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Folder protect ini mampu menyembunyikan data dari orang lain, melindungi file dari modifikasi orang lain, melindungi data agar tidak bisa di hapus oleh orang lain dan hanya si pengguna yang bisa mengatur file tersebut.
Bagaimana menurut sahabat haramain software folder protect ini ?. Saya sendiri mengakui software ini karena benar-benar mampu mengamankan folder/file kita dari tangan-tangan jahil.

Screenshoot :

Cara penggunaannya juga sangat mudah dan yang jelas ini aman untuk digunakan baik oleh pemula atau yang sudah professional.
Bagi sahabat haramain software yang ingin mendownload dan mencoba folder protect ini, silahkan download pada link dibawah ini.

Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Download Game Angry Bird Star Wars Full Version 100% Working

Angry Bird Star Wars. Setelah beberapa hari haramain software tidak update, kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah game angry bird model baru dari Rovio yaitu angry bird star wars.
Kebetulan juga haramain software pageranknya naik satu lagi dan sekarang pagerank haramain software sudah 2 dan untuk yang spesial haramain software akan bagikan angry bird star war.
Saya yakin haramain software pasti sudah tau dengan angry bird tapi yang sekarang saya bagikan ini adalah versi terbaru dari rovio yang dimana angry bird ini bertemakan seperti Hero dengan avatar yang berbeda.

Screenshoot :

Screenshoot diatas langsung dari laptop yang saya gunakan dan untuk cara install sudah ada didalam file yang di download tapi akan saya perjelas juga cara installnya.

Cara install :
  1. Disconect dari internet dan nonaktifkan antivirus untuk sementara agar proses penginstalan lebih cepat
  2. Extract File ABSW dan Jalankan AngryBirdsStarWarsInstaller_1.0.0.exe
  3. Install samapai selesai tapi sebelum selesai hilangkan centang sebelum finish agar game tidak langsung jalan
  4. Buka folder Patch dan Copy angry.birds.all-patch.offline.v1.3.exe dan pastekan di Local C/ Program Files/ Rovio/ Angry Bird Star Wars
  5. Jalankan Patch angry.birds.all-patch.offline.v1.3.exe dan hilangkan centang pada Make Backup
  6. Klik Patch kemudian ok sampai ada tulisan Done kemudian tutup Patch
  7. Conect lagi ke internet kemudian Jalankan gamenya
  8. Untuk aktifasi masukkan serial ini HARA-MAIN-SOFT-WARE
  9. Selesai.
 Bagi yang ingin mendownload, silahkan download pada link yang sudah saya siapkan dibawah ini.

Selamat bermain dan semoga bermanfaat.


Raven Moon Dragon, Feminist

Actually, this is the Canadian non-feminist Typhonblue doing a bit of playacting.

Entertaining, isn't it?

Something Pungent for Your Consideration

Separating the good feminism from the bad feminism is like picking out the undigested corn and oats from horse shit. You would do better to get your corn and oats elsewhere, and spare yourself the bother of mucking around in shit.

Vox Populi: What the People are Saying

What a rich multitude of voices the world contains, holding forth upon the many issues that we find relevant and vital! They speak from every corner of the social landscape, do they not?

True it is, that feminism has wrecked the bedrock social institutions of marriage and family. And I will not tolerate any feminist who gets in my face and tells me that feminism has not done this, or that I don't understand what feminism really is.  In fact I really do understand, all too keenly, what feminism "really is."  Yes, really! And you know what else? I'm gonna re-narrativize your ass, be-yotch! I really am!

The main smile I have with the chap in this video, is his apparent gynocentrism. He seems obsessed, in a characteristically narrow way, with the topic of women and relationships. And long-time readers of this blog will know that I, the present writer, stick to such matters as politics, power struggles, narratives, discourses, spins, slogans, thrones, dominions, principalities, the clash of minds and wills, the forces of history, etc, etc, etc. So the content of my discourse is not quite exactly what you'd call "down home". .  is it? Yet be that so, for we all have our specialized parts to play in this big badass drama. Right?

Still, when the brotherman declares (toward the end of the video) that it's great for men now, I cannot let it pass unremarked. Surely, he can't be serious?


Fitness Fridays| Festive Flat Tum Challenge

This week’s Fitness Friday is a little more personal. I am setting myself a challenge of getting a festive flat tum! We have 6 weeks and 4 days until Christmas, or 46 days, really not long! However it is long enough to do something about your body if you want to! I know this time of year is busy and stressful, with parties to organise and attend, deadlines at work and university and Christmas shopping to be done, but if you can spare half an hour to an hour a day and make small changes to your diet you will notice a difference in your waistline, and will look amazing in your Christmas party dress... just imagine the dress!

