

KYLE’S STORY: “Pornography Isn’t Real and the Porn Industry Profits from People’s Misery”

Brand new story! Kyle (@FallenMarvel) tells how porn addiction from an early age harmed him and his relationships. Please don’t forget to SHARE AND COMMENT! We will pass on a link to this post to Kyle so he can read your feedback. PORNOGRAPHY ISN’T REAL AND THE PORN INDUSTRY PROFITS FROM PEOPLE’S MISERY~ By Kyle J. (male, 28, Twitter, @FallenMarvel)I was just like any other kid growing up. I

Clearly she isn't with the plot,......nor was she ever........

Hollywood is clucking like crazy.
That Kristen Stewart is giving up on men......
In he hope of wining back Robert Pattinson.
Well, too much too late is all I can say.
That horse as well and truly bolted.
In real life and PR life.
Ha Ha.....

Room Service........24/7

TOLD YA Trouble at Havenhurst..........

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Definition of BITCH !

Debbie Rowe aka Ex Mrs Jackson.
Feels she has been ignored of late.
So she is showing (FAKE) …
Sadness, hurt, ????
Crap, she just wants more money.
She won’t get it.
PS if she re-enters her children's lives in the next 
3 years.
It will be really bad news for her daughter....


TOLD YA I know it's naughty, but it is Friday and we all need a giggle......maybe their GPS was off.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

UFO......over Hollywood

Tom Cruise,
has bought,
the two plots of land,
next door to his 
Hollywood home.
Seems he plans to use,
this land for a parking space.
But not for his collection,
of cars and motorbikes.
But for the " Mothership"
See he's a scientologist....
They believe we are all descended from space aliens.
Apparently he has a valet on duty 24/7......

Google will block sex and violence from Glass (but hasn’t yet) – NBC

GREAT NEWS! Google Glass will NOT be allowing pornography or violent content! Yay! Check out the details…[NBC News] — The only thing less surprising than the sudden appearance of a Google Glass porn app is the fact that the tech giant won’t allow such naughtiness on its futuristic headgear for long. No porn, no gambling, no violence, no bullying, no piracy — the folks in Mountain View confirm

TOLD YA.....more MJ secrets......

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Oh there's alot more to come

Wade Robson has at last broken his silence.
To tell what really happened to him.
While he was friends with Michael Jackson.
Of course the family of MJ and MJ's fans, 
are crying foul.
But the truth will come out.
Then at last Wade can get on with his life.

Outspokenly Pro-Male Article in the Calgary Herald

This article, written by a woman, appeared in the Calgary Herald today. It pulls very few punches, and pretty much calls the anti-male rioters at the University of Toronto what they are -- a bunch of hysterical, lying assholes. Well, all right, that is not exactly Susan Martinuk's choice of words. . . .

. . . . but here is the article:

I know for a fact that the non-feminist revolution is going on "awakened" status among a growing number of regular, ordinary men and women. I have this seen happening everywhere -- and yes, I do have eyes in many places! And we may anticipate escalating feminist aggression, even to the point of criminal violence, in response to this. So watch your back, my fellow workers in the vineyard!

But She is a Woman, Therefore She is not a Terrorist!

SO. . . . it looks like the person who "ricinly" sent the "poison-pen" letter to President Obama  and Mayor Bloomberg was a woman trying to frame her husband in the process of a divorce. Hey, don't give me a bad look! I'm just reporting this!

Let me say it again. A woman tried to murder the President of the United States and the Mayor of New York City, in order to destroy her husband in a divorce case. 

But go and read about it:

Needless to say, she isn't really the guilty party.  Right? I have no doubt that HE must have done something truly awful to her, and had it coming! Right?

Oh...and Obama and Bloomberg must have done some horrid things as well. 

Read more here:

After that, enjoy the rest of your day!

One Direction........away from the pong......

Boyband One Direction.
Are to release their first perfume,
 on August 25th.
 "Our Moment".
I can only imagine what it'll smell like.
I mean what do five young men,
in a room smell like, 
not good, or sweet, perhaps sweaty.
It'll cost you $55.
I know some daft parent will get it for their precious little one.
But if I were them I 'd wait a while.
It'll show up in the 99c store very soon.

