

Told Ya Saville MONSTER..........

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
(Completed Dec 19th 2012)
45                  Jimmy Saville sex case, well if you think it’s been bad so far, just wait as we go through 2013 month by month more and more Celebrities will be dragged into it, you will be really shocked at some of the names, great fodder for the tabloids.

Almost unbelievable................

“Teen Mom” 
reality star,
Farrah Abraham, 
turned slut, turned porn star.
Claims she did the porn movie for privacy ???
then she claimed she wouldn't ever do that again.
I sense that she's going to an all female threesome.
Silly Bitch.
Plain and simple.

Told Ya You don't say, how surprising, NOT....

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I listen to no one

Still partying hard in Brazil.
Although the judge told her to behave.
Miss Lindsay "I do as I please" Lohan.
Seems to be giving the finger to the court.
Is she makes it back from Brazil,
 in piece it'll be amazing.
But if she makes it to her next court date.
It'll be a bloody miracle.


Hi My Darlings 

If you sent or placed a comment in the last 12 hours could you please re send as they were delated by accident.
The one I do remeber was TW asking if the UK had the death penalty 

Answer No.

Download Smadav Pro 9.3.1 Full Version With Keygen + Cara Mengatasi Blacklist Smadav

Halo sahabat haramain software semuanya. Kali ini haramain akan berbagi Smadav terbaru buat sahabat haramain software, karena kini Smadav sudah menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu Smadav 9.3.1 yang sebenarnya di terbitkan pada tanggal 8 mei kemarin.
Saya sendiri baru sadar ketika tiba-tiba Smadav yang saya gunakan mengupdate secara otomatis pada PC yang saya gunakan dan ahirnya sekarang saya posting karena memang Smadav ini adalah salah satu antivirus lokal yang saat ini masih menjadi antivirus lokal no 1 ditanah air tercinta ini.
Yang saya bagikan ini juga sudah tentu saja lengkap dengan keygennya yang akan membuat menjadi full version dan dijamin tidak akan ada masalah karena saya juga sudah sertakan dengan cara mengatasi masalah jika di blacklist.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Nb : Cara install dan cara mengatasi blacklist sudah saya sertakan didalamnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.


Goin' be a hit......

Robbie Williams,
 will release a track fro his new album called 
" The Fifth "
The track is called 
" Goin' Crazy "
Both the track and the album will be a hit.
Along with a couple of other tracks 
from the album.
the other nice thing is it's going to allow him to crack America.

Please Petition Routledge Publisher About their Pro Porn Studies Bias in an Upcoming Journal

Please sign this petition protesting a pro-porn Routledge journal! Academics, authors and professionals in particular are needed to sign the petition. Thanks! THE PETITION: We understand that Routledge is scheduled to publish a new journal, Porn Studies. While we agree that pornography and porn culture demand and deserve more critical

Told Ya the drop starts.........

2013 PREDICTIONS......

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012

94                  Gold 2012 saw the Gold craze reach fever pitch, but 2013 better watch out, more a time to be selling not buying in 2013

Fitness Friday| One Year On

Fitness Friday One Year On

If you didn't realise form my Tweeting and Instagramming this week, Wednesday was my birthday. Now usually birthdays to me are a day that revolves around me; a day in which I can behave like the princess that I think I am without anyone telling me to stop being a diva. Obviously the day did go along those lines, but this year was more special to me as it was a day to reflect on how far I have come in my health gain and weight loss journey. I didn't actually start my new healthy lifestyle until the end of June last year but I thought I would still celebrate my success on my birthday by wearing the same dress I wore the year before, but with a completely different body underneath. 

I thought that by wearing the same dress I would be able to see the changes in my body more clearly  and I think the picture above shows very well how far I have come, but also how far I have left to go. If you know me and read my blog regularly then you will know that I don't weight myself as I have an unhealthy relationship with the scales, but mark my progress through inches lost. I still have fat to lose and muscle to gain, and would say that I am 2/3 of the way through my health gain journey. 

The past year has been a year of change for me; moving across the country, moving away from my boyfriend (thankfully we're back in the same apartment again), getting a new job, new body and new lifestyle. The past year has also been an empowering one for me.  My weight used to be a very sensitive subject for me and even when I was at my thinnest I was never body confident, and this grew to whole new levels of awful when I gained weight at university. When I went to university I essentially lost control of my body and will power. My confidence took a massive knock but I would still smile my way through it and kid myself that I didn't look too bad. I now know that wasn't the truth. 

