

Your Brain In the Cybersex Jungle – Helpful Facebook Page and Radio Show by Gary Wilson of Your Brain on Porn

Please check out and LIKE the helpful Facebook page Your Brain In the Cybersex Jungle, which addresses porn’s effects on people’s brains! It also addresses how porn can cause erectile dysfunction in teens and adults and much more! It has TONS of great content for anyone who is interested in leaning about how porn consumption affects the user, especially how it negatively affects young people in

People please don't buy into their BULLSHIT.......

This is the image of  
"The English Defense League".
(If it wasn't so sad it wold be funny)
They are using the recent terrible sick murder 
of a truely brave soldier in London.
to advance their cause.
They don't care about the soldier or his family, 
just their agenda.
These people are a blend of the 
with a splash of the skinhead nutters.
They want to destroy Great Britain not rebuild it.
Below is a pic of the co founder/chief
Tommy Robinson.
Not his real name.
(note his necklace, speaks volumes)
He is a thug, plain and simple....
One day very soon the truth about this hypocrite will emerge.


New Video -- The Political Efficiency of Non-Violence

Bad idea, won't happen..........

Seems some Russian has paid a $1 million + 
to sit next to,
 Leo DiCaprio, 
on the first flight of Richard Branston 
Virgin spaceship.
Not a good idea.
There is noway in Hell Leo's  handlers will allow this to take place.
So the Russian better apply for a refund.
If you read this Leo, if you want to come back, don't go.........

TOLD YA stop clinky......

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not going to end well.

Someone in charge needs to step in and help Amanda Bynes before it's too late.
Otherwise 2013 won't happen for her.

Download Game Ninja Blade For PC + Crack Full Iso

Kali ini haramain software akan berbagi game lagi kepada sahabat haramain software yaitu game Ninja Blade for PC. Ninja blade ini adalah game yang sangat seru dan dengan grafhic yang sangat bagus.
Game ninja blade merupakan game yang bergenre Action yang dipublikasikan oleh From Software yang berstting pada dunia modern.
Yang membuat sangat menarik pada game ninja blade for pc ini adalah musuh-musuhnya yang unik yaitu para elien dan monster yang sangat kuat yang akan membuat sahabat haramain software akan semakin asik dalam memainkan game ninja blade ini.
mungkin sahabat haramain software juga sudah sangat banyak yang sering memainkan game ini karena menurut saya memang sangat bagus dan juga bisa menjadi koleksi.

Screenshot :


Minimum System Requirements :

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz/AMD Sempron
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard disk space: 5GB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8300 / ATI Radeon 9250

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install Game via Autoplay
  3. Copy crack Skidrow ke folder tempat sahabat HS menginstall game ini
  4. Mainkan dan Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan semoga game ini menghibur sahabat haramain software.

Download USB Disk Security Full Version + Keygen

USB Disk Security Full Keygen. Apakah sahabat haramain tahu fungsi dari software yang bernama USB Disk Security ?. Mungkin sahabat haramain software bisa langsung tahu fungsi dari software ini dari namanya.
USB Disk Security ini adalah sebuat software yang bekerja secara Autorun yang memantau setiap USB yang dicolokkan pada komputer yang kita gunakan agar tetap aman dari gangguan virus flashdisk atau yang lain yang akan membahayakan komputer atau PC kita melalui USB.
USB Disk security ini bisa dijadikan keamanan kedua setelah antivirus agar PC atau komputer yang kita gunakan menjadi lebih aman dan jauh dari serangan Virus.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Install Progmramnya sampai selesai
  2. Kemudian Jalankan Keygen dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  3. Kemudian Klik generate dan gunakan nama dan serial yang muncul untuk meregistrasi agar full version
  4. Selesai.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


VIDEO: “The Sexy Lie” – Caroline Heldman (TEDx Youth Talk)

WATCH this powerful TED Talk video about sexual objectification, how harmful it is and what can be done about it.It’s an excellent analysis, but strangely seems to omit the elephant in the room — the most powerful sexually objectifying form of media in existence — PORNOGRAPHY! Oh well, hopefully the viewers of it will understand that when the speaker is referring to “sexually objectifying media,”

Fitness Friday| Fitness Bootcamp Explained

Kendal bootcamp class explainedkendal bootcamp cumbriakendal bootcamp class cumbriawhat is bootcamp like bootcamp kendal
Over the past few months you may have seen my many tweets or instagrams about the Kendal Bootcamp Class that I have been attending. Some of you know exactly what bootcamp is and attend one locally, others are intrigued and want to know exactly what they would be letting themselves in for. So this post is a review of the class and an explanation of exactly what you can expect at a bootcamp class.

