

Told Ya Britain didn't win.......came in 19th

Monday, March 11, 2013

Nil points.......

Britain has asked 
 80's pop star Bonnie Tyler,
to represent them in this years 
Eurovision Song contest.
With a little ditty called 
" Believe in Me "
Well as much as I am a Brit.
I should wish it well.
The good news is it can't do any worse,
 than last years effort.
Oh well.

Will not end well...........

This recent fad of idiots
In LA LA Land.
Is going to end in a terrible event.
Maybe then something will be done.

KaNyE wEsT lAtEsT tRaCk: NeW sLaVeS

Celebrity rapper and Kim Kardashian's baby daddy Kanye West, has once again struck a mental cord with his latest lyrics titled, 'New Slaves'.

The Chicago natives reputation has constantly been scrutinized, vilified and at times reprimanded due to his outlandish rhetoric in songs or simply in public. If you remember during the Hurricane Katrina tragedy when then President George W. Bush, was

Please support THE PUNTER PROJECT which shows the HORRIFIC TRUTH of what johns say about and do to prostituted women (@invisiblechoice)

WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC AND DISTURBING SEXUAL AND MISOGYNIST CONTENT!PLEASE FOLLOW THE PUNTER PROJECT AT TUMBLR AND TWITTER. And please share the powerful images from both! Also please share your comments here or at our post about this project at Facebook for the project creator Nia to read and respond to. Thanks! https:/

Told Ya sex parties with Nuns & Pres Obama.......

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More to come...........
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse,
for Italian leader 
Silvo Berlusconi......
As though the recent revelation 
that he paid a 
teenage hooker 

Ruby el Mahroug 
Ruby Heartstealer 
for sex.
Then when she was arrested got the police,
to drop the charges and release her from clinky.
Wasn't bad enough to get him thrown out of office.....
Well the allegations that will appear,
in the coming weeks will get him thrown out.
These " NEW " allegations.
Will make the others seem tame........

But he'll go to prison in 2012, for something they get him on.


Told Ya Beyonce expecting

Friday, December 21, 2012

2013 PREDICTIONS......

Christian Dion The Seer’s 2013 Predictions
Completed Dec 19th 2012
32                  Beyonce new baby


More a comment than a prediction

Debbie Rowe MJ's womb rental.
Is calling ..........
Wade Robson a money hungey publicity seeker.
A true expression of the 
"Pot calling the Kettle Black"
A wee Yorkshire expression.
She'll be made to eat her words.
At least Wade works for a living Debbie,
 what do you do?
Other than play with your horses.

Fitness Friday| Healthy Snacking| Fun Fruit

Healthy snack ideas apple chunksHealthy Snack Ideas Banana BitesHealthy snack peanut butter appleHealth snack banana and nutella
A foodie post for you all today. I’m really trying to make significant changes to my diet at the moment and have found that if I plan and prepare my meals then I am more likely to eat healthier. I decided that my diet needs to change as my fitness regime is pretty much there now, as in I am loving exercising and have to do it 5/6 times a week otherwise I go stir crazy. I pretty much hate my rest days and when I injured my leg the other day my first thought was “ oh no, I won’t be able to workout” I pretty much panicked. I know that I am going to have to rest it so that it recovers quickly, but my days feel incomplete if I haven’t worked out.
My diet on the other hand needs to improve, I still give into my cravings which is ok every now and again but not all the time. I need to eat less processed food and less sugar. So the snacks I am sharing with you above are perfect! Yes they do have sugar in them due to the fruit and little amount of chocolate spread, but they are a healthier alternative to chocolate bars or cake.

The snacks are super easy to make for the Banana Bites all you need it Nutella and a banana… these remind me of banana and Nutella crepes that I used to live on when I lived in France. You simply slice the banana then spread the Nutella onto one piece of banana and top with a second to make a little Banana Sandwich.
For the Apple Chunks you need Peanut Butter, desiccated coconut and an apple. Slice an apple and chop off the end so they are flat, this gives you an area for coat with peanut butter. After spreading on the peanut butter sprinkle desiccated coconut on top. The Apple Chunks are great to prepare for the next day in the office. I tend to have half in the morning and half in the afternoon. The Banana Bites I have in the evening if I’m craving something sweet.

