

Paul Elam on 20 / 20

Paul Elam has posted a video about his recent session with ABC 20/20, and about a few other topics which occur to him. I think you will find it worth your while:

Paul makes some points that are worth recapitulating and dilating upon.

First, that most people honestly don't give a rip about "men" or men's issues. They are biologically hard-coded to feel this way, and only a few are savvy enough to override such programming and spare a thought for long term ramifications. (And yes, I the present writer am one of those few!) So this "male disposability" that we talk about is a very real thing, and it flows from a primordial part of the human psyche which is amoral and not "rational".

Next, that we shall swell our ranks not chiefly with the self-enlightened, but those who have had their eyes ripped open forcefully by traumatic personal experience.

Finally, that we make headway when we are rude, shocking and militant. This draws attention (both friendly and hostile) to the pro-male side, thereby increasing mass and momentum, and raising the profile.

I would add by way of general observation, that those who oppose us will do what they have always done, which is to LIE BRAZENLY. Why shouldn't they, if it has always worked for them in the past and they still have the power to get away with it? If I were them, I'm sure that I would do no less.

I should stress that organization and discipline weighs more, by a long way, than numbers. As for numbers, we needn't hold a majority or anything close. Furthermore, we can always depend on the feminists to be our trusty recruiting agents - not only when they repel people in numbers by their repulsive behavior, but when their innovations wreck enough lives, at an accelerating pace, that "the broken" fall into our arms at a similar pace.

I think that plenty can happen EVEN if people en masse never grow any special "compassion bone" in regard to men and boys.

A thought concerning militant shock tactics: there is an art to this. You can't just be randomly rude and shocking, like a loose cannon. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about it, and being too nasty in an ill-considered way will sink you just as surely as being "polite" will tie your boat to the dock forever. To sum up, there is no substitute for savoir-faire.

Think rhetorical discipline:

'Bye for now.

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