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Bagi yang ingin mendownload microsoft office 2010 professional plus ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah in.

Cara Install :
  1. Jalankan Office untuk mulai menginstall
  2. Jika diminta serial masukkan serial berikut ( 6RX4C-D2GFT-7QFM4-C438M-4FD26 atau VY6Q2-GTHVD-9P4KB-F2PCB-YQXDC atau VQX4T-3J2YG-B9GQT-8DX3V-HP62P ). Gunakan salah satu saja.
  3. Setelah install Selesai jangan langsung dijalankan.
  4. Jalankan Activator dengan cara klik kanan dan run as administrator tapi sebelumnya nonaktifkan terlebih dahulu antivirus sobat.
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  6. Setelah terbuka Pilih menu Advanced mode dan pilih lagi Office KMS Activator
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BDSM Porn Mogul Arrested for Cocaine Possession By Cops Investigating Shooting Range In His Dungeon

The head of BDSM torture porn studio Kink(dot)com recently got arrested for cocaine possession. Is anyone surprised? We’re not. Drug use and other substance abuse is rampant in the porn industry, and not only by performers — as verified by many people who have left porn, and even by some people who are still in it. In any case, check out some of the details of this sad and disturbing story


Cornwall Community News Rips Feminism a New One

The Cornwall Community News, a local media source in England, speaks out blisteringly against feminist hate propaganda. Directly after the article, a string of excellent reader comments takes up the refrain:

Yes, the non-feminist revolution is spreading. People are getting wise, and mobilizing to give villains and villainy alike what they deserve.

Cornwall,  for your information, is the prominent peninsula that juts out from England's south-west corner. I am told that Cornwall is a land of rugged seacoasts. It also appears to be a land of rugged individualism and rugged defiance -- which is fitting when you consider that the father of the rugged Daniel Boone came from this region. :)


Jesse Powell Halfway Agrees With Me

Jesse Powell, a person of some notoriety, is what I will call a "gynocentric traditionalist". (Apologies to Bernard Chapin for using the word "traditionalist", but in this case context makes the meaning clear.)  And Mr. Powell has adapted a segment of my own thinking for his particular use. He writes about it here:

Jesse Powell has assimilated my brief discussion of gynocentrism and gynonormativism in exactly the manner I would have predicted. He has pounced on it, and re-purposed it for a very different agenda. And you know what? I'm fine with that. I don't even care. I am looking at the chess game several moves ahead, and it all dovetails into my plans as elegantly as I could wish! 

So give Jesse Powell's blog post (at the Feminine Mystique blog) a slow, careful read, and you will be pretty well up to speed about the stressful left-right dynamic that is currently developing within the non-feminist revolution. And I am talking to everybody when I say that, including feminist readers. Especially feminist readers!

One more thing. Jesse Powell claims that "men's rights activists" are seeking "equality". Actually, it is more complex than that, but I reckon Mr. Powell has not picked up on the nuances yet.

Ongoing Activation of the Non-Feminist Sector

Here is another woman -- an erstwhile feminist true-believer from the look of it -- who has taken a bite of the red pill. Her name is Karen Woodall. She speaks of Julie Bindel and driving along the "motorway", which is a dead giveaway that she lives in the Sceptered Isle of Albion. She also says this:
"But the truth is…. as slippery as the statistics that lie behind things like One Billion Rising and as malleable as the minds of those who catch the bug and pass it on. As I recover from the infection that caused my mind to believe, for many decades of my life, that all men are dangerous and all women are to be believed without question, life has started to come sharply into view and in the words of the song ‘I can see clearly now..the brainwashing has gone!’"
Observe that she understands the viral nature of the present contagion, and sees it as a form of  brainwashing. That level of comprehension bespeaks a high level of awakening. So go now, and read Karen Woodall's article in its entirety:

I don't know if K.W. would call herself an "MRA" or not, but then . .  I don't call myself an "MRA" either! ;)

Note that one of the commenters has made a pointed reference to "the red pill", and that the author has fielded this adroitly.

Words Quaint and Olden

A parable in verse from another time. Let the resonance ring for itself, and may those with an an ear for such things hearken to it:

Feminism Poisons the Social Ecology

There is a male social ecology. Likewise, there is a female social ecology. But prior to both there is a social ecology plain and simple, a big round one that embraces men and women equally and flows back and forth between them. Face it: men and women live on the same planet, their physiologies are overwhelmingly the same, they drink the same water and breathe the same air, they are indispensable to each other as a species, and their well-being is mutually interwoven in a multitude of ways that we needn't ever hope to unravel .

