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Advanced systemcare with antivirus 2013 v5.5 full version ini adalah software utilitis versi terbaru advanced systemcare dari iobit yang di lengkapi dengan antivirus 2013 yang akan membantu sahabat haramain software dalam menjaga kinerja PC yang kita gunakan dan menjaga PC kita dari ancaman virus, malaware dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa dilakukan oleh advanced systemcare with antivirus 2013 v5.5.
Advanced systemcare adalah software yang sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga PC kita agar tetap dalam keadaan baik dan membuat kita nyaman dalam menggunakan PC kita.

Screen Shoot :

Bagi sahabat yang ingin mendownload advanced systemcare 2013 with antivirus v5.5 full version ini, silahkan download pada laink di bawah ini.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Cara install sudah saya sertakan didalam file yang di download. Semoga bermanfaat.

George Rolph is Keeping Busy!

It seems that the illustrious George Rolph, pro-male activist in the Sceptered Isle of Albion (that would be England, fyi), is up to his customary mischief these days! (George would be a familiar name to many of you, especially if you've been around the scene for a few years.) Well this goes to show that the non-feminist revolution is chewing away at the feminist elephant from many angles, and in many corners of the earth. Truly we are versatile, we are everywhere, and we are not slowing down.

So. . .George has uploaded (to YouTube) some BBC news videos that include footage of himself in action, and discussing his work.  Here is one of them. For an extra treat, you'll "enjoy" the segment where Erin Pizzey describes violence and death threats from radical feminists in London during the early 1970s::

And the following is taken from a statement which George posted in the lowbar on his channel:
"This film was made by the BBC Inside Out team to show our efforts at trying to get the government to help male victims of abuse. Listen closely to what Erin Pizzey says about Ken Livingstone, left wing leader of the GLC (Greater London Council) and later, Mayor of London. Livingstone claimed to me on a live radio program that he had not heard of male victims of abuse. However, Erin points out that Livingstone gave her a house for male victims when head of the GLC. Livingstone later admitted to me privately that he DID know about male victims. Conclusion? The left wing were doing all they could to downplay male victims and to refuse to offer them help or support because they wished to support the Marxist-Feminist political cause and that meant being ready to lie about the extent of female violence in the home. That, to me, is unspeakably wicked and has lead to many tragic events, deaths and the abuse of men and children which could have been avoided. Once again, the left placed ideology before the people. They still do. Stop voting for these vermin!. . . ".
To read the rest of this, you'll need to click through to the channel itself.  I hope you'll give the video a "like" and maybe a comment or two. Oh, and spread links via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, et al.  That would be brilliant!

Download Easy MP3 Downloader Full Version With Patch

Easy MP3 downloader adalah software yang bisa sobat gunakan untuk mendownload mp3 di internet. Bagi sahabat haramain software yang suka mendownload Mp3 di internet, saya kasih saran agar menggunakan software easy mp3 downloader ini.
Easy MP3 downloader ini sangat mudah untuk digunak karena sahabat haramain software hanya cukup mengetik judul lagu dan penyayinya di kolom serchnya dan secara otomatis akan keluar list dari lagu yang sahabat haramain software ingin download.
Easy mp3 downloader ini juga dgunaka untuk langsung memutar musiknya secara langsung dari internet.

Screen Shoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Link update 25 Desember 2012

Nb : Ketika menginstall harus nyambung dengan internet.
Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua sahabat haramain software.


Yes, this Attacks Feminism!

An important pro-male meeting is scheduled to be held in London in early Autumn of this year:
"Male sexual violation through the life cycle"  -- A one day conference exploring the psychological impacts of sexual violence against men and boys  -- Saturday 29th September, 11am -4.30pm (registration from 10.30am)
And here is a link to more information:

Anything that is pro-male is against feminism. That much is axiomatic. So even if activities like this don't attack feminism by name, they do serve to undermine and subvert it in a very powerful way, for which we can be thankful. In terms of the big picture, this conference is as much "activism" as a street demonstration would be, as petitioning or lobbying would be, as composing reader comments would be, as writing agitational blog posts would be, as publishing YouTube videos would be, as running a domestic violence refuge for men would be, and so on. All of the listed items may be described as actions trending toward a common outcome, and insofar, we consider them activistic in the broad sense of the word.

