

Men Can Stop Rape? Whatever!

The above video has aroused plenty of complicated, acrimonious emotions -- mostly on the feminist side. What's significant, is that virtually none of that response contains intellectual feedback to what the script was actually, in fact, saying. So what does it tell us, when the ones who oppose us cannot process our existence, and our message, in a reality-based way? It tells us they have a fatal weakness that we can exploit.

Anyhow, I figure it's time to give this video another run. . . .

The Young Pastor And His Stolen Bike - Funny Joke

A young pastor who normally rode a bike was walking despondently down the street when he came upon an older more experienced pastor.

The older pastor could see his young friend was troubled deeply.
"What is bothering you my son?" he asked.

"Well it appears a member of my congregation has stolen my bike" he replied.

The elder said, "If I may give you some advice you might get your bike back. Next Sunday preach on the 10 Commandments and when you get to 'Thou shall not steal', really emphasize it."

Well the next week they met again and the young pastor was once again riding his bike.

"Well " said the older one, "I see my advice worked."

"Yes" the young pastor replied, "I took your advice and preached on the 10 Commandments and when I got to 'Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery', I remembered where I'd left my bike."

Too Violent When You Drink - Hilarious Joke

A drunk walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "Bartender, buy everyone in the house a drink, pour yourself one, and give me the bill."

So, the bartender does just that and hands the man a bill for $57.00. The drunk says, "I haven't got it."

The bartender slaps the guy around a few times then throws him out into the street.

The very next day the same drunk walks into the bar and once again says, "Bartender, buy everyone in the house a drink, pour yourself one, and give me the bill."

The bartender looks at the guy and figures to himself that he can't possibly be stupid enough to pull the same trick twice, so he gives him the benefit of the doubt, pours a round of drinks for the house, has a drink himself and hands the drunk a bill for $67.00. The drunk says, "I haven't got it."

The bartender can't believe it. He picks the guy up, beats the living daylights out of him, then throws him out into the street.

The next day the same drunk walks back into the same bar and says, "Bartender, buy every one in the house a drink and give me the bill."

Not about to get taken again, the bartender asked sarcastically, "What, no drink for me this time?"

The drunk replies, "You? No way! You get too violent when you drink."


Family Law and CPS Reform in 2012

Somebody has passed this along to me, asking that I pass it along in turn. Check it out:

Yes, this is the kind of thing that the average feminist would disapprove of, or at best be indifferent to. And remember, it is axiomatic that whatever is good for men is bad for feminism, and vice-versa!

A Big Hullabaloo Down Under!

Our very own Dr. Greg Canning (at AVfM) has resigned his academic post at James Cook University under quite dramatic circumstances. The following is from the Melbourne Herald-Sun:
"JCU School of Medicine adjunct senior lecturer Dr Greg Canning has quit his teaching job of 10 years, claiming the university failed to caution Adjunct Associate Professor Betty McLellan, who he has accused of publicly practicing sexual vilification.
"Dr McLellan, from the School of Arts and Social Sciences, is a feminist ethicist and psychotherapist, with more than 20 years experience. She has written several books, and regularly contributes opinion pieces to radical feminism websites such as the Coalition for a Feminist Agenda.
"Dr Canning, who is a men's health advocate, said he took great offence to some of Dr McLellan's writings. An opinion piece, written by Dr McLellan on website Radfem Hub titled 'The Question on Nobody's Lips', states "even with all the evidence we have that something's not quite right with the male of the species, there is still impenetrable resistance to focusing on men's behaviour and asking: what is it about men?"
"Dr Canning, who also works as a skin cancer specialist, said the article clearly painted all men as violent or sexual predators."
Indeed. . . Spiritual Violence Against Men, a.k.a. MISANDRY, is a very real part of the world, and it seeps everywhere in the cultural soil like the outflow from an overfilled septic tank. All right, read the entire Herald-Sun article, below. Dr. Canning would like you to leave a comment, too, if you have time:

Oh... and he tells me that he might get on local TV, there in Australia, to give his side of the story. Any way you cut it, this is making some waves. So, do spread the word!

Notice that Ms. McLellan has been a contributor to the Radfem Hub website. Remember that one? It's the home of the infamous private forum from which the Agent Orange files were gathered. So yes, Ms. McLellan, the "feminist ethicist", is mixed up with a mighty pungent crowd there -- wouldn't you say?  Note also that McLellan is a psychotherapist.  Gads! Can you IMAGINE going to her if you wanted to "sort your stuff out"?? Personally, I think it's an abomination that such a one as Betty McLellan is even licensed in that field.

Is there any professional review board to which somebody could report her? I would love to know, but I'm afraid I know the answer already. And that is, that reporting would have no effect at all because the group is already packed with people like her anyway.

Now go and download the Agent Orange files if you've never done so:

Official Recognition that Hatred of Men is REAL

Yes, it  belongs to the mother tongue now. I mean that the Official Bigwigs of Erudition who write the Oxford English Dictionary have deigned to rubberstamp the word MISANDRY as a regular, real part of the English language.

But hey, they're just doing their job as lexicographers. They have kept an eye on things, and they have noticed that a lot of people are using this word. And with upstanding professionalism they have made note of it, recognizing what ought to be obvious to anybody, that dictionaries don't create language, but language creates dictionaries.

In other words, that a word becomes a word the minute it pops out of somebody's mouth. And that the only criterion for including a word in a dictionary is that enough people use it often enough that it merits the expenditure of ink and paper.

Non-inclusion doesn't make a word any less of a word, of course, but its presence in the dictionary can powerfully silence people who do entertain such superstitions.

What goes for new words, goes equally for definitions of existing words. Thus, you will see many words with more than one definition. And when enough people start using a word in some new way, the alert lexicographer will make note of that usage and add it to the list. So, for example, the word "feminism" might be defined as "the project to increase the power of women", or even as "female supremacism" if people in sufficient numbers started using it that way. Mind you, not that you must wait for the lexicographers to catch up. But it's right handy when they eventually do.

So, here is the OED definition of misandry:

Please note, however, that the Learned Bigwigs got something wrong. They claim that the word 'misandry' dates from the 1940s, but in fact it has been noted as early as 1878 (in English), and  the word misandric (also in English) as early as 1871. 

And the word misandrie (in German) has been traced clear back to 1803.

See the following at the Unknown History of Misandry blog:

New Video -- The Non-Feminist Coalition Rejects Violence


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Screen Shoot :

Kalau gambar diatas kurang jelas, klik kanan pada gambar kemudian open link in new tab ( buka di tab baru ) untuk melihat ukuran gambar yang lebih besar.

Cara install :

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Password Sharebeast : haramain software

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Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat haramain software.


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Screenshoot :

 Cara install :
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Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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