pick, Bag- Ebay*

As you may of read I was lucky enough recently to have been on a little holiday with my boyfriend and his parents, to their apartment in Eastern Spain. While we spent a good deal of time relaxing by the pool, sunbathing on the sun terrace, and having lazy boozy lunches, we still crammed in some culture and visited Valencia for a couple of days. I have not previously been before but have been eager to go as heard the old town was beautiful; which it was. However there is a great mix of old and new architecture around the city, so it was very picturesque and interesting. For those not into architecture and history, there was plenty of shopping and bars to keep yourself busy with.

The biggest challenge with this holiday was that I was only allowed to take hand luggage with me, as we did not pay for hold luggage, so cramming two weeks of clothes into the tinniest suitcase was a big ask. As you can see from the pictures above it did severely restrict my collection of shoes and bags, so much so I only took one handbag, and 3 pairs of shoes. The rest of my luggage consisted of 6 dresses, 1 playsuit, 2 t-shirts, 1 pair of shorts, and 3 bikinis, not forgetting my workout gear… yes I was good and still went running while on holiday! When I was on holiday I felt quite restricted to my outfit choices, however I have previously travelled Europe for a month with only a small backpack, so I should be used to it by now.

Outfits 1 to 3 are from when I was off out for dinner and drinks, so they are some of my dressed up looks while on holiday. Outfit 4 was my tourist outfit for wandering around the streets of Valencia… not much style just something cool and comfortable. I very rarely get dressed up on holiday and never really wear heels, I much prefer to keep it more casual, and with so many pretty sandals and wedges around I don’t feel the need to take my party heels with me. During the day as I mentioned I choose comfort over style... is that a crime for us bloggers? Especially if I am going to be wandering around a city for hours on end in 40c heat I would much prefer to be comfortable than sweating it out in a pretty ensemble.

So my question for you is, do you keep it stylish on holiday? Or do your take a break and keep it comfortable?

A New Beginning for at Blogger!

Greetings everyone!

This blog is now being relaunched as the official Anti-Pornography Activist Blog of!

Here is a little info about us to get things started: is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to prevent and combat the devastating harms of pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking and sexual slavery, as well as all other forms of

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