And yes, feminists love to trumpet the idea that women are the "ecological" sex, the ones who incarnate the virtues of relatedness, interdependence, intuition, holistic feeling and the like. I'll omit "women" from the discussion here, but I cannot miss the monumental irony that there is nothing ecological about feminism, which in its holistic praxis has been female-solipsistic right through, to say nothing of supremacist. For all of its green rhetoric, the women's movement has persistently acted oblivious to the sexually interdependent nature of human well-being.

For you see, women's well-being is not some 4X monster truck which you can drive anywhere you please, flattening the fences and flowerbeds and running over men's well-being as if no such thing existed. No, you cannot wreck half of a social ecology without repercussions upon the other half. Forgive me for belaboring the obvious, but you cannot poison just half of a well. The poison will spread quickly to the other half, and when it does, you cannot blame that half for the consequences.  If you threw the poison in the well, then YOU are the one to blame.

Download Skype Final

Skype final. Pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan nama Skype ? Sahabat haramain software mungkin lebih tahu daripada saya apa fungsi dari software yang bernama skype ini.
Skype adalah semacam VOIP ( Voice Over Internet Protocol ) atau kalau di persingkat pengertiannya bisa menjadi telefon internet. Dengan Skype ini kita biasa melakukan call sesama skype secara gratis, kita juga bisa melakukan konferensi dengan 5 user secara bersamaan dan juga kita bisa chating dengan sesama pengguna skype karena pengguna skype sampai sekarang ini sangat banyak dan tentu saja butuh sambungan internet untuk menggunakannya dan daftar acountnya secara gratis.
Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi kemampuan dari skype tapi saya tidak akan cerita panjang lebar dan lebih baik sahabat haramain coba saca bagi yang belum menggunakan skype.

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Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload Skype final ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Hate is the Root of Feminism

Takeaway bits from GirlWritesWhat's latest video:
"If the tenets of feminist theory that feminists defend most adamantly, with sociopathic and criminal behavior no less, are the very tenets that collectively portray men as inhuman monsters, and women collectively as their victims, the parts that naturally lead society to hate men for the horrible things that they and only they are prone to do, then yes, I'd say feminism is hate. Because it's the aspects of the theory that lead people to hate men, that feminists seem most interested in protecting.

"And you might think that those aspects are radical, and I suppose you're right -- radical means "pertaining to the root." It does not describe fringe beliefs, it describes core, fundamental ones, basic ones, ones that are foundational to any ideology. The equivalent of "was Christ the Son of God, and did He die for our sins?" It's the radical feminists who are doing it right. The moderates and coffee-shop feminists, are nothing more than posers or pick-and-choosers. . . .
"And it doesn't matter if some feminists are acting or believing out of ignorance. The ideology and those who concoct, perpetuate and control it, are not. Individual feminists might not be motivated primarily by a hatred of men, but feminism is, absolutely, hate. It enourages hate, gives people moral permission to hate, condones and endorses that hate, and incites individuals and governments to act on that hate.. . . 
The way to prove that an ideology is based on hate is to demonstrate that 1.) It's false, 2) its falsities engender and promote unjustifiable hate, and 3) those falsities are the ones most adamantly preserved and defended by its followers. . . The ideology, and those in control of the narrative, are at their most vehement when it comes to maintaining feminism's most hateful premises."  

Now, go and watch the video:


Death to Feminist Lingo!

Nearly all the jargon of feminism ought to be tossed into the cliché can. Individual words such as “misogyny”, “patriarchy” and “equality” are used in a mystificationary way, given that the speaker will employ them with creative latitude. I find that people who bandy these items are either unclear in their own minds about their own meaning, or attempting for underhanded reasons to conflate something with something else.

The word “misogyny” alone will serve as a prime example. It is almost never honestly used any more, and is typically a way of smearing or silencing individuals or groups who are deemed to have wrong opinions about certain topics. More often than otherwise, people use this word as something to hide behind.