What is a bootcamp class like?
Obviously all classes will differ, however they are all based around the same principles of getting out in your local park, getting you to work hard by mixing strength and cardio, getting muddy, having a laugh, and getting results!

So to start with there is about a 7 minute warm up which in my class consists of jogging about 100 meters about 4 times; alternating between high knees, side shuffles, heels to bums etc. During the 7 mins we also do a few 10 second bursts of sprinting on the spot, some punching and ab twists. The 7 mins really does warm you up from head to toe and can be quite tiring; in my first class I was knackered after only the warm up!

After everyone is warm we go into a cardio circuit. The cardio circuit is done in pairs and consists of 4 different stations. Person 1 completes an exercise at the station while person 2 sprints out to a lamppost about 70 metres away and sprints back. The whole time that person 2 is running person 1 will be completing an exercise such as mountain climbers, jumping jacks, holding a plank, push-ups or whacking a large tire with a 10 pound hammer. Once person 2 returns you swap. So this time, person 1 will be running to the lamppost and back while person 2 completes the exercise. Once the pair have both completed the exercise they move onto the next station which will consist of exactly the same thing, one runs while the other competes an exercise  Obviously the exercise is different at each station. Sometimes when our trainer, Ady is feeling mean he makes one of the stations a Bergan run, so instead of just sprinting off while your partner does the exercise, you have to sprint off while carrying a 30 pound rucksack on your back! It is very much pair work as the slower your partner runs the longer you have to complete the exercise. There is no rest between the exercises and you move quickly from one movement to another, meaning your heat rate is high and you are burning fat fast! It's a tough ten minutes, but much more effective than traditional workouts.

Once everyone has completed the 4 stations we move onto the next circuit which has 7 stations that vary between cardio and strength. Each one works a different area of your body. The photos above give you a good indication of what the stations can consist of. This circuit is timed and each station lasts for 1 minute, which doesn't sound long but when you are doing squats/running with a tire/holding a plank it is a loooong time! Ady walks around each of the stations during the minute to ensure that you are doing the moves correctly, getting the most out of it and pushing you to work harder. Thankfully he’s not a nasty drill sergeant that shouts in your face, he just offers gentle encouragement to push you harder, run faster and squat deeper. He knows each of the bootcampers well and understands their motives and fitness levels and adapts his approach to each of them.

After everyone has completed each of the stations we all play a game/relay race. This is  a great fun way to finish the session, and gets everyone's competitive side out, but it also provides a good laugh. After the games we cool down and have a good chat.

Review and Results
You can probably gather from my write up that I am an avid bootcamper. I go three times a week and actually find myself looking forward to class. It has to be the only form of exercise that I want to do all the time i.e no matter what my mood I still want to go to bootcamp. It works me hard, I always have a good laugh, I've made some great friends, it's affordable and I'm seeing amazing results.

I have been going to bootcamp for about 6 weeks now and I have seen a huge difference in my fitness levels and stamina. To be honest with you I thought I was fit until I went to the first class and almost threw up after only 25 minutes! I still get my but kicked every session but the joy with bootcamp is you get out of it what you put in. Everyone can benefit from it, you just have to go at your own speed... which for me is faster that it was 6 weeks ago. I don't weigh myself so can't tell you if I've lost any pounds, but I have significantly toned up and now have lovely toned arms, with a pretty good muscles definition;  my bum is more lifted and rounder, rather than just being large; my legs are getting more toned and my cellulite has almost disappeared; and for the first time in years my abs have some definition.

Overall I could not recommend a bootcamp class more. If like me you are anxious about starting a new class, please just bite the bullet. I put off coming for a long while because I was too anxious about meeting new people and starting something new, but I am so glad I had the courage to attend. I have significantly improved my fitness levels, which has helped massively with my running, and have toned up so much in only 6 weeks; I can't wait to see what I look like in another 6 weeks!

If you do live in Kendal and the surrounding area then please visit for more info. Come down and give it a try or drop Ady an email or text; very often he lets you try your first class to see what its like and if it's for you. For June there is 50% off so you can attend all classes in June for only £25... bargain!

