

The Voice of Europe: Criminalizing Non-Feminism

As we all know, feminism denies the right to exist of people who are not feminist. Feminism is an aggressively expansionistic, colonizing power that works to assimilate (mostly by intimidation and fraud) everything in its path which is not of itself.

As the title of this post hints, big plans are afoot on the east side of the Atlantic. It seems that a major step is being taken to make the expression of non-feminist thought or feeling punishable by law in the European Union. The language of this enactment will of course not baldly proclaim that "non-feminism is illegal" or anything like that. But it will certainly set in place the machinery to make such a future the de facto reality.

Remember that by the end of the day, to be "non" feminist carries the same political weight as to be "anti" feminist. If you stubbornly persist in being not feminist, then in the eyes of the feminists you are as much an enemy as any active foe.

Men and women of the non-feminist sector, these are very interesting times indeed. Events are spiralling toward an ugly climax everywhere you look. Hang onto your hats, because the ride is going to get wild.

And tomorrow, Sept 20, 2013, be sure to tune in to AVfM radio, where the Voice of Europe program will discuss these matters. Details here:

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