Feminism, as a social organism, sucks energy from the world in many ways, and counter-feminist action works to block this at precisely the relevant points. That is true whether you are working to help men, with no reference to feminism by name, or working to damage feminism by name, with no reference to men. Either way, it's all one and it's all good.

If you are a  feminist, you might be saying "but. . . but. . . what about the women?". And my answer would be: "Yes, what ABOUT the women? I'm talking about the men now. We'll talk about the women some other time!"

Since the aim of feminism, consciously or not, is to damage men, then it is quite in order to damage feminism if you care about men. And if you believe that to attack feminism is to attack women, then you should consider the likely repercussions that feminism's attack on men will ultimately have on women, and ask yourself if it is really so bad for women after all, to attack feminism.

But again, if you are a feminist, you might take offense at my words about feminism and insist that I don't really know what feminism is. And my answer would be: " we have a difference of opinion! Well guess whose opinion I value?"  Then I would instruct you to get back in the feminist clubhouse with the other feminists and tell each other whatever you needed to tell each other.

All right, so the upcoming Male Sexual Violation Conference, in London, is good for men because it seeks  answers to men's problems in life. That alone puts it at odds with feminism, because if such answers are found then men will end up stronger and freer -- or in a word, more empowered. And that would run flat contrary to the aims of feminism, wouldn't it?

But wait, there is even more to like about the upcoming conference. One of the conferees is a woman named Zoe Loderick, and I give you her descriptive blurb below:
"Zoe Loderick - Discussing her experience of working with male survivors of sexual violence in a socio-political environment that is dominated by a belief that rape is a gendered crime.  Exploring her observations and implications for men's recovery."
Ahhh....did you catch that? But of course you did! We know good and well that feminism is directly to blame for the idea that "rape is a gendered crime", and we know the evil consequences for men which this idea has spawned. So the scheduled London conference doesn't just talk about men's problems in general. It talks about a very specific problem which feminism itself  has specifically created -- and in so doing, it puts a critically important piece of feminist ideology under the knife.

Now THAT is what I call attacking feminism! I would also call it a sign of the times, but that's another story.

Very well. They are doing good work for men and against feminism, over there in London, just as I am doing good work for men and against feminism right here at my computer. I, and those people in London, are parts of a globally distributed karmic machine which is closing in upon the femplex from all sides. We are all, in our several ways, "activists". Our joint venture is not  the so-called "men's rights movement", but something far bigger which hasn't quite got a proper name yet. However, I have chosen to call it the non-feminist revolution*, because I think that phrase suits it to a 'T'.

To my fellow workers in the vineyard, all the best!


*Giving credit where it is due, I cannot claim paternity for the phrase "non-feminist revolution". In fact, this  nomenclature first sprang from the keyboard of the non-feminist blogger Davout, who typed it during an online conversation we had about 4 years ago.


New Video -- Is there any Excuse for Feminist Aggression?

Pro-Male Conference in England - Speakers Wanted

I have just been made aware of the following:
"Are you the voice of men and boys in the UK? Do you have what it takes to be chosen as a keynote speaker at the Second National Conference For Men And Boys?
"We’ve already got a great range of speakers lined up for this year’s conference on Friday November 2nd and we’d also love to hear from you if you have a suggestion for someone you’d love to speak at the conference – or if you’d like to put yourself forward as a speaker this year.
"We’d hate to miss out on having a really great speaker at the conference simly because we hadn’t heard of them or thought to ask them.
"The theme of the Second National Conference for Men and Boys is “Building The Sector Together” and so we are looking to our speakers to inspire and motivate delegates to take actions that will help us build a dynamic sector working with men and boys in the UK."
Sounds interesting, does it not? Building the sector together -- I like the sound of that, all right! So, here is a link to the entire article:


Is There Any Excuse for Feminist Aggression?

If you have studied feminist behavior for as long as we seasoned veterans have done, you'll have noted that much of their aggression against the activated non-feminist sector, and the pro-male project in particular, takes the form of slander and name-calling. Broadly speaking, such aggression occurs under two headings, and I will  discuss each of these in turn.

