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Fitness Friday| Healthy Living Tag| My Personal Regime
So this Fitness Friday is a little different to my other one’s and gives you a little insight into my daily life and routine, and my battle to become a healthier person. I have had quite a few of you ask me over the past few weeks what regime or routine I follow, or how did I lose weight, so this tag is perfect timing really!
I was tagged by the lovely Maya Craig from Super Food Babe, she is an avid Tone It Up girl and a great inspiration. Her blog is full of healthy recipes and motivating posts, go check her out!
1. What did you eat for breakfast?
Today I had a banana and cereal bar at my desk. I admit that this is not the best start to the day and I do really need to work on my breakfasts. However I take pride in the fact I actually eat breakfast now, as I never used to and something is better than nothing!
2. How much water do you drink a day?
I drink LOADS of water! I have a glass when I wake up in the morning then go through 2 litres while I am at work, and then have another few glasses in the evening. So I imagine it’s about 3 litres of water. Water and tea are the only things I drink day to day. The easiest thing to do to make sure you drink more water is always have a bottle with you; on your desk, in your bag etc.
3. What is your current favourite workout?
I love my running! I am very happy that I finally do, it took me about 3 months of dragging myself outside and forcing myself to run 3/4 times a week to get to the point when I enjoyed it again. I admit somedays I have to force myself to do it and don’t enjoy it, but I mix it up. Somedays I run on the treadmill, others I go outside. Sometimes I’ll aim for distance, or I’ll do intervals, or hill sprints, or try for my quickest mile… keep it fresh and exciting!
4. How many calories do you eat a day?
I do not have a clue! I don’t calorie count at all. I have an idea of what I should aim for in each meal so if I buy a sandwich at the shop I know which one to buy. If you are calorie counting and trying to lose weight the amount of calories you need to eat vary for everyone, it all depends on your height, age, weight and exercise level, you can used online calculators like this one as a guide.
5. What are your favourite healthy snacks?
I love hummus and veg sticks, nuts, dried fruit, rice crackers etc. I get a lot of great snacks from my Graze box, which helps, especially when I have the nibbles in the office. One of my favourite healthy treats to have is a banana sliced in half and spread with a thin layer of Nutella… chocolaty goodness!
6. What do you usually eat for lunch?
I have soup everyday, either homemade, or a cup-a-soup if I’m unprepared. I have my soup with either some rice cakes, fruit, nuts, or carrot sticks and hummus. I am planning to become more organised and make more salads to take for my lunch, especially when Spring time comes round.
7. What is your favourite body part to strength train?
I’m torn between my arms or my bum. I love to train my arms because there are so many different exercises to do, plus you can see results VERY quickly so it’s very motivating. I also love to train my bum as I love to do squats. They work you hard, burn more calories than other strength moves and give you an amazing bum… what’s not to love!
8. What is your least favourite body part to strength train?
Either my abs or legs as they hinder the next day’s exercise and daily tasks. There have been times when I struggle to walk up or down stairs, or end up in pain whenever I laugh or sneeze. However the pain is always a good pain, as atleast I know I have worked my body hard!
9. What are your “bad” food cravings?
EVERYTHING! I love food, and love unhealthy food. I could not live without chocolate, Dominos Pizzas, or a crunchy fresh white baguette or bun! It is just a matter of learning not to eat unhealthy food everyday. However if I fancy a Dominos Pizza I will have one, I just choose a thin base, low fat cheese and a smaller size than what I used to have.
10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?
I don’t at the moment, but I do sometimes. If I am ill I will pop vitamins C everyday. I do try and take a multi-vitamin if I remember or some calcium supplements as I don’t get enough in my diet as I hate milk.
11. How often do you eat out?
About once a week. My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship so at the weekend we like to go out for lunch or dinner together as a treat. Because I know this happens I can compensate for it during the week. I make sure I eat healthy throughout the week as at the weekend I have a treat to look forward to!
12. Do you eat fast food?
Yes! I am human after all! I am trying to become a healthier person, but I don’t see why I can’t have a pizza every once in a while. I used to have a takeaway atleast once a week, however now it is more like once every three weeks/ a month. Being healthy is about moderation, not deprivation!
