

Storm brewing...........

There's a dark cloud building around 
 Prince Andrew.
HRH QE2 favourite son.
Another scandal about to be exposed,
 re his dodgy business dealings.
On the bright side.
Fergie will be there to comfort him,
 in more ways than one.
Closer than ever in 2014.
Click Here!

A Hard Egg - Hilarious Joke

Two eggs were kissing on a bed when the female egg said, "I have to go change. I'll be back in a minute."

Five minutes later, the the female egg walked out in a slinky 'egg'lige, rubbing her hands up and down her smooth, oval-shaped body.

Instantly, the male egg slapped his hands on the top of his head, covering it completely.

"What are you doing?," the female egg asked.

He replied, "The last time I was this hard, someone cracked me on the head with a spoon."

Click Here!

Lip Service - Hilarious Snake Joke

There where two snakes talking.

The 1st one said 'Sidney, are we the type of snakes who wrap ourselves around our prey and squeeze and crush until they're dead? Or are we the type of snake who ambush our prey and bite and poison them?'.

Then the second Snake says "Why do you ask?"

The 1st one replies: "I just bit my lip!"

Letter From Father-In-Law - Funny Joke

A woman had 3 girls. One day she decides to test her sons-in-law. She invites the first one for a stroll by the lake shore, purposely falls in and pretends to be drowning. Without any hesitation, the son-in-law jumps in and saves her.

The next morning, he finds a brand new Toyota car in his driveway with this message on the windshield.

"Thank you!
Your mother-in-law who loves you!

A few days later, the lady does the same thing with the second son-in-law. He jumps in the water and saves her also. She offers him a new Honda car with the same message on the windshield.

Thank you!
Your mother-in-law who loves you!

A few days later, she does the same thing again with the third son-in-law. While she is drowning, the son-in-law looks at her without moving an inch and thinks:

"Finaly! It's about time that this old witch dies!

The next morning, he receives a brand new Ferrari car with this message…

Your father-in-law.

At The Zoo - Funny Animal Joke

A mother and baby camel are talking one day when the baby camel asks, "Mom why have I got these huge three toed feet?"

The mother replies, "Well son, when we trek across the desert your toes will help you to stay on top of the soft sand".

"OK" said the son. A few minutes later the son asks, "Mom, why have I got these great long eyelashes?"

"They are there to keep the sand out of your eyes on the trips through the desert", "Thanks Mom" replies the son.

After a short while, the son returns and asks, "Mom, why have I got these great big humps on my back??"

The mother, now a little impatient with the boy replies, "They are there to help us store water for our long treks across the desert, so we can go without drinking for long periods."

"That's great mom, so we have huge feet to stop us sinking, and long eyelashes to keep the sand from our eyes and these humps to store water.

But Mom", "Yes son?"

"Why the heck are we in the San Diego Zoo?"

The Blonde And Her Pizza - Funny Joke

A blonde orders a pizza and the clerk asks if he should cut it in six or 12 pieces.

She responds, "Six, please. I could never eat 12 pieces."

The Blonde's Execution - Funny Joke

Three women are about to be executed for crimes. One's a brunette, one's a redhead, and one's a blonde.

Two guards bring the brunette forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ."

Suddenly the brunette yells, "earthquake!!" Everyone is startled and looks around. She manages to escape.

The angry guards then bring the redhead forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She says no, and the executioner shouts, "Ready . . . Aim . . ."

The redhead then screams, "tornado!!" Yet again, everyone is startled and looks around. She too escapes execution.

By this point, the blonde had figured out what the others did. The guards bring her forward, and the executioner asks if she has any last requests. She also says no, and the executioner shouts, Ready . . . Aim . . ."

The blonde shouts, "fire!!"

The Slipping Lion - Funny Joke

John came back from a safari in Africa. Upon arrival, he went to his friend, Mark, and told him of his adventures.

"I was out in the jungle," he said, "when all of a sudden I heard a noise in the bush behind me. Looking back, I saw a huge lion, licking his chops and smiling at me. The lion started coming my way and I started running, with the lion not far behind. When the lion was almost at my neck, he suddenly slipped, and I got ahead a bit. The lion started gaining on me again, and as he got closer, once again he slipped. I happened to see a house not far away, so I made toward it. I got close to the house with the lion almost on top of me when he slipped for a third time. With my very last bit of strength, I ran into the house and closed the door in the lion's face."

"Had I been in your place, I would have wet my pants", said Mark.


Lost And Found - Hilarious Jokes

A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic navigation and communications equipment.

Due to the clouds and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position. The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, and held up a handwritten sign that said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters. 

People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. 

Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

Tear Gas

Q: What do you get when you mix beans and onions?

A: Tear gas.

Nuts And Dates - Hilarious Jokes

A girl walks into a grocery store and asks the stock boy if he has any nuts.

The guy says, "No, ma'am."

She says, "Well, do you have any dates?"

And he says, "Ma'am, if I don't have nuts, do you really expect me to have dates?"

Sandwich Tales - Funny Joke

There was an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman working on the top of a cliff. The Englishman said, "If I have cheese in my sandwich tomorrow, I'll jump off this cliff."

The Scotsman said, "If I have jam in my sandwich tomorrow, I'll jump off the cliff."

The Irishman said, "If I have ham tomorrow, I'll jump off the cliff."

The next day, the Englishman had cheese, the Irishman had ham, and the Scotsman had jam. So they all jumped.

At the funerals, the wives of the Scotsman and Englishman said, "Why didn't they just tell us they didn't like their sandwiches?"

The Irish lady said, "I have no idea why my husband jumped off the cliff. He made his own sandwiches."

Ants And The Jam Jar - Funny Joke

Q: Why did the ants dance on the jam jar?

A: The lid said, "Twist to open."

The Missed Delivery - Funny Joke

A woman came storming in at the delivery counter of the local post office.

She gave a parcel Pick-up notice and complained, "This morning, your mailman came with our parcel for delivery and left us this pick-up note. Yet my husband was home all the time. Why could not he knock our doors and deliver parcel at home?"