By starting now, and by pushing yourself you will look and feel amazing, but more importantly will be the most confident you! I personally can’t wait to look drop dead gorgeous in my Christmas party dress, and turn some heads this year. Over the next 46 days I am challenging myself and you to become toned, motivated and confident.

I am aiming to tone up my hips, bum and tum (hence the title) and am going to share with you how I plan on achieving this as well  as keep you updated with on-going posts about all my highs and lows, meal ideas and workout reviews.

easy newchallenge new
Diet- “Eat Clean, Eat Often”
With the endless Mince Pies, Christmas Chocolates, buffet tables and cocktails surrounding you over the next 46 days, it is vital that you are full of healthy food all the time to help you avoid temptation. I aim to;
  • Eat 5 times a day- 3 meal and 2 snacks
  • Eat clean(er)- Swap my snacks of crisps and cereal bars for fruit and nuts. If it comes from a packet it’s not going near my mouth.
  • Reduce the carbs and up the protein- My dinner is always low carb, however I eat carbs for breakfast and aim to swap this for a more protein full breakfast, by replacing my cereal bars for egg; boiled or scrambled.
  • Keep the alcohol to a minimum! I am doing pretty well at this since I have moved home, but still need to keep control of it at the weekends... no bottle of wines in front of the television on a Friday night.
An example of a typical days meal plan;
Breakfast- Yoghurt and fruit with scrambled egg, bacon & tomato/ boiled egg.
Snack- Green smoothie/ fruit/ nuts
Lunch- Soap (homemade ideally) or vegetable crudités with houmous.
Snack- Fruit/ nuts
Dinner-Chicken or fish with vegetables
Exercise- “Go hard or Go Home”
This is where I am going to excel! Go hard or go home as they say!
I already try to run at least 2 miles a day, 5 times a week, which has significantly helped my waist line over the past couple of months. I aim to continue this and also add another workout, so I will be working out twice a day, one workout will be cardio based, the other will be strength and toning.
The running will make up my 30 minutes of cardio but you can choose a different cardio exercise if running is not your thing. You could try swimming, skipping, aerobics, Zumba, cycling or even a brisk walk.
For my second exercise I plan on concentrating on toning by using a variety of workout videos. I am going to use the 30 Day shred workout, varying between levels 2 and 3 as they both use different muscles, as well as using the workout videos form the lovely Tone It Up girls, who have a Holiday Hotties workout challenge going for themselves at the moment. These workouts tend to last around 30 minutes, so I won’t be over doing it as I will only be working out for around 1 hour a day.
You can find the workouts below: (Note: the videos do not below to me, and I am not responsible for the content of 3rd party sites.)  
I have included two workout calendars, one the “Go hard or Go Home” option which I will be using, and another less strenuous plan for those just starting to workout or who don’t workout often. Yes they are both a challenge, but that is the fun of it! With your health and fitness you get back what you put in! If you workout hard and often then your body will soon see results, and you will look fab for Christmas.
I have designed the calendars to match my schedule and Christmas plans, but feel free to change them. Also one last tip; please make sure to stretch well after all your workouts!  

I will be posting regularly throughout this challenge, with updates on my Twitter and two blog posts a week. One will be Motivation Mondays, which will include a load of motivational pictures and sayings to keep you on track, the second will be a Fitness Friday, which will share my highs and lows, along with healthy meal ideas and workout video reviews.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter so you can keep up to date with the latest posts and I can spur you on with your own fitness kick.

Let me know if you do want to join me, I need all the support I can get! Do you have your own personal plans to get fit this Christmas? Are you aiming to fit into the perfect party dress like I am?


This Here is a Real Head-Spinner

This one is straight from the department of "Presented-Without-Comment". I will stand aside and let it speak for itself, and say whatever it says. No more and no less.  (Click to enlarge.)

Some Excellent News

This is off-topic for the blog, but I am happy to hear that Colorado and Washington state have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. After all, feminism is not the only Big Evil Thing that throws a shadow across our  lives. The War on Drugs is mighty high on the scale of infamy, too, and it destroys the lives of even more cool, decent, honest MEN than false rape conviction does!

So here is a New York Times article about these latest developments:

Really, what's not to like about such developments? Full legalization would generate revenues, boost economies, take a bite out of the cartels and domestic thugs too, break down the prison-industrial complex, pave the way for many useful blessings that hemp can bring us, and infuse a mellowed-out philosophy into the minds of more people. Another nice thing about pot is, that it's a "gateway" drug -- meaning it can be a gateway leading people AWAY FROM smack, crack, methamphetemines, rotgut booze, etc, etc.....

