

Snow-go| A Lush Bath Ballistic Review


Another week, another Lush bath product. It really is becoming a habit, quite strange considering I’m not normally a bath person; must be all the free time I now have. This again is from a Christmas gift box I was given, so again may be past its best. Anyways this product is a bath bomb, my favourite bath product.
The bath bomb is called ‘So White Bath Ballistic’, so it essentially fizzes around the bath after your drop it in, creating the lovely oily sheen seen in the pictures. The information given about the So White Bath Ballistic is quite limited, stating that it is apple scented, and gives a white froth. I will now go through my opinion on the good and the bad of this product.

Lovely smell, it does have essences of apple, but its not overpowering. The smell was relaxing but luxurious and fresh; quite a combination.
Animal friendly'; obviously! Always a plus.
Lasted a long time, unlike the bubble bar the froth lasted for almost an hour.
Left a gorgeous, soft sheen on my skin; lovely and soft.
I found this bath bomb to be quite boring; the colour is nothing special and the fizz wasn’t very powerful.

Overall- 3/5- I know the only downside is that the bath bomb wasn’t exciting, quite a trivial disadvantage; however I love seeing bath bombs going crazy round the bath, releasing lovely colour; this one did not. I would not purchase this particular bath bomb again, as to me it was  nothing special.


Download Theme Keren Xbox Xtreme For Xp

Haramain software kembali lagi berbagi theme untuk windows XP. kalau sebelumnya haramain software pernah share theme matrik untuk XP, sekarang haramain software akan berbagi the untuk XP juga. Nama theme ini adalah theme keren xbok xtreme for windows XP.
dari namanya saja sudah bisa dibayangkan tampilannya sangat extreme dan yang pasti yang menggunakan XP tampilannya tidak kalah dengan pengguna windows 7.
untuk cara installnya sama seperti theme matrix yang sebelumnya pernah saya bagikan. Tapi kalau belum tahu silahkan baca pada link ini.
 kalau sudah tahu cara installnya silahkan sahabat haramain software bisa download langsung pada link dibawah ini.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

terimakasih sudah berkunjung di haramain software.

Download Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 5.1 Full Version With Crack

 Haramain software kembali update lagi nih buat para sahabat. karena banyak sekali sahabat haramain software yang request software, theme, game di haraman software, jadi diharap untuk sabar karena saya akan update satu persatu request sahabat.
Kembali ke judul postingan kali ini. Pasti sudah banyak yang kenal dengan software damon tools pro 5.1 ini kan ? Daemon tools advanced pro 5.1 ini merupakan software yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat virtual drive, mengedit image CD/DVD, burn image disk yang berbentuk iso, nrg dan yang lainnya,
Daemon tools juga biasa digunakan untuk menginstall game tertentu yang membutuhkan virtual drive. Daemon tools juga sering digunakan untuk membuka software pembelajaran seperti rosetta stone dan yang lain-lain.
Daemon tools ini sangat banyak kegunaannya yang sangat membantu untuk sahabat haramain software.

Screenshot :

Cara install agar menjadi full version sudah saya sediakan didalam file crack daemon tools pro advanced 5.1. Untuk mendownload daemon tools ini , silahkan download pada link download dibawah ini.

Silahkan mendownload sepuasnya dan dijamin gratis. Beritahu kami kalau ada link yang rusak.

Download Need For Speed Most Wanted RIP

Haramain software update game lagi nih buat para sahabat gamer haramain software. sekarang saya akan bagikan game yang menurut saya keren abis. game ini adalah game need for speed most wanted. game ini adalah game balap mobile yang sangat seru dan bahkan bisa bikin ketagihan.
Game need for speed most wanted ini adalah game dimana kita harus mengalahkan 15 list musuh kita untuk menjadi yang terhebat dimana kita bisa mengupgrade, memodifikasi mobil kita menjadi semakin cepat dan semakin keren secara bertahap. Untuk mengalahkan 15 list itu tidak mudah karena ada kalanya kita harus kejar-kejaran dengan mobil polisi yang terus mengejar kita dan kita harus selamat dari kejaran polisi.
Sebenarnya game ini kapasitasnya lebih dari 2 GB, tapi haramain software bagikan versi RIP yang kapasitasnya 673 MB yang memudahkan sahabat haramain software untuk mendownloadnya.