Snacking is very important if you are trying to watch your weight as having a healthy snack between your meals can help reduce the amount you eat during your meals, it ensures that you don’t over eat as you are never hungry. If you prepare a healthy snack and have one to hand you are less likely to grab something unhealthy on the move. You should always have some fruit of nuts in your bag to ensure you don’t grab a bag of crisps or chocolate bar while at the train station etc. A healthy snack that is made up of complex carbs, protein and health fats increases your energy levels for a longer period of time than a sugary snack does. This will ensure that you don’t have the 3 o clock slump in the afternoon.

Nutritional value (approx..)
Banana Bites - Calories-205 carbs- 27g Fat-6g Protein-3g
Apple Chunks - Calories- 225 Carbs-27g Fat- 12g Protein-0g

Don't forget to check out my blogger of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you enjoy my fitness post you will fall in love with her blog. She is a stunner with a great blog!

MELANIE’S STORY: (Sex Shop Worker) “How Our ’Sex Society’ for Men Makes Me Have Serious Issues”

Please READ AND SHARE Melanie’s powerful story how working in a sex shop traumatized her and changed her view of men. (Sadly not for the better!) Please feel free to also comment!NOTE: We will pass on a link to this post to Melanie so she can read any supportive comments you post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HOW OUR “SEX SOCIETY” FOR MEN MAKES ME HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES – By Melanie (22, Germany,

Told YA Goldenballs hangs up his jockstrap.......

Sunday, December 2, 2012

A picture says it all.

Gordon Ramsey has conned, 
er asked 
David "Goldenballs"Beckham 
to join him in opening a restuarant in London.
Oh Dear..
Big flop.
Victoria if you see this get the hubby 
to tear up the contract NOW.
Retirement from soccer soon 2013/14.


Told Ya I love it ha ha........

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Warning Kim warning.

Dear Kim Kardashian.
You are about to get dumped by your "boyfriend" Kanye West.
Christian Dion.
P.S You do know he's cheating on you, don't you?

To the land of Spuds..........with or with butter?

So Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are heading to Idaho.
I feel sorry for the citizens of Idaho personally.
Seems Kristin suggested the move as a way to avoid the cameras in La La Land.
I can hardly type for laughing.
She won't last five minutes so far away from her place of ego " Hollywood ".
I wonder if she's ever cooked chips for him, quite a way to a Brits heart, chips.

Download IDM ( Internet Download Manager ) 6.15 Build 12 Full + Patch 100% Working

Internet download manager atau yang lebih sering kita panggil IDM ini memang sangat rajin update. Internet download manager setiap seminggu sekali biasanya mengupdate versinya ke versi yang terbaru dan kali ini saya akan bagikan versi terbarunya yaitu IDM 6.15 build 12.
Pada versi terbarunya sudah pasti IDM atau internet download manager lebih baik dari pada versi-versi sebelumnya. 
Saya rasa sahabat haramain software tidak akan bertanya apa itu IDM ?, karena IDM intinya berfungsi untuk mempercepat download menjadi berlipat-lipat dan tentusaja itu juga tergantung kecepatan internet sobat.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download, jalankan idman615.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan matikan lewat task manager ( untuk yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan IDM, kemudian setelah install versi terbarunya ini diminta registrasi, langsung tutup saja permintaan registrasi tersebut )
  3. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  4. kemudian klik patch
  5. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
  6. Kemudian klik OK
  7. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa like facebook haramain software karena jika haramain software tidak bisa terbuka atau bermasalah, maka admin akan menginformasikan melalui facebook atau Google+.

TOLD YA.. The MAX..........

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The max.......

Someone asked on the blog what I thought of the Jodi Arias trial.
She is not only a bitch.
She's clearly a lying MURDERESS.
She will get the maximum.
Let's pray no money grabbing producer,
 tries to make a movie of this 
monsters killing spree.

Told Ya So they "VATICAN" send him on holiday..spiritual retreat my ****

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gucci earplugs, I believe….

So the Pope says that ,
he won’t be intimidated,
by all the criticism of his handling,
of the latest sex scandal.
(Wait till the 2012 sex scandal starts)
Well if that doesn’t tell the World,
that the Vatican never listens nothing will.
This Pope is the beginning,
of the end for the Catholic church.
Seems to me the devil is at home,
with the Holy C.


Waste of time.......

Avril Lavigne is very busy at the moment recording her new album.
As well as her wedding to Nicklebacks,
Chad Kroger.
Won't last...........