The Post master was polite and apologetic. He went inside brought the parcel and delivered it to the lady.

"Ma'am what is inside this parcel that upsets you so much?"

The lady replied, "My husband's hearing aids."

Trial And Error - Funny Joke

After four years of separation, a man and his wife finally divorced amicably.

He wanted to date again, but he had no idea of how to start, so he decided to look in the personals column of the local newspaper.

After reading through all the listings, he circled three that seemed possible in terms of age and interest, but he put off calling them.

Two days later, there was a message on his answering machine from his ex-wife:

"I came over to your house to borrow some tools today and saw the ads you circled in the paper. Don`t call the one in the second column. It`s me."

A Woman's Love - Funny Joke

When one woman loves you, you are a husband

When a few women love you, you are a man

When many women love you, you are a lover

When hundreds of women love you, you are an idol

When thousands of women love you, you are a leader


When all the women in the world love you, you are a DIAMOND

Been Soup - Funny Joke

When the waitress in a New York City restaurant brought him the soup du jour, the Englishman was a bit dismayed.

"Good heavens," he said, "what is this?"

"Why, it's bean soup," she replied.

"I don't care what it's been," he replied. "What is it now?"

Bunny Farts - Silly Joke

Q: What's invisible and smells like carrots??? 

A: Bunny farts!

Winning A Bet - Funny Joke

Three vampire bats live in a cave surrounded by three castles. One night, the bats bet on who can drink the most blood.

The first bat comes home with blood dripping off his fangs. He says, "See that castle over there? I drank the blood of three people."

The second bat returns with blood around his mouth. He says, "See that castle over there? I drank the blood of five people."

The third bat comes back covered in blood. He says, "See that castle over there?" The other bats nod. "Well," says the third bat, "I didn't."

Ant And The Toilet Seat - Funny Joke

Q. Why did the ant fall off the toilet seat?

A. Because he was pissed off!


The Confusion - Hilarious Joke

Q: Why was the Egyptian boy confused?

A: His daddy was really a mummy.

Cars Children And Accident - Funny Joke

Children in the backseat can cause 

Accidents in the backseat can cause 

Who's The Boss - Funny Joke

One day a man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. The assistant takes the man to the parrot section and asks the man to choose one. The man asks, ''How much is the stripped yellow one?''

The assistant says, ''$2000.'' The man is shocked and asks the assistant why it's so expensive. The assistant explains, ''This parrot is a very special one. He knows typewriting and can type really fast.''

''What about the green one?'' the man asks.

The assistant says, ''He costs $5000 because he knows typewriting and can answer incoming telephone calls and takes notes.''

''What about the red one?'' the man asks.

The assistant says, ''That one's $10,000.''

The man says, ''What does HE do?''

The assistant says, ''NOTHING, but the other two call him BOSS.''

The Broken Toy - Funny Joke

A little boy and a little girl in a bathtub having a bath. Suddenly the little girl looks down at the boy and asks.

"Can I touch it?"

"No way -- you've already broke yours off!"

The Missing P - Kids Joke

Little Tom had just learned his abc's and was very scared of doing them in front of the class. The teacher, though, told him that the best way to conquer his fears would be to just go ahead and do it. So, trembling, he stood in front of the class and began.


"That's very good, Tom. But you forgot the P. Where's the P?

"It's running down my leg."

No Gossip today Migriane..

2014 Predictions

I am in the process of writing the 
2014 Predictions.
If you have a subject that you would like me to cover.
Please send your suggestions to
Thanks CD

Told Ya the fall begins..........

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Heading for a fall...........

Alec Baldwin may have won his court case,
 against the woman he claims was stalking him.
(Even though she was crazy, she was telling the truth)
He's now calling the paparazzi,
 all kinds of foul names.
Well, he's about to take a fall.
Good. he needs to learn a lesson.

Feminism Poisons Women - Complete Text

Note: I am breaking the rule which I laid down in the previous post, by posting this entire manifesto here. I will leave it up for a week or two, then delete it. It will remain at its permanent cyberspace home, however:

The present statement carries a harshly provocative title. That is deliberate, because the title is a hook. Our main purpose is to excite the reader's anger or curiosity and inspire further investigation. Our secondary purpose is to leave an indelible mark on the reader's memory, whether the reader agrees with us or not.

So what is feminism, how does it poison women, and what should we do about this? Our statement will involve these and related questions.

Feminism is many things, but for now it will suffice to know that it is antagonistic toward men and all things male. We obtain this knowledge both by long study of objective reality and by reasoning from an irrefutable premise: that feminism is the project to increase the power of women. This leads us to wonder precisely how far the feminist project proposes to increase that power, and we are forced to conclude that the project has no clearly stated upper limit.

The feminist project, then, means to increase the power of women infinitely - and those who would insist otherwise must bear the burden of proof.

To increase the power of women infinitely would naturally make female power clash with male power. Here women would confront a choice - to either rein in their own power or to go on increasing it by overriding male power. To choose the former would terminate the feminist project. To choose the latter would advance the project, but only with a steady erosion of male autonomy.

The erosion of male autonomy could have only one eventual consequence - to establish a subjugation of men along with all of the damaging fallout this would entail. So we conclude that the feminist project, in its unfettered form, could be none other than a campaign of anti-male aggression tantamount to war. We further conclude that this war could only escalate and inflict collateral damage on humanity at large.

Hence, to declare that feminism poisons women affirms that men and women share a social ecology where damage to any part of the system has systemic consequences. To "poison" men - by subjugating them, by denigrating them, by compromising their human rights, by bending them contrary to nature - will generate consequences that ripple through the social ecology and taint the lives of men and women equally. The web of male and female existence is far too interwoven to confine the damage to men alone. You cannot poison merely half of a well.

In the long run, to poison men can only poison women also. Therefore, since our study of objective reality leaves no doubt that feminism indeed poisons men, we may confidently attest that feminism poisons women. However, if you mean to enhance the well-being of women it will not do to poison them.