As an exercise in semantic hygiene and intellectual probity, people ought to rethink their use of this word and even do a bit of soul-searching if that proves necessary. Every time they feel the urge to slip “misogyny” or “misogynist” into their communication, they should stop and think carefully about what they are actually trying to communicate. Then they should pick from the smorgasbord of possible meanings the one item which maps precisely to their actual thought, and use either an exact term or a short descriptive phrase to convey this. Such exercise might force people to think outside the box, but at least it will keep them on the straight and narrow.
Taking this to a still higher level, why not place a moratorium on ALL use of “misogyny” or its derivatives. Ditto for nearly every keyword in the feminist lexicon. After all, these are clichés, so why not give them a rest?

Note: The above is a reader comment which I posted on one of the notorious Free Thought Blogs. Amazingly, it sailed through the moderation queue and now appears toward the end of the thread:

Consider this a lesson in the second point of Rhetorical Discipline, namely tonal mastery.  If you can achieve a tone of erudite sophistication and urbanity, doors that would otherwise slam in your face will open for you, and you will be able to "put one over on them" and speak your mind with perfect frankness. Rub their bellies and make them purr, and you can say whatever needs saying with little to no dissumulation.

Preparing for Valentines Day| Passion Peel Off Mask



Well I don’t know what your plans for Valentines Day tomorrow but mine are very low key. As I’m in a long distance relationship I won’t be seeing my boyfriend tomorrow. Instead I’m off to my friends for pizza, wine and trashy television. So as my valentines Day will be at the weekend I took the opportunity to pamper myself tonight. Thankfully Montagne Jeunesse recently sent me this lovely face mask to try as an early Valentine present.

I was gifted the Montagne Jeunesse Passion Peel Off face mask*, which is jam packed full of pomegranate, passion-fruit, raspberry, grape and cranberry, even better it is suitable for vegetarians and full of natural ingredients. It smells divine and I love the striking red colour; really gets me in the mood for Valentines Day.  Their facemasks are available from Asda, other leading retailers and their website-

Montagne Jeunesse say-

“ Gently peel away dead skin with our amazing Passion Peel Off deep cleansing masque. Our Pomegranate and Passion Flower formula cleans, purifies and protects leaving your skin feeling fresh and radiant, perfect to get up close and personal!”

I say-

“ The mix of the red ingredients and the amazing fruity smell really made  in the mood for Valentines Day. The texture is fairly gloopy and very thick, however it spreads onto your face quite easily. There was enough in the packet to cover my whole face and neck. The mask took about 10-15 minute to set so gave me enough time to soak in the bath and paint my nails. Once dry it peeled off my face very easily and left it smooth, clean, fresh and with minimised pores.”

I also took the chance to paint my nails a gorgeous deep red, scrub and moisturise my body with the help of Soap and Glory and repaired my hair with an Aussie 3 Minute Mask. So overall I have spent the evening beautifying myself and preparing myself for a perfect Valentines Weekend. I plan to look amazing for my boyfriend and find that spending some time pampering myself always helps to boost my confidence and make me feel sexier.

Have you tired this mask from Montagne Jeunesse? What have you done to prepare yourself for Valentines day? Have you been pampering yourself?


Prediction is Not Prescription

When you bury things in the vault of time, and never take them out to dust them off and air them, they get forgotten. So in the spirit of historical memory, I will repost an entire counter-feminist article from early 2007. I had such energy in those days; I could write and write and write! 

And I thought this item was especially apropos in light of a recent post on the Manboobz blog. The funny thing about "prediction" is, that keeping your mouth shut about certain things will do nothing to prevent those things. You can predict them, or not predict them, but either way they will happen. So the morally correct thing is to open your mouth and preach like the prophet Jeremiah himself! That way, there is at least some chance of heading off calamity.  So in this you are following your conscience. And under the circumstances, whoever slanders you or tries to shut you up is a moral idiot at best, or criminally malign at worst. (But no, I don't think David Futrelle is criminally malign.;)


At its core, counter-feminism is predictive rather than prescriptive: it may be reckoned as a prediction-driven political formula which undertakes to foretell the course of developments, to spot emerging trends, and to harness the energy of these things in a profitable manner. Counter-feminist prediction is built upon a precise analysis of feminism's occult operational structure, and takes into account both the constraint which that structure imposes, and the consequences likely to arise from the working of it.