13. Who is you biggest supporter?
I would like to say myself, as I’m the one who pushes myself out the door into the cold to go for a run when I really don’t want to, however I know I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the support from my boyfriend and my family. They are constantly telling me “well done for going for a run” and “look how skinny you’re getting”. Just the other day my boyfriend was telling my that I was disappearing!
14. Do you have a gym membership?
No. I tried the gym and figured out I can do everything I do there at home! It’s a lot cheaper! My mum and I have a lot of equipment between us; treadmill, weights, exercise balls and DVD’s. However you don’t need any equipment to workout! The road is free… get out and run! Use your own body weight for your strength training… squats, lunges, push-ups, the plank are all free to do and super effective!
15. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
I aim for 7.5 as that’s the optimum, however recently I’ve been a busy bunny, so it’s more like 7 or 6.5 on a bad night!
16. Do you have a “cheat” day?
I don’t have a designated cheat day, but if I fancy a treat I will have one, I just make sure I don't’ have seconds, or have a treat the next day. If I’ve really indulged I’ll add an extra mile to my run, or make sure I workout twice the next day.
17. Do you drink alcohol?
Of course I do… I could not live without my champers! However I drink a hell of a lot less than I used to. I think alot of it comes from not being at university any more. However most of it comes from getting older… I’ve always had bad hangovers, but they are just getting worse, and I hate wasting my days off in a hung-over state.
18. Do you have a workout buddy?
I workout with my mum sometimes (when she isn’t injured, which she has been recently) and I also drag my boyfriend out for runs on Saturday and Sunday mornings. It’s nice to have someone beside you as you can encourage each other.
19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a Healthy Lifestyle?
Probably that I love running again. I used to run alot before I went to uni and enjoyed it so much, but when I stopped doing it and then tried back at it, I found it difficult and punishing so I would never continue with it. However after many months of pushing myself I now have a changed state of mind. I now wake up on a Saturday morning and think “oh the weather’s nice, what a great day for a run!” …. 6 months ago you would of had to drag me out of bed on a Saturday morning.
20. What was the last healthy thing you did?
Last night I went out in the sub zero temperatures and pushed my tired legs to run 5k for the second day in a row. I am feeling it today, but I also never felt more proud when I had finished my run!
I hope the above answers helped demonstrate how I try to live a healthy life, and perhaps gave you some ideas and tips! Let me know if you are going to do the tag, leave your link below.
I do want you all the comment by answering… What was the last healthy thing you did? Lets share the inspiration and give ourselves a pat on the back by acknowledging our little accomplishments!
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Unvarnished Reality: This is What Some People are Saying
"I know this isn't a laughing matter but this is pretty fucking sweet. Now those very same women who complain about how hard childbirth is get to experience real pain and misery by getting their arms blown off by enemy fire or their legs blown off by mines. Or getting infections when they have to stay at their post for days at a time without taking a bath. Those same women who say all men are rapists can now see what real rape is when they are taken as POW's and gang-raped by foreign men at gun point and passed around like a piece of meat and then their heads blown off when they are done. This is real war ladies, are you ready for your cup of true equality?"What matters here is not the particular issue under discussion -- that is a mere tangent. A mere occasion. What matters is the anger. That is the takeaway point which presently holds our interest. For there is anger in these words, wouldn't you say so? It certainly sounds that way to me. And what's concerning, is that such anger is generally on the rise. Warning: it will not go away, and it will not "stay the same". A lot of men, and especially young men, are voicing sentiments in this vein, and their stridency is climbing toward a nasty crescendo. So reflect seriously on what this bodes for the future. And then reflect seriously on what must be done about it. Anything at all?
To get the world moving on the right track, I'll tell you what must not be done about it. These angry men must not be demonized, criminalized, trivialized, juvenilized, pscychologized or otherwise disrespected in any way. That is what created the problem in the beginning, and more of the same would only yield more of the same... only more so! That's right, the worse you treat them, the worse they will act.