Wednesday's Workout| Tone your Muffin Top & Love Handles

Firstly I would just like to thank each and every one of you for your amazing comments on the progress picture I posted on Friday. Your feedback has completely overwhelmed me and made me very proud of my achievements so far, however it is has also encouraged me to work harder so that my next progress picture will be just as impressive. I was literally brought to tears by some of your kind words; I've even had old uni friends comment on how much better and happier I look.Yesterday my Granddad rang me to inform me that he'd read my blog and just wanted to let me know how amazing I look and how proud he is of me. All of your support and amazingly kind comments always make my low days easier, and they always encourage me to lace up my trainers and drag myself out for a run when I really don't want to. So thankyou so much for reading my blog, commenting, tweeting and instagramming me, your support means the world to me.

Anyways enough of the smoochy stuff and onto our next workout! How is your week going? We are now half way through the month, so you should be half way through your newest fitness and health goals... if you aren't what are you waiting for... start now! There are only 6 weeks until summer so if you don't start now, when are you?

This weeks Wednesday Workout is going to concentrate on your muffin-top; that area of fat that sticks out from over your jeans, and Love Handles; the area at the side of your waist. Now you may be very lucky and have very little fat on your lower or side Abs but these workouts will help you tone up so still give them a go. These workouts will work the side, middle and lower Abs. They are both short videos of around 10 minutes long and both incorporate a number of moves all designed to work your Abs. Some of the moves are repeated in both videos, but there are new moves in each video so I wanted to share both of them with you. They are a little tough and will work you hard, but if you do manage them with ease just do the workout another 2 or 3 times to increase intensity. 

Please be warned the intro to the second video is very weird and a little scary so if you scare easily please skip it to 32 seconds in. If you don't scare easy then you will sit and wonder what the hell did you just watch as I do every-time I see it. 

What are your favouirte moves to tone the Muffin Top and Love Handles? Let me know what you think of the workouts. Or if you have any areas you would like to tone and would like me to find a good video for you. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube so that you have all the workouts in one easy place! 

Don't forget to check out my blogger of the week Cantara from Gym Bags and Glad Rags. If you enjoy my fitness post you will fall in love with her blog. She is a stunner with a great blog!

Stupid silly Bitch...........

Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
Famous for nothing tart Kim Kardashian.
Is having a go at the paparazzi for filming her "Boyfriend ".
Kanye West when he walked in to a sign post.
They are the very people who made this lot of talentless arrogant arseholes, 
famous in the first place.
Plus they continue to do so.
She should be buying them lunch, 
not slagging them off.
Mind you of course shell slag them off she's a SLAG...........


Please support Stop Demand and the new organization Sex Trafficking Survivors United!

Please check out and support our allies at the excellent organization Stop Demand (@StopDemand_org) and the powerful new organization Sex Trafficking Survivors United! (@SurvivorsUnite2) They both do extremely important work, so please show them lots of love! Thanks! STOP DEMAND “Stop Demand addresses the demand fuelling the global sex trade (prostitution, pornography, sex trafficking). It

Really..ha ha...

Misery guts, rapper and all round arrogant arsehole.
Kanye West is even beginning to wear on the Kardashians.
Given the total love of self, that they each have.
Takes some doing.
But, good as this is the beginning of the end of this "Romance".
Maybe he'll get another bump on the head.
Then he might reveal his "REAL" self ?

TOLD YA More Kobe drama........

Wednesday 8th May 2013

Much more to come......

Well, Well this battle between Kobe Bryant 
and his Mum Pamela.
Is going to get alot worse.
It seems Pamela has given an auction house millions of dollars of her Sons old stuff.
He's not pleased...
Sad to say it's all about the MONEY.


Happy 27th Birthday Robert.
Here's Robert leaving The Chateau Marmont.
After celebrating at his birthday bash.
(Without Kristen Stewart?)
Hopefully when he awakes.
He'll WAKE UP.

TOLD YA Bye Bye Barbara Walters......

Sunday, March 10, 2013

What a week at The View

So first Joy Baher jumps ship to go to CNN. 
Then the blonde dim right wing ones, 
learns that she won't have her contract renewed.
But what they are not telling you, 
is that the next to go is the 
Grand Olde Dame Barbara Walters.


New Late Night host.........

So NBC has announced that Seth Meyers,
 is to be the next host of "Late Night".
Oh Well, they tired, 
but not the best choice for sure.

Turning 24| My Birthday Celebrations

cute cupcake stand 5023pizzaparty new 2party new 7photo (71)-tileparty new

This week was my birthday…. possibly one of my most favourite days in the year. Although it has always been special, it used to have the shine taken off it as it was always in the middle of exam and assignment hand-in time. However now I have finished university I think that my birthday is perfectly placed in the year. It is kind of halfway through the year, so not near Christmas and New Year and overlooked or during the summer so is favoured for Summer Holidays.