Do you attend a local bootcamp class? Do you love it as much as I do? Do you regularly attend a different type of exercise class that you love as much as I love bootcamp? 

250x250 barbelle blog button advertDon't forget to check out my blogger of the week Rhiannon from The Barbelle. If you enjoy my fitness and health posts you will love her blog. It is crammed full of fitspiration!

Download Theme Keren Alienware Evolution Untuk Windows 7

Sudah lama sekalali rasanya haramain software tidak pernah berbagi theme windows 7 kepada haramain software. Kali ini haramain software akan membagikan sebuah theme yang sangat keren menurut saya dan nama theme ini adalah theme alienware evolution for windows 7.
Theme alienware ini sebenarnya sudah lumayan lama berada pada PC yang saya gunakan, namun baru kali ini saya kepikiran untuk membagikannya karena saya sudah sangat lama tidak berbagi theme windows 7 kepada sahabat haramain software.
Theme yang satu ini bukan saya yang membuat melainkan seseorang yang bernama Mr. Blade namun theme ini setelah saya gunakan ternyata sangat keren dan luar biasa menurut saya.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Nb : Untuk cara install sudah langsung saya sertakan didalam filenya langsung agar lebih mudah.
Jika sahabat haramain software ada pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan komentar. Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Heading for a breakdown.......

Husband stealing tart 
Leanne Rhimes is still ranting on at 
Brandi Granville.
This is not going to go away anytime soon.
In fact Leanne should stop and take stock.
Or she'll end up in the loony bin.
Where quite frankly I feel she'll belongs anyway.
I can't wait for Eddie, 
Leanne's present hubby to wake up.
Once he does he'll get the hell out of there.

Don't like these kind of predictions.

Over the last few nights,
I have had strange dreams, re both the
Whitehouse and/or Whitehall.
With the terrible event of the attack,
 on the BRAVE Soldier yesterday.
The dreams increased.
So as much as I hate negative predictions. 
I have to post what I remember.
These THUGS also known as 
Muslim Extremists. 
Are planning somekind of attack,
 on one or both of the above. 
I pray the powers that be catch them/it before it happens. 
I will not post everything here, 
as not to tip the wink to those 
who are planning this. 
Some who read this blog will be upset by me posting this, so be it. 
It isn't my job to pick and choose only the good/fun stuff. 
Welcome to my daily World.

The Political Efficiency of Non-Violence

There are many schools of thought concerning revolution, and how it works, and how to make it work better. I will discuss two of these, because I consider them superordinate to anything else you might usefully say upon the subject.

First, consider Malcolm X, who famously stated that "there is no such thing as a non-violent revolution". He was right. Any revolution at all harbors violence at least in the sense of violation, meaning a discontinuity which violates a ground of understanding or authority. The operative term is discontinuous, and this postulates an abrupt change of state. There is nothing seamless about revolution.

Any revolution worth the name involves, more or less, a paradigm shift. More to the point, it involves violation of a paradigm in the form of a breakout. And how do you break out of a paradigm? The same way you break out of anything else -- by breaking something! And it is violent to break things, is it not?

But I admit that Malcolm X could have meant "violence" in a layman's understanding of the term. That is, down-and-dirty physical violence, or threat of such, or anything approaching the boundary of such. If nothing else, a confrontation where voices are raised, emotions run high, and somebody eventually backs off while somebody else prevails. So as you might conclude, "violence" embraces quite a spectrum.

Next, consider Mohandas Gandhi, the apostle of non-violence who certainly tried his hand at revolution, although he did this far too soon to benefit from Malcolm X's 1963 wisdom. Well Gandhi certainly faced his share of violence, and violence ultimately ended his life. Yet he did pull India out of the British empire. Didn't he? I think it is safe to call that a revolution.

As I said, Malcolm X was right -- there is no such thing as a non-violent revolution. Not only are establishments notorious for never giving up their power without a fight, but revolution would not be revolution in the first place if it did not entail a violation. That is what "violence" means: violation.

You must break eggs to make omelettes. 

So how did Gandhi make his revolution happen non-violently? The answer is, that he didn't. Or at any rate, not precisely. Let's take another look at Malcolm X's precept. He says that there is no such thing as a non-violent revolution, but what are we entitled to conclude from this? I would say, only that no revolution correctly so-called can be effectuated without the admixture of violence somewhere along its timeline.