So the only way to fix this shit we're in, is to ask these men what the problem is. No, not what "their" problem is, what THE problem is. I mean objectively and existentially.You are to listen. Simply to listen. And you are to heed the plain intention of their words, and to process what they have formulated by the power of those words. And from thenceforth it shall be your duty to act upon the counsel they have generously profferred.
By the end of the day, they are absolutely right to be angry because most of what they're saying is the simple truth. Yes, even if it sticks in your craw, other people are sometimes right and you are sometimes wrong. So never forget that men are half the human race, and that if you treat half the human race in a vile way, the repercussions will will come home to roost equally upon the other half. Now that's equality! Guaranteed! And there is nothing that agitators like myself can do about this. We tried. We gave it our best shot. But in the long run, we are only voices in the wilderness, and our time is wasted if the wilderness does not spring to action at our call.
The Revolution is Going Global
Well no, that's not precisely accurate. Fact is, it has been global for a few years, but is now moving dramatically toward the next level of organization -- with networks and linkages springing up here, there, everywhere. Groups and groupuscules, too. Cells and committees, too. You get the idea.
Supporters of the feminist regime are getting scared. I have a keen nose, and I can smell fear in the wind. Well they should be fearful. If I were them, I too would be brimming over with fear and guilt, and I would be pulling back into my shell with all deliberate speed, doing as much damage control as possible along my line of retreat. Then I would stay out of sight for a good long while, quietly licking my wounds and pulling my thoughts together. Yes, that is what I would be doing if I were them. I speak from a place of empathy. Get it?
Very well. When all of this is over, when the smoke has cleared and the dust has settled, post-feminist society will differ profoundly from both feminist society and pre-feminist society. The lessons of history will need to be instilled -- and I mean pedagogically instilled! -- and the culture will need to be transformed in such a way that this kind of thing never, never, ever happens again.
A Missouri Man Groomed a Teen Girl for a Life of Sadomasochism, Gave Her Drugs, Showed Her Internet Porn, Sexually Tortured Her for Years, Made Pornography of her Abuse to Post Online, and Shocked and Nearly Suffocated Her During a Torture Session
PLEASE READ this horrifying EVIDENCE that demonstrates how truly harmful so-called “consensual” sadomasochism can be. It also shows how TRULY NON-CONSENSUAL some pornography on the Internet is, and how sometimes REAL TORTURE is occurring to women who are truly ENSLAVED and NOT AT ALL “willing participants.”
Furthermore this story provides evidence of how pornography is used to groom young
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A Report From the Activist Front
"SAVE lobbyists hit the House of Reps and the Senate today to discuss VAWA reform. We had meetings all day long. I can't speak for the people in the House, but I can tell you that all of our meetings in the Senate went well. Some went way better than even I expected. Said to us today, "This is a conversation that happens a lot around here." And this was in the office of a Democrat. Our message is getting through. They finally realize that we have been telling them the truth all along. Thank you God!"I figured it would put a bright spot on your day to read that.
Now, for the benefit of feminists and other idiots who refuse to pull their heads out, I am providing a link to SAVE's proposed Partner Violence Reduction Act. It is meant to to take the place of VAWA, and there is nothing in it which any honest person of sane morality could object to -- or at least not on the pretense that it betrays women! It amounts to little more than VAWA stripped of all that is sexist, anti-male, unconstitutional, or shady. So if you can read the proposed version and still insist that VAWA should be passed unmodified, then I have no time for you because you would clearly rather see VAWA remain sexist, anti-male, unconstitutional and shady.
The document works through all of the proposed alterations and explains, in crystal-clear language, the reasoning behind each one. Click, and the PDF will begin downloading:
Let us never forget that the war on men is worldwide. I like to "armchair travel" to all parts of the world every chance I get, by visiting websites and better yet, talking to people from anywhere and everywhere. My physical body is parked in the USA, but in spirit I cover the earth, just like Sherwin-Williams paint.
