

Hunter Moore’s ‘Scary as Sh*t’ Revenge Porn Site Will Map Submitted Photos to People’s Addresses

WARNING: Revenge #porn site is being relaunched & is facilitating STALKING! NEVER share nude photos with ANYONE! ~ IT CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS! ~ Read below to learn more and please share this story to inform and warn others before they become victims of this predator and his many “fans”/potential stalkers and abusers.[Betabeat] In an interview with Betabeat last night, infamous revenge porn peddler

New Video -- The Futility of Conversing With Feminists

Once again, a remake for the sake of higher production standards. 


Another Conversation at the Crossroad

The accompanying (screen-capped) YouTube exchange has recently occurred between myself, a person who signs as "DarkAquarian", and another person who signs as "Captn Huffy". (Click to enlarge.) It begins with DarkAquarian's remark, which I found irritating and ignorant. My response to DarkAquarian follows directly, and Captn Huffy's response to me (which is the crown jewel here!) rounds off the talk. Captn Huffy's point is well said, but in addition I hope you will see the advantage of casting off "MRA" as a label, and adopting the vague, teflon-coated appellative of "non-feminist". This label stubbornly defies branding and stereotypification, and allows you to intellectually "write your own ticket" in most any conversation. And that is what I, myself, am constantly doing: writing my own ticket.

That Accursed Pay Gap Again

"Here’s the truth you won’t hear: The pay gap is exaggerated, discrimination doesn’t drive it and it’s not clear that government can eliminate it -- or should even try."
Read the entire article here:

It's worth your while. 

Pro-male Street Action in Costa Rica

The non-feminist revolution breaks surface in Costa Rica. Yes, that is a fairly distant and exotic country, is it not?:
"November 25th, 2012 ( A group of over 60 people marched through Paseo Colon yesterday, with the message “we are functional parents, not ATM machines.”
The march was to demand men’s rights, and to demand the creation of an institute that could provide them with protection and support when assaulted by their partners or facing unfair legal treatment.
The protest began at about 10:00am yesterday in Paseo Colon, and proceeded towards the central Park in San Jose. There, the group spoke about various problems that men face in a family environment."
Read this article in full at the NCFM website:


Download cFosSpeed 8.0.3 Build 1983 Full Version Preactivated

Download cFosSpeed 8.0.3 build 1983. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan software yang bernama cfosspeed kepada sahabat haramain software. Sebelumnya juga saya sudah pernah share versi yang ebih lama dan berhubung sudah ada versi yang terbaru, saya akan share yang terbarunya.
cFosSpeed adalah software yang memang terbukti menstabilkan koneksi internet yang kita gunakan dan cfosspeed ini suport dengan wireless, Modem, dan lain-lain. Dengan cFosSpeed ini kita menstabilkan koneksi internet dan otomatis internet akan lebih cepat serta proses download dan upload juga menjadi stabil.

Screenshoot :

Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Cara install :
  1.  Setelah download, Extract dan jalankan Setup.exe
  2.  Jalankan Program, Kalau program belum berjalan, maka jalankan dulu.
  3. Kalau ketika menjalankan program diminta untuk activasi abaikan saja / batalkan.
  4. Jalankan ROG GameFirst II yang ada di desktop. kemudian jalankan lagi program kemudian restart PC sobat.
  5. Selamat sekarang sudah full version.
 Nb : Ketika tersambung ke internet baru akan terlihat grafiknya dan ini Preactivated jadi akan langsung full version setelah diinstall.
Semoga bermanfaat

Men Are Out of Touch With Their Feelings?

By now, we have all heard the Official Feminist Truth that "men are out of touch with their feelings".  We know it is a vicious assault on the male psyche, meant to undermine the spiritual autonomy of men. Personally, I recommend the aloof, disengaged, stoical demeanor to any man on earth -- with the occasional ironic grimace or arched eyebrow for variety's sake. This is a noble, honorable and enjoyable way to live -- the way of the sage, the philosopher, the superior man. And damn anybody who says otherwise.

All right. Now I will share with you a motherlode of information on this topic. This gets to the bottom of it -- to the very wellspring of all that feminist dirt and poison, in the cultural ambient, which you've long been vaguely aware of. Do you know what the word "alexithymia" means? Well, you are about to learn:

Short and Tart -- That's How We Nick 'Em!

Here's a comment which I left at a Jezebel article. (Click to enlarge.) This comment doesn't talk about hypergamy, it doesn't whine about female behavior, it doesn't say anything misogynistic, it doesn't mix the personal with the political, etc etc. It just says what it says and  then shuts up. That's how to do it if you aim to shut THEM up!


Download Yamicsoft Windows 8 Manager Full Version

Yamicsoft windows 8 manager full version. Kalau dulu haramain software sudah pernah share yamicsoft windows 7 manager yang digunakan untuk windows 7, sekarang yamicsoft sudah menerbitkan untuk windows 8 yaitu yamicsoft windows 8 manager.
Yamicsoft windows 8 manager adalah software yang berfungsi untuk menstabilkan kinerja pada windows 8 dan memperbaiki registry-registry yang rusak pada windows 8. Yamicsoft ini terbukti memang ampuh dalam memerbaiki windows yang dalam keadaan tidak baik seperti misalnya explorer tidak berfungsi atau mengalami gangguan.
Biar sahabat haramain software tidak penasaran dengan tampilannya silahkan lihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Screenshoot :

Untuk membuat full version gunakan keygen dan untuk menjalankan keygen, pada PC sobat harus terinstall Net Framework v4.0.30319.
Bagi yang ingin mendownload Yamicsoft windows 8 manager ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Nb : Copy file W8MPCL.dll ke dalam tempat menginstall sebelum menggunakan keygen.
Semoga bermanfaat.