This year has been the year when I have gained back control of my body! This past year I have learnt that a healthy lifestyle can be tough to learn and master, I still have slip ups. I have learnt that my body is capable of so much more than I thought it was. I've learnt how to push myself, when to be proud but when to not over do it. Even though my body is not yet where I want it to be I am starting to love it again and can look in a mirror and feel proud, not disgusted. 

So one year on I look at the picture above and feel proud. I look in the mirror and see a smile not a look of disgust. I am now 24 years old and for once in my life I am feeling more body confident, and to me this is the best birthday present I can give to myself. 

250x250 barbelle blog button advertDon't forget to check out my blogger of the week Rhiannon from The Barbelle. If you enjoy my fitness and health posts you will love her blog. It is crammed full of fitspiration!

Told Ya Lybia Brits pull out Embassey staff

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Thought for Iran.........

This is probably going to get me into trouble.
But I have to be true to myself.
Iran in November, of this year,
as well as the year that follows.
Is definitely not the place to be.
So if you plan to travel there in that time, 
If you have loved ones,
there tell them to go on holiday abroad.
If you are reading this in Iran, 
It is going to be a very bad time indeed.
The clue to this is when
we begin to see Lybia start to fall.  Followed by Syria.

Told Ya,,,,,,,,,,,sex abuse

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
(Completed Dec 19th 2012)
45                  Jimmy Saville sex case, well if you think it’s been bad so far, just wait as we go through 2013 month by month more and more Celebrities will be dragged into it, you will be really shocked at some of the names, great fodder for the tabloids.



Hey everyone! Below and on the pic above is the announcement request that was just emailed to us by the producers of a new documentary on porn addiction.So if you live in any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which includes England, Scotland and Wales, please check out this announcement and share it broadly. THANKS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ADDICTED TO ONLINE

Surprised it lasted this long.......

Some of you especially Daisy have asked me about, the break up of,
 Ian Somerhalder & Nina Dobrev.
I am surprised it lasted three years.
Maybe it didn't.
But we are finding out about it just now.
To answer the question from Daisy.
No they won't get back together.
But, they will work together in the future.

The Fault is in Our Semantics

Click to enlarge:

"Equality"? One thinks of Robespierre, who proposed to chop down all the domes and steeples in Paris in order to make the skyline "equal". But Robespierre himself got chopped and equalized before that project got rolling.

Seriously though -- rather than "equality", why don't we just strive for an equitable balance of life?


Just couldn't resist.......

DOUG’S STORY: Using Porn Ruined My Relationship and Drove Me to Watch Underage Porn and Get Investigated for It

Here is Doug’s story, which shows how adult pornography use can ruin relationships and escalate to child porn use and police investigations!USING PORN RUINED MY RELATIONSHIP AND DROVE ME TO WATCH UNDERAGE PORN AND GET INVESTIGATED FOR IT (Doug, 31, dental hygienist)I like your page, and porn does hurt people, as it has for me personally.Porn distorts and harms relationships…I was first exposed

Oh there's alot more to come

Wade Robson has at last broken his silence.
To tell what really happened to him.
While he was friends with Michael Jackson.
Of course the family of MJ and MJ's fans, 
are crying foul.
But the truth will come out.
Then at last Wade can get on with his life.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The max.......

Someone asked on the blog what I thought of the Jodi Arias trial.
She is not only a bitch.
She's clearly a lying MURDERESS.
She will get the maxium.
Let's pray no money grabbing producer,
 tries to make a movie of this 
monsters killing spree.

Told ya More trouble for JB......

Now the cracks really are appearing......

March 7th 2013 

This kid is so far gone towards the edge 
of the cliff.
He's in danger of falling off.....
If he does he'll never get back up.