But that says nothing about the source of the violence. It does not stipulate that the dissidents should be violent against the establishment, only that violence should occur somewhere in the mix of events. So it could just as easily be the establishment cracking down on the dissidents. That too would count as violence, and would stamp the character of violence upon the revolutionary process.

The non-feminist revolution, like any other revolution, will entail violence because it will entail violation. The ruling cultural paradigm, that of feminism, is being unceremoniously booted out of our lives -- and that is surely a violation of intellectual protocol, if nothing else. Those on the receiving end (the feminists themselves) will experience this as an abrupt, wrenching change -- almost like a quantum jump, owing to its discontinuity.

Recent events at the University of Toronto, in Canada, have been revelatory in the field of revolutionary violence. On three separate occasions, speakers were scheduled to give public lectures on matters pro-male or critical of the feminist establishment. And each time, anti-male partisans greeted the event with behavior that could well be classed as violent. Their purpose was manifestly political: to block open expression, within the academic community, of ideas that could undermine the accepted paradigm of that community -- that is, the accepted ground of understanding or authority. 

Putting it simply, Toronto was a turf war. The anti-male rioters perfectly understood the critical nature of the conflict. They of course understood the symbolic significance of the occasion. But further, they knew that if the non-feminist side could proselytize unmolested in what they (the rioters) consider "their" territory, it would be a game changer. It would signal that the non-feminist side has "come up in the world" and gained institutional legitimation. So the anti-male rioters were repelling an attack upon their shore, to keep the enemy from gaining a beach head that would ease the way for incursions further inland. Their naked, hysterical fear was quite evident.

The greatly outnumbered non-feminist contingent acted with restraint and coolness, and did credit to itself. Nothing in their comportment hinted at violence. And yet, a rarified form of violence was undoubtedly present, or at least implicit. I mean violence of a purely spiritual or cerebral kind. It may have lacked noise, physical impact or other such dramatic elements, but it was a violation of the most profound sort. A paradigm of understanding and authority was being openly, if non-physically, called into question, and the implications were of such enormity as to summon a reaction that might seem wildly disproportionate.

What prompted all the fuss and feathers? A pair of staid middle-aged authors were making a speech about a serious social problem, namely misandry:  the pervasive hatred of men and maleness in the culture at large. Now, surely we ought to look into something like that, and if possible, remedy the situation. Don't you think so? I would certainly think so. Furthermore, I would commend the authors, Nathanson and Young, for their active moral conscience, and I would encourage them to give lectures at every possible venue.

But as we have seen, it is no easy thing to make an openly pro-male speech on a college campus. Many people in such settings simply do not want the possible reality of misandry to be referenced in any way, and if you try to do this they will try to shut you up by force. In other words, by violence. They clearly hate to be told that man-hating exists at all. Their screaming paroxysms and their 'Lord of the Flies' stick-poundings bear eloquent witness to this.

The anti-male "Femistasi" group in Vancouver was whipped into a similar rage by the statement that men's rights are human rights. Evidently they don't approve of male human rights, and the mere concept of such a thing makes them rabidly angry.

Friends, it looks like we are on the side of Ralph and Piggy. That's the sort of revolutionaries we are.

So again, revolution is a violent process, meaning that violence is involved at every level. First comes the violence of intellectual audacity needed to break out of a paradigm. Next, any form of violence meted out by defenders of that paradigm. And finally, any form of violence meted out by the attackers of the paradigm in response to the defenders. Such is our template of revolution as extrapolated from Malcolm X, and it is a true vision. It comports with the facts of the world. 

Malcolm X stated the facts, but Gandhi astutely put them to work. He apparently understood that violence in a raw, dramatic form comes at a cost because it can very easily make you look like the bad guy. He also apparently understood that abstention from violence virtually never makes you look like the bad guy. He understood that if you confine your violence to only the most rarified forms of paradigm violation, you would drive your opponent into an untenable position -- to either inflict raw, dramatic violence at the risk of discrediting himself, or to do nothing at all and leave you free to move your plans forward unmolested.

