

Feminists are Irrational Imbeciles Who Don't Live in the Real World

More backlash from anti-male reactionaries.

One of our people has put up posters on the campus of Melbourne University in Melbourne, Australia. These posters make known that women commit half of all domestic violence. So the Melbourne University feminist group has struck back quicker than a greased viper.

Dr. Greg Canning, another one of our people, has this to say:
"Posters put up at Melbourne University stating "Domestic Violence: Women are half the problem" have the fembots of the student union in a flap. They have coerced some males into a campaign against , . . .  holding signs calling for action on "violence against women" but not against men. These guys are half the problem as well!"
Here is what he refers to:

This confirms yet again what we have known for many years, that working with feminists or engaging them as functional adults with grownup emotions is utter futility and a waste of time.  What the hell is their problem anyway? Reading comprehension? Not one of those posters -- NOT ONE! -- even remotely suggested that violence against women is okay!

And anybody who would miss that is either a flagrant liar, an incorrigible dolt, or simply not right in the head!

It is also clear that those little boys with the signs, or their feminist handlers, or both,  think there IS a reason for violence against MEN, that violence against men is NOT everybody's problem,  that violence against men is NOT never okay, and that no joint effort toward ending violence against men is even warranted.

You would think that with women being half the perpetrators and men being half the victims, the rhetoric would to be more two-sided. More balanced.  You would think that, wouldn't you? But evidently, my friend, some people don't think the way we do!

At any rate, this is no news, since we've always known that feminism is an anti-male hate movement. And because we've got this knowledge fixed in our minds, everything they do is transparent to us, and none of it ever surprises us. It makes us want to explode sometimes, but never does it surprise us.

Isn't it weird how some people have the nerve to rattle on and on about so-called "misogyny", and never ever but never shut the hell up about it? Given that our culture so flagrantly disregards male suffering, and so clearly esteems male life no more than a bucket of spit, what the hell obligates me, as a male person, to esteem female life more than a bucket of spit?

I pose that question in a purely theoretical way, devoid of emotional context, as one might pose a problem in logic or geometry. So would anybody care to answer it, in a purely theoretical way, devoid of emotional context, as one might respond to a problem in logic or geometry?


Here is the attack blog which the anti-male group has put up at Melbourne U. Most of what they say sounds like a case of projection. I am pleased to see that many of our people have already populated the comment thread:

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