And something else: it is nice to talk about such things on this blog! This is not the kind of baggage I hesitate to bring on board the ship, since I know it would do my cause zero political damage to be linked to the pro-hemp community -- which tends to be populated by lefty-progressive types. You see, most human beings dearly love their stereotypologies, and lefty-progressive types, who are notorious for henpecking other people about the sin of stereotyping, are among the guiltiest of offenders in that department.

Lefty-progressives are also, on average, more apt to be kneejerk supporters of feminism than any other discernible cohort. So picture their queasy discomfiture when Fidelbogen, the "misogynistic anti-feminist dude", moves right into their cultural neighborhood and throws a comradely arm around their shoulders!

I just love to scramble people's cultural radar, don't you??

All right.  Instead of going to a Tea Party rally, or an NRA rally, or whatever you had in mind, consider showing up at the Seattle Hempfest. Circulate among the crowd and strike up a conversation with some likely-looking "suckers". As you pass the pipe back and forth, impress them with your wit, your intelligence, your natural charm and charisma. Be a thoroughly delightful fellow. Make them laugh; make them smile. Then, when a righteous buzz has been copped all around, casually remove your jacket to reveal a t-shirt with some gem of "MRA" wisdom upon it. Note the stilted, wooden expressions which your new friends suddenly acquire. Watch them squirm. Feel the air temperature drop several degrees in the immediate vicinity. Above all, relish the effect you are having on them.

But wait a minute! I don't want to stereotype anybody! Perhaps, instead of giving you the hairy eyeball, their eyes will light up and you will know yourself to be in the presence of allies. And then a lively conversation will follow, and they will tell you about their circle of friends who are also fed up with feminism but fearful of speaking out within their general peer group.

Hey, you never know!


New Video -- Two Feminist Fallacies

This is a re-issue in the interest of production standards. In several places, I departed from the script and ad-libbed.

Now is a good time for this release, because it is directly relevant to what was covered in my recent reply to Barbarosssaaa, titled "Becoming Ambient". In case you missed that one, the link follows:

Proposition 35 Sex Trafficking Measure Passes in California

MORE GREAT NEWS! California voters said YES to Prop 35: CASE Act 2012 to increase penalties for sex traffickers! ~ Yay team!! Read more below, and please don’t forget to like, comment and share! Thanks!
[Neon Tommy] Proposition 35, or the Californians Against Sexual Exploitation Act, is designed to make sweeping changes to the state’s laws on human trafficking.
It will increase prison terms for

Wednesday wants| Christmas Wishes

Christmas list

It’s that time of year again lovelies! The Christmas decorations are going up, Christmas planning is beginning, the party dresses are in the shops, and your friends and family are forever asking “What do you want for Christmas?”

My answer always is a Channel bag, however I know that as much as I wish for it Santa will not be bringing me one this year. My dream list would be filled with designer bags, purses and shoes; Hermes, Channel, Mulberry, Christian Louboutin, and Jimmy Choos, but having already received some Loubuotins this year I think I’ve had my share of designer items, so for the interest of my lovely readers, friends and family I thought I would share with you what I’m wishing for this Christmas.

