

Birthday Wish List


birthday wishlist

Red Bag //Phone Case // Jeans // Lamp // Lipstick // Cook Book // Water Bottle // Mac // Bowl //

Door Matt //Camera Bag // Blue Bag

Did you know that it's my Birthday in 13 days time! My birthday and I have a funny old relationship. Obviously I love the day as it's a day all about me, and I can behave like the princess that I think I am for the day, however at the same time I get anxious about it. Ever since I woke up on my 20th birthday and cried because I was no longer a teenager the feeling that I was growing old and time is flying by too quickly looms around on my birthday.

This year I will be 24 years old and to me that is a proper adult age! I remember when I was a little girl and I imagined my life as a 24 year old and it doesn't look much like it does at the moment. I imagined that I would be living in my own swish apartment in a city some where, working hard all day in my fancy office then partying all night in cocktails bars. I imaged that I was well into my career, had a fancy car and dreamy man.

When I was 10 these dreams were realistic as 24 was a million miles away. However 24 is now just around the corner and although I am not where I dreamt I would be when I was a little girl I am very thankful and happy where I currently am on my life's path. The only thing I have that I imaged I would have is my dreamy man and I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him for what he puts up with from me! Even though I am just starting out in my career, I work hard, am gaining results for the company I work for, have a lot of responsibility, am appreciated and enjoy it. I don't yet own a swish apartment but the one I am renting is pretty damn gorgeous and even though it's not in the city it has the most gorgeous views which are a lot nicer than the rooftops I would probably look out over in a city!

I have to keep telling myself that 24 is not old!That I am still young and there is time to do the things I want to. Life does not have to pan out the way I imagined it would, as long as I grab the opportunities that come my way with both hands then I will be happy. I should never settle and should always be planning my next adventure.

I plan on spending my birthday with the biggest love in my life and will be celebrating with plenty of champagne at the weekend with my closest friends. I haven't asked for much, as I am quite picky and hard to buy for (apparently) but above is a selection of a few of the things I am hoping for or will be spending my birthday money on. Most is stuff I need; new house stuff, clothes that actually fit me, cute workout gear. The bags and lipstick are merely things I love!

They say that time flies when you are having fun, which must mean that my life is everything it should be and more, but am I the only weird one who worries that time goes by too quickly? How you you feel about growing another year older? 

250advertalifeofgeekeryDon’t forget to check out my blogger of the week Vicki and her amazing lifestyle blog A Life Of Geekery, full of food, crafts, beauty and life. Her photos are truly gorgeous and I love her recipes!

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