

The Reason for the H in MHRA -- Positioning!!!

Typhonblue sums up it pretty well.

And no, it does NOT signal some sinister ideological shift on the part of AVfM. I know how they think -- largely because they think much as I do -- and that is not how they think! And trust me, their game is pure and simple . . . strategy! So settle down and start untwisting your panties, okay? You know who you are.

It is just a crafty political move -- that's all it is. It's a way of putting the enemy on the defensive in time of war, using methods quite similar to the enemy's own. So please, please, please -- get over your silliness and get with the program. THIS IS POLITICS. . . and politics is how the real world works. Capisch?

I have not watched GirlWritesWhat's video yet, so I ought to get with it, oughtn't I?

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