As we never get weary of saying, certain things may be predicted. Men as a group have felt the revolutionary impact of feminist innovation over the last forty-odd years, and it would be predictable that male behavior on average would show evidence of this. The opposite—that male behavior on average would show NO evidence of this—would not be predictable.

Continued unchecked growth of feminist plans and policies—in the form of perpetual revolution—will predictably force a growth of dysfunctional behavior among the male population at large. The dysfunctionality will take many forms, only some of which can be directly traced to feminist influence, with the bulk of it owing to secondary environmental pressures which feminist innovation has originally set in motion.

Eventually, the growth of perpetual revolution will culminate in the rise of oppositional forces. How? What forces? The short and simple reply is, that perpetual revolution will force the growth of its own contrary energy—which will eventually take the form of political consciousness among far more men than presently.

All of this comes into focus when you consider that perpetual revolution operates contrary to nature. Nature has an elastic limit which dictates how far it can be distorted. Once approaching that limit, perpetual revolution slows to a crawl. Finally it hits a brick wall and can travel no farther. And as I have explained elsewhere, perpetual revolution cannot stand still: whether moving forward or running in reverse, it is imperative that perpetual revolution remain in motion. So when forward momentum is blocked, perpetual revolution can do none other than run in reverse. And when that happens, it is no longer devouring the world but rather devouring itself—which is a limited and self-defeating food supply.

You might ask why feminism, being contrary to nature, can even make such headway in the world at all. One explanation is that feminist polemic cuts a swath through its challengers because it seems morally intimidating . Yet it seems morally intimidating only because it presents a tangle of incoherencies, and incoherency cannot be rationally answered!  The lightning-swift illogic overpowers us and renders us voiceless.

Feminism seems "incoherent" because it tells a hundred different stories about itself, and those stories very often contradict each other. In fact, this makes a clever strategy because the mass of contradiction makes a perfect smokescreen. However, once we draw feminism's hidden coherency to the surface by means of counter-feminist analysis, the shabby trick becomes apparent and the power of moral intimidation vanishes.

This lack of rationality or coherency deserves a closer look. The irrationality is that of a cancer—a neoplasm. Upon reflection, it is not so much irrational as driven by an alien logic. It might not seem "rational" that a neoplasm would destroy the host body and thereby destroy itself also, but when you consider the nature of a neoplasm, it makes perfect sense! Neoplasms simply do this—they destroy their host and eventually themselves. There is no point in asking why. A neoplasm fulfills its natural purpose in behaving so, and there is nothing irrational about fulfilling your natural purpose: you mustn't expect a cancer to think the same way you do! It remains fully coherent within itself, upon its own terms—even if it does not openly admit those terms.

The foregoing has been a digression, but it helps us to understand how the world works. And understanding how the world works makes us familiar with patterns and cycles that are likely to recur.

Feminism, by reason of its deception, advances a greater political distance in the world than might seem credible if mere honesty were the only force in effect. But finally, the order of nature—by which I mean especially human nature—rises up to challenge feminism's passage in the way that I have outlined.

It is important to recognize that the cleverness of feminism's deception will not check the eventual uprising, for once a certain tipping point has been reached, the developed oppositional energy will IRRESISTIBLY force its passage through the inhibiting overburden of alien logic. Reality is pushing back against actuality! Two logics, mutually alien, stand at a point of confrontation where logic is annihilated as a channel of transaction, leaving only brute force to settle the issue. And this outcome, as I have explained many times, is apt to be ugly—a blind explosion of pent-up fury punching its way out of a box! For there is nothing civilized or even entirely rational about punching your way out of a box. Truly, it is a messy and destructive endeavor- but when you reflect that confinement to a box can only breed ignorance, and that ignorance can only breed ill-advised action, this should come as no surprise.

My advice to everybody everywhere, is to stand well clear when the predictable punching gets started! Do this, and you'll have naught to fear. Admittedly, those who have a vested interest in "the box" will be unhappy about the turn of events, but I am trying to warn them also, since they are the ones most likely to be in harm's way. Forces of nature are not to be trifled with.

Once more, counter-feminism is predictive rather than prescriptive, and it foretells the growth of dysfunctional male behavior through the direct or indirect influence of feminist innovation. Counter-feminism asserts that the growth of feminist plans and policies operates contrary to nature, and that sooner or later this growth will encounter the brick wall of natural constraints, which will in turn reverse the energy of feminism's perpetual revolution, forcing feminism as an ideology and as a movement to consume itself.