In the end, we oppose feminism because feminism poisons everyone. So consider the present statement a political rallying call to men and women everywhere who oppose feminism. By our study of objective reality we know that their numbers are considerable and, if the right stimulus be applied, apt to grow.

Accordingly, we wish to grow politically-awakened non-feminist numbers and bring about intellectual crystallization among those numbers. Most of all, we wish to create a public square effect - to break the silence so that everybody not only knows what's up, but knows that everybody else knows. We want each and all to realize that they are not alone, and to catch a glint of that realization in the eyes of others.

The foremost obstacle to our proposed work, is the MYTH OF FEMINISM. By that we mean the orthodox narrative which the feminists themselves have fed to the world, and which the world has swallowed hook, line and sinker. We mean the sanctioned interpretation of reality which wraps around the word feminism itself so that no other sense can be admitted.

Hardly a conversation anywhere does not lie beneath the shadow of feminism's narrative, and hardly a thought can take flight independently of that narrative. Such is the power of the feminist myth - it forms the beginning and end of all public discourse and swallows our lives into an intellectual gravity well. As a controlling paradigm of the present age, the myth of feminism spreads its power over most of the earth.

Opposed to the myth of feminism stands the reality of feminism - the part which it is not polite to talk about. It is this reality that we labor to unmask, in peeling away the myth layer by layer. Our impolite counter-feminist project is to subvert the orthodox meaning of the word feminism itself, but that is only the beginning. Our project goes further in that we aim to take back control of the language, and along with it the public discourse altogether.

The myth of feminism is one with the system of feminist lying. Nearly all of feminism is predicated on a structure of lies and half-lies that prop each other up, and the reach of this system is not easily overstated. A slow indoctrination of the public mind has occurred in the last half-century. One dubious proposition after another has passed unchallenged, hardening into commonly accepted dogma, and forming the intellectual substrate not only for progressively greater distortions, but for institutional changes predicated upon such distortions. Furthermore, the changes and distortions have crept into our lives and cemented themselves many layers deep. Hence the original violation of truth is buried deeper than most people would care to search even if they knew where to start looking.

Our approach is post-argumental, meaning that the time for argument is past. Mutual quest for truth in good faith is a wasted occupation when you are dealing with feminists, for we have learned by hard experience that they have a thousand tricks to sabotage this. Briefly, they do not wish to know what they do not wish to know. Likewise, they do not wish to make known what they do not wish to make known. Either way, they have a vested interest in concealment. So nearly everything they say promotes the myth of feminism and veils the reality of it, and if we consent to engage them on their chosen terms we validate their discourse and defeat ourselves before we speak a single word.

They wish to keep doing what they are doing until they exhaust every inherent possibility which the feminist project contains. Their method is cyclical and dialectical, and they will redefine their project in a radical way whenever the original definition no longer serves them - that too is part of the feminist project. They will repeat this time and again, even contradicting earlier-stated principles if by so doing they can extract just one more drop of female empowerment. They will do all of this and more until some intervening power - human or otherwise - puts a stop to it.

That is why we are post-argumental: because we know that persuasion effort is wasted on most feminists, who will always find a way to dodge, deflect or derail anything we try to communicate.

We are not totalitarian. We are not the thought police. We do not wish to modify feminist belief, but only to uncouple that belief from the power to act upon it in pernicious ways. Briefly, we wish to modify outward feminist behavior from the outside. That is because we know they will never modify their outward behavior from the inside as long as they feel secure in their power.

So our policy is simply to increase non-feminist power, chiefly by growing our numbers and making our presence more keenly felt within the public discourse. This will modify outward feminist behavior because it will make the feminists less smug. They will draw back into their shells a bit and moderate their tone a bit - and that is what we want them to do. Every time they draw back a bit we advance a bit, occupy more space, and operate with more freedom and ease. Thus secured, we become free and easy - and this draws more of the world to our side.

Once again, to argue with these people in hope of persuading them is a wasted occupation. Our effort is to whittle down their power - a slice here, a slice there. So we direct our persuasive force at the many non-feminists who are ready - nay, eager! - to be persuaded. In this way we consolidate our own power and make our job easier.

The over-arching plan is to confront the feminist project with an autonomous power that goes its own way without consulting feminism. This autonomous power equates to the aggregate political will of non-feminist men and women everywhere. To say that this power goes its own way without consulting feminism, means that it operates outside the myth of feminism altogether. That myth has been overthrown, and along with it, the power of the myth to organize personal or political life.

Less abstractly, you may look any feminist in the eye and say: "Excuse me! I am not a feminist, so I am not bound to swallow anything you have told me!" Remember that they do not know the chain of reasoning which leads to your conclusion, and since you don't owe them any answers, you have no duty to explain it. It matters only that by this one curt gesture, you have vacated the myth and gone your own way. Truly, this is where the road branches off. The personal and political ramifications of such a gesture are without limit, and you have a lifetime to explore them.

To be sure, that is a small victory - but the formula is what matters. In time, such individual victories will accumulate and join forces interpersonally. The micro will merge into the macro and, having reached a tipping point, will enter the public square where the sum of personal power will become political power. In the end, this will generate a public polarization of opposed political wills - non-feminist against feminist. Everybody will know, and most importantly, everybody will know that everybody knows.

Feminism will undergo an existential crisis where it is confronted by an "other", compelled to negotiate co-existence, and made to lose its collective solipsism under the sunlight of the world's gaze. The "other" is the combined political will of non-feminist men and women everywhere. The mere introduction of non-feminist alterity - the otherness of all that is not feminism - will re-balance the scales of power and alter the nature of the game.

We have reached our verdict about feminism for well-considered reasons, but cannot hope to unfold these within the scope of the present statement. Furthermore, it would not serve our present purpose to do so. The business of the moment is to connect with affinitized minds everywhere, and we trust to their nascent intuition concerning the veracity of our conclusions.

We are often told that we "don't know what feminism really is", and admonished to read feminist books. In fact, we have studied a great amount of feminist literature over the years, but we have drawn from these readings a very different conclusion than the various writers intended. Simply put, we have refused indoctrination.