iPad- I would love the have a 3rd generation iPad, my laptop is fairly battered and I think reading blogs and watching my TV programmes would be so much better on an iPad. Plus it will be easier to transport than my laptop, and as I seem to spend a lot of my “free Time” travelling to see my boyfriend, friends and member of my family it’s kind of necessary.
Camera- My number one want and need! I currently use my compact camera or iPhone for the pictures on my blog, and I have noticed recently since the dark days and nights have been rolling in, that taking pictures is very difficult and the quality is not good! I would love a good quality camera, that is still compact, something like the Nikon One as I’m a novice and really think I won’t be very good with using different lenses etc.
Cute iPad case- Obviously if I get my iPad I need a cute leather case to keep it in!
Benefit cosmetics- There are so many beautiful benefit products that I would love to try that I just can’t justify buying for myself. My top picks are; They’re Real Mascara, POREfessional primer, Sun Beam Highlighter, Brown Zing, and How to Look The Best At Everything Kit.
Nail varnishes and nail art pens- My obsession with nail art continues! I am always happy to receive nail varnishes- OPI, Nails Inc, Essie, Topshop are my favourite and the first three are always bargains when found in TKMaxx.
Perfume- A need and a want! I have ran out of my favourite signature scent- Dolce and Gabbana The One, plus I would love some Pacco Rabbane Lady Million.
MAC Cosmetics- I have to be honest with you girls, I have never owned any Mac cosmetics... shock, horror! Yes I have used friends, however I never saw the appeal myself and have never indulged. But after only hearing great things about their products, I would love a MAC lipstick as their colour range is amazing!
Shoes- I have been a lucky girl for receiving amazing shoes this year; however my heel selection is out numbering my flats, and I desperately need some cute flats for everyday wear and work. (I’m a size 6)
Muju drawers- After buying a rubbish makeup case at the beginning of this year I am yet to replace it. My ideal solution would be the muju drawers as they are gorgeous and a bargain!
Rings- I love costume jewellery, and love beautiful and interesting rings, as I can wear them day and night.
Makeup bag and wash bag- I would love a new makeup and wash bag. The Marc Jacobs one is very cute! I love the glittery bow on it!
Filofax- As I am now a working girl I need a cute Filofax to write down all my appointments, meetings and top marketing ideas! I would love a leather Filofax in purple, red or hot pink.
Soap and Glory & Lush- Anything form Soap and Glory or Lush would make me happy. I love their products and there are many that I am yet to try.
Urban Decay Naked Palette Two- I have the first one and would love to try the second one, as feel I have exhausted all the colour combinations with the first one.
Real Techniques brushes- after receiving the Core Collection for my birthday I am a convert, and I would love to complete my collection with the Starter Kit, Blush Brush, Setting Brush and Powder Brush.
Ear muffs and Fur collar- I don’t often ask for clothes for Christmas as I quite fussy and sizing is always difficult. However ear muffs and a fur collar are easy to buy, and both are incredibly cute… perfect for keeping me warm when the snow comes!

So there is my (quite extensive) Wish List of what I would love to see in my stocking and under the tree this Christmas.
What are you wishing for this Christmas? Is there anything that is on my list that you also have your eye on? Also do you have any recommendations for a Camera?

Supporters confident in passage of measure requiring condoms in porn

Great news! LA County voters decided overwhelmingly to Vote YES on B & require mandatory condom use in porn shoots! ~ Somehow porn consumers will have to survive the terrible burden of actually seeing people take precautions to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps this will remind viewers that porn performers are actual human beings, and that engaging in sex with people



Citing Public Health Concerns, Measure B Aims to Require Condoms on All LA County Porn Shoots.

Don’t forget to Vote YES on B to require #porn performers in LA County to wear condoms to protect EVERYONE’S health!

~ Please read, like and share the article below, and if you live in Los Angeles County in California make sure that you tell all your friends and acquaintances to vote YES on Measure B also. This is a public health issue for EVERYONE, as unprotected porn performers who get

Pink Pops| How to make Popcakes

You may or may not have seen the posts about my Mum’s wedding in September. In that post you'll have seen pictures of the above Pop Cakes. My mum and I are both huge lovers of cake; any sort will do! So when I found the above book in TKMaxx I had to buy it. When flicking through the pages we came up with the idea of making pink Popcakes for her wedding as a gift for her guests.
At the time it seemed like a great idea; who wouldn’t love cute little pink cakes! However come 10.30pm the night before the wedding when we were still decorating the Popcakes, we were soon regretting it! Despite how stressful this idea became, the end result was amazing. The wedding guests were fascinated, and in awe when they discovered that my Mum had made them herself. So I thought I would show you how we did it.
Step 1- Firstly, a cake needs to be made. We used the recipe given in the book for a simple chocolate sponge cake. For the 100 popcakes that we made we had to bake 6 chocolate cakes and leave them to cool.
Step 2- To make the cake balls, the cakes were blitzed into crumbs then mixed with cream cheese, and icing sugar. This makes the cakes into a moist mouldable texture, that is quite similar to a ganache. We also added bashed up Crunchie to our mixture to add something special to half of the popcakes. We then moulded the mixture into 100 little balls, mounted them on sticks and popped them into the freezer for 15 minutes to allow them to solidify.
Step 3- The fun part; decorating! We ended up with 3 different looks for our popcakes. One was just pink icing with a pink icing rose on the top. The second was pink icing dipped into pink sugar.The third look was meant to resemble a flower, and involved pink and white swirls (as you can see above). The joy with popcakes is that you can be so creative with them, any colour, shape or design. I have seen little teacups and tea pots, dinosaurs, people, and food items such as hotdogs and slices of cake.
So that’s a short and sweet explanation on how we made our popcakes. It took a lot of time to make 100 of them, and it was a lot of hard work, but the final product was delicious and a big success with all the wedding guests. I think they are an excellent idea for wedding favours or even for Christmas presents!