Screenshot :

Cara Install : 
  1. Ekstrak RAR - maka akan terbentuk folder "NFS"
  2. Buka Folder Tersebut
  3. Masuk ke folder "NFS Most Wanted Setup"
  4. Masuk lagi ke folder "Need for Speed Most Wanted Rip"
  5. Jalankan "SPiTFiRE.bat"
  6. Jika saat proses terdetek virus, maka remove saja tidak apa apa ( "spitfire.exe" )
  7. Jika saat proses tidak terdetek virus, maka setelah install selesai anda hapus file "spitfire.exe". (Demi keamanan Komputer kita dari virus)
  8. Setelah install selesai, copy "speed.exe" dari folder 'Crack' ke folder "Need for Speed Most Wanted Rip" tadi
  9.  Selesai dan selamat menjadi pembalap dan buronan pada game ini.
NB : Sudah dicoba pada windows XP dan Untuk mendownload, silahkan download pada link Sharebeast 673 MB dibawah ini.
Link Update 24 Desember 2012
 Update 10 juli 2012
  • Untuk sahabat haramain software yang punya masalah ketika memainkan game ini keluar tulisan d3dx9_26.dll was not found. jangan kawatir karena itu bukan karena gamenya rusak tapi pada pc sobat belum terinstal d3dx9_26.dll.
  • Untuk memperbaikinya silahkan Install directx 9 pada PC sobat.
Terimakasih sudah mendownload dan berkunjung di haramain software. beritahu kami jika ada link yang rusak.

Download Smadav Terbaru 2012 Revisi 9.0.1 Pro + Keygen

Kembali lagi di haramain software tempat download software, game, theme, tutorial full. setelah satu hari tidak update, rasanya sudah tidak sabar untuk update lai. Kebetulan smadav sudah mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu smadav versi 9.0.1.
Kalau masalah apa itu smadav pasti sudah tahu kan sama antivirus buatan orang indonesia ini. Antivirus smadav ini adalah antivirus local yang menurut saya sangat bagus bahkan menurut saya smadav ini adalah antivirus local yang paling bagus. Smadav yang saya bagikan ini sudah pro karena didalamnya sudah saya sediakan keygen dan cara menginstalnya agar menjadi smadav pro.
Bagi sahabat yang sudah menginstall versi sebelumnya dan ingin mengupgrade ke versi terbarunya, silahkan sobat bisa mendownload smadav terbaru ini pada link yang saya sediakan dibawah.

Screenshot :

Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download smadav + keygennya pada link dibawah ini.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Terimakasih sudah mendownload dan berkunjung di haramain software. tinggalkan pesan jika ada link yang rusak.


Fitness Friday| P90x and BeachBody Review


I had promised to keep these Fitness Friday posts regular, as I was jumping back on the health and fitness wagon, that did not happen. However this time I promise it will, as the countdown for my bikini body is on! I go on holiday with two of my slimmest friends in 22 days, and I need to tone myself up.

I know I’m not going to make any dramatic changes to my body in 22 days, however I can make some noticeable changes! I aim to do this with a healthy diet, low in carbs and by working out at home with the help of my P90x DVDs from Beach Body. I have used the P90x DVDs before and was really impressed, as they are high impact and hard going workouts; think boot camp style. I only managed to follow the routine for 20 days last time before loosing my willpower, however in 20 days I lost around 10 pounds and I think 8 inches.

This time embarking on the Beach Body workouts came in perfect timing with an email received by Emily Coleman a rep from Beach Body. She noticed I had previously posted about health and fitness and asked if I would share some of their new and old products with my followers, the links are as follows;

New Programs;
P90X App for iPhone
P90X Certification
Ultimate Reset Body Cleanse
Body Beast Workout
Older (but just as good) Programs;
Insanity 60 Day Total Body Conditioning
RevAbs Workout

Now I know my followers, and after looking through the information about these programs, I know programs such as Body Beast will not appeal to some. However based upon my experience with P90x and hearing information about P90X2 and Insanity I cannot recommend these enough.If you are like me and need a workout that pushes you hard, makes you sweat buckets and make you aches in the morning, then these are for you. I’m personally excited about the P90X iPhone app, as it means I could take my workouts wherever I go.

I will tell you a little bit about P90X, as this is the programme I am familiar with. At first, like many I was put off, as I don’t want to look like a body builder. However after learning about the advantages of girls building muscle, and learning that it significantly increase the calories you burn throughout the day, plus the fact it makes you lose inches just as quickly as burning fat, I decided to give the workouts a go. The nutritional guide you receive helped sway my decision, as it’s very informative; giving meal plans and recipes.