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
22                  Shootings 2012 saw the horror in Sandy Hook. I am sad to say that there will be more of these terrible events in 2013 and beyond. They won't stop till the powers that be come to their senses and change the law. It will take for one of their own loved ones to be amongst the victims, to trigger the change, I'm afraid.

TOLD YA.Naomi in trouble AGAIN....

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rip off.......

Supermodel and bad tempered bitch.
Naomi Campbell, is to have her own show on Oxygen called The Face.
Which is simply a rip off of America's Top Model.
A certain flop.
But the producers better make sure that everything on the set is screwed down.
Or props will be flying everywhere........
But beyond this 2013 will be a really difficult time for this selfish spoilt BRAT.....
Even an arrest leading to court.
Hopefully lock up.

These people are scary..........BILBERBERG....

Here are the real power brokers in the WORLD.
Yet they meet in secret and most people,
 don't even know they exist.
But they do........
Just Google them, 
but believe what their own website says...


MGTOW, Normality, and the Ambient State of Things

First, I am re-posting my video "Becoming Ambient" because, in light of recent developments, I feel it is good to re-broadcast that particular message. The best messages are the perennial ones, don't you think so?

Next, I am re-posting a response which I made to a commenter on a recent blog entry. Trust me when I tell you that all of these things tie together and relate to the present zeitgeist:
You are spot on with your statement that "MGTOW" is not a cult. However, there is a certain faction which has commandeered the MGTOW label for itself, claiming to be the MGTOW .... and unfortunately, the general public has bought this.

MGTOW is nothing more than a core political mindset concerning male autonomy, and the extra baggage re hypergamy, Briffault's law, and so on, was thrown onto the wagon recently.

My own take on hypergamy et al, was stated in my video "Becoming Ambient." To summarize: I refuse to "go there" in my public rhetoric, and in my private thoughts I remain a skeptic or agnostic.

However, those who wish to investigate along such avenues are quite free to do so. I am not the thought police; who the hell am I to tell them what to think?

I believe that feminism has removed moral constraints from women, and thereby released the "dark feminine" to operate freely in the world. However, I leave in abeyance the question of what composes the dark feminine -- that is, whether hypergamy, etc, play a part in it.

But I do hold any woman I meet accountable to my highly snippety standards, just as I would hold any man accountable.

And in the present historical timeframe, I would urge ALL MEN -- whether they consider themselves "MGTOWs" or not -- to exercise more-than-usual risk mitigation in their dealings with women. We now live in an "abnormal" situation, and normality is supended until this gets ironed out.

So the worst thing we can do these days, is live in a make-believe world pretending that "everything is normal".

It's just the way things are right now.

Things are not "normal".

Facebook Will Block Photos Celebrating Rape Following Ad Boycott (I.e. “Women deserve equal rights — and lefts” [Punches with left fists])

Check out the update below on the Anti Facebook Rape Campaign. Please note that such horrific public actions by men who hate women look like they can be best dealt with by addressing the ADVERTISING PROFIT of the companies involved where the content is posted, such as Facebook.This is an important success to copy in regards to trying to get rid of pornography and other unacceptable content,

Fitness Friday| Clothes and Equipment Haul


Fitness Clothes and Equipment Haul

Today’s Fitness Friday is a little different, being that it is in video form. You will find below a video showing you what clothes and equipment I recommend. There are also some buying tips as I have had a few questions about what clothes and equipment to buy so certain activities. I decided to film a video since I haven’t done one in a while, as much as I enjoy filming them now it takes so much time to edit them! Anyways you can expect some more videos in the near future to do with my fitness and health related posts.

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think or if you agree with my recommendations.

Chrissy Lilly Blog button

Be sure to check out Chrissy Lilly’s amazing fitness and health blog. Need inspiration? Her blog will keep you right on track. Plus she’s a lovely girl!