The elastic limit of nature logically encompasses that of human nature. Specifically, people—meaning men at first, but more and more women also as time goes on—will either rebel openly against feminist requirements, or quietly subvert the more indirect forms of feminist influence. This will be like the construction of countless roadblocks both large and small, directing certain traffic back to its point of origin:

We need to understand why counter-feminism is more predictive than prescriptive. The expression signifies that counter-feminism merely sees but does not summon what it foretells. To predict a thing means only to bespeak its arrival in advance, whereas to prescribe a thing means to issue a command or at least a suggestion that the thing should happen. The distinction is critical.

Allow me to explain. In theory, it would be possible for the present writer, or any other activated non-feminist, to simply retire from the game and "disappear". It would even be possible for all of us at once to hang up our spurs and say "que sera, sera"—what will be, will be!

And what might follow? That is a question of the first importance, and our answer takes the form of a prediction: the feminists, after a fleeting interval of puzzled silence, would simply pick up their tools and take up where they left off. Perpetual revolution would go right on as if nothing had ever happened! For that is exactly what our movement means to them: nothing! Or at any rate nothing more than a speed bump. And so it is for any mechanical device at all: the device predictably does what it does, and anything extraneous means nothing to it - except where this might randomly factor into its operations.

Perpetual revolution (the true powerhouse of the femplex) is preeminently such a device. And being such a device, it would go on blindly poisoning the world against men and driving the wedge between the sexes deeper and deeper. It would do this because, being what it is, it could do naught other.

So far, all of this is highly predictable. And the next stage is equally predictable. Among other things, we could foresee a continued growth of dysfunctional male behavior. Moreover, the disappearance of activists and agitators would accelerate such growth by removing a natural set of brakes.

And so I pose the question one more time: what would happen if the present crop of pro-male activists and agitators elected to retire from the game and leave it all in the hands of "blind fate"?

I will tell you: the same thing all over again! A fresh crop of activists, agitators, bloggers and similar characters would rise up in the field and commence the cycle anew! Think about it: predictable forces generated the first awakening of male political consciousness, and those very same forces would generate another awakening through the very same archetypal patterns of occurrence. There would be nothing at all "blind" about such "fate".

What happens when you prune the tree? It puts out new shoots!

It is really just that simple.

Yes, the awakening of male political consciousness is a natural consequence—like water finding a natural egress when it builds up past the point of containment. You cannot stop it. History will repeat itself as often as necessary, and suppression will ultimately fail.

You might in theory quash the the pro-male agitators with clever propaganda, but such a victory would only be a stop-gap because the social conditions which originally created these agitators would only generate more—especially if those conditions got worse, which they predictably would. New preachers and agitators with new arguments would unfailingly arise, and kickstart the cycle back to life. As ever, men would initially recoil against the toxicity of their social environment with no radical insight concerning the what and why of it all. But again as before, a certain number of cognescenti would connect the dots and learn to identify feminism specifically as a source of the poison. And of that number, a smaller number would again commence speaking out and sharing their realization with others. And the realization would propagate geometrically among widening circles of hearers.

he awakening of male political consciousness will happen again and again; the continued growth of feminist innovation will invariably trigger this awakening whenever the objective nature of the world becomes so evident that the more perceptive cannot fail to make note of it.

One thing is certain: the feminists will never change. Come hell or high water, they will move forward with their plans. They will not amend their dispositions; at best they will seem to pull in their horns and govern their tongues for the sake of propriety when failure to do so would politically compromise them. But they will continue to creep in the night—whenever possible stealing a march under cover of darkness. As always, they will quietly smuggle in the parts of their machinery and bolt these into place when nobody is looking. As always they will continue working doggedly to consolidate their position on every possible front.

All of this we know with moral certainty, for it is predictable. Yet we know with equal certainty that the feminists cannot keep their game rolling forever. We know that their fate is sealed, that their game must sooner or later collapse. For what is written is written, and can only be postponed—repeatedly perhaps, but each postponement will exact a greater toll than the one before it, until finally the game implodes in futility.

We know that the awakening of male political consciousness has already happened. And having once happened, it will continue on an accelerating growth curve when the pioneering thinkers and explainers pave the way for those who follow. And if all of this revolutionary activity be somehow suspended, renewed feminist innovation will simply bring the pot to a greater boil, whereupon a renewed upwelling will again force the lid.