We gauge the words of feminist authorities as we would gauge the words of politicians, with an eye to their duplicity. Some of them may be cynical and others may be self-deceiving, but never do we take them at face value. We know that these words, which conceal as much as they reveal, will not explain the living truth of feminism as it operates in the world around us. So that is why we confront feminism not merely as written words in a book, but as a factor in our lived experience - an alien force encroaching on our world and manifesting through its consequences.

We aim to subvert the orthodox meaning of the word feminism, and we begin by studying feminism's consequences. We say that feminism's excresence is its essence. What feminism excretes or oozes into our lives is not accidental but foundational - it marks feminism as feminism. This "essence" resides along the interface where feminism breeches our world. It does not dwell within the explanation that any self-declared feminist prepares for public consumption, nor does it dwell within the private ideology of such a person. So if you want to know what feminism really is, you must look at the world around you.

As non-feminist men and women, we reject the myth of feminism. We know that the feminist project is to increase female power with no stated limit, and this same knowledge is our key to the reality of feminism. Make no mistake: we know with precision and clarity what feminism really is. All feminist words or actions, even the ostensibly laudable ones, serve to increase female power in one form or another, or to conceal some illicit motive. Observation over time has borne this out, for we see that feminism's accomplishment has been to pile up advantages for women in a one-sided way and to absolve women of moral accountability - always with a subtext of female victimhood and female entitlement. So when we pronounce the word feminism, we are speaking of precisely these things. We identify these things as the core of feminist reality, and assert that if you took these things away, feminism would effectively cease existing.

The myth of feminism, which governs the orthodox meaning of the term, dwells continually on the theme of so-called "equality" - and this theme operates as a sub-myth with a vastly powerful halo effect. One has only to intone the word "equality" to invoke the power of a fetish, yet the word amounts to little but a conversational windsock. The concept behind the word amounts to a mental rainbow - meaning a pretty thing that exists in the mind. As with an optical rainbow it shimmers on the horizon and invites pursuit but stays forever out of reach. In real life, the word "equality" is feminist double talk which, if translated into plain speech, means "as much power for women as we can grab."

Here again we see the principle confirmed, that feminism is the project to increase the power of women. We must understand that the project would grind to a halt if it were constrained by clear rules and fixed goals. That is why so many versions of feminism operate simultaneously. Feminism's drive for power cannot be sustained without endlessly switching the rules and pushing the goalposts further down the field, and the chimerical notion of "equality" serves this strategy to perfection.

It is this - the reality of feminism and not the myth - which holds our interest. In the end, feminism is precisely what we, as non-feminist men and women, declare it to be. We can't help wondering why mere self-description as a "feminist" bestows any special authority to define feminism. Feminism's inconsistency, fuzzy boundaries, and failure to self-police, makes the definition of it a universal concern and an open shop. You are as much entitled to call feminism "a destructive force sweeping through my world" (while unindoctrinated into feminism), as to say the same about a tornado (while uninstructed in meteorology). No, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. What feminism is for us, as non-feminist men and women, is objectively as true of an assessment, as what feminism is for a self-described feminist.

Here we may anticipate the bleating lament, "but that's not really feminism!"- to which we can only reply: "Oh yes it is! We know best of all where the shoe pinches our foot, and that is how we know what feminism really is!"  And we may anticipate the related lament, "what's that got to do with feminism?" - to which we can only reply: "Feminist, you will make this clear to yourself in the fullness of time."

No, we do not speak incorrectly about feminism. Rather, we speak the complete truth about it, minus feminist approval. Feminism's greatest lie is a lie by omission: it does not tell the complete truth about itself - not even to itself!  As politically activated non-feminists, we intend to make good on their omission. That they will hate what we are doing, shall not deter us. We know that in the end, the only way to stop them playing games with the word "feminism", is to claim that word and control the meaning on our own account. Hence we declare the definition of feminism to be fair game for non-feminist men and women. The feminists will check their feminist privilege and resign themselves to this.

Feminism is an earthly power whose legitimacy we are entitled to question, and if we find it detrimental we are entitled to seek remedy. That said, we do seek, by both direct and indirect methods, to undo feminism as a normative cultural mythology.

The question is not whether all feminists are a certain way, but whether all FEMINISM is a certain way. Feminism's over-arching tendency takes a form that can be broadly discerned and modelled. That said, we do not hesitate to paint all of FEMINISM with a broad brush, and to characterize it as, at best, an advocacy movement for the sole benefit of women, and at worst, a hate movement driven by disaffection toward the male sex.

We understand feminism as an endlessly growing social organism, distributed across the culture and across all points on the political spectrum. This organism draws its lifeblood from many quarters and it is difficult to distinguish feminism proper, from everything which upholds it or sustains it. That is, we cannot always precisely map where feminism ends and the rest of the world begins. However, if we bear in mind that feminism is fed by a cultural supply chain, we will understand that this chain may be interrupted to good effect when we apply the necessary actions to the necessary links. In this pragmatic manner, feminism may finally be isolated as a target of operations.

The non-feminist revolution is a primordial pushback against feminism, a force of nature which cannot be suppressed. However, the exact form this revolution eventually takes will be either chaotically reactive or politically conscious - that is up to us. One can hope that it will be politically conscious, for this will minimize unpleasant developments and efficiently pave the road to a post-feminist future. That is why we have conceived the counter-feminist project - to make the non-feminist revolution politically conscious. The project is multi-faceted, socially distributed and holistic - for we have concluded that a social organism, such as feminism, must be countered by another social organism that works to block it or neutralize it.

Consider the celebrated fable of the six blind men and the elephant. Feminism, to be sure, is much like the elephant - a collection of parts that can't be isolated from each other lest we miss knowing what we are dealing with. But we are nothing like those blind men. We may specialize in different parts of the elephant but our sight is keen and we know how the beast looks from every direction. The counter-feminist social organism is distributed exactly as the task requires. Different operators in different sectors will apply the necessary actions, informing each other continually of developments and adjusting the plan as contingencies arise. The prime directive, ever and always, is to sap the feminist power structure by drilling into points where that structure is weakly shielded.

