

They're Starting to Fight Dirty!

We all saw it coming, didn't we? The following was left as a comment on the previous post, and boy does it ever look like the shape of things to come as the other side cranks its game up to the next level. It's true that we are gaining ground in places like Toronto, but the Establishment still has all the power, and all the money, all the media, and all the "big guns" of whichever kind. Their hatred of all things male, and all things non-feminist, is unbounded. Don't despair, though. This just means that we will need to up our own game, and become a lot more sophisticated. Yes, just like I have been urging for quite a while. But here is the reader comment which I told you about:
On the subject of anti-male bias, today while out running errands, I saw an episode of the 'Maury Povrich Show'---one of those daytime TV hate-fests that passes for entertainment. Anyway, his topic was DV against women and brought on a guy who admitted to abusing his wife.
First, I thought it was strange that a lowlife like this would go on national TV and confess to felonies, but when he started talking (or rather, screaming) he went off about how feminism has corrupted women and how women 'need to be taught their place' and I noticed he repeated many phrases current in the Manosphere---along with some near verbatim quotes from some of the Game crowd and other Manosphere hangers-on. None of this had anything to do with the context of what he was accused of.
There was a psychologist there too and the guy's 'victimized' wife. The psychologist---obviously one of Povrich's jack-puddings---was leading the lynch-mob mentality of the crowd. He even said how this type of 'violence against women was being openly promoted on the Internet' and a few manginas in the crowd jumped up to agree. This whole melodrama ended when the wife threw out the husband (amid great fanfare) and agreed to let himself be abused just to learn how it feels (another dubious scenario).
Anybody who's read this far can, of course, see that this whole melodrama was totally faked and was a calculated attempt to portray men's rights advocates as violent thugs. I don't know if this program is available for viewing, but you can see the sickening depths to which our opponents have sunk.
On second thought, what do I really mean by the phrase "they're starting to fight dirty"? Silly me. When have the feminists EVER fought any way but dirty?? Feminism is a dirty game from stem to stern and that will never change. I can't promise we'll come out of this war with entirely clean hands ourselves, considering the nature of the conflict and the necessity which it imposes. So my advice is: don't worry, be happy! You want to get thrown under the bus with clean hands? I hope not.

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