Firstly, the feminists aggress against us as a group by conducting smear campaigns. This means that they will corral us arbitrarily with people, parties, platforms, ideologies and so on, to which we are not necessarily linked. For example, how are "misogyny",  anti-semitism, white supremacism or the Tea Party movement necessarily linked to the defense of male human rights against feminist aggression? The answer is that the former are unconnected, at their core, to the latter -- and that the latter can troop ahead just fine without the former tagging along.  However, we must admit that pro-male gathering places in cyberspace often have a pungent mix of such elements, and that the lay public (non-feminist or otherwise) has a full view of this. 

And so the feminists take advantage. They know perfectly well that a random mix of strangers on a web forum is not a "movement" any more than a bunch of guys sitting at a bar would be. After all, anybody can pop in there -- and quite a few do! And they also know perfectly well that to advocate men's human rights is intellectually unrelated to, say, opposing abortion rights. Belief in either one mandates no belief in the other. Finally, they know perfectly well that if somebody makes a "misogynistic" comment, and somebody else voices no objection, it puts zero tarnish on the principle that men have human rights. But still, in all of these ways and more, the feminists take advantage. And well they know it.

Yes, that is how a smear campaign works. The verb "to smear" is a metaphor. Just imagine putting ten or twelve blobs of differently-colored paint side by side, and literally smearing them together with your fingers. I think you get the idea. And if your name is Arthur Goldwag of the Southern Poverty Law Center, you know exactly where I'm coming from. Don't pretend that you don't, fool!

Secondly, the feminists aggress against us as individuals by redirecting the discussion toward our real or imputed character flaws. For example, it packs no intellectual weight whatsoever call somebody a "neckbeard", or to suggest that he "lives in his mother's basement". Thus, if Norris Neckbeard says "every triangle is a three-sided figure", and Frieda Feminist says "Norris Neckbeard lives in his mother's basement, therefore he is wrong", then Frieda Feminist is guilty of argumentum ad hominem, which means that her statement packs no intellectual weight. So if Norris further states that "men are human beings and they have human rights", and Frieda replies as before, that Norris is wrong because he lives in his mother's basement, then once again Frieda is guilty of argumentum ad hominem, which means that her words pack no intellectual weight. 

But look now, let's try this another way. Suppose that Frieda Feminist knew for a fact that Norris Neckbeard was a child molester -- which is a damn sight worse than living in your mother's basement! Would that modify the truth value of  Norris's original statement about triangles? Well if I know my geometry, the effect would be diddly-boo. But more interestingly, how would it effect the truth value of Norris's second statement? If it be known for a fact that Norris Neckbeard is a child molester, would that damage the principle that men are human beings with human rights? All right, now suppose Norris is a homophobe, or a Tea Party dude, or an anti-abortionist, or an anti-semite, or a PUA lounge-lizard, or anything else of a similar controversy rating. If Norris Neckbeard were any or all of these things, would it remove one single chip from the universal principle that men are human beings with human rights? Or would it diminish, by even a molecule, the fact that Norris himself is a human being with human rights?

It is both revealing and damning, when the feminists make use of such tactics (and strategies) as I have outlined here. It reveals that they have no real ammunition to use against us and can only fling mud. It furthermore reveals their aggression in all of its naked obscenity, and this damns them. On that note I rest my case, leaving you to ruminate upon all of this as your own wisdom guides you.

Graduation OOTD and FOTD


Dress- Next
Bag- Ebay
Shoes-Christian Louboutin

I thought I would share a picture of my outfit from graduation day, seems it took for what seems like months to find a dress I was happy with. I don’t know about you, but as it was such a big day, and a day I knew would be remembered in pictures for the rest of my life I actually felt some pressure to make sure I had an outfit that was obviously stylish, but also timeless, formal and ladylike. I wanted a dress that was of colour, as opposed to just black, as I wanted it to pop from beneath my graduation gown, but I didn’t want anything too bright. I decided upon a cream colour, but then this white one from from Next was the winner for me, out all the dresses I tired on. It had built in underdress, so smoothed out any lumps and bumps, and was a perfect length for me. Looking back at it know, I think it makes me look a little top heavy, but that something I often suffer from due to my body shape.