The nameless feeling that something is wrong, has been growing for many years. We have searched hard for answers. We have studied deeply. We have conversed far into the night. The shape of the problem has yielded gradually to our analysis and we have released our knowledge, by stages, to the world at large. Feminism is the name we give to the problem. We have taken control of that word and what it means because those who formerly controlled it have sought to propagate a myth. Our effort is to thwart this and show the world something different.

In the course of our work we have discovered a pair of social taboos which hold the world in an iron grip, and we have seen that the problem is deeply rooted in these taboos. First, the taboo against naming feminism as a pernicious force in human affairs. Second, the taboo against treating male existence as a thing of inherent value. Counter-feminist action is based on a systematic and escalating violation of these taboos, and networks of groups and individuals will carry out the project in a variety of innovative ways.

We ought to note in passing that the distinction between attacking feminism and helping men is artificial - both activities violate the two taboos, both weaken the feminist power structure, and both are vital to the advancement of the counter-feminist project. The difference is one of focus or specialization, and you may choose either option as your talent inclines you. Vanguard practitioners have no quarrel with each other's specializations.

The counter-feminist project, as simply as we can put it, is a cultural insurgency from all quarters. We would introduce novel elements into the public discourse and by so doing guide that discourse in a radically different manner. We aim not to establish universal belief in a set of ideas, but to establish those ideas as an overshadowing landmark in the cultural discourse. You may love it or hate it, but you can't ignore it. It colors your world and changes everything.

The counter-feminist project is a three-pronged initiative that aims to do the following:

First, to confirm a working definition of feminism within the non-feminist community. This will establish a focal vision for coordinated operations. It will also prevent the operators from working at cross-purposes.

Second, to decenter and disestablish the myth of feminism by building a counter-feminist culture of critique that pervades every corner of society. This will include both a serious intellectual auditing of all feminist claims and theories, and a mainstream growth of mockery and witticism at feminism's expense. It will also include an effort to catalogue the many forms of feminist aggression in the greatest possible detail, so as to make these publicly known and available for correction.

Third, to promote conventional issues-based activism, such as lawsuits, lobbying, standing for public office, letter campaigns, street demonstrations, and pro-male "good works" in the community. We recognize that such activities will generate publicity, attract members, and weaken the feminist power structure in general. Hence, we deem them good.

Here we have depicted the counter-feminist project in broad strokes. We wish to make commonly known that such a project is underway and to enlist all manner of people, from everywhere on earth, as co-workers. The present statement is cast upon the world like a net which gathers affinitized minds. Anybody of any nation, occupation or station in life can settle into any corner of the project as we have sketched it, and commence work. The nature of their involvement is limited only by their imagination.

The project, indeed, has been going on for years, and keen observers will know that the community of affinitized minds is growing quickly. In the past this growth has been intellectually chaotic and politically inefficient, so the present task is to remedy that. However, we trust the accumulated in-draft of past outreach efforts to keep pulling in new people. Furthermore, we assume that a baseline of understanding has been established.  After all, the conversations have long been happening and the word has gotten out. So we address present remarks to those who are either up to speed or able to get there quickly. We seek such people - intellectual self-starters who can take a hint, see the lay of the land, govern their tongues, and needn't be told twice.

Critique of feminism will become a sort of cottage industry. Anybody, of any sophistication, may have a go at this - but only high-level thinkers and strategizers will compose the vanguard. If you are of the latter, then do drop by.

In time, the counter-feminist project will merge with the ambient of the culture and not be recognizable as the product of any singular group or "movement"  This will end feminism's control of the cultural narrative. Having been shouldered aside by an upstart counterculture, feminism will become merely another competitor in the marketplace of ideas. It will no longer be privileged, but rather jostled with the rest of the throng and expected to "take its lumps".

That day, which we so fondly hope for, has not arrived quite yet. But to look on the bright side, it is getting closer - we who have been in the game for a good long while, can attest to this. The changes in only two or three years have been dramatic, and there is no question that the defenders of the feminist faith are digging in for a fight. They belate-edly realize that a threat to their power has arisen, and the smell of panic mingled with false bravado is wafting from their side of the field. They are up to their usual tricks and lies, but they are doubling the dosage. Apparently, they think they can get out of trouble by doing more of what got them in trouble in the first place.

That day, which we so fondly anticipate, has not arrived quite yet. But to look on the bright side, it is getting closer - we who have been in the game for a good long while can attest to this. The last two or three years have brought dramatic changes, and there is no question that the defenders of the feminist faith are digging in for a fight. They belatedly realize that a threat to their power has arisen, and the smell of panic mingled with false bravado is wafting from their side of the field. They are up to their usual tricks and lies, but they are doubling the dosage. Apparently, they think they can get out of trouble by doing more of what got them in trouble in the first place.

Very well, let us consider the future. If we mean to boost feminism along the road to extinction, what can any one of us individually do to help out? More precisely, where would any random person now reading this find his or her point of entry into the counter-feminist project?

The answer is, that only YOU can supply the answer. You are on your own. However, that is not so bad as it sounds because many have walked this road before you, and if you seek them out, or if you seek out the wisdom they have left on record, you will find much of the guidance you need. But still, you must take the initiative to seek what will sustain you in your quest, and in so doing you will find your answer and discover your niche in all of this. Consider that we, the pioneers of the community, were given no map, no compass, no pole star, no flashlight, no field manual of any kind. We simply found our way, driven by the imperative to decipher things that made no sense.  Your case, in many ways, shall be no different. Ask yourself, why are you here now, reading this? What brought you to this juncture? The fact is that you have travelled a good way upon your road already - more than you realize! You ought to reflect upon that.

Know that you are not alone - you are reading this now and that should give you a clue. But look around, for the times are changing and a new spirit is abroad upon the earth. Seek the glint of understanding in a glance, the flash of recognition in a phrase. And yes, read the writing on the wall! Trust me, it's out there, and you will know it when you see it.