The P90X programme consists of 12 workout DVDs, which you do a combination of 6 times a week. The workouts vary significantly, there is yoga, great cardio exercises such as plyometric and a martial arts routine, along side arm, legs and abs routines. Now don’t get me wrong these DVDs are extreme! I admit when I first started them I could not do the entire routine, but the programme is about progress, you do what you can, and aim to improve. Due to the high intensity, you will see results quickly, which is why I am following the program for the next 20 days. I follow the lean program along with my boyfriend; which is obviously designed to burn more calories as it incorporates more cardio that strength workouts, so you will lose fat quicker and develop lean muscles. I enjoy the boot-camp style of the workouts as I need someone shouting at me, encouraging me to work harder. The Plyometric workout is one of my favourites, as from this 1 hour workout you can burn around 700 calories!

Have any of my followers participated in or heard of P90x or other Beach Body programs? Do you like Boot-Camp style workouts? What are you doing to prepare yourself for your bikini?

Note- Although contacted by Emily to talk about Beach Body, this review is completely honest and is based upon my own personal experiences. I bought the program with my own money.


Download Game Army Men RTS + Chat

Army men ini adalah game strategi yang menurut haramain software adalah game yang kreatif lucu dari segi tampilan tapi sangat seru untuk dimainkan. game ini lucu karena tampilannya seperti mainan plastik patung-patung kecil yang kita sering mainkan waktu masih kecil tapi jangan salah. Game ini sangat seru kalau sahabat haramain software sudah mulai memainkan game ini.
Seperti nama gamenya Army Men, sudah jelas game ini adalah game perang dimana kita harus lebih cepat menghancurkan musuh kita dan pertahananpun harus kuat. yang pasti game ini sangat seru untuk dimainkan.
Game ini juga cukup ringan, besar kapasitasnya hanya 310 MB tapi sudah saya perkecil kapasitasnya dengan menggunakan winrar menjadi 183 MB. jadi mendownloadnyapun tidak akan terlalu lama.
NB : Game ini sudah saya uji pada windows 7 Ultima SP1 dan sukses tanpa ada masalah seperti macet atau yang lainnya.

Screenshot :

Cara install :

  1. Download dulu Army Men di haramain software pada link dibawah file berbentuk Winzip / Rar
  2. Extrak file Army.Men.RTS[ Haramain software ] yang sahabat sudah download dan akan keluar 2 file rar yaitu Army Men RTS.part1 dan Army Men RTS.part2.
  3. Extrak Army Men RTS.part1 saja maka otomatis Army Men RTS.part2 akan ikut bergabung dan akan keluar file Army Men RTS.exe.
  4. Tinggal install Army Men RTS.exe seperi install program biasa sampai selesai dan finish.
  5. Untuk memainkan agar berjalan seperti yang di inginkan, ketika ingin memainkan game ini, klik kanan pada shortcut icon Play Army men RTS dan run as administrator. selamat bermain.
Chat Army Men RTS :

Untuk masuk ke chat klik ALT + BACKSPACE dan masukkan chatnya
  1. zap me : 2000 electricity
  2. fantastic plastic : 3000 plastic
  3. ahoy captain dan : 1 set of paratroopers
  4. color me stupid : Changes the color of all units
  5. Punch Line : Doubles the Dump Trucks Capacity
  6. Brain Sick : Makes the enemy stronger    
Setelah berbagi cara install dan chatnya, silahkan download game Chat Army Men RTS pada link dibawah ini.

Link Sementara update september 2012

Password Mediafire : Getcheaters

Terimakasih sudah mendownload dan berkunjung di haramain sofrtware.

An English Rosy Rose| Rimmel Blusher Review


I decided to create this post after receiving may comments on my blusher shade. I am a bit of a blush fiend, as you can see by the photos; sometimes its a little too much after I wander out into the daylight, and realise I resemble a clown. Blush is probably my second must have day-to-day daily make-up product after my beloved mascara. On days when I want to give my skin a rest, I will happily venture out with only mascara and blusher; as long as there are no monster spots on my face.

The blusher I use is only a high-street brand in the UK, which does a large range of products in many colours at reasonable prices. This blusher is a product and shade that I have been using for at least 4 years. It is cheaply priced at about £4.50, and I think the colour is very pigmented; once bought and used daily it still lasts about 3 months, showing that little is needed to make an impact on your face. When looking at the blush in the packaging is looks a rosy pink, as the name implies, however when swabbing it on my fingers and hand it looks a little bit more peachy. Overall it gives the face a warm flushed look that on olive skin such as mine is quite natural.

