

Knitting Project Update

Okay! I finished my first pair of Coriolis socks! Just a quick post with some pics.... the yarn is from Kenny (the boi who knits, blog link below left), the Crystal Palace bamboo merino blend.

And, I started another pair of socks. I decided this will be Chris's Official Stashbusting Summer of Socks! Yeah, I know--not so original. Tons of people doing various versions of it. But, with over 84,000 yards of purchased yarn, I gotta use it up!

I think I'm going to do the Jewelled Steps socks from the "Pathways" sock book. I did the whirlpool toe, which I love, and this toe is rotatable (is that a word?). So, hopefully I won't screw these up like I did on the spiraling band on the Coriolis socks. I'm using Lorna's Lace 80/20 superwash merino and nylon, in Purple Iris colorway.

Pics of our baby:
Just had to add a couple little things. Here's a pic of our darlin' kitty, Tigger, as he was sackin' out on the screened in porch yesterday! We love him.

And, I just heard a bit of a noise outside, looked out the window, and here's what I saw!

Click on for a larger view... Enjoy.

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