This statement opened with the provocative idea that feminism poisons women, and prior to concluding, we should touch upon that once again. Truly the poison of feminism spreads, and given the workings of the social ecology, this will poison women along with everything else. So even if we cannot expect compassion for men and boys to become a cultural norm, we can at least appeal to the socially conservative "woman-firsters" on their own level of understanding. If the male population is not treated decently, you may depend on it that the outcome for women will be poisonous. That is an ice cold logical prediction - there is nothing outlandish about it.  We would have only to fold our arms, sit under a tree, and watch it happen - for happen it will!

However, our present purpose is to issue a warning, like a man standing at the roadside waving a red flag, shouting "danger ahead! Turn back! Proceed at you peril." We wish to avoid the worst for all concerned, and we make this statement because conscience guides us to do so. We call upon others, similarly guided by conscience, to align with the present effort.

Very well. These dark and wild words will not sound dark and wild to everybody. Some who are now reading will straightway comprehend what is being transmitted. Others will be on the threshhold of such comprehension, wanting only a few choice hints to make their circuit boards light up. Either way, there is a ready public to be reached, and reach we shall! In three years, five years, twelve years, these dark and wild words will settle into place and make perfect sense to a critical mass of people. For now, we preach to the circle of the knowing - and we work patiently to expand that circle. Looking back across the years, we see that we have been successful in this method. We trust the future to crown our efforts likewise.

There is a new game in town, and the game is on.

Difference Between A Lawyer And God

What's the difference between a lawyer and God? 

God doesn't think he's a lawyer.

The Love Of Women - Bar Joke

A guy walks into a bar and says to the barman, "Give me six double vodkas."

The barman says, "Wow, you must have had one hell of a day."

"Yeah, I just found out my oldest son is gay."

The next day, the same guy comes into the bar and asks for six more double vodkas. When the bartender asks what's wrong, the man says, "I just found out that my youngest son is gay, too!"

On the third day, the guy comes into the bar and orders another six double vodkas. The bartender says, "Jesus! Doesn't anybody in your family like women?"

The man downs the first drink and shakes his head, "Yeah, my wife does!"

The Exorcist Husband - Hilarious Jokes

Overheard: A woman speaking to her friend...

"They call my husband 'The Exorcist.'"


"As soon as gets to a party, he rids it of all the spirits."

Very Good Leads - Funny Joke

Joe enters the confessional and tells the priest that he has committed adultery.

"Oh, no," said the priest, thinking of the most promiscuous women in town. "Was it with Kate Marie?"

"I'd rather not say who it was."

"Was it with Betty Smith?"

"I'd rather not say," says Joe. 

So the priest gives him absolution and Joe leaves. While leaving the church, Joe's friend asks if he received absolution.

"Yes, and two very good leads!"


Cosmopolitan website promoting “feminist porn” to young women. Please help us say NO to this!

Heading for a fall...........

Alec Baldwin may have won his court case,
 against the woman he claims was stalking him.
(Even though she was crazy, she was telling the truth)
He's now calling the paparazzi,
 all kinds of foul names.
Well, he's about to take a fall.
Good. he needs to learn a lesson.

FIA Formula E: ABT Sportsline to compete in FIA Formula E

ABT Sportsline Press Release

  •         Bavarian outfit is the only German team to compete in the series
  •         Ten races around the world, home round in Germany’s capital Berlin
  •         Hans-JĆ¼rgen Abt: “A great and exciting challenge for us”

ABT Sportsline is tackling a new challenge in motor-sport. The squad headed by Team Principal Hans-JĆ¼rgen Abt will be competing with two cars in the new FIA Formula E Championship that will make its debut in September 2014. The Bavarians are the seventh of a total of ten teams and the only German outfit.

“We’re proud to have the opportunity to take part in the debut of this new racing series. Participating in the new FIA Formula E Championship marks a completely new chapter in our more than 60-year motorsport history,” said Managing Director Hans-JĆ¼rgen Abt. “As a company that has been active in the field of regenerative powertrains and electric mobility we’re convinced of the series’ concept. It’s innovative, delivers motorsport at the highest level and a great show for fans around the world – all of which are a perfect fit for ABT Sportsline.”

The outfit from Germany’s AllgƤu region will compete under the name of ‘Audi Sport ABT Formula-E Team,’ based on the name used in its successful commitment as an Audi factory team in the popular international touring car series DTM. Audi Sport is favourable to this project. “We’ve been watching this new project of the FIA with great interest and are delighted that ABT Sportsline as one of our close and long-standing partners will be involved right from the beginning,” says Head of Audi Motorsport Dr Wolfgang Ullrich. “We’re keeping our fingers crossed for the squad on tackling this new challenge and are planning to support its commitment with drivers from our factory line-up if required.”

The agreement to enter the Championship was done by Hans-JĆ¼rgen Abt and Alejandro Agag, CEO of Championship promoters Formula E Holdings, in Kempten on Thursday night. Alejandro Agag said: “We’re delighted to welcome the Audi Sport Team ABT Formula E into the championship, our seventh of 10 teams and the third European outfit. Formula E is very much an open championship and a platform for teams to showcase their own fully-electric cars, so to have one of the most successful German motorsport teams with the support of a big manufacturer on board is a fantastic addition to the series. I’m sure German racing fans will also be particularly pleased as they now have a home team to support during the Berlin Formula E race.”

With five titles to its credit in the DTM alone ABT Sportsline is one of the most successful German teams, which has achieved victories and titles in GT and endurance racing as well. The commitment in Formula racing now also marks a return to the outfit’s early days. At the beginning of the ni-neteen-nineties, ABT scored its initial successes in Formel ADAC and Formula Three. One of the drivers back then was the subsequent Formula One and DTM star Ralf Schumacher. “We’ve been keen to embrace new challenges on many occasions in the past. Formula E is no doubt one of the most intensive ones, which makes our excitement about it even greater,” said Hans-JĆ¼rgen Abt.