Dear Justin remember Icarus.........

Justin this is a picture of Icarus...........
If you had stayed at school long enough, you would have learned about him.
He too had an EGO the size of yours.
He thought he could fly...
He did went too close to the Sun, 
and dropped like a brick.

Now in the pic above we can see the wires that allow you to fly in your stage show.
But this decision of yours to fly on. Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Space Ship.
Not a good idea.
If you want to tour more, best not go.
Time for your Mum to put her foot down.
If necessary she has to ground you.

TOLD YA Silly little arrogant SHIT......

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.

TOLD YA Lillibet.........

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
(Completed Dec 19th 2012)
89                  QE2 apart from the birth of her new Grandchildren which is wonderful. The rest of 2013 will be very testing for Lillibet, one of the most testing years of her Reign so far.

TOLD YA Mr Putin....not pretty

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
(Completed Dec 19th 2012)

55                   Russia Rough time ahead in Russia in 2013 and
Pres Putin is going to have to get even tougher to keep the lid on it, not going to be pretty.

TOLD YA Yet another UK DJ arressted........

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
(Completed Dec 19th 2012)
45                  Jimmy Saville sex case, well if you think it’s been bad so far, just wait as we go through 2013 month by month more and more Celebrities will be dragged into it, you will be really shocked at some of the names, great fodder for the tabloids.

Time to Bitch-Slap Facebook, Eh?

Let's Eavesdrop on those "Men's Rights" Guys!

Here is a recent conversation I had behind the scenes. There is SO much going on behind the scenes these days -- almost more than I can keep straight. But this will give you a little taste of what "men's rights" people talk about when the world isn't listening.  Mind you, this is NOT inner circle stuff (that stuff would blow your mind!), but the subject is topically important at the moment:

First, my colleague, DJ -- who is quite new to the scene --left a link for me:

[6/4/2013 7:32:46 PM] DJ: Interesting ctitique of MGTOW from RockingMRE
[6/4/2013 7:32:49 PM] DJ:

A day later, the conversation carried on as follows:

[9:12:15 PM] DJ: Did you ever read that article?
[10:00:04 PM] Fidelbogen Yeah, I read it.
[10:00:15 PM] DJ: Thoughts?
[10:00:26 PM] Fidelbogen:  He is talking about the "MGTOW club" --  i.e. the specific  group of people who are currently putting a human face on the MGTOW concept.
[10:02:01 PM] Fidelbogen:  As for the core idea of MGTOW. . . well, so long as the present situation continues, it is a damned good idea for men to "go their own way" and look out for themselves. However, once the situation gets fixed....that could change.
[10:03:00 PM] Fidelbogen:  A while ago, I got in some hot water with the MGTOW club when I questioned the wisdom of public "hypergamy" rhetoric.
[10:04:26 PM] DJ:: Sounds ultimately pointless, similar to the PUA's.
[10:04:48 PM] DJ: We're going to remove ourselves from everything, what will that accomplish? Personal freedom maybe.
[10:04:57 PM] Fidelbogen:  It's politics. It serves the same purpose as a strike. It puts pressure on a system.
[10:05:37 PM] DJ: Eh . . not really
[10:06:04 PM] Fidelbogen:  My main beef with the MGTOW club is their woman-bashing rhetoric. That makes for bad politics. Not smart. Not cool.
[10:06:15 PM] DJ: How many working men are just going to give up their jobs and livelihood because someone on the internet said so?
[10:06:32 PM] DJ: This is probably true, like I said, similar to the PUA's
[10:06:35 PM] Fidelbogen:  Not many working men will do such a thing. But then, who exactly suggested that?  There is nothing in the core MGTOW philosophy about giving up jobs and livelihood.
[10:07:23 PM] DJ: Well if MGTOW is about men leaving the system and not supporting it, then you would need construction workers to leave the workforce en masse.
[10:07:40 PM] Fidelbogen:  Oh no, not THAT system!  It is about men going their own way *attitudinally*. Looking out for number one.
[10:08:22 PM] DJ: All right... but that's hardly any better
[10:08:43 PM] Fidelbogen:  There are a very small number of MGTOWs who actually say such things as "leave the workforce".
[10:09:15 PM] Fidelbogen:  Anyhow, as soon as the situation gets fixed, things like MGTOW will no longer be necessary...but hey, until then....
[10:09:16 PM] DJ: Well I don't study the subject much, I've only heard of it from you and RockingMRe
[10:11:08 PM] Fidelbogen: What you heard from RockingMRe was his interpretation of MGTOW based on a certain clique which has appropriated the MGTOW label. The MGTOW club, as I said.
[10:11:40 PM] Fidelbogen: I personally find THAT group of people tedious and boring. And counter-productive in their political thinking.
[10:12:09 PM] DJ: I suppose, from what little I know of MGTOWs, that it could be used like the PUA belief as a safegaurd for men. Not necesarilly them leaving society, but teaching us to look out for ourselves, each other, and understanding womens psychology so that we might not be manipulated.
[10:12:44 PM] DJ: Well I agree that it's boring, why would I join a group that tells me to go my own way? (Yawn)
[10:13:06 PM] Fidelbogen:  Whether you go your own way is up to you -- that idea is as 'exciting' as you choose to make it.
[10:13:47 PM] Fidelbogen:  But as a male in the present society, you are ON your own way anyway, whether you like it or not. You don't need to "go" -- you are already there! And until the situation gets fixed, that is how it will remain.
[10:14:40 PM] DJ: This is true.
[10:14:54 PM] Fidelbogen:  All right. . . so that is MY take on "MGTOW". Other than that, I find the actual MGTOW club (mind you, not the core idea!) to be a boring lot who talk obsessively about women and relationships as the center point of their so-called "politics".
[10:16:07 PM] DJ: lol
[10:16:15 PM] DJ: It's like a bunch of vegans
[10:16:22 PM] DJ: All they do is bitch about meat
[10:16:35 PM] Fidelbogen: But as for male solidarity and brotherhood....I can't fault it.
[10:18:19 PM] DJ: Well it depends on what they mean by leaving 'the system', this could be interpreted as a lot of things and it's a much broader topic than what they claim it is. So brotherhood and male solidarity are good and I think that's the last we can say about the MGTOWs
[10:18:57 PM] Fidelbogen:  Yes. Leaving "the system" can be interpreted many ways. And my interpretation is nothing more elaborate than male solidarity, and the existence of men as a politically conscious class in society.(When the situation gets fixed, this may no longer be necessary, but that day is still a ways off...)
[10:21:43 PM] Fidelbogen:  Meanwhile....there is something called the First Principles Initiative, which may render this entire conversation moot.
[10:28:35 PM] DJ:: Oh?
[10:29:23 PM] DJ: What is first principles?
[10:29:30 PM] Fidelbogen: Yeah, it's an ongoing project -- "Rome wasn't built in a day."
[10:30:41 PM] Fidelbogen:  But the First Principles are five in number:
1.Personal Accountability
2.Personal Responsibilty
3.Characterization by Merit
4.Non-Aggression and Non-Violence
5.Respect for Personal Property
[10:32:45 PM] DJ: Sounds libertarian
[10:32:47 PM] Fidelbogen:  From these principles, a broad system of philosophy develops. And the implications for feminism will not be healthy.
[10:33:59 PM] DJ: I don't like the non violence part though, it's repetitive.
[10:34:23 PM] Fidelbogen:  It's all for a reason. Violence is not quite the same thing as aggression.
[10:34:35 PM] Fidelbogen:  And. . . this is NOT pacifism.
[10:35:46 PM] DJ:Goooooooood
[10:35:52 PM] DJ: I Hate pacifism
[10:40:45 PM]Fidelbogen:  Yes, there is plenty to be said for self-defense.


