

The Folks Who Brought You Warren Farrell

Center-left liberal humanists, pulling the conversation toward the middle of the road. I'm glad somebody has the strength to be wimpy and patient for a good cause. I would personally explode with sheer boredom and  vexation if I had to act so blandly and unpassionately!

Yet I would be absolutely fine with living in a world where a decorous, clean-living "equality" between men and women was the norm. And that is why I want to put feminism clear the hell out of business -- because feminism will tug us further and further from any possibility of such a world.

By the way, this CAFE organization is the same group that arranged for Warren Farrell's visit to the University of Toronto. So all of the vile, hateful screaming by the student protestors was ultimately directed at these soft-spoken "lambs" that you see here! Amazing, isn't it?

I should add that these are not red-pill people.  Based on what I can see, they are blue-pill people with awakening tendencies of a red-pill character. One remarks that they are shifting toward the red, which, to coin a phrase, makes them "red-shift people".

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