Gandhi's method, if ideally practiced, amounts to nothing but the violence of a pinprick which ends the life of a balloon. Even so, the principle holds true that no revolution happens without violence or violation in some form. Feminism, with its genius for playing the victim, seems to have imbibed, in a perverted way, the spirit of Gandhi. Feminists will use every trick imaginable to reverse the narrative in their favor, and either provoke actual violence from their opposition, or elaborately lie about it. Such is the art of the threat narrative, of which the feminists are past masters.

I have concluded that our best plan is to out-Gandhi the feminists. In principle, this is not difficult. We have seen how morbidly sensitive they are, when any threat to their paradigm looms on the horizon. That is when they "lose it", and do unwise things, and make fools of themselves. And this happens right readily, for the tree of feminist folly is heavy with fruit and need only be shaken. A threat to their paradigm, even a subtle one, is a pinch they will keenly feel -- and keen too, will be their reaction. Thus far, their reaction has consisted of yelling, pounding, ripping, lying and journalistic smearing. These operations attain a certain point on the violence spectrum, though not, I grant you, the utmost. But as matters predictably escalate, so too will the level of violence.

Such is the nature of revolutions. We ought to be on the lookout for this, and what's more, we ought to be careful that none of that revolutionary violence comes from our side. Let THEM be the violent ones -- that is, let them be the ones who look like the bad guys. They have already damaged themselves plenty, by their behavior, and we know that if we only push their buttons in the right combinations, they'll repeat the performance .They can barely hold themselves in check, and not for long.

If the anti-male rioters had been wise, they would have stayed home and let the scheduled events take place in peace. But they were not wise, and so they gave our side valuable publicity while giving themselves absolutely awful publicity. Of course, they were in a bind and they knew it, for if they had stayed home they would have symbolically surrendered the field and admitted the right of pro-male groups to operate on "their" campus. They figured they had to make some kind of gesture, and so they did, but they did it very discreditably. In the end, they showed the world just how much they hated the idea of male human rights.

A word to our side. All who see themselves as part of the pro-male, non-feminist vanguard should openly espouse the principle of non-violence, and reiterate this regularly in a way that the broader public will undoubtedly hear it. And when you form a non-feminist organization or co-movement of any kind, you should state this principle in your manifesto in no uncertain terms. Run that manifesto, as it were, up the flagpole, so that you need only point to it and say, "THAT, right there! That is what we stand for!"

Let us categorically repudiate all physical violence apart from that which self-defense requires, and let us stand quietly with our arms folded while the other side comes slowly to a boil. Let the world see this. If there is no such thing as a non-violent revolution, then let theirs be the raw, dramatic violence, and let ours be merely the intellectual violation that we have committed against the feminist regime and its cultural paradigm.

From such a strategy, we can only gain, and they can only lose.

Fidelbogen. . . .out.


REMINDER: Stop Porn Culture Conference! Three Anti-Porn Feminist Activist Events – July 9 to 13 in Boston!

PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS EMAIL BELOW FROM STOP PORN CULTURE AND SHARE AND SUPPORT THESE IMPORTANT EVENTS. Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~This summer, Wheelock College, together with Stop Porn Culture, is offering a Media Institute, an anti-pornography training, and a one-day feminist teach-in. Below are details and a link to registration. You can register for any or all of the events. Scholarships are

It looks like the Mayan's were right only six months early........

Earplugs will be provided to everyone within, earshot of a radio.
LiL' Wayne has signed Paris Hilton,
 to his record label.
What is the World coming to.
This is going to be a total disaster, for sure.
Mind you it'll be fun watching the drama unfold.

Told Ya The EDL will use any excuse to stir things up.......

The Futurist’s
Predictions for 2012

(Completed 21st Dec 2011)

These two groups who both believe in the same hatred, need to be watched very carefully. They have big plans for 2102. Which will in the end show the World, and those who follow them what they are really about. They will continue to use the political of fear to advance their agenda, but thankfully will fail in the long term.

TOLD YA more danger to come.....UKIP equals NAZI's.....1930's repeating itself........

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
7                  UKIP. The UKIP need to be watched very carefully, they are not what they claim to be. Remember the 1930's well they are of the same cloth. They are planning all kinds of demo's etc. Which will turn violent.

TOLD YA Arrogant little SHIT........he's about to FALL A LONG WAY.........DOWN

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.


I know I shouldn't but...........

So she has been in touch,
 with her married director 
all along.

Told Ya It just gets worse.........Bieber & Brown Bromance.....