For my shoes I originally planned to wear a bright blue pair from New Look, but once I received my gift from my Mum and her partner I was obviously going to wear the Louboutins. I am totally in love with them, and am ever so grateful. I think they go great with the outfit as they make it more fun than if they shoes were a more conservative nude or black pair.

I chose a brown bag as knew it was going to be difficult to find a bag to perfectly match the colour of my originally planned shoes. In hindsight I recommend to anyone who is graduating , wear a clutch bag as opposed to a shoulder bag, as it was difficult to wear it over my robe when wandering around, and ended up giving it to my boyfriend to carry.

What did you wear for your graduation day? Something formal or something fun?

What a Week| Cosmo Blog Awards


What a week I have had! Not even week, I have been quite lucky these past few months, with my degree, job and now this. As you probably can guess from this posts title and my cheery face in these pictures, I have had the huge honour of being shortlisted for this years Cosmopolitan and Next’s Best Newcomer Blog Award. I received the email on Monday night when I came home from work, and seriously thought it was a joke. It wasn’t until I checked the email on my desktop that it actually believed it was real. To say I was a surprised was an understatement, I was, and still am in complete shock, so much so I burst into tears when I found out… sad I know!

It really is such a huge compliment to me and my little blog, and I thank everyone of you who nominated me. I really just want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who reads my blog. In particular my lovely followers who have supported me and contributed to my blog over the past 9 months. As much as I blog for my own satisfaction, it really makes it more fun when I know that others have enjoyed my posts and pictures. I would also like to thank my followers on Twitter; I feel like I have made many friends on both sites.

However now the hard work begins. I was unsure to whether to beg for your votes, but it seems many others are, so I may as well. If you enjoy my blog, and my ramblings then please if you could click on the link below and vote for me it would mean the world.

Congratulations to all others who have been nominated, I look forward to meeting you all at the Award Ceremony… I’m already planning my outfit!

And again, many thanks!

Download Internet Download Manager ( IDM ) 6.12 Beta Build 5 Full Versioan

Internet download manager atau yang lebih akrab di sapa IDM memang paling rajin update padahal baru kemarin rasanya saya menerbitkan versi 6.12 beta build 3, sekarang ternyata internet download manager ( IDM ) sudah menerbitkan yang terbarunya yaitu Internet download manager 6.12 beta build 5.
Pada internet download manager ( IDM ) 6.12 beta build 5 ini perbaikannya pada bug-nya yang pasti internet download manager selalu jadi andalan dalam hal mendownload file-file yang ada di internet.

Screen Shoot :

Cara install :

  • Jalankan idman612b.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  • Copy patch dan pastekan di Local C / Program Files / Internet download manager
  • Jalankan patch dan klik patch kemudian isikan nama awal dan nama ahir
  • patch is succesfully berarti sudah sukses.
  • Selesai
Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

Download Game Bloddy Roar 2 For PC

Bloody roar 2 adalah game yang sangat populer dan bahkan sampai sekarang bloody roar 2 atau bisa disebut game yang sudah lama atau game ps1 ini tetap populer dan tetap seru untuk dimainkan.
Game bloody roar 2 yang haramain software bagikan ini 100 % Worked karena sudah sangat lama game ini saya mainkan. game bloody roar yang saya bagikan ini bisa sahabat mainkan di PC menggunakan keyboard maupun menggunakan stick USB dan sudah pasti ini bisa sahabat haramain software mainkan berdua dengan teman atau siapapun.
Saya yakin sahabat haramain software sudah kenal betul dengan game bloody roar yang satu ini. game yang satu ini juga cara menggunakannya juga sangat mudah yaitu cukup extrak dan langsung mainkan.

Screen Shoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload game ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Link Update 12 Januari 2013

Selamat bermain dan semoga terhibur.


Misandry is a Global Cancer

The following is from a pro-male activist in India.  And yes, I do mean activist.  In India, they have taken it to the next level, and they do far more than just talk about how bad things are. Mind you, not that such talking should ever cease as a political activity. In fact -- more, more, MORE. . .if you please! The feminists hate it when you talk against feminism and expose its lies, hypocrisies, aggressions and crimes. Their panic-stricken desire to shut us up is quite evident, and quite revealing of how deeply they fear us.