I have no intentions on ever changing my choice of blusher, Rimmel have created a shade I love and a product that is pigmented, stays on my face all day, lasts for many months, and is reasonably priced; why would I consider choosing another?

The overall range of products offered by Rimmel, I find to be a bit hit and miss, some I love and regularly purchase, others I wouldn’t even use more than once. However many high-street brands are the same, I suppose due to them offering such a wide range, they aim to satisfy everyone’s needs, so not every product will satisfy mine.

What do you think of the Rimmel brand? Is it a high-street brand you use, or avoid?

Zara and Ebay loves


My frustration, stress and upset ceased today when my two deliveries, which I have been waiting on for 6 weeks and 2 weeks finally landed on my doorstep. Missing deliveries over and over again is one of the biggest pains in my life; first world problems I know! Anyways when I finally received my order items the wait was worth it.

The first bag pictured is from Ebay, and lusted after it after seeing another blogger talking about it in her video. It cost me £12.99 and is inspired by the Yves Saint Laurent clutch bag, hence the ‘Y’. It is a large clutch bag that can fit easily a A4 note book, or even slimmer laptops. I love that it has detachable straps as it means I can sport it in the evening as a clutch, or during the day for work with the strap.
The second bag is the now notorious Zara messenger bag with rose gold detailing, priced at only £19.99. I was surprised at the size, as thought it would be smaller, but this does not mean I don’t love it, the bigger the better with my bags, as I seem to carry everything around with me. The external material is very soft, and the inside is very roomy. I think this is the bag I’m going to use when I go to Finland in 3 weeks, but sure I’ll be using it before then.

Overall they are two perfect and welcomed additions to my wardrobe. However I must now stop spending my money, as even though I’m going to look amazing with my new wardrobe in Finland, I won’t have any spending money if I continue!

Download VLC Media Player 2.0.1 2012

VLC Media Player adalah pemutar audio dan video yang tidak kalah dengan pemutar video dan audio yang lain seperti KMPlayer, GOM Player, Windows Media Player, dan yang lainnya walaupun sahabat haramain software pasti sudah punya andalan pemutar audio dan video sendiri.
Walaupun begitu, bagi sahabat yang ingin menggunakan atau sudah pernah menggunakan VLC Media Player ini dan ingin menggunakannya karena sudah tahu kemampuannya bisa download di haramain software ini.
Bagi sahabat yang sudah menggunakannya VLC Media player ini pasti tahu kemampuan dari VLC Media Player ini karena VLC Media Player ini juga bagus untuk pemutar video dan audio sekalipun.
Dari segi tampilan VLC ini tampilannya berbentuk biasa saja namun kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan pemutar video dan audio yang lainnya.

Screenshot :

Gambar diatas adalah hasil dari VLC Player ketika memutar video Iron Man. Bagi yang ingin mendownload VLC ini, bisa langsung mendownload pada link dibawah ini.

Password Sharebeast : haramain software

Selamat mendownload dan terimakasih sudah berkunjung di haramain software. beritahu kami kalau ada link yang rusak pada blog ini dengan cara berkomentar.


Dressed Up Birthday Girl

Dress- Closet from Dorothy Perkins
Shoes- Ebay
Bag- Primark

Well if you haven’t noticed already, it was my birthday last week. (If you didn’t notice… where have you been?) This is the final birthday related post I promise! This is what I wore for my birthday cocktails and dinner with the boy. I bought the dress with a birthday voucher and it was an absolute steal! I have had my eye on it for a while as I thought it would be a flattering cut, due to the colour blocking. I think the original price was £35, however it was in the sale at £15, but student discount made it about £12.50! The dress is very fitting, but has a give in it, so was comfortable to wear, even after a large dinner and many glasses of fizz.

The Closet range can be bought in a variety of shops, such as Dorothy Perkins, AWear and House of Fraser. It is actually one of my favourites at the moment, they do a range of fitted, flattering, smart dresses, that I think are quite glamourous. They are great for occasions such as birthdays, weddings or even a reasonable priced graduation dress. I think they resemble some of the tailored designs that Victoria Beckham famously uses, which is probably why I love them so much. Below is my pick of their current range, prices range from £12 to £48;


What do you think of this range? Which dress is your favourite?