Motivation Monday| Festive Flat Tum Challenge Week 3


tumblr_mauuooX7301rhpoa9o1_500-tiletumblr_md9f64FoL11rkbfwbo1_500-tile*Images taken from Tumblr*

I am writing this post to give both you and myself some motivation as this past week my motivation has been zero!! I am actually appalled at the lack of exercise and control I have had over my diet, I have been a inspiration to no one this week, so I apologise to you, but mostly to myself! I need a good kick up the bum, and need to get my bum into shape!

I have picked my favourite pictures from Tumblr this past week, to motivate myself and you. Who doesn’t love picture of girls looking fit and fab, while working out hard! And  a good motivational poster always makes me want to go outside and run! I think my favourite picture this week is the Princess Tshirt.. I definitely need that to go running in… very cute!

So this next week is a fresh start, I am sticking to my Festive Flat Tum Challenge calendar, and I’m going to incorporate my new Zumba game* into my workout regime to see if it really will give my abs a good workout as it promises. I will also be trying out the below Holiday Squat-athon regime.  As I said before, I need a kick up the bum and need to get it into shape. I have a couple of dresses that are too small at the moment, with the hips and bum area being the worst fitting area, so I really need to loose a good couple of inches off them, and hope this regime as well as my Festive Flat Tum Challenge will help tone my bum up so I can fit into the dresses by Christmas. It’s a big ask, but I’ve got to try!


Squats are a great exercise move, and so simple! I’m going to try and get into the habit of doing my squats while brushing my teeth or while waiting for the kettle to boil… might as well make use of the time rather than stand still! I have also shared the poster next to the Holiday Squat-athon picture, as this shows you that you only need to do three simple moves often to workout out your whole bum and get a lovely toned one for Christmas! So aim to do the squats mentioned in the Holiday Squat-athon picture, but also incorporate lunges and jumping jacks into your fitness regime to get that perfect peachy bum!

How has your week been… inspiring or disappointing? Are you going to join me in the Holiday Squat-athon? Or are you still working on my Festive Flat Tum Challenge? Where do you get your fitspiration from?

A Crafty Christmas

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Firstly thank you to everyone for your Birthday wishes on my previous post! It means so much to have such lovely, supportive readers and followers, and I’m over the moon that my little blog is one year old!

Anyways onto the reason for this post! After seeing many of my fellow bloggers sharing their Christmas craft ideas, I thought I would take the plunge myself. Someone had mentioned on their blog that creating gift tags out of pictures of your pets is a great personal touch to gift giving, plus a very cheap alternative! (If you are the blogger who suggested this, please let me know, as I have completely forgot who it was… a to hazard reading so many blogs!) I had also played with the idea of making my own gift wrap, but decided one craft afternoon was enough for me this year… maybe next year I’ll do more! I will talk you through how to make the gift tags above;

1- Firstly you need a willing volunteer, who will become your muse! I used both my dogs, one is photogenic (George the black and white one) the other could not be less impressed with a camera (Archie the ginger one). George even got into the Christmas spirit and allowed me to decorate him with ribbons…he’s such a daft pretty dog!

2- So after you have your picture of your pet you need to make the picture Christmassy. I did this by super imposing a Christmas hat onto each of the dogs, and writing a greeting on them. I then printed the pictures out on card.

3- I decided to add some glitter to my tags to make them a bit more special. I added glitter to certain areas by using a wooden skewer, however anything with a pointed edge will work fine.  I dipped my skewer into a PVA glue and dabbed in onto the areas I wanted to.

4- Next you need to sprinkle glitter onto the card, which will then stick to the areas that are glued. Try to shuffle the card around so you can cover all the tags evenly. Then stand the card vertically and tap it onto some newspaper so the excess glitter falls off the page.

5- Once you have added glitter detailing to all your tags you can them cut them up and use a hole-punch to make a clean hole for your ribbon.

6- You can now thread ribbon or string through the hole, so that the tag can be attached to your parcel.

7- You now have your pretty personalised Christmas tags, ready to be attached to your Christmas gifts. I think these tags add a little something extra to your gifts and make them stand out from the others underneath the tree.

So what do you think? Do you like the idea of homemade gift wrap and tags? Have you been getting crafty for Christmas? Do you regularly give homemade gifts on special occasions?

The Greatest Pitcher - Funny Joke

A little boy was overheard talking to himself in the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat.

"I'm the greatest hitter in the world," he announced. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed.

"Strike One!" he yelled. Undaunted, he picked up the ball and said again,

"I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" He tossed the ball into the air. When it came down, he swung again and missed.

"Strike two!" he cried. The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. He spit on his hands and rubbed them together. He straightened his cap and said once more,

"I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" he exclaimed. Again, he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. He missed it once again.

"Strike three!" "Wow!" he exclaimed. "I'm the greatest pitcher in the world!"

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