

A Pro-Male Political Party Has Been Formed in England

A pro-male political party has been formed in England. Read all about it at the UK Mail online, here:

Cara Membuat Windows 7 Genuine Langsung Dari Microsoft 100% Working

Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan tutorial agar windows 7 yang kita gunakan benar-benar genuine langsung dari microsoft. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat tahu pentingnya windows 7 menjadi benar-benar genuine.
Dengan windows 7 yang benar-benar genuine, kita bisa mengupdate windows 7 kita kapan saja tanpa takut windows 7 yang kita gunakan di blacklist oleh pihak microsoft.
Tutorial yang saya share ini dijamin 100% akan membuat windows 7 yang sahabat haramain software gunakan tidak akan di blacklist oleh pihak microsoft karena tutorial ini akan membuat windows 7 yang sahabat haramain software gunakan langsung diakui oleh pihak microsft.
Apakah sahabat haramain software tertarik dengan tutorial ini ? sudah pasti sahabat haramain software yang menggunakan windows 7 tertarik dengan tutorial ini. Baiklah sekarang langsung saja ke tutorialnya.

Cara membuat windows 7 Genuine langsung dari microsoft : 

1. Yang pertama sahabat haramain software harus membuat windows 7 yang sobat gunakan menjadi genuine dengan menggunakan Windows 7 Loader By daz yang pernah saya share sebelumnya hanya sebagai konci agar di terima oleh microsoft ( Perlu di ketahui walaupun sudah genuine menggunakan Windows 7 Loader namun itu belum sempurna karena ketika sobat mau update atau mungkin tidak sengaja terupdate, nanti akan diblacklist oleh pihak microsoft ).

2. Setelah sahabat haramain software membuat windows 7 yang sobat gunakan menjadi genuine dengan menggunakan Windows 7 Loader by Daz, Sekarang waktunya untuk membuanya menjadi benar-benar genuine langsung dari microsft. Pertama masuk ke situs ini.

3.Setelah situs terbuka, akan terlihat seperti gambar dibawah ini.

    4. Setelah keluar seperti gambar diatas, Klik Tombol Validate Now Seperti yang diberi panah merah pada gambar diatas.

    5. Setelah klik validate now, akan keluar gambar seperti dibawah ini.

    6. Sekarang Klik tombol download seperti yang di beri tanda panah pada gambar diatas kemudian tunggu sampai proses download selesai dan setelah selesai download, jalankan/install hasil downloadnya, nanti hasilnya seperti gambar dibawah ini.

    7. Tunggu sampai proses selesai dan setelah selesai langsung klik Close saja.
    8. Setelah di Close, Buka lagi situs ini. nanti Klik lagi tombol Validate Now seperti gambar dibawah ini

    9. Setelah Klik validate now, tunggu sebentar sampai keluar gambar seperti dibawah ini.

    10. Setelah keluar gambar seperti diatas, disana ada tulisan berbahasa inggris yang artinya seperti ini : Karena Windows yang di install pada PC anda asli, anda dapat menikmati keamanan, kehandalan dan perlindungan yang di sediakan.
    Itulah pesan yang terakhir yang menyatakan bahwa windows 7 yang sobat gunakan sudah diakui oleh pihak microsoft. Sekarang sahabat haramain software bisa mengupdate sesuka hati.
    Teseted by me Admin haramain software.
    Sekian dulu tutorial dari saya, semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat haramain software.


    Feminists and Zionists

    Too controversial, I guess. ;)

    "RhOa" StAr PhAeDrA pArKs Is PrEgNAnT aGaIn!

    Look who's preggers! "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star Phaedra Parks, is expecting her 2nd child with husband, Apollo Nida! Their 2 and a half year old son Ayden, will soon be a big brother!