Download Game FIFA 13 Full ISO + Crack 100% Working

Free Download FIFA13 Full. Sahabat haramain software sudah tau kan dengan game fifa 13 ini ?mungkin sahabat haramain software sering bermain PES 2013 di PC sobat. Fifa 13 ini adalah game yang bisa dibilang mirip dengan PES 2013 dan tidak semua orang suka bermain PES 2013 melainkan ada juga yang lebih suka memainkan FIFA 13 ini.
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Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur dengan game Fifa 13 ini.

Ruby Red| Maybelline Colour Sensational Pleasure Me Red

Maybelline Colour Sensational pleasure me redmaybelline pleasure me red shadeMaybelline pleasure me red 8Maybelline pleasure me red 9
My friends know me too well. For my birthday I received this gorgeous lipstick from my best friend Shani. Now normally my go to red lip is the Kate Moss Matte 107, however after using this one a few times I have to say this one may be a winner.

I do love the shade of the Kate Moss 107 and it is a bit different to this one which is a bit more pillar box red. However the texture of this lipstick wins it for me. It is incredibly creamy and applies with such ease. I’ve never bought a Maybelline lipstick before but will definitely be buying one from this range again. The colour is simply gorgeous, and you only need one layer and you are ready to go. There is no shimmer in this lipstick but it leaves a gorgeous glossy finish.

So creamy, pigmented, colourful and applies with ease… well done Maybelline your Colour Sensational range is a winner for me.

Have you ever tried Maybelline's lipstick before? Which is your favourite high-street brand for lipsticks?

Chrissy Lilly Blog button
Be sure to check out Chrissy Lilly’s amazing fitness and health blog. Need inspiration? Her blog will keep you right on track. Plus she’s a lovely girl!

Big hit day July 23rd......

The Diva of Diva's herself.
Mariah Carey will launch her latest album.
On July 23rd.
It'll be her biggest hit to date.
Then there's the tour too.
Her biggest grossing ever.........

TOLD YA Debbie Rowe NOT good news for Paris Jackson...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Definition of BITCH !

Debbie Rowe aka Ex Mrs Jackson.
Feels she has been ignored of late.
So she is showing (FAKE) …
Sadness, hurt, ????
Crap, she just wants more money.
She won’t get it.
PS if she re-enters her children's lives in the next 
3 years.
It will be really bad news for her daughter....

TOLD YA . This is what Syria is doing to it's OWN...

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
1                  Syria. Well if you think it's been bad so far, just wait till you see what the nutter has in store for the 1st three months of 2013. He will do things that you cannot begin to believe.


That's Not MY Job!

If YOU think there is a rape culture, end it yourself!

TOLD YA 13 EARTHQUAKES over 4.0 Globally in the last 60 mins

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
3                  Earthquakes. As I told you last year 2012 would have more earthquakes than normal which was so. Well 2013 is going to be worse with more bigger earthquakes, and many, many middle
sized ones.


Earthquake: M 4.9 - South of the Fiji Islands


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Total scumbag...........

This is Mark Wright from the reality show 
" The Only Way is Essex "
The UK version of Jersey Shore.
He has just split form his girlfriend/fiancee.
He now says that he is ready to date an ugly girl.
What a PRICK. 
Just wait till his "TV career" flops too
PS He's wearing more slap than Lady Gaga.....

“Not Tonight, Honey. I’m Logging On” (MUST-READ classic article on the harms of pornography)

Please read this great article if you haven’t already, and of course please share and comment also. Thanks! “What’s most regrettable is that it can really affect relationships with women. I’ve seen some young men lately who can’t get aroused with women but have no problem interacting with the Internet. I think a big danger is that young men who are constantly exposed to these fake,

Poor little sulky face

My poor little favourite lesbian, Justin Bieber.
Is all a bother.
Seems he's not liking the heat that's building up around him.
Due to his spoilt brat behaviour.
Especially the trouble that's about to drop on him due to his hi speed reckless driving.
In his posh enclave in Calabassas CA.
Maybe they should just shut the gates,
 to keep him inside.
At least the rest of the World would be safe.
Well let's see how he looks when the police, 
pay him a visit in the coming days.

Says It All

Well all right, so this does not say it ALL. But it says quite a bit, don't you think so?

