

Vox Populi: What the People are Saying

What a rich multitude of voices the world contains, holding forth upon the many issues that we find relevant and vital! They speak from every corner of the social landscape, do they not?

True it is, that feminism has wrecked the bedrock social institutions of marriage and family. And I will not tolerate any feminist who gets in my face and tells me that feminism has not done this, or that I don't understand what feminism really is.  In fact I really do understand, all too keenly, what feminism "really is."  Yes, really! And you know what else? I'm gonna re-narrativize your ass, be-yotch! I really am!

The main smile I have with the chap in this video, is his apparent gynocentrism. He seems obsessed, in a characteristically narrow way, with the topic of women and relationships. And long-time readers of this blog will know that I, the present writer, stick to such matters as politics, power struggles, narratives, discourses, spins, slogans, thrones, dominions, principalities, the clash of minds and wills, the forces of history, etc, etc, etc. So the content of my discourse is not quite exactly what you'd call "down home". .  is it? Yet be that so, for we all have our specialized parts to play in this big badass drama. Right?

Still, when the brotherman declares (toward the end of the video) that it's great for men now, I cannot let it pass unremarked. Surely, he can't be serious?

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