

Anders Breivik Belongs on the Doorstep of Feminsm

This is, I am pretty sure, the most recent video by GirlWritesWhat. I will link to it rather than embed it, because I don't want the blog to get too vid-heavy:

As GWW says in the video: "Anders Breivik was one fucked-up dude. And what fucked him up was the cultural and legal norms brought about by feminism."

Of course, some people want to make Anders Breivik a poster boy for the entire non-feminist community on planet Earth. It seems these people hate the idea that men should have human rights and be treated like human beings. According to these people, if you believe that  male human beings have "rights", then you are just like Anders Breivik. Either that, or you are somehow in cahoots with Anders Breivik. Yes,  there are certain people who want to see you in exactly that way, if you are not a feminist. And those people know exactly who they are....don't they?


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