

Keeping a Global Eye on Things Again

I recently got the following e-mail:
"Hello. I'm a spaniard writing about anti-feminism in the United States and I've come across your blog, too late unfortunately. Anyway, i'm on the clock right now because the paper's due is in one week from now, and I won't be able to read your entire blog. So, here I am, asking for some opinion about how anti-feminism is nowadays in the USA. If you could recommend me some paper about it it'd be great, or just write an opinion. I'm also trying to understand where's the base of this movement since I find it quite interesting. It seems that the USA is the only country brave enough, or free enough, to stand up against the feminist cause, even though it's just some of you, the word is out there, and that's something we simply can't do. Again, if you could submit me something about anti-feminist i'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks for the attention and I'm sorry for any grammar mistake I may have."
 And I made the following reply:
Hello. Yes, I will be glad to offer an opinion on this subject.

The pro-male, non-feminist movement is an international development with a planetary base. I am in the USA, but I keep my eye on the entire world and am in contact with people from everywhere, helping in whatever way I can.

There is an open anti-feminist organization in Switzerland (called IGAF) which has branches in Germany. There is also, in Germany, a considerable cyberspace community organized around pro-male, non-feminist concerns. Several men's parties exist in Italy, and England is getting to be a hot center of activity these days, with more and more people (even politicians) beginning to question feminism. Also, an anti-feminist political party is in the planning stages there.

India has the most aggressive and active men's rights community on earth -- they are highly organized, they lobby actively, and they have street demonstrations on a regular basis.

Pro-male outbreaks in Latin America have been noted, e.g. Mexico, Costa Rica and Brazil.

In Japan, there is the "grass-eaters" movement -- basically an entire generation of young men who are opting out of traditional life, avoiding women, living for themselves, and so on. This Japanese movement is huge -- to the point where the government is worried about it.

There is a grassroots masculinist movement in the Philippines, with has garnered support from politicians and the like.

Also, Canada is a hotspot of resistance to feminism -- more so than the USA. And I know many of the people involved!

Everywhere, pro-male, non-feminist cells and communities are forming. These are too numerous to list, with more of them than one person could know about. And they are not necessarily known to each other.

The political culture in Europe is much more to the Left than the USA, and you've got those lefto-fascists running around terrorizing everybody. Also, the European Union is more prone to pressures from the United Nations (which is thoroughly feminized). I think that people in Europe are MORE aware of the problem, yet have less freedom to speak out or do anything about it.
Meanwhile, in the USA, people are too stupid to see what the problem is, so their greater freedom to rebel is wasted on them. I think that if Americans got wise to a significant degree, the establishment would crack down and become openly repressive. But it would do this in the "American" way, since after all this is the USA, and we do things different over here. 
 What I find interesting is that there are no large, public organizations in the USA which openly use "anti-feminist" in their titles, while in Europe there are at least a few.  In Europe, people are perhaps more afraid to raise their voices, but when they finally do they are not shy about calling their advocacy anti-feminism in a very specific way. And they take a much more intellectualized and politicized approach to the problem.
Anyhow, the few Americans who are not "stupid", are making use of their freedom. And their efforts are bearing fruit because the numbers are growing fast -- and as I have suggested this growth is happening everywhere, not just in the USA. I could go on in greater detail, but hopefully you will find some use for what I have shared here.

Be sure to look into if you have not already done so.



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