Male political consciousness is bound eventually to reach a critical mass. This can happen either sooner, or later. But for the good of all, we should try to make it happen sooner. That is what my conscience tells me. I say TRY to make it happen, and by that I mean a rational, purposeful effort.

And here we arrive at the difference between prediction and prescription, for the things we are describing would happen all by themselves. People such as the present writer would prescribe absolutely nothing; we would only sit back, watch the parade, and say "I told you so!". We will only have predicted these things; we will not have summoned them into existence.

If feminist evolution continues on its present trajectory these things will happen anyway, and vanguard community would raise no finger to counteract these developments if such effort would seem to validate feminism's game. By that I mean that we would eschew any rhetorical posture that might strengthen feminism by deflecting accountability away from it, or might seem to infer that others have a duty to make good what feminism has made bad. For example, they may insist that we as men have a duty to 'oppose misogyny'. We would respond that not only have they got no business telling us what our duty is, but given that a continued growth of feminist plans will naturally generate more misogyny, it is their duty to regulate their own political behavior in that regard and not foist their work upon others.

No, it is not our responsibility to shoulder the burden for what feminism has wrecked, but only to assist in providing a clearer view of the wreckage. We will hold the lantern while the feminists do the clean-up work! For such work requires an honest light in order that the shape of things be accurately discerned.

Yes. Counter-feminism is predictive rather than prescriptive. This does not mean that counter-feminism makes no prescriptions, but rather that its prescriptions are informed by its predictions, guided by them, driven by them, contextualized by them, and in nearly every way dependent upon them. And the fact that we predict more than we prescribe makes us the "messenger" whom they cannot ultimately shoot.

The non-feminist revolution, being a broad demographic uprising among a disaffected population, will at times include some unsavory people doing unsavory things. How on earth can something which embraces vast portions of the human race remain morally pure like the driven snow? The notion is quixotic!

However, the fact that unsavory people sometimes react in unsavory ways to the unsavory consequences of feminism's unsavory machinations in no way compromises counter-feminist analysis, but rather confirms and strengthens it. And if such folk be apprehended in their unsavoriness, it is only a matter for the police and does not implicate anybody else. That is how it must be, since the usual feminist campaign to deflect blame onto men as a group will only result in more dysfunctional male behavior, and more trauma for society as a whole when the consequences of such dysfunction ripple through the social ecology.

We may expect male dysfunctionality to assume many forms under the distorting pressure of feminist innovation. Not all of this would involve violence -- in fact, most of it wouldn't. But all of it would tend to the entropic degradation of the world, and be marked by a state of false understanding. I mean that men and boys would behave in chaotic or entropic ways because, for want of a guiding theory or conceptual roadmap, they wouldn' t know what else to do! They would not recognize what was being done to them and, for want of an identifiable target, they would lash out randomly. This would be unhealthy for society and we could anticipate, in consequence, much suffering of the innocent.

Suffering of the innocent does not please us, and we would like to keep it to a minimum.

Male dysfunctionality and male political consciousness stand in diametric opposition ; they repel each other. And the good news is, that with the growth of the latter the former quickly finds the door! To become politically conscious, men must become acutely aware of the interests that unite them as a group, and they must understand that political warfare is being waged against them. In short, they must begin to exist politically.  Thus enlightened, men may combine their strength in the service of a common good and to the disservice of an objectively real enemy.

That objectively real enemy is, of course, feminism. NOT feminism as feminist theory defines it, but feminism in real life terms as the lantern of our accumulated study and experience reveals it.

So long as men and boys remain in a dysfunctional state of false understanding about their objective political situation, we can predict chaotic social outcomes and suffering of the innocent. And the longer the growth of male political consciousness is postponed, the worse this will get - and it might get truly nasty! Although male political consciousness will blossom eventually, and quite spontaneously, we owe it to ourselves to do what we can to accelerate the growth by deliberate effort—by preaching—and to reduce the lag time as far as might be feasible.

That is what my conscience tells me. As if there were any question what a man of conscience should do!