So what do you think? Have you seen or tried popcakes before? Would you make any for Christmas presents or for your wedding or party?

It is Not Uncommon for Women to Lie About Rape

Consider the following:
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Police say a 20-year-old student could face punishment after admitting that she lied about being attacked while walking on the university of Florida campus in Gainesville.
No, it is not uncommon for women to lie about rape. It is a recurring social phenomenon, and it happens quite a bit although the exact percentages are hard to know. Of course, it is also difficult to know the exact percentages on actual rape, both because corroborative evidence is generally lacking, and because rape itself is so difficult to define in the culture of balloon semantics which feminism has created. Indeed, actual rape statistics are to be taken with a grain of salt for such reasons, and the worse the purported rape numbers in any given statement, the more salt should be added to the recipe. Feminists will do anything they can to inflate rape numbers in their effort to fan moral hysteria and anti-male loathing, just as they will tell lies (or "half-truths") in any other area, and for the same reason. They do this because. . . well. . . that is what feminists do. It's simply their nature. Adders gotta bite. Scorpions gotta sting. Feminists gotta lie!

Here is a link to the full news story:,0,4156136.story

It is a tiny item in a local paper, as you see. It will pass unnoticed by most people. It will make a brief splash, like a rock thrown into the ocean, and then it will sink out of sight and be forgotten. And you can be sure that feminists will not be studying such cases or gathering statistics, or showing any concern about the men whose lives are destroyed by false accusation or false allegation. So technically, I think that licenses me to not really give much of a spit about feminist rape hysteria in general, wouldn't you say? I think it entitles me to shrug my shoulders and say "whatever", and go about my day and not give another thought to the issue of rape. Or at least, no more thought than I would give to . . .say. . . murder, or bank robbery, or carjacking, or suicide bombing, or any number of other unsavory things which happen in this world.


Don't Try This At Home - Joke

The efficiency expert concluded his lecture with a note of caution.

"You don't want to try these techniques at home."

"Why not?" asked someone from the back of the audience.

"Well, I watched my wife's routine at breakfast for years," the expert explained. "She made lots of trips to the refrigerator, stove, table and cabinets, often carrying just a single item at a time.

'Hon,' I suggested, 'Why don't you try carrying several things at once?'"

The voice from the back asked, "Did it save time?"

The expert replied,

"Actually, yes. It used to take her 20 minutes to get my breakfast ready.
Now I do it in seven."

Never Forget This. . .

When you damage feminism, you help men.
When you damage men, you help feminism. 
When you help feminism, you damage men. 
When you help men, you damage feminism.

I wish to help men, therefore I do what I can to damage feminism. I wish to damage feminism, therefore I do what I can to help men. I know it is impossible to do either one of these things without doing the other. It's one-in-the-same, and it's all good.

When you damage men, you damage women
When you  damage women, you damage men
When you help men, you help women
When you help women, you help men

That is because men and women are the two halves of the social ecology. When you poison one half, you poison the other half also because, in a social ecology, poison does not stop half-way any more than poison in a well stops half-way. Accordingly then:

When you help feminism, you damage men. And when you damage men, you damage women.   

Therefore, when you help feminism, you damage women. 

When you damage feminism, you help men. And when you help men, you help women.  

Therefore, when you damage feminism, you help women.

So finally, I wish to help men and women, therefore I do what I can to  damage feminism. I wish to damage feminism, therefore I do what I can to help men and women. I know it is impossible to do either one of these things without doing the other. It's one-in-the-same, and it's all good. 

Therefore, since it is six of one and half-a-dozen of the other, I concentrate on damaging feminism in order to economize energy and maximize focus in my effort to help men and women.

Men's Rights Edmonton -- Vlog No. 5

Mr. Duckman and I have spent hours conferring about these and related matters, and I can attest that we are of  like mind on all the main points, although we differ on a few details. The core idea of building pro-male communities among people who don't need convincing, takes priority over preaching to the willfully ignorant or even to the lukewarm. It is from such communities that power bases are constructed, layer by layer. And we don't need anything near a majority to begin dominating the public discourse in a targeted region -- e.g. a city or a college campus.

Building local communities is, of course, a micro-strategy. We have not yet discussed macro (or wide net) strategies, but we'll get to it. 

As to the question "what's your job?", I will answer that my job is to agitate, theorize, write pamphlets, plant ideas like seeds, and spend time talking to all manner of people behind the scenes, doing whatever I can to grease the wheels and facilitate things. 

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