

Conversation With an Educated Female Moron

In the following screen captures, you will see a bit of conversation I had with a "liberal" Canadian woman who goes by the name of EmilyOne -- who evidently thinks it is fine to shit on economically dispossessed working men, and to rekindle the spirit of old-school class war. This dialogue illustrates the style of engagement that we ought to use with these people, and I share these samples for the edification of all disciples and proselytes who wish to learn from the master -- viz; ME! As usual, click to enlarge:

You know what, EmilyOne? Economically dispossessed working-class people, especially the male kind, have every right to hate your filthy, left-wing progressive bourgeois feminist guts -- just as a Jew would hate a Nazi! I could not, in good conscience, fault them for this. Somebody must force you to eat your own shit, so that you will know exactly what it tastes like. Not as good as you think.

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