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Adobe flash player. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat tahu dengan plugin yang satu ini karena tanpa adanya plugin ini terinstall pada PC kita, maka kita tidak bisa membuka banyak plugin di internet seperti kita tidak bisa membuka video di youtube, kita tidak bisa bermain game online dan tentu saja kita tidak bisa membuka apapun yang membutuhkan plugin ini.
Adobe flash player 11.5.502.149 final yang haramain software bagikan ini adalah versi terbaru dan tentu saja sudah suport dengan windows 8. Adobe flash player ini memang free atau gratis tapi mungkin banyak juga yang kesusahan ketika mendownload di situs resminya oleh karena itu saya bagikan yang offline installernya agar tidak susah.

Screenshoot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload Adobe flash player 11.5.502.149, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

First Principles Briefly Stated

The First Principles may be briefly stated in list format. From these five items, a talmudic wealth of commentary may be developed:.
  1. Personal Accountability
  2. Personal Responsibility
  3. Characterization by Merit
  4. Non-Aggression and Non-Violence
  5. Respect for Personal Property
The First Principles are a game changer that will form the basis for a third path, and in the years ahead this will prove decisive for the entire non-feminist revolution. That is a bold claim, yet I feel confident in making it. For the present, however, I will be mysterious and say no more.

It is not Shaming Language if it Does Not Shame You

You know, there has always been something about the phrase “shaming language” that bugged me. And at long last I have figured it out.

You see, shaming language is meant to inflict shame. Correct? So if it does not actually inflict shame, then it is not “shaming”. . . is it? It has failed in its purpose, hasn't it?

The best way to handle “shaming language” is to not experience shame when somebody directs it at you. If you do not feel ashamed, then the language has failed to shame you. And so, ipso facto, it cannot be “shaming" language at all, can it?

Also, the phrase "shaming language" suggests that anybody directing such language at you has the power or the authority to shame you in the first place. And would you willingly grant such a power or such an authority to just anybody?

So why not nip this whole business in the bud? Instead of calling it "shaming language", how about simply calling it ridicule or slander?


Blazing Frank Strikes Again!

Go read about the Delaware courthouse shooter, Thomas Matusciewicz:

Do not, I repeat, do NOT lionize this man in any way. Do not make him out to be a hero. Comment soberly, frame the proper narrative, draw the necessary counter-feminist object lesson, but make NO statement that could be construed as approbation of what he has done. You need not condemn Mr. Matusciewicz in set terms, but do not voice approval!

Briefly then, don't be a loose cannon-mouth. 

You will likely meet commenters on various websites who will roar their praise of  Mr. Matusciewicz and his sanguinary actions. These commenters may or may not call themselves "MRAs", but that is what they will be called by others. You should immediately confront these commenters with the accusation that they are feminist provocateurs -- which many of them indeed are! In fact, if you can recruit a posse, you can make the rounds and mob these people in a spectacular way that will register sharply on the public mind. Remember, you must specifically denounce them as feminist provocateurs, since you wish to make it clear for the record that you are not a feminist yourself.

If you wonder who Blazing Frank is, you will need to read the following:

Revenge Porn Curators Are Being Sued But Still Defend Their X-Rated Sites and Call Them “Entertainment”

READ this story on how NOT sorry the creators of some REVENGE PORN websites are. Make sure to watch the two videos at the bottom of the article at the link. VERY disturbing! But the good news is that at least some of disgusting porn profiteers are being SUED, and a number of helpful journalists like Anderson Cooper are confronting and exposing these criminals for who they really are. (See the


A Woman Who Favors Violence Against Women???

 Yes, anybody who opposes the Violence Against Women Act must favor violence against women, correct? So if you oppose the Male Human Rights Movement, what does that say?

Download ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 Full Version With Activator 100% Working

ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6. Siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan antivirus yang bernama ESET NOD32 Antivirus ?, saya yakin sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat kenal dengan antivirus yang satu ini.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 adalah salah satu antivirus terbaik didunia dan memang sangat ampuh dalam mengatasi virus, malaware dan lain-lain. ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 adalah versi terbaru yang di terbitkan pada tahun 2013 dan sudah pasti compatible dengan windows 8 juga.
Saya yakin para pengguna ESET NOD32 pasti sudah sangat tahu kemampuan dari ESET NOD32 Antivirus yang termasuk salah satu  antivirus terbaik di dunia.
Saya juga akan sertakan dengan activatornya yang sangat lengkap yang akan membuat ESET NOD32 antivirus 6 ini menjadi full version.

Screenshoot :

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Tested By Me 100% Working. Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

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