

A Worthy Cause

Now, I'm not traditionally big on writing about causes, only because there are just way too many out there to consider. Plus, my funds are pretty tight at this point in my life! What better time to start using up all the yarn and roving stash I have eating up space in the house! Anywho, a friend of mine told me about Kirsten, a knitting woman who's father passed away. He had Alzheimer's Disease.

Now that I'm well past 40 I have started thinking about these types of diseases, ie., Parkinson's and Alzheim
er's. They are both terrible things, and place such a burden on family and friends, especially the spouse, who must alter their lives to provide total physical and medical attention.

I've been deriving much pleasure from the interconnectiveness of this small world we are in; through my GLBT knit list, and especially through I've met many wonderful and talented people, including finding other gay men who knit, right here in Vermont! (A post about our little group will appear magically here tomorrow!) I've been blessed with many new friends, not only in Vermont, but in the US and Canada. In my hope to share some of my talents and interests (and a bit of money), I donated to the Dr. G's Alzheimer's Disease Fund. Just $10 is enough, but I'm sure they'd accept more if you can spare it!

This is her blogsite, Through the Loops, and the link to the donation area is on the right. Here are some pics of what i spun up, and the beginning of the vest! Click on for a larger view...

Thanks for caring!

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