Download IDM ( Internet Download Manager ) 6.15 Build 11 Full Version + Patch

Rasanya baru beberapa hari yang lalu Internet download manager atau yang sering kita sebut dengan nama IDM ini menerbitkan versi yang IDM 6.15 Build 10 dan ternyata IDM sudah menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu IDM 6.15 Build 11.
Saya tidak akan cerita panjang lebar tentang apa itu internet download manager atau IDM ? Yang jelas Internet download manager atau IDM 6.15 build 11 ini fungsinya untuk mempercepat proses download pada PC yang kita gunakan.
Pada versi terbarunya ini sudah pasti IDM memperbaiki produknya menjadi lebih baik daripada sebelumnya.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download, jalankan idman615.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan matikan lewat task manager ( untuk yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan IDM, kemudian setelah install versi terbarunya ini diminta registrasi, langsung tutup saja permintaan registrasi tersebut )
  3. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  4. kemudian klik patch
  5. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
  6. Kemudian klik OK
  7. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa like facebook haramain software karena jika haramain software tidak bisa terbuka atau bermasalah, maka admin akan menginformasikan melalui facebook.


Much more to come......

Well, Well this battle between Kobe Bryant 
and his Mum Pamela.
Is going to get alot worse.
It seems Pamela has given an auction house millions of dollars of her Sons old stuff.
He's not pleased...
Sad to say it's all about the MONEY.

Wednesday’s Workout| Tone It Up Malibu Booty

Tone it up malibu booty workout squat
*Images from Tumblr

Happy Hump day girls, what better excuse to work on your own humps? You can see from above that even Ryan Gosling knows the importance of working on your butt! I’m sure he loves a girl who squats! I’m working mine hard this month and am currently on day 13 of the 30 Day Squat Challenge. The squats are getting a little easier but my legs and bum ache all the time! I’ve taken a few extra rest days to compensate as don’t want to completely seize up and not be able to do any exercise…. worst nightmare!

As well as the 30 day squat challenge I have done the below workout for my booty from the gorgeous Tone It Up Girls. This one is probably one of my favourite work outs from Tone It Up as the moves as simple to master so getting your form spot on it simple, but they work you hard! I am yet to do it all the way  through without taking a little rest. There are a lot of different moves that work the different muscles in your upper legs and booty to help lift and sculpt you butt so it looks like one of those gorgeous one above. The aim is to do the 8 minute long routine 3 time through to get a great workout but if you are finding it too tough just do it once of twice. It’s better to build up to something than to overdo it and cause yourself an injury.

I plan on doing this workout today even though it is my Birthday, so if I can wake up early and cram it in then you can definitely give it ago for at least 8 minutes! Let me know how you get on and if you enjoy it?

250x250 barbelle blog button advertDon't forget to check out my blogger of the week Rhiannon from The Barbelle. If you enjoy my fitness and health posts you will love her blog. It is crammed full of fitspiration!

Is Pornography Changing How Teens View Sex? (And fueling rape and other sexual abuse?)

PLEASE READ this informative article on how pornography is affecting the sexual behavior of teens and fueling rape and other sex crimes. And then please share your thoughts! Thanks! [Toronto Star] — The crimes are shockingly similar: an inebriated victim, a group of teenage boys committing sexual assault and then, to the horror of all, photos and videos of the crime recorded and distributed


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Bloody Moron......

Joe Francis he of "Girls Gone Wild" fame.
Is yet again in big trouble.
He is accused of attacking two female employees.
Well he thinks,
they were selling info about him to media people.

Anyway he's just going to keep getting into trouble 
with the cops for years.
Wait till 2012 he'll loose a lawsuit costing millions.
2013 even worse BANKRUPTCY....

If you ever get a chance to see this GO.........
This is Tracie Bennett a Brit yeah, 
from the north even ha ha.
If you ever get chance to see her as Judy Garland, or anyone else for that matter go see her.
She is way beyond fabulous, 
plus she's very funny & nice.


Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
45                  Jimmy Saville sex case, well if you think it’s been bad so far, just wait as we go through 2013 month by month more and more Celebrities will be dragged into it, you will be really shocked at some of the names, great fodder for the tabloids.

Beyond words................earplugs required.........

Just when you thought it was safe,
 to comeback out.
aka Patricia Krentcil
Has released a single, called 
" It's Tan Mom "
available now on Itunes.
Or you can check out the link above.
I wouldn't if I were you.
Sad part is it'll make money.......

Told Ya Thank God, SPLITSVILLE the best birthday pressie ever

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Not good.......

Rihanna was spotted out with Chris Brown.
Her girlfriend beating ex boyfriend the other day.
This is not good news at all.
She clearly isn't thinking this one through.
Let's pray it's short lived.
If not she'll regret it.


SAD STATISTICS: 116,000 daily requests for child pornography. 100,000 websites offer illegal child porn. 11 is average age of first Internet porn exposure. 1 in 7 youths have received sexual solicitation.