All right. File this dispatch under "news and views from around the world."  The cancer of  misandry,  in both its cultural and institutional forms, is worldwide. And so too, the pro-male project is spreading worldwide in response to it. In my customary way, I have color-highlighted passages that I deem especially pertinent:
"Raman Singh, Chief Minister of Chattisgarh - one of the most under-developed yet most resource rich region in India claims - that if son commits a crime, father should be punished. Because, its all DNAs fault. And, since son's DNA comes from his father, so son cannot be anything but as his father's DNA.

"We can laugh at his inaccurate scientific knowledge, we can even get condescendingly depressed about the "future" of the nation - kya hoga is desh ka? (what will happen to this nation?)... amidst all this we might miss that Raman's statement is not an anomaly in our chivalrous society - where maleness means "power" and responsibility for every damn thing under the sky. When men fail in playing up to his "masculine" role for example men who have been victims of rape or domestic violence by women - they are most hated not by women, who clinically ostracise them, but by other men. Why? Because the abused, weak, powerless men (homeless, jobless, penniless, victims of psychological, physical violence, etc) who remind the other "manly" men, the onerous and exploitative burden society and women have placed on men to serve their interest and severity of social oblivion in failure.

"Why do men displace responsibility of all that goes wrong on other men and men only? Because we are trained to feel that being man means being "responsible" - failure in getting the desired outcome is failure of taking responsibility, which obviously translates into being a falure as a man - being a non-man, a sub-human.

"So we don't understand that it is poverty, systemic oppression, greed and individual criminality of humans' and not singularly men's which is responsible for various crimes.

"We need to fight hatred of men and fathers - within ourselves and without in the societies. And for this we need to reject social tendencies to automatically shift responsibilities on men. Creating boundaries between our responsibilities and that which are not ours is an essential. Although like all worthwhile changes its easier said than done. "
A quick afterthought. There is a certain breed of "non-radical" feminist who would quickly pipe up and inform you that misandry is a product of "patriarchy" (which "hurts men too"), and that we should work with feminism in order to address these concerns.

Well. If "working with feminism" were an operable policy,  we would certainly give it a go. But see, that's just the problem. Feminists are, by definition, people whom you cannot work with. In fact, "feminist you can work with" is a flat-out oxymoron, just as "five-sided quadrilateral" would be.

A feminist you could work with, would ipso-facto not be a feminist.

The nicely-spoken "moderate" feminists are WORSE than the radicals. With the radicals, you at least know where you stand. But the moderate ones are like subtle serpents with a slower-acting poison. You don't realize at first that you've been poisoned, but poisoned you are indeed -- and it all carries you to the same end of the same road in the long haul.

We are willing to transact with feminist individuals on one basis only, and that is for the purpose of negotiation. Specifically, we are willing to negotiate the manner of co-existence between the feminist sector and the non-feminist sector. So in the end, this is all about settling a boundary dispute between sovereign powers. We frankly do not believe that feminism, as a social organism, is capable of  such dialogue -- for that would be tantamount to a radical negation of feminism itself. However, since we understand the politics of gesture, we are willing to extend the offer of negotiation as a gesture.

But know ye this, oh feminist, that when you confer with us under the white flag of truce, you are dealing with a sovereign power, and that diplomatic canons of behavior shall be the order of the day. So if you waltz in here like a lord with an officer's commission, presuming to meddle in non-feminist business or men's business specifically, then we hope you will accept our cordial invitation to the theological place of eternal punishment.


Download Game Urban Freestyle Soccer Full Rip For PC 100% Working

Urban freestyle soccer, pernahkah sahabat haramain software memainkan game ini ? game ini adalah game PS2 yang menurut saya sangat seru untuk di mainkan. bagi yang tidak punya PS2 tetapi memiliki PC, sekarang sahabat sudah bisa memainkan game ini di PC menggunakan stick USB ataupun menggunakan keyboard.
Urban freestyle soccer adalah game bola jalanan layaknya kita bermain footsal, namun pada game ini lebih mengutamakan style karena disini freestyle dan juga kita boleh memukul atau mengganjal lawan karena disini tidak ada namanya pelanggaran.
Bagi sahabat haramain software yang pernah atau bahkan sering memainkan game urban freestyle soccer ini pasti tau serunya game ini. bagi yang belum tahu game ini, silahkan cari tahu bagaimana serunya game ini.