    This particular picture above is of Phaedra on the beaches of Nassau, Bahamas, where she and Apollo spent the Christmas holiday with a few friends (seen-r: Toya and Memphitz Wright, Kandi Burruss and


    Feminism is a Spherical Argument

    A circular argument is a style of fallacious logic which assumes the truth of its conclusion beforehand in order to establish the truth of that conclusion. Which is to say, it is self-validating. A circular argument is easy to refute.

    A spherical argument is an ecology of interwoven circular arguments that cross-reference and cross-validate each other with no reference to anything outside the conceptual space their activity generates. A spherical argument is vastly more complicated than a circular argument, which makes it vastly more difficult to refute.

    A system of cultural logic may be considered a spherical argument, and a spherical argument may be considered a paradigm. So at the heart of a culture, a cultural paradigm is embedded. And to refute a cultural paradigm is as difficult as to refute any other spherical argument, if not more so.

    Feminism is a spherical argument which has obtained the status of a cultural paradigm. That is what makes it so formidable.

    If We Fail Not, Then Feminism Must Surely Fail

    Picture a gigantic heap of snow -- the kind you might see pushed up by a snowplow along a highway after a blizzard. Then picture yourself busy with a blowtorch -- slowly, patiently, inch by inch, melting that mound away to nothing. You know that your method cannot fail. You know the snow hasn't got a chance against you, that you need only keep unstintingly at it until the entire mound lies in a puddle at your feet. You know it is only a matter of time and that stubborn perseverence will assuredly crown your efforts with victory. Such is the beauty of an infallible method, and only a failure of sustained endeavor could possibly avert what is ordained.

    Very well, feminism is that gigantic heap of snow. And we are the torching crew who cannot fail, provided only that our will-to-power, our discipline to the task and our adherence to the correct procedure do not fail us first. What do you think, does that sound like a good life? You bet it does! And needless to say, we are recruiting and training. So if you believe you are the right sort, then do come around. We'll see you there.


    Fruity Face Masks| A Montagne Jeunesse Review



    A face mask always brightens up my day. I don’t know about you but as soon as I put a face mask on I am instantly relaxed, it may be because you can’t really move around too much while you are wearing one. Whether it is or it isn’t, those ten minute when my skin is being cleaned and nourished are special to me. So whenever Montagne Jeunesee contact me to ask whether I would like to trial their new face masks I always say yes. Plus a nice soothing or refreshing facemask is perfect for rejuvenating your skin after those late nights and too many glasses of champagne you’ve probably consumed over the past week!

    Montagne Jeunesse kindly sent me three masks to try from their new Exotic Fruits Range, one mud mask and two peel off masks. I am sure you have heard of Montagne Jeunesse before, many of you, like me will have grown up using their face masks with your mum or with your friends during sleep overs. If you haven’t I will give you a little information. They are an animal friendly company based in the UK which makes a range of natural skin care products. Their products are all suitable for vegetables and  use natural ingredients. I think they are very reasonably priced at around £1, this range above are sold for £1.29 from Boots, Asda and their website- I was really surprised to learn that they sell 30,000 face mask every day in the UK! Now that’s impressive!

    Anyways onto the products and review. Their Exotic Fruit collection is is made from a range of unusual natural skin care ingredients, which makes them all very fruity! 

    Paw Paw Peel Off Mask

    They say- “Picked from the tropics of South America the PawPaw aka Papaya (known as “ Fruit of Angels”) and Noni Fruit naturally help protect. This duo work harmoniously, revealing clean sensational skin, sent from the Heavens.”

    I say- “This mask was very very sticky when applying, so it went on quite thick. Despite how thick it went on it dried in a good amount of time (around 10 minutes) and when drying there was no discomfort like there is sometimes. The mask came off very easily, almost in one piece, and I was left with amazingly soft skin!! I tried to take a picture of how glowing it was, but the picture did no justice to how great my skin looked. It definitely took away my dead pores and left with with pretty good pores!”

    Dragon Fruit Sauna Mask

    They say-“For a flaming good clean, ablaze with freshly crushed Dragon Fruit from the depths of central America and pulped Kiwi Fruit, this warming wonder reaches into pores removing trapped oil and dirt… a fiery feast for smooth, clean skin.”