Wow. And what’s even sadder is that these stats are from a few years ago. From what we can tell, things have only gotten worse since then… Heartbreaking. If only as many people who have children would work on this issue or contribute to it, things wouldn’t be nearly this bad…For more informative Internet pornography statistics, check out Internet Filter Review:http://


Mama June from 
" Here comes Honey Boo Boo " 
has married her longtime love Sugar Bear.
Fabulous, they maybe a little odd, but they clearly love each other.
Perfect match.

Told Ya 2nd attack..........

Christian Dion 
The Seer’s 
2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
2                  Israel. As if they weren't naughty enough in 2012,
they are going to get really nasty in 2013. 
They have no intention of leaving Palestine alone. 
Watch for invasions and bombings.

Feminism Shows Its True Colors Again!

I am stunned that Huffington Post had the temerity to publish this, but here it is in all of its glory:

Just remember: this is as close to a statement of quintessential feminism as you will find anywhere outside the Redstockings Manifesto. And while it may be literally true that "not all feminists are like that", you must never forget that, yes indeed, all feminism is like that! The trajectory of the feminist future is ALWAYS in the direction suggested by this article. So be not deceived by the presence of mild-mannered or moderate feminists -- they are mere camouflage. Nothing but camouflage.

Yet radical feminists cannot keep their mouths shut for long. Sooner or later, one of them will always pop up (as we see at HuffPo) and let the cat out of the bag. That is their most useful quality. Never forget that the radfems are the TRUTH about feminism. The moderate feminists are a lie.

More about feminism's true colors "mansplained" below. (Click to enlarge.):

A May Wedding| OOTD

wedding outift 3-horzwedding outfit 5wedding face 2

How is everyone’s Bank Holiday Weekend going? What are your plans? Today I had my brother, his girlfriend and my mum around for lunch so we could show off our new apartment. So Matt and I put on a little spread and I had an excuse to bake some cupcakes. This time I made some strawberry flavoured one’s with jam in the centre, they were very strawberry flavoured! You can see pictures of them on my Instagram. For the rest of the day Matt and I are going to relax, he will probably watch sport, and I’m busy blogging and catching up with Hart of Dixie. Today is a rest day for me on the exercise so I’m only doing my squats and the 30 Day Abs Challenge and planning my workouts for the week ahead. The weather isn’t the best over here in the Lakes so tomorrow may have to be a lazy indoor one as well… I may even get round to putting the rest of my “fat clothes” on eBay.

Anyways onto the point of this post, yesterday I attended the wedding of my Mum’s ex-husband (I have a very complicated family, so I won’t go into it), so thought I would share with you the outfit I chose to wear. I was super excited for the wedding, obviously because I love a good celebration, it was a chance to catch up with family and friends and also this is the first wedding I have ever attended where I haven’t been in the wedding party, so I actually got a chance to choose what to wear.

It turned out choice is a bad thing for me. I ended up spending weeks wondering about what to wear. The wedding was an informal one so a long dress was out of the question, so instead I chose a short dress. This dress is from Dorothy Perkins and I bought it last weekend with 10% off so it was only around £30. Even though it was a casual wedding I still wanted to wear a fascinator, I would of loved to wear a big hat but that would of been a bit too much, so the fascinator had to do. Plus it was a bargain… only £3 in the sale at Accessorize!

The wedding day itself was lovely. The weather stayed bright so the ceremony is a memorial hall in a park was beautiful. The ceremony was simple and sweet and the reception small and personal, but it was great to be at a reception filled with the bride’s and groom’s closest family and friends. I do love a wedding!

Are you a wedding fanatic like me? Do you struggle as much as I do when picking an outfit? Are you attending any weddings this year?

P.s You probably will have already noticed that the Cosmo Blog Awards are back! After being a finalist last year it would mean the world for me to be back amongst it all again this year. I’m very disappointed that there isn’t a Best Fitness and Health Blog category so am instead vying for Best Lifestyle Blog. If you enjoy my blog and find it motivating it would be amazing if you could vote for me, just click one of the buttons below. Thank-you soooooo much!

Cosmo blog awards 2013Cosmo blog awards 2013Cosmo blog awards 2013

Don't forget to check out my blogger of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you enjoy my fitness post you will fall in love with her blog. She is a stunner with a great blog!

pages listed by date