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.

Told Ya Another Celeb arrested in UK

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
(Completed Dec 19th 2012)
45                  Jimmy Saville sex case, well if you think it’s been bad so far, just wait as we go through 2013 month by month more and more Celebrities will be dragged into it, you will be really shocked at some of the names, great fodder for the tabloids.

Wednesday’s Workout| Plank Challenge

Plank challengePlank challenge-vert
Who’s ready to get some amazing abs? I’m sure the thought of bikini season being just around the corner is pushing you to try a tone up a little so you are your most confident on the beach. Now abs are completely made in the kitchen, so if you are wanting some definition yes you need to work out your core but you also need to shed the fat so you can show off your new abs.
One of the most effective moves for toning the whole of your core is the plank. Not only is it effective, it is super simple to do, requires no equipment and only takes minutes to work you hard. You can see all the muscles that the plank works in the picture above.
The Tone It Up Girls know that the plank is a super effective and have started a challenge of their own the; #bikiniseries5minplank challenge… yes we even have our own hashtag! You can see mine and others attempts in the picture above, but follow everyone’s journey on instagram and Twitter with the hashtag. So the challenge is fairly self explanatory we are aiming to hold a 5 minute plank in 6 weeks time. Yes it seems like a long time! I’m still a long way off, with my max being 1.25, however each day I rack up more seconds so I should be there in 6 weeks!
I have only been doing the challenge for 7 days but already I am seeing great results. My abs are definitely stronger, especially my lower abs, I feel more toned and solid… if you know what I mean… less jiggly! So I could not recommend this challenge enough!
If you want to plank it out and mix it up a little, the below video is a great super short workout that is full of modified planks. It is only about 7 minutes long and you hold each move for around 30 seconds, so it is very manageable if you are a beginner, but the length of means it is still a good workout for those that are a little fitter. I cannot recommend the plank enough! If you want to have a toned core in time for your bikini then start today you will soon see results within a few weeks.
What do you think of the plank? Are you a lover of a hater of it? Which other abs moves do you recommend?

250x250 barbelle blog button advertDon't forget to check out my blogger of the week Rhiannon from The Barbelle. If you enjoy my fitness and health posts you will love her blog. It is crammed full of fitspiration!

This is just getting funnier and funnier if not a little desperate....

As we all know, 
Robert & Kristen, 
have split.
Well if you can call it split, 
as it was never really a relationship, but I digress.
Now Katy Perry, a friend of Robert's for ages.
Is being accused of being the cause.
(LOL can barely type for laughing)
Just goes to show how angry, Kristen's PR team, are at Robert, for growing a pair.
Finally putting an end to this charade.
Just goes to show Kristen's character,
 or should I say lack of........ 
I feel that Kristen, will tire of blaming Katy.
But she will find someone else to blame.
Ha ha ha.........

Told YA The critics love "Behind The Candleabra" HBO this Sunday

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Money in the bank..... 


Here's the trailer for the movie.
"Behind the Candelabra".
With Matt Damon & Micheal Douglas.
Ka Ching.......
plus it'll piss off the right wing ha ha....

Download Game Mountain Bike Adrenaline For PC Full Crack

Kali ini haramain software akan membagikan sebuah game yang sangat menarik dan mungkin juga sahabat haramain software sering memainkannya di PS2, namun yang saya bagikan ini adalah game PC bukan game PS.
Seperti namanya game mountain bike adrenaline ini adalah game sepedah yang beraksi di pegunungan layaknya game sepeda yang sangat terkenal yaitu game downhill. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah banyak yang tahu dengan game downhill karena game downhill adalah game sepeda yang sangat populer dikalangan gamer dan game mountain bike adrenalin ini mirip dengan game downhill.
Jika sahabat haramain sedang bosan bermain game yang bergenre shooter ataupun strategy dan lain-lain, sahabat haramain software bisa menjadikan game mountain bike adrenaline ini sebagai alternatif untuk menghilangkan penat.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.8Ghz or better
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard disk space: 600MB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce/Raedon 128MB
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install Game via Autoplay
  3. Copy crack ke folder tempat sahabat HS menginstall game ini
  4. Mainkan
Selamat mendownload dan semoga menghibur sahabat haramain software.


Not a prediction today..A Thought !!!

