

All Feminists are Liars, and That's ALL They Are!

The feminist YouTuber Sael Palani recently posted the following brittle, snotty-sounding video in response to the #BJ4Equality campaign initiated by Dan Perrins. The video is pure snark-and-sneer, delivered in a horrid New York City accent at ear-raping pitch, like a bandsaw.  For the love of Sweet Jesus H. Freaking Christ Almighty don't listen to the whole thing. Just the first 60 seconds or so:

You will hear, only a short way into the video, that Sael Palani mentions Dan's article at AVfM. In her talk she makes the following claim about said article: "The article is about how the feminist gynocracy in Jamaica is murdering gay men. . ".

All right. I have read the Dan Perrins article in question five times, no less. And nowhere does Dannyboy come anywhere close to saying what Sael Palani says he is saying. Nowhere does he state, or even faintly imply, that any so-called feminist gynocracy is murdering gay men in Jamaica.

He. Does. Not. Say. Any. Such. Thing. 

Not only is Sael Palani a lying feminist, she is a piss poor one.  Anybody who bothers to read the AVfM article can see that her claim is invented out of whole cloth. As I say, she is a piss poor liar. But then, maybe she isn't really trying to fool anybody. Maybe she just reckons that her feminist peer group will nod along and agree that Dan Perrins says something about a feminist gynocracy murdering gay men in Jamaica -- even though he never says anything of the kind. Or then again, maybe she is just reading into it, and honestly believes that such a thing is being said. Judge for yourself if such a thing is being said:

All right, if you are new to all this, then I've got to tell you that this is typical. Feminists behave this way ALL THE TIME. I do not exaggerate. They are not even subtle about it, and if you study them for a while you will quickly see that I am right.

By the way, Sael Palani has disabled voting on this video. I am bound to wonder why.

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