Formula E is a new FIA Championship featuring Formula cars powered exclusively by electric energy and will debut in September 2014. Venues of the ten races will be Beijing, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Miami, Monaco, Berlin and London. The race weekends will consist of just one day on which the free practice and qualifying sessions as well as the race are held.

Photo credit: ABT Sportsline

TUSC: BenoƮt Treluyer will join Paul Miller Racing for the Sebring and Daytona test days

By Johan Laubscher

The first TUDOR United SportsCar Championship test days are coming up this weekend, taking place at Sebring, followed by further test days at Daytona later in the week. BenoĆ®t Treluyer will be joining newly announced Audi entrants, Paul Miller Racing. 

On Wednesday it was officially announced that Paul Miller Racing will be fielding the #48 Audi R8 LMS in the GT Daytona (GTD) class next year. Bryce Miller is currently their only confirmed driver. 

Audi factory LMP1 driver, BenoƮt Treluyer, will join the team for the Sebring and Daytona test days. Paul Miller Racing will be fielding one of four expected Audi R8 LMS cars at Sebring, joining Fall-Line Motorsports and Flying Lizard Motorsports. All four will be joined by an Audi R8 LMS from Audi Sport customer racing at Daytona next week. Note the two Flying Lizard Motorsports entries are currently listed as TBA on the official entry lists.

The TUSC test days are taking place at Sebring (16-17 Nov) and at Daytona (19-20).

Photo credit: 
Audi of America [2013 Bob Chapman, Autosport Image]
Audi Sport Communication / Media


Macau GT Cup: Mortara on provisional pole position after the first qualifying session

By Johan Laubscher

Edoardo Mortara has continued his dominance during the first Macau GT Cup qualifying session this morning. Mr Macau has taken the provisional pole position.

The Macau GT Cup is being held alongside the GT Asia season finale, running together on track this weekend. A number of GT Asia entrants are in the field. Four of the six Audi entries are also entered for the GT Asia finale. The six Audi R8 LMS / ultra entries are listed below:

The big news this weekend is the return of the reigning two-time Macau GT Cup champion, Edoardo Mortara, in his his #1 Audi R8 LMS Cup backed Audi R8 LMS ultra. He is joined by his teammate, Marchy Lee, in the #38 Audi Hong Kong Audi R8 LMS ultra. Absolute Racing is also present with their regular three-car GT Asia team, along with another private Audi entry from IMS. Absolute Racing, competing with the team name of "Team R8 LMS Ultra," is currently leading the GT Asia teams' championship points standings and they will be aiming to clinch the title this weekend.

Two Audi R8 LMS ultra cars made it into the top ten during practice yesterday, in a session dominated by Mortara. He blitzed the entire field by over two and a half seconds.

The first qualifying session got underway at 13:55 on Friday. It was a case of getting a clear lap in traffic during the red flag affected session. Mortara was stuck in traffic during the bulk of the session and was relegated to being outside of the top ten. Up front three of the competitors dropped into the 2 minute 20 second lap time bracket, with the two Erebus Mercedes-Benz SLS GT3 cars leading the way. Mortara was the only driver to drop into this time bracket during practice yesterday.

In the closing minutes Mr Macau managed to put in a flyer and dropped the fastest lap into the 2 minute 19 second bracket, setting a 2:19.774 and taking provisional pole position by over half a second.

Mortara was the only Audi runner to provisionally qualifying within the top ten. His teammate Marchy Lee was in twelfth, followed by Jeffrey Lee in fourteenth, Philip Ma in eighteenth, Francis Hideki Onda in twenty-sixth and Shim Ching in thirtieth. 

The first qualifying session results can be seen HERE.

The second and final qualifying session will be held on Saturday, followed by a warm up session and the race on Sunday morning. We wish the best of luck to all of the Audi drivers and teams.

Photo credit: RacerLink [Sean Henshelwood]

Somekind of reality.........

LeAnn Rimes & hubby for the present,
 Eddie Cibrian.
Are to be given their own reality TV show.
Dear God.
But the good news is.
It will reveal what horrible people they are.
Plus it'll flop.

New Video - Coalition JS38 Manifesto, Revision

Audi News: Roof-raising ceremony for Audi Sport in Neuburg

Audi Press Release / News in brief update

Audi Sport will receive a new home in the 2014 season. At the roof-raising ceremony for the new Competence Center Motorsport on Wednesday, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hackenberg, Management Board Member for Technical Development of AUDI AG, and Head of Audi Motorsport Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich welcomed guests from the local political community and the architectural and planning firms involved in the project.

Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Head of Audi Sport, Dr. Bernhard Gmehling, Lord Mayor of the City of Neuburg, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hackenberg, Management Board Member for Technical Development of AUDI AG, Max WƤcker, Deputy Works Council Chairman of AUDI AG, Roland Weigert, Country Commissioner of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen

14 months following the ground-breaking ceremony, the preliminary building works have been completed in the complex of the Audi Driving Experience Center in Neuburg. In summer 2014, around 300 Audi employees will be moving from Ingolstadt to Neuburg. “Audi Sport has continually grown since its formation in 1980 and the technical requirements have become increasingly demanding as well,” emphasized Dr. Ullrich. “The new competence center is a very important step for us to assure our continued ability of being successful in motorsport.”


Macau GT Cup: Mortara dominated the Macau GT Cup practice session

By Johan Laubscher

The Macau GT Cup is taking place this weekend. The Audi squad got the weekend underway by performing well during the free practice session this morning. A total of six Audi R8 LMS and ultra cars have been entered for this prestigious event at the annual Macau Grand Prix.

The Macau GT Cup is being held alongside the GT Asia season finale, running together on track. A number of GT Asia entrants are in the field. Four of the six Audi entries are also entered for the GT Asia finale. The six Audi R8 LMS / ultra entries are listed below:

The big news this weekend is the return of the reigning two-time Macau GT Cup champion, Edoardo Mortara, in his his #1 Audi R8 LMS Cup backed Audi R8 LMS ultra. He is joined by his teammate, Marchy Lee, in the #38 Audi Hong Kong Audi R8 LMS ultra. Absolute Racing is also present with their regular three-car GT Asia team, along with another private Audi entry from IMS. Absolute Racing, competing with the team name of "Team R8 LMS Ultra," is currently leading the GT Asia teams' championship points standings and they will be aiming to clinch the title this weekend.