    I say-Again this mask was very very sticky, and very fruity smelling, but the smell was amazing! This mask definitely warmed up! It heated to a noticeable yet comfortable temperature and dried in good time. Again I was left with soft, clean and glowing skin. However I don’t think this is my favourite sauna mask, there are others in the Montagne Jeunesse range I prefer, such as the Red Hot Earth Sauna Masque.”

     Prickly Pear Peel Off Mask

    They say-“Native to the Western Hemisphere, Prickly Pear helps protect skin from the Earth’s daily assaults whilst Mangosteen has powerful free scavengers (antioxidants)- How’s that for a boost?”

    I say-“Again this mask is super sticky! But the results are amazing, very similar to the Paw Paw Peel Off mask, my skin was left very smooth, soft and clean. I used it after my night out in Manchester, and it definitely brightened up my dull, hungover skin, and I went to work on Monday looking fresh (just a little tired!)”

    Overall, as always, I was very impressed with the results. My skin looked amazing after each mask and the product did as it said it would! The only downside and negative comment I can make is that the Exotic Fruits range as fruity as it is, isn’t very festive. It would of been great to see a new range released that reflexed my favourite season. Something rich, chocolaty and warming!

    What do you think of Montagne Jeunesse products? Are you a fan? Have you seen or tried any great Christmassy face masks that are fitting for the season?

    The Evolving Zeitgeist: Groanings from the Right

    I would like to introduce you to a blog by a conservative "traditionalist" woman who hates feminism as much as she hates Paul Elam, MRAs, etc....

    This will give you some sense of the emerging "left" and "right" division within the non-feminist revolution. And, with certain reservations, I (Fidelbogen) would appear to be more to the left. Feminists, are you paying attention and taking notes here??

    To be honest, this poor woman doesn't fully get what feminism really is. Her grasp of the issues, I'm sorry to say, is roughly two inches deep. Not that I entirely blame her, since what's happening is horridly complex. And with the best will in the world it cannot be made simple. It cannot be "presently comprehended by the weakest noddle" as Jonathan Swift would say. Only long and deep study will yield the fruit of knowledge here. Fortunately, people like myself have studied long and deep, for years, and we do carry the torch beam in the darkness.

    I left a comment on the blog, and screen-capped it in my customary way. (Click to enlarge.)

    I recommend giving the linked blog post, and its accompanying comment thread, your careful attention. We Archimedians are quite keen on monitoring the objective state of play within this Great Game called the non-feminist revolution.

    The mountain-top view, my friends! The mountain-top view!

    GOOD NEWS! Twitter Users Help Shut Down Child Abuse Accounts Posting Child Pornography

    Concerned Twitter users have exposed several accounts posting child porn and have gotten them removed! Yay! What should be noted here is that speaking up and reporting abuse and images that violate the policies of a service like Twitter CAN make a difference, so we urge all of you to please do so as much as possible! ~ Check out the details of the story below for some useful information and some


    Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays! :-)

    May all of you and your loved ones have a very happy, healthy and peaceful time this holiday season, however you are spending it.

    Many thanks to everyone for your ongoing support of this important cause to help humanity. Your support and your own activist efforts to prevent and combat the harms of pornography and ALL forms of sexual exploitation and abuse are very much appreciated!


    Definition of "Misogyny"

    The accompanying screen cap documents the online Merriam-Webster definition of "misogyny", current as of 24 December, 2012. (Click to enlarge.) I would encourage you to archive your own copy of this, as historical evidence. The trend now is toward feminist balloon semantics, which means that the updated definition (watered down to include "prejudice against women") will be the norm in every dictionary on earth before long.   I see where the first known use of this word was in 1656. Well, the first known use of misandry (as the German "misandrie") was in 1803 -- that's a lag of  only 147 years. So, it looks like both words are historically quite recent.