It truly saddens me to see bright people, so tied up with their "EGO".
That they throw away all the good in their lives.
Whether it be partner, husband, wife, sibling even offspring.
They will not listen to the positive ones in their life, 
as the positive ones simply won't agree with them.
But they will listen to the negative ones, who just feed their 
Why do the negative ones feed their 
Well they want them to be as miserable as they are, 
often family members...even worse.
Nor will they accept that maybe they are wrong,
 God forbid others be right.
No they keep on that wonderful path of self destruction.
Then all of a sudden the become aware,
 that all the good things are gone.
All that is left is emptiness.
Even the negative ones have left.
Just because they refuse to put said 
to one side.
So now they go on the pity party train of, 
"Why did they leave me"
"What did I do wrong"
"I did everything for them"
"They just used me"
So if you are reading this...
If the cap fits.
Think a little ....
Before you 
"Throw The Baby Out, With The Bath Water"
Answer this question.
"Are you so sure you are right?"
I bet you, 
"You are not".


Come on Sunshine| Nails Inc Springtime Shades

Nails Inc Springnail ince spring coloursNails inc Ebury bridge westferry cricus holly bush vale summer place york streetNails inc spring colours 6
Where has spring gone? Normally May is such a reliable month, but this May it poured down on my birthday and I’ve barely seen the sun! In protest of the none existent springtime up here in  Cumbria I decided to try out my newest Nails Inc collection that my gorgeous friend bought me for my birthday… she knows me so well!

As it was a collection of 5 I thought it was best to swatch each one onto each of my fingers so I could show you them all at the same time. At first I was going to remove the multi-coloured look I had going on before I went to work the next day however I decided to keep it on and embrace the colourful look….it’s a good job I had no meetings the next day. It’s not the most professional nail art I have worn but it was definitely the brightest and definitely made me smile everytime I looked down at my keyboard and saw my nails. I embraced the look for a few days until someone said that it reminded them of the circus and clowns. Upon mentioning clowns, that was all I could think about whenever I looked at my nails, which isn’t great for a person with clown phobia!

I do love the look, but don’t think I will be wearing them all at once again. My favourite’s out of the bunch are York Street and Westferry Circus, mainly as they are two shades that I don’t have already. The others I have a number of nails varnishes that are of about the same shade.

Have you ever worn colourful nails to make your day a little more cheerful? Which of the above shades is your favourite? Which Nails Inc shades would you recommend  me to try next?

Don't forget to check out my blogger of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you enjoy my fitness post you will fall in love with her blog. She is a stunner with a great blog!

Fame or maybe Infamy at last...

Hi My Darlings.

Well it seems I have a crazy Fan.
NewsHyews on Twitter is claiming that I have said Tom Cruise has sex with men.
Now I have never said that on my blog.
they also seem to think that I have been on the Ellen Show, sadly not....
Oh well, the trappings of Fame Ha Ha 


Message to Non-Feminist Women -- Full Playlist

The message in this three-part video series needs to be rammed into a few brains again, in light of recent statements by a certain prominent MHRM personality, and in light of the angry reactions which these statements have triggered.

My own position, given in this series, is neither a "MGTOW" stance, nor the stance taken by the unfortunate individual whom the irate "MGTOWs" were roasting. Rather, my position is the impeccably counter-feminist Fidelbogian position. So as you might expect, it is something a bit different.

Okay, a LOT different!

Warning: the full runtime for the playlist is close to an hour.

What F...king MORON thought this up then?

As the latest season of 
Dancing With The Stars, 
draws to a close this week.
Some idiot at ABC has decided that 
for next season.
  Will only be on one night...
I know.....
They also announced that the voting will be done during the show and the winners/losers will be reveal that same night at the shows close.
Well, that's OK for the east viewers who get to see the show 
But here on the west coast we see,
 a recorded version.
How are we going to vote then???
As it will all be over and done with by the time  show starts for us, let alone ends.
This is the kiss of death for the show.
If it's not broken don't fix it.
I know what they are up to saving 50% of production costs while still raking in a fortune.

I know this is wrong in so many ways.but couldn't resist ha ha

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Beyond words................earplugs required.........

Just when you thought it was safe,
 to comeback out.
aka Patricia Krentcil
Has released a single, called
" It's Tan Mom "

available now on Itunes.
Or you can check out the link above.
I wouldn't if I were you.
Sad part is it'll make money.......

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