I am currently snuggled up on the couch nursing a tiny hangover after celebrating my 24th birthday last night with my boyfriend and closest friends. Matt and I spent Saturday morning baking and cooking ready for everyone to arrive. I made three flavours of cupcake; Oreo, Malteser and Rolo, you can see pictures of my handy work above. Matt made homemade pizzas and potato wedges for dinner… a big carb dinner, perfect to line our stomachs for all the fizzy cocktails.

After getting glammed up, my friends and I all sat around and played the usual drinking games, before heading off into town for more cocktails and some dancing. I haven’t been out partying in my new hometown much and it’s definitely a big change from my old favourite drinking establishments in Newcastle, but we made the most of it. It was actually great to go out to places that weren’t full of idiots and posers. To be able to go out and not worry about what you look like, but rather go out let your hair down and dance like a loon with your friends. We stayed out until closing time, then went back to our apartment and made more pizzas and caught up with The Voice before all passing out. Overall it was a perfect night and a great way to celebrate my birthday. So thank-you to all my gorgeous friends for travelling hundred of miles to visit me, my family for all the love you share with me and my boy for spoiling me like he does everyday.

What’s your preferred way to spend your birthday? A night with the girls, a dinner with family or a weeks worth of celebrations like me (might as well make the most of it!)

250x250 barbelle blog button advertDon't forget to check out my blogger of the week Rhiannon from The Barbelle. If you enjoy my fitness and health posts you will love her blog. It is crammed full of fitspiration!

Download Counter Strike Global Offensive Full Cracked For PC 100% Working

Counter Strike GO. Siapa sih gamer yang tidak kenal dengan Counter strike ? bahkan bisa jadi yang tidak suka main game juga tahu dengan Counter strike. Kali ini admin haramain software akan membagikan sebuah game counter strike yang saat ini banyak diminati pleh para pencinta Counter strike namun banyak pula yang mengalami masalah dengan cara install counter strike GO ini.
Saya membagikan counter strike Global offensive atau GO ini yang sudah di crack yang akan membuat sahabat haramain software tidak perlu kesusahan dalam cara menginstallnya melainkan Counter strike Global Offensive yang saya share ini setelah diinstall bisa langsung dimainkan karena sudah dicrack.
CS GO atau counter strike global offensive ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2012 kemarin dengan grafik yang sangat bagus dan saya jamin para pencinta game bergenre Shooter pasti akan sangat menyukainya.

Screenshot :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core2Duo E6600 or better
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk space: 5GB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT520/ATI Radeon HD6480
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount Menggunakan Daemon tools
  2. Install via Autoplay
  3. Mainkan ( Sudah diCrack )
Nb : Game ini sudah dicoba dan 100% working. Untuk merubah dari bahasa rusia ke inggris, buka rev.ini kemudian ganti dari bahasa rusia ke inggris. Ini akan merubah pada opsionnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur.

Download Minilyrics 7.0.676 Full + Serial 100% Working

Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah banyak yang tahu dengan software yang satu ini, apalagi para pencinta musik dan suka karaoke. Namun bagi yang belum tahu saya akan jelaskan fungsi software ini.
Minilyrics adalah software untuk mencari lirik lagu dan tentu saja secara online agar ketika kita memutar lagu dengan menggunakan winamp, Aimp, KMPlayer, dan lain lain bisa kita nikmati dengan lyricnya, apalagi lagunya menggunakan bahasa asing yang ketika kita nyayi masih belepotan.
Dengan Minilyrics ini, kita bisa lebih mudah dalam menikmati lagu sehingga ketika menyayi tidak asal-asalan yang kita sendiri malah bingung sama yang kita nyayikan, oleh karena itu minilyrics ini adalah solusinya.
Sebenarnya minilyrics sudah ada yang versi terbarunya kalau tidak salah sudah versi 7.5. Namun sampai saat ini banyak yang tidak sukses menggunakannya dan membuatnya menjadi full version karena loadernya tidak berfungsi. Berbeda dengan yang saya share kali ini, didalamnya sudah saya sertakan dengan username dan serialnya yang saya jamin 100% berfungsi dengan baik.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Nb : Gunakan username dan serial yang sudah ada dan silahkan sambungkan dengan internet ketika meregistrasi. Dijamin 100% working dan tidak akan di blacklist.
Selamat mendownload dan bernyayi ria. Semoga apa yang ada di haramain software bisa bermanfaat.

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