    Merry Christmas Everyone


    Merry Christmas Blog Post

    Just a quick post from me to say Merry Christmas everyone! I won’t be posting over the next couple of days as I will be busy filling my time seeing family and friends.

    This year is a little different for me as it’s the first year I am having my Christmas dinner away from home and with the boyfriend's family. We spend every Christmas together, but for the past 4 years we have spent it with my family, so this year I decided it was time to spend it with his. So Christmas morning I am getting up early; I always do, as I am too excited to sleep, and going for a run. Now yes you may think that’s madness, but I do enjoy it (I swear) and plus I will feel less guilty about munching on endless streams of chocolates all day. We will then open our presents with his family and have Christmas dinner early afternoon. Later in the day Matt is driving us across the country to my Mum’s house where we will spend the night. Boxing day will be a second Christmas for us, with more presents to open, more family to see and more Christmas dinner to eat! Then on the 27th I am back to work so there won’t be much relaxing for me this year… but there never is!

    I hope you all have a lovely day and get to spend the holidays’ with the people you love. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all got for Christmas in your haul posts! Have a great day!


    Meme for the Moment

    Open question for discussion: Could the above-posted graphic image be justifiably termed "misogynistic"?

    My own response would be "no". 

    A further question: IF the above-posted image COULD be justifiably termed "misogynistic", would that effectively alter the meaning of the word such that misogyny itself would become a venial or trivial offense? 

    My own response would be "yes".

    Download Game Digimon Rumble Arena Full Rip + PSX Emulator PS1 100% Working

    Game digimon rumble arena ps1. Kali ini haramain software akan membagikan sebuah game PS1 yang sudah lama namun masih sangat seru untuk dimainkan, apalagi sahabat haramain sofware bisa memainkannya di PC dengan menggunakan joystick.
    Digimon rumble arena ps1 yang haramain software bagikan ini sangat kecil kapasitasnya karena sudah saya compres hanya menjadi 11 Mb, namun ketika sahabat haramain extract, akan terlihat besar kapasitas aslinya yaitu 260 Mb.
    Untuk memainkan game ini sahabat haramain software membutuhkan Emulator PS1 dan tentu saja akan saya bagikan juga. game ini sudah saya coba sebelumnya dan sangat lancar tanpa ada masalah sedikipun.


    Bagi yang ingin mendownload game ini silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

    Cara memainkan :
    1. Setelah download Extract Game digimon rumble arena yang 11 Mb nanti akan keluar imagenya yang 260 Mb.
    2. Exract PSX Emulator PS1 kemudian jalankan psxfin.exe
    3. Klik file kemudian pilih insert cd image kemudian cari image digimon rumble yang 260 Mb tadi kemudian klik Open
    4. Untuk mensetting Controllersnya pilih file kemudian configuration kemudian pilih controllers kemudian setting sesuai kebutuhan sahabat HS.
    5. Selamat bermain.
    Semoga membantu dan menghibur sahabat haramain software.

    Fitness Friday| Personal Weight-loss| Progress Picture


    Firstly this post is a little bit late, my apologies, but like many of you, I have been especially busy the past week getting everything organised for Christmas. Now that I am at my Boyfriends’ parents house (where I’m spending Christmas) I can finally put my feet up and relax. I am currently writing this post while sitting in my PJ’s waiting for my tan to dry and nibbling on Cadbury’s Chocolate fingers… yum!

    Anyways on to the purpose of this post… my personal weight-loss or even fitness/health journey. As you should all know by now, as I keep going on about it, I have been taking part in my own Festive Flat Tum Challenge over the past few months and although I haven’t quite achieved a flat tum tum yet I have seen some results which I wanted to share with you.

    I have on this journey gained more than I have lost.. I have gain a new perspective on my health, body and fitness. I write this post as a completely different girl than what I was 4 months ago. For example, yesterday I was out in torrential rain running… I have officially turned into a mad runner… but more than that I enjoy it! It isn’t a chore, I enjoy going out and working out, I enjoy pushing my body and working hard and no matter how many pounds or inches I lose will change that.