The single free practice session began at 12:00 on Thursday. Edoardo Mortata immediately took control at the top of the time sheets and dominated the session. He set a fastest time of 2:20.138, bettering last year’s pole time by half a second, and blitzing the entire field by over two and a half seconds. Marchy Lee placed eighth, rounding out the two Audis within the top ten. The next Audi on the time sheets was the #98 of Philip Ma in sixteenth, followed by #7 Jeffrey Lee in eighteenth, #86 Francis Hideki Onda in twenty-seventh and #78 Shim Ching in thirty-first position.

Qualifying will be held over two sessions, one each taking place on Friday and Saturday, followed by the race on Sunday. We wish the best of luck to all of the Audi drivers and teams.

TUSC: Paul Miller Racing partners with Audi Sport

Paul Miller Racing Press Release

Paul Miller Racing to Partner with Audi in Inaugural IMSA TUDOR SportsCar Championship GTD Campaign

Bryce Miller to Drive No. 48 Paul Miller Racing Audi R8 LMS; Full-Season Co-Driver Announced in Coming Weeks

PARSIPPANY, N.J. (November 13, 2013) - Beginning the next chapter of his racing team's history at the onset of a new era in North American sports car racing, team owner and principal Paul Miller announced today that Paul Miller Racing will campaign an Audi R8 LMS in the GT Daytona (GTD) division of the debuting IMSA TUDOR SportsCar Championship in 2014.

Bryce Miller, Paul Miller's son and a former GT race winner in both ALMS and GRAND-AM competition, will return as a team driver, partnering for the season with a co-driver to-be-named in the coming weeks. Returning partners for the new Paul Miller Racing Audi effort include TOTAL Lubricants and Motegi Racing, with other familiar team sponsors expected to confirm their continued support in the near future.

"Everyone at Paul Miller Racing is looking forward to racing with Audi in the new IMSA TUDOR SportsCar Championship," Paul Miller said. "We also want to extend our thanks to Audi of America, we have had a long and great relationship with them, and they will be our partner in this effort. That was certainly a key element in our decision."

Bryce Miller has spent the majority of his GT racing career in Porsches but looks forward to getting behind the wheel of the proven and race-winning Audi R8 LMS.

"While I've thoroughly enjoyed my seven-year run with Porsche, I couldn't be more excited to start a new chapter with Audi," Bryce Miller said. "Audis have been my daily driver for many years, and I've long been a fan of their brand and their cars. They've had many successes at the highest levels of the sport, earning a prestigious place in motorsports history, and this makes driving the Audi R8 LMS an honor for any racing driver."

The 2014 IMSA season marks the first time Paul Miller Racing has raced with Audi, but the team's parent organization, the Paul Miller Auto Group, has operated Paul Miller Audi since 1976, one of the largest Audi dealerships in the nation.

"The Audi R8 LMS has built a worldwide reputation as an outstanding and winning GT car, and we are honored to be among the brand's competition representatives this year," Paul Miller said. "I have enjoyed racing Porsches for several decades, but now a great deal of excitement with this new partnership has been felt at both Paul Miller Racing and at our Paul Miller Audi dealership. I am confident this will be a winning relationship in every respect."

Paul Miller Racing will take the first test laps in its new R8 LMS this weekend at Sebring International Raceway, November 16 - 17, and next week at Daytona International Speedway, November 19 - 20. 


-       While the on-track Audi relationship is new for Bryce Miller, the unique engine-behind-the-driver design of the R8 LMS will sort of take him back to his racing roots. "The last time I drove a mid-engine was when I was still driving Formula cars, but that's still quite different from a sports car," Bryce Miller said. "The GTD division is an all-new category, so I think it is still too early to tell where the advantage is for the mid-engine R8. Normally, a mid-engine car would be very good on tire wear, but this car will run with a much smaller rear diffuser in addition to the standard Crawford wing mandated by IMSA homologation. But the R8 does have a lot of success and many wins in other championships worldwide so there is every reason to expect the car to perform well and competitively."

About Paul Miller Racing: Paul Miller Racing is among the top GT teams competing in North American sports car road racing. In 2014, the team will contest the full GT Daytona (GTD) season in the new IMSA TUDOR SportsCar Championship in a new partnership with Audi Sport customer racing. Bryce Miller will drive the No. 48 Paul Miller Racing Audi R8 LMS with a to-be-named co-driver. The racing team is affiliated with the Paul Miller Auto Group, which has operated Paul Miller Audi since 1976, races in support of Full Circle Home, and competes with the support of TOTAL Lubricants, Search Marketing Group and Motegi Racing.

Follow Paul Miller Racing on Twitter @paulmilleracing @bryceracer and become a Facebook fan at and Learn more about the team at

About Audi of America and the Audi R8 LMS: Audi began a new chapter in 2009 with the introduction of the Audi Sport customer racing program. For the first time it was possible for motorsport customers to acquire a race car designed for customer racing events. Since its inception, the success of the R8 LMS has been significant throughout the GT3 racing format worldwide, including victory in the GT class in the 2013 edition of the Rolex 24 at Daytona. The Audi R8 LMS shares more than 50% of its parts with the Audi R8 street car including the naturally aspirated V10 5.2 Liter engine, the Audi Space Frame and a variety of other components

Audi of America, Inc. and its U.S. dealers offer a full line of German-engineered luxury vehicles. AUDI AG is among the most successful luxury automotive brands globally. Audi was a top-performing luxury brand in Europe during 2012, and broke all-time company sales records in the U.S. Through 2016, AUDI AG will invest about $17 billion on new products and technologies.

Visit or for more information regarding Audi vehicle and business issues.

Photo credit: Paul Miller Racing [2013 Bob Chapman, Autosport Image]

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