Gynocentrism and Gynonormativism
Gynocentrism (Greek, gyno-, "woman, female") is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of placing female human beings or the feminine point of view at the center of one's world view. The perceptions, needs, and desires of women have primacy in this system, where the female view is the reference point or lens through which matters are analysed. Ideologically, gynocentrism prioritizes females hierarchically, as the overriding focus, and at the exclusion of all else. Observed in practice, the preeminence of women is seen as absolute: interpersonally, culturally, historically, politically, or in broader contexts socially (i.e. popular entertainment). It is the reverse of androcentrism where the male view is the central reference point.I would differ from this.
Gynocentrism is the practice of placing women's safety, comfort and general well-being at the center of social or political concern, and structuring life in the objective service of such interests. It extends no further than that, and would NOT include placing the feminine point of view at the center of one's worldview. That is to say, gynocentrism does not violate the boundary of inner space by requiring a person (male in particular) to think and feel a certain way. In sum, gynocentrism is not totalitarian.
Gynonormativism goes the extra step. Using gynocentrism as a platform, gynonormativism prioritizes the feminine point of view hierarchically within the culture, on both a political and interpersonal level, and pressures males in particular to adopt a supposed feminine system of values as a component of one's authentic personality. In this manner gynonormativism is totalitarian. We would understand feminism as a gynonormative project, while acknowledging that it could not have come into operation without a preexisting base of gynocentrism in the traditional culture.
Gynonormativization is integral to the establishment of female supremacy.
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From India: Woman Tells False Story of Gang Rape
"A Moga woman’s story of her kidnapping from Chandigarh and dumping here after gang rape in a moving car has turned out to false. She posed as victim to frame her boyfriend’s wife who had got her into prison on the accusation of attempted murder by poking with HIV-infected needles.The timeliness of this should be clear to anybody who has witnessed the viral promotion of a recent story, also from India, of death by gang rape on a bus. The latter has triggered a vicious anti-male feeding frenzy by feminists everywhere on Earth. Yes, it is classic feminist behavior and we've seen it all before. It is true to form. Feminists love it when such things happen, they live for such moments, and they would like to see more of it. And why? Because it lets them foment moral hysteria, to prove yet again that "feminism is necessary". ("Feminism", of course, means anti-male politics in general.) For you see, if such things didn't actually happen, the feminists would need to fall back on half-truth, confabulation, or outright fabrication. But here, read the full article:
"She was out on bail when she made up the story."
I would wager some smart money that if you tallied up the evil which men do in this world, and the evil which women do, the two would perfectly balance each other on the scales of karma. I have yet to see anybody make a plausible case otherwise. But friend, you and I know how the world works. Male wrongdoing is deemed inherently more newsworthy, and treated accordingly. When a man does something spectacularly BAD, it is naturally a spectacle and the chattering classes will chatter on and on about it. When a woman does something spectacularly bad, or worse, does something unspectacular but more significantly bad, the story will get a brief notice -- very much like a rock tossed into the ocean which makes a quickly-forgotten splash before it sinks out of sight forever.
So why should it be that this woman -- who frames an innocent man with a fabricated gang rape story and deliberately infects people with the HIV virus -- does not immediately gain wild international celebrity? That is a very important philosophical question.
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Men's Rights are Human Rights. Isn't that Right, Asshole??

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20 Jan
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- Men's Rights are Human Rights. Isn't that Right, A...
- — GREAT NEW WEBSITE with Many Help...
- Download Smadav 2013 Pro Rev. 9.2.1 Full Version +...
- From India: Woman Tells False Story of Gang Rape
- Soap & Glory Archery Review| My First YouTube Video
- Gynocentrism and Gynonormativism
- Parthasadhukhan
- A Report From the Activist Front
- Download Yamicsoft Windows 8 Manager 1.0.5 Final F...
- Download Private Folder V1.1.70 Freeware
- A Missouri Man Groomed a Teen Girl for a Life of S...
- The Revolution is Going Global
- Unvarnished Reality: This is What Some People are ...
- Download Game WWE Impact 2011 For PC Rip 100% Working
- Fitness Friday| Healthy Living Tag| My Personal Re...
- Contra-Fragmentos
- Download CCleaner Business And Profaessional Editi...
20 Jan