    Firstly I need to explain that I don’t use weighing scales, so I measure my progress through this progress  picture I am sharing with you, along with the inches I have lost and how my clothes fit. I used to have an unhealthy relationship with the weighting scale and would concentrate more on the pounds I lost than how I felt and looked. For example if I have a really good week where I had worked out 6 times a week and eaten healthily everyday but then I only saw a small amount of pounds lost I would feel awful, upset and demotivated. Now I concentrate on my performance in my workouts; how far or fast I run, how may squats I can do, how long I can hold a plank for. This means I end up pushing myself a little bit harder with each workout and I know the harder I work the sooner results will come.

    To achieve the results I have I have simply changed my attitude; I focus on health not weight-loss. I eat healthy 80% of the time and workout 5/6 times a week for about an hour. I have not deprived myself of anything at all; If I want to go out for dinner and have a big burger I will. I just know to not have a huge big burger the next day. I eat 3 meals a day and have 2 small healthy snacks, so I am eating little but often. Because of  this constant grazing I am rarely hungry so I don’t end up binging on something I shouldn’t because I feel starving. With my exercise I aim for 30 to 40 minutes of cardio a day and 30-20 minutes of strength exercises a day. For my cardio I mainly run, but do use a mixture of workout DVD’s and games also such as Zumba. With my strength exercises I either makeup a routine of simple but effective moves such as Squats and The Plank or I use a DVD such as The 30 Day Shred.

    So my results are as follows. In 4 months I have;

    • Gone down about 2/3 dress sizes on my top (dependant upon the shop)
    • Gone down 2 dress sizes on my bottom (again dependant upon the shop)
    • Lost a total of 13 inches, including 2 inches off my boobs, hips and bum and nearly 2.5 inches off my waist!

    002_thumb2-horzbphoto (17)-horz

    I still have a long way to go till I will be completely happy with my body, but I am very happy with my results so far.

    Have to been on a fitness or health mission this year also? Have you seen any results from exercise or changing your diet recently? I always love to hear about success stories!

    Download Game Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 For PC 100% Working

    Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah game lagi untuk sahabat haramain software. Siapa sih yang tidak kenal engan game yang satu ini yaitu need for speed most wanted 2012.
    Kalau dulu saya pernah share need for speed most wanted dan berhubung ada versi yang terbaru dan dengan grafik yang lebih bagus lagi, saya akan share need for speed most wanted 2012.
    Need for speed most wanted 2012 ini sebenarnya kapasitas aslinya sekitar 5 Gb lebih namun yang saya bagikan ini yang sudah di compres menjadi lebih kecil kapasitasnya namun kualitasnya tetap sama.
    Game ini sudah di test oleh uploader dan 100% working. Need for speed most wanted memang rajanya game balap mobil karena saya sendiri masih memainkan game need for speed most wanted.

    Screenshoot :

    Minimum System Requirements:
    CPU: 3 Ghz or faster
    RAM: 2 GB or higher
    VGA: Atleast an NVidia 5900 or ATi 9800 with 256 mb of video memory
    DX: DirectX 9.0c
    HDD: 3 GB or more free space
    Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
    Resolution: 1280×1024

    Link Download :

    Cara install :
    1. Mount menggunakan Daemon tools
    2. Install sampai selesai
    3. Copy Crack dari dalam folder SKIDROW
    4. blok game dengan firewall
    5. Mainkan
    6. Enjoy
    Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanpaat.

    No "Misogyny" Hereabouts

    Apart from the occasional stray remark left by a commenter, there is absolutely no "misogyny" anywhere on the Counter-Feminist blog. And whoever says otherwise is either an imbecile or a deliberate liar. 

    I challenge anybody to prove otherwise, but if you are smart you won't take me up on that because the task is hopeless and you will fail.

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