Monday Meals| Two Ingredient Pancakes

2 ingrediant pancakes 82 ingrediant pancakes-tile
Welcome to my latest feature on my blog, and for those of you who enjoy my blog because of its health and fitness side you are in luck because as the title suggest Monday Meals are going to focus around diet, nutrition, planning meals, and recipes. 
I decided to start this feature as I have a number of recipes stored up and they don't quite fit with the title Fitness Friday so decided my diet needed its own special posts. I am hoping that this feature will also encourage me to eat better and learn to cook. I admit I have my fitness pretty much spot on now, it's my diet that lets me down as I am a massive food lover; if I want a Dominos will just order one, if I want a cake I'll make one... It isn't until I've eaten every last morsel that I think... I shouldn't of eaten that. I'm not saying that I won't be eating cake or Dominos anymore, I'm just trying to make sure that these things become treats and aren't part of my everyday diet.
So onto my first recipe; Two Ingredient Pancakes. I admit this recipe is not mine, it is one that I have seen flying around on the Internet, however it is one that I have wanted to try. I used to hate breakfast and never used to eat it, however after changing my lifestyle breakfast is a firm favourite of mine... Especially since discovering healthy pancakes that I can eat without feeling guilty every morning. 
So two ingredient pancakes consist of eggs and banana...yes it sounds weird but I assure you, you cannot taste the egg. They just taste like banana pancakes. These pancakes are the poor mans option when it comes to healthy breakfast pancakes... You don't have to fork out money for protein powder or quinoa. 
One banana and one egg will make two pancakes which equals one breakfast. Simply, mush up the banana stir in the egg until kind of smooth and thick. Heat up your frying pan and cook until ready, flipping when needed. I top mine with either Nutella and fruit or Greek yoghurt and fruit. The magic with pancakes is that topping combinations are endless. 
I made a batch of 6 so that I had 3 breakfasts, however I am yet to find an ideal way to store and reheat them without them going a little soggy. I had been wrapping them in tinfoil, storing them in the fridge then microwaving them, but think they may be better toasted. If anyone has any suggestions on how to reheat them please leave a comment. 
Nutritional contents for two pancakes- 168 calories, 27g carbs, 5g fat, 7g protein
Have you ever tried two ingredient pancakes? What's your favourite healthy breakfast? Or favourite pancake recipe?
Chrissy Lilly Blog button

Be sure to check out Chrissy Lilly’s amazing fitness and health blog. Need inspiration? Her blog will keep you right on track. Plus she’s a lovely girl!


Monday, July 16, 2012

Wake up call needed......

Tulisa Contastavios 
rapper/popstar/UK Xfactor judge.
Needs to check herself into rehab pronto.
Otherwise she'll be going the way of most addicts.
The grave yard.............. 
ps She'll be off XFactor next year.....


Google Glass Porn App in Development (Wired UK)

Sadly and unsurprisingly pornography is on it’s way to Google Glass. Apparently public porn on phones is too far from one’s eyes! So beware, everyone. Soon people are going to be walking down the street or driving with Google Glass on — watching porn as they go. Not to mention possibly filming you! Yikes![Wired UK] — In “Things That Were Only A Matter Of Time” news, adult app creator MiKandi

From the field to the screen.....

Well, Hollywood is all in a titter.
All due to David Beckham.
Tom Cruise it seems can't wait to get hold of Goldenballs.
In a movie......
Looks like the rest of Hollywood is following suit.
Well, he will make great eye candy, that's for sure.
But....acting well........
Mind you he is married to Posh Spice .
That must take some acting skills on a daily basis.
So he'll make a fortune, but no Oscars.

Tres Interessant, N'est-ce Pas?

TOLD YA It's A GIRL........

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Jiggle bells won't be ringing

So super tart Kim Kardashian and her latest beau Divo Kanye West.
Are to sell their LA houses and move in together.
Hope thay aren't planning to buy a Christmas tree. Unless the silly bitch decides to get pregnant by this loser, for Xmas. 
Well then God Help the World.

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