

Words Which Bear Repeating

 The following comment was left by Stu at AVfM, in reference to the late Vancouver poster riot. I am publishing the comment here because it pulls a lot of threads together:
"Without having done any research on the issue, I’ll bet that there were posters claiming the human rights or civil rights of blacks in the civil rights campaigns of the past, and I’ll bet they got torn down too.

"The people that do this are the same as the racists of the past. They are comfortable in their racist communities, and live in fear that people might start to change and become accepting of blacks, then they would have less company in their racist little enclaves.

"Guys, from this, and from all the things that are happening around the world, in Maine with its DV witch hunts, in Australia with its draconian “The Plan”, to the UN with its various declarations, it is obvious that men…….all men…..regardless of color, religion, or any other defining characteristic, are the new niggers, the new Jews, the new subhumans. All of us are men before we are anything else, and it is the rights of men that are being denied and eroded.

"My message to all men, especially those of color, or minority status is this, you can fight all you like for the rights of this group, or that group, or any race, religion, or ethnicity, but it won't do you one bit of good if you are a man, because if men don’t have rights, you have no rights under any banner. Just as men are the new subhumans, feminists are the new racists. Manginas are the new Uncle Toms, and white knights come in all colors."

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