Love the lashes| False Eyelash Review

013Newcastle Upon Tyne-20120504-00822028034040049060
After reading a few blog posts by other lovely ladies I decided to give DIY lash inserts a try. I have wanted to have professional ones for a long time, but I cannot justify the expense, not so much the initial expense, but having to pay at least £20 every two to three weeks, to have them touched up; after a few months that’s going to take a big dip out of my income. I have also been weary as I am a chronic eye rubber! I’m really bad, especially when I’m tired, I shouldn’t do it anyways as I wear contacts, but it’s habit I haven’t yet managed to kick… hello prematurely wrinkly eyes!

However given that these eyelashes cost me only £4.99 from Amazon, and the glue was only a couple of pounds I thought, for £7, why not! Now I am an expert applying false eyelashes for nights out, I would never go out without them. However these individual lashes were a different story, mainly because you apply them to your lashes not the skin above them, so fiddling around with my tweezers, getting the right amount of glue, and lining them up, proved at first to be difficult. The biggest difficulty was applying them in a line close enough to each other, so there wasn’t any obvious gaps. After doing one eye, the second was a lot easier, so its clear that practice make perfect, but it took me a good half an hour to get them right.

The second, third and fourth pictures show the lashes with no added mascara. I would be happy to leave the house with them just like this if I was off to university or work, as the look long, lush and natural. The only downside is that I had applied too much glue which resulted in residue that dried in white lumps on my lashes, so when closing my eyes this was evidential, as seen in the pictures The last two pictures are with two layers of mascara over the top of them, which is how I wore them for my birthday meal.

The main draw for lash inserts for myself was the time saved applying mascara. If I had inserts I wouldn’t have to put layers of mascara on in the morning, so the big test for me was whether they would last the night!
When taking the mascara off, I used a Simple Gentle Eye-Makeup Remover, resulting in only two inserts coming loose. However after switching off my bedroom light and getting a good eight hours sleep, the morning was a different story. I awoke to what looked like a few dead spiders on my pillow, and the rest of the inserts were crooked and loose. Over the night the inserts nearer the outer corners of my eyes came loose and fell out onto my pillow, and I would say about 60% of the rest become crooked or loose. I was highly disappointed as I ended up taking the rest off as they were irreparable.

I can’t decide whether the lack of staying power over night was a result to my eye rubbing, which I never did consciously, maybe in my sleep… but I would never know, or the cheap glue. So, I am going to try again! If anyone can recommend an excellent glue with great staying power let me know, as I want lash inserts that stay the night, not wither on my pillow in the morning! So keep your eyes peeled for attempt number two, as I am determined to have luscious lashes 24/7!

Two Birthdays, One Dinner| The Highwayman Restaurant Review


Having just returned from the Lake District after a very busy but lovely birthday week visiting my family, I thought it was about time I got back to regular blogging, so will be writing three posts this evening as well as taking part in #bbloggers chat at 8, two to be published today, and one tomorrow.

The first, this one, is about my second birthday meal that I had in a Restaurant outside of Kendal in the Lake District. As the pictures show, I went with my boyfriend, Mum  and her partner. The photos also show my two dogs, who didn’t go, but looked cute so thought I would involve them in this post. The meal was for my mums partner’s, Steve, Birthday as well; a double celebration.

We went the the HighwayMan Inn, owned by Nigel Haworth and located in the small village of Burrow, near to Kirby Lonsdale, I have never been before but was thoroughly impressed, not only with the quality of the food and service, but more so of the concept of the restaurant. What I love is that the restaurants uses exclusively local producers for their menu. As it is close to the borders of Cumbria, Yorkshire and Lancashire they are in a prime location to use many different local and regional flavours. The restaurant was decorated with pictures of the producers with their produce, giving it a real feel of community. The first picture shown in this post was the placemat, which again was decorated with the friendly faces of the farmers and producers.

We had a selection of starters to share, sort of like an English tapas, which included deep fried cauliflower with curried mayonnaise, cheese soufflé, deep fried fish cheeks with an apple and garlic mayonnaise, and bread with olive oil and treacle balsamic vinegar. For my main I had a cheese and onion pie, and desert a lemon meringue pie (pictured). Overall it was beautiful, I admit not the healthiest…diet starts tomorrow, but definitely worth it!

As I mentioned the diet starts tomorrow, which it definitely must! I’m off on holiday in 4 weeks, and the past week of birthday celebrations has not be favourable to my figure, I’m looking and feeling a little more rounded… oh dear! To encourage my health kick, I will be posting a few healthy recipes that I am going to give a go… I’m an awful cook, so it could be quite entertaining!

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