Screen Shoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload game ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Link Update 16 Mei 2013

Cara install :
  1.  Download Sampai selesai
  2. Kemudian Extract
  3. Buka folder
  4. Jalankan Setup.bat kemudian ikuti instruksi.
  5. Jalankan RegSetup.exe kemudian klik Ok
  6. Untuk memainkan, jalankan PlayUFS.exe
  7. Selamat bermain.
NB : Tested by me in windows 7 ultimate sp1 32 bit.
Beritahu kami jika ada masalah ketika memainkan game ini.

Mum and Me and the Deep Sea (Clay Mask)


I was contacted by Montagne Jeunesse the other day and asked if I would be willing to sample their new product. As it is a company who I love, and have been using since I was a little girl, I jumped at the chance (again). I was sent two of their new Clay Spa masks in a very large but lovely box, and as there was two masks I asked my mum to help review the products for me. So after briefing her on her task we had lots of fun; as the pictures show, trying these new masks.

These masks are said to be new and ground-breaking due to the specially sourced clays and natural bamboo fabric used. The biggest selling poitn being that they deliver the traditional deep cleaning experienced with clay mask,but you don’t have the mess.The masks are available to buy for £1.49 both online Here, from Boots (mid-August) and from Asda (September). These masks, as with all their products are vegetarian-approved, made from natural ingredients and paraben-free. It is one of the things that I admire about the company, that they have an ethos for (in the own words) ‘The Conservation of Energy, Protection of animals and the Environment.’

Now on to the fun bit, the review! I am going to review the Glacial Clay Spa, and my mum is going to review the Dead Sea Mud Spa.

Me- Glacial Clay Spa
Montagne Jeunesse claim that this mask rehydrates, clears pores and removes impurities. The skin will be soothed, protected and healed.
I didn’t really know what to expect with the mask, but it wasn’t these funny looking gimp masks that’s for sure. I think my mum and I ended up channelling Hannibal Lector in a few of these shots. But I suppose the mask isn’t designed to look good,but instead do good; which is what it did. I’m not completely sold on the fabric mask, as love to pile clay masked onto my skin and wait for them to dry and crack, but I can see the benefits, as cleaning it off was a breeze. I literally splashed my face with water a couple of times and it was clean. My skin was left incredibly soft and smooth, and my  pores looked cleaner and smaller. Overall it did as it claimed the product would.

Mum- Dead Sea Mud Spa
Motagne Jeunesse claim that this mask invigorates, deep cleans and draws out impurities, while unblocking pores and nourishing the skin. It leaves skin nourished, moisturised and looking youthful.
Cat asked me to try one of these masks so I picked the Dead Sea Mud one as its supposed to leave skin nourished, moisturised and youthful. I was looking forward to the youthful bit! The fabric style was easier to put on and to take off, not as much mess as the usual mud/clay masks you smear all aver the place but its obviously one size fits all and I found mine was rather on the large size for my face and took some manoeuvring to get it to fit properly. Apart from this it did leave my skin clean and fresh and beautifully soft and pores were clearer and less visible. Must say, pleasantly surprised and pleased with this product.

What do you think of the Motagne Jeunesse products? Have you tired this one?

SuPeRsTaR bEyOnCĂ©'S vIdEo tO tHe FiRsT lAdY!

Superstar singer/actress and new mom Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, recorded a message to the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama!

Originally Beyoncé wrote the FLOTUS a letter, and now she has recorded her message to share with the world. (see video below)

"Michelle is the ultimate example of a truly strong African-American
woman. She is a caring mother, she’s a loving wife,

The Best Of Rajnikanth Jokes

Rajnikanth Jokes that will leave your heads spinning. So forget everything and get ready for some mayhem. 

1. Rajnikanth killed the dead sea. 

2. Rajnikanth once wrote a cheque, the bank bounced! 

3. Rajnikanth once wrote an autobiography. Today that book is known as the Guiness Book of World Records. 

4. Rajnikanth’s Email is : 

5. Archaeologists unearthed an old English dictionary dating back to the year 1236. It defined “victim” as “one who has encountered Rajinikant”. 

6. Rajnikanth can answer a missed call. 

7. When Rajnikanth switches on his car’s AC without closing the door, winter starts in India. 

8. Words like awesomeness, brilliance, legendary etc. were added to the dictionary in the year 1949. That was the year Rajnikanth was born. 

9. Aliens do indeed exist. They just know better than to visit a planet that Rajnikanth is on. 

10. We live in an expanding universe. All of it is trying to get away from Rajnikanth. 

11. Rajnikant doesn’t wear a watch. He decides what time it is. 

12. Rajnikanth once kicked a horse in the chin. Its descendants are today called giraffes. 

13. Rajnikanth can delete the Recycle Bin. 

14. Rajnikanth can drown a fish. 

15. Rajnkanth can divide by zero. 

16. There is no such thing as evolution, it’s just a list of creatures that Rajnikanth allowed to live. 

17. If you spell Rajnikanth wrong on Google it doesn’t say, “Did you mean Rajnikanth?” It simply replies, “Run while you still have the chance.” 

18. Rajnikanth never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself in fear. 

19. Rajnikanth has already been to Mars, that’s why there are no signs of life there. 

20. When Rajnikanth does push-ups, he isn't lifting himself up. He is pushing the earth down. 

21. Rajnikanth’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, no one fools Rajanikanth. 

22. Rajnikant got his drivers license at the age of 18 seconds. 

23. Rajnikanth is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis. 

24. Rajnikanth knows Victoria’s secret. 

25. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rajnikanth lives in Chennai.


Graduate Girl| My Graduation


Those of you who follow me on Twitter will know that I now have letters after my name and am a fully fledged graduate. I graduated from Northumbria University with an Upper Second Class degree in International Business Management; it took me long enough! I am very pleased to have graduated and have some very happy and sad memories from the years I spent studying both in Newcastle and France. I seem to have gone through it all with my studies, so am very relieved to be finished with this stage of my life.

I had a great day, and was a very lucky girl thanks to my ever so generous family. I received so many lovely things; seen above. I was never expecting such great gifts, but cherish every single one, and am happy that I can keep them all as mementos of my special day. I received various Pandora charms, vouchers, the biggest bunch of flowers ever, a Michael Kors rose gold watch, and my first ever pair of Louboutins! I am especially excited about my watch as I have wanted one ever since I first saw one; and obviously over the moon with my Louboutins. I had been joking for months saying I only wanted to graduate wearing a pair of Louboutins, but never in a million years expected to receive a pair.

The day of my graduation seems like such a whirl wind now, I don’t even remember certain things as there was so much to take in. It was a very stressful and overwhelming day, but I will run you through the general idea of my day.

My ceremony started in the morning at 10.30 am, so it was an early morning for me to make sure I was looking my best for it! After my ceremony I met various members of my family for photos, we then all had refreshments of Bucks Fizz and Cupcakes.  I then had professional pictures taken and made a quick stop back at my flat to have a cup of tea and rest; it was an extremely tiring day. I went for Lunch/Dinner in the afternoon at Gustos; one of my favourite restaurants on the Quayside in Newcastle. Dinner and drinks were gorgeous, as always, and it was great to sit down and take in the day as it went by vey quickly. After dinner my family left to travel back home, and my boyfriend took me to Malmasion to toast my achievement with some Champers. We spent some time there relaxing and celebrating then retired home.

Overall I had a lovely day, was lucky to celebrate it with family who spoilt me rotten; and both I and them are proud of my achievement.

I hope my followers and reader who have graduated this year enjoy their special day also.

OpRaH wInFrey EnDuReS rAcIsM oN tAlK sHoW

Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, endured much racism and discrimination while trying to climb the ranks to achieve American success. Ms.Winfrey is a great success story and yet another trailblazer, who paved the way for future generations.

The video below is both troublesome and horrendous. It gives light to a time in America when being an out racist, was glorified by those most absorbed by it

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