

One More Time -- A Woman Lies About Rape

A man comforted a crying woman, and she expressed her gratitude by accusing him of rape. There is no doubt of the fabrication; CCTV evidence has her dead to rights:
"Judge Michael Taylor told Costello: "It is a tragedy for you to be standing before me in court today . . . I regret to say a prison sentence is inevitable. . . Regrettably, offences like this are not uncommon and a clear message has got to be sent out by the courts that those who make such allegations leading to the arrest and detention of perfectly innocent people must be marked out by way of being punished."
Did you catch that? "Offenses like this are not uncommon." This comes from the judge himself, and he ought to know.

No, I am not saying that ALL women lie about rape. But as the judge informs us, such things are not uncommon. No, it is not a fluke when this happens; it is a rather routine occurrence.  So it is high time that we, as a society, begin to take false accusation of rape SERIOUSLY. Don't you think so? It is a terrible thing when innocent people are railroaded in the criminal justice system and get their lives destroyed. At any rate that is what I, as a non